gio-2.0: Fix g_application_local_command_line binding
[vala-lang.git] / gobject-introspection / scannerlexer.l
1 /* -*- Mode: C -*-
2 /* GObject introspection: C lexer
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 1997 Sandro Sigala  <>
5  * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Jürg Billeter  <>
6  *
7  * All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
10  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
11  * are met:
12  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
13  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
15  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
16  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
17  *
28  */
31 #include <ctype.h>
32 #include <stdio.h>
33 #include <stdlib.h>
35 #include "scanner.h"
36 #include "scannerparser.h"
37 #include "grealpath.h"
39 int lineno;
41 extern int yylex (GIGenerator *igenerator);
42 #define YY_DECL int yylex (GIGenerator *igenerator)
43 static int yywrap (void);
44 static void parse_comment (GIGenerator *igenerator);
45 static void process_directive (GIGenerator *igenerator);
46 static int check_identifier (GIGenerator *igenerator, const char *);
49 intsuffix                               ([uU][lL]?)|([lL][uU]?)
50 fracconst                               ([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.)
51 exppart                                 [eE][-+]?[0-9]+
52 floatsuffix                             [fFlL]
53 chartext                                ([^\'])|(\\.) 
54 stringtext                              ([^\"])|(\\.)
58 "\n"                                    { ++lineno; } /* " */
59 [\t\f\v\r ]+                            { /* Ignore whitespace. */ }
61 "/*"                                    { parse_comment(igenerator); }
62 "//".*                                  { }
64 "#define "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*"("     { yyless (yyleng - 1); return FUNCTION_MACRO; }
65 "#define "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*        { return OBJECT_MACRO; }
67 "#"                                     { process_directive(igenerator); }
69 "{"                                     { return '{'; }
70 "<%"                                    { return '{'; }
71 "}"                                     { return '}'; }
72 "%>"                                    { return '}'; }
73 "["                                     { return '['; }
74 "<:"                                    { return '['; }
75 "]"                                     { return ']'; }
76 ":>"                                    { return ']'; }
77 "("                                     { return '('; }
78 ")"                                     { return ')'; }
79 ";"                                     { return ';'; }
80 ":"                                     { return ':'; }
81 "..."                                   { return ELLIPSIS; }
82 "?"                                     { return '?'; }
83 "."                                     { return '.'; }
84 "+"                                     { return '+'; }
85 "-"                                     { return '-'; }
86 "*"                                     { return '*'; }
87 "/"                                     { return '/'; }
88 "%"                                     { return '%'; }
89 "^"                                     { return '^'; }
90 "&"                                     { return '&'; }
91 "|"                                     { return '|'; }
92 "~"                                     { return '~'; }
93 "!"                                     { return '!'; }
94 "="                                     { return '='; }
95 "<"                                     { return '<'; }
96 ">"                                     { return '>'; }
97 "+="                                    { return ADDEQ; }
98 "-="                                    { return SUBEQ; }
99 "*="                                    { return MULEQ; }
100 "/="                                    { return DIVEQ; }
101 "%="                                    { return MODEQ; }
102 "^="                                    { return XOREQ; }
103 "&="                                    { return ANDEQ; }
104 "|="                                    { return OREQ; }
105 "<<"                                    { return SL; }
106 ">>"                                    { return SR; }
107 "<<="                                   { return SLEQ; }
108 ">>="                                   { return SREQ; }
109 "=="                                    { return EQ; }
110 "!="                                    { return NOTEQ; }
111 "<="                                    { return LTEQ; }
112 ">="                                    { return GTEQ; }
113 "&&"                                    { return ANDAND; }
114 "||"                                    { return OROR; }
115 "++"                                    { return PLUSPLUS; }
116 "--"                                    { return MINUSMINUS; }
117 ","                                     { return ','; }
118 "->"                                    { return ARROW; }
120 [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*                  { if (igenerator->macro_scan) return IDENTIFIER; else REJECT; }
122 "auto"                                  { return AUTO; }
123 "_Bool"                                 { return BOOL; }
124 "break"                                 { return BREAK; }
125 "case"                                  { return CASE; }
126 "char"                                  { return CHAR; }
127 "const"                                 { return CONST; }
128 "continue"                              { return CONTINUE; }
129 "default"                               { return DEFAULT; }
130 "do"                                    { return DO; }
131 "double"                                { return DOUBLE; }
132 "else"                                  { return ELSE; }
133 "enum"                                  { return ENUM; }
134 "extern"                                { return EXTERN; }
135 "float"                                 { return FLOAT; }
136 "for"                                   { return FOR; }
137 "goto"                                  { return GOTO; }
138 "if"                                    { return IF; }
139 "inline"                                { return INLINE; }
140 "int"                                   { return INT; }
141 "long"                                  { return LONG; }
142 "register"                              { return REGISTER; }
143 "restrict"                              { return RESTRICT; }
144 "return"                                { return RETURN; }
145 "short"                                 { return SHORT; }
146 "signed"                                { return SIGNED; }
147 "sizeof"                                { return SIZEOF; }
148 "static"                                { return STATIC; }
149 "struct"                                { return STRUCT; }
150 "switch"                                { return SWITCH; }
151 "typedef"                               { return TYPEDEF; }
152 "union"                                 { return UNION; }
153 "unsigned"                              { return UNSIGNED; }
154 "void"                                  { return VOID; }
155 "volatile"                              { return VOLATILE; }
156 "while"                                 { return WHILE; }
158 [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*                  { return check_identifier(igenerator, yytext); }
160 "0"[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+{intsuffix}?         { return INTEGER; }
161 "0"[0-7]+{intsuffix}?                   { return INTEGER; }
162 [0-9]+{intsuffix}?                      { return INTEGER; }
164 {fracconst}{exppart}?{floatsuffix}?     { return FLOATING; }
165 [0-9]+{exppart}{floatsuffix}?           { return FLOATING; }
167 "'"{chartext}*"'"                       { return CHARACTER; }
168 "L'"{chartext}*"'"                      { return CHARACTER; }
170 "\""{stringtext}*"\""                   { return STRING; }
171 "L\""{stringtext}*"\""                  { return STRING; }
173 .                                       { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: unexpected character `%c'\n", igenerator->current_filename, lineno, yytext[0]); }
177 static int yywrap (void)
179   return 1;
182 static void parse_gtkdoc (GIGenerator *igenerator, int *c1, int *c2)
184   gboolean isline = FALSE;
185   gchar line[256];
186   int i;
187   gchar **parts;
188   CDirective *directive;
189   char *name, *value;
191   i = 0;
192   do {
193       *c1 = *c2;
194       if (*c1 == '\n')
195         {
196           isline = TRUE;
197           break;
198         }
199       if (i >= 256)
200         break;
201       line[i++] = *c1;
202       *c2 = input();
204   } while (*c2 != EOF && !(*c1 == '*' && *c2 == '/'));
206   if (!isline)
207     return;
209   line[i] = '\0';
211   parts = g_strsplit (line, ": ", 2);
213   if (g_strv_length (parts) == 2)
214     {
215       name = parts[0];
216       value = parts[1];
217     }
218   else /* parts == 1 */
219     {
220       name = parts[0];
221       value = NULL;
222     }
224   directive = cdirective_new (name, value);
225   igenerator->directives = g_slist_prepend (igenerator->directives,
226                                             directive);
228   g_strfreev (parts);
231 static void parse_comment (GIGenerator *igenerator)
233   int c1, c2;
235   c1 = input();
236   c2 = input();
238   while (c2 != EOF && !(c1 == '*' && c2 == '/'))
239     {
240       if (c1 == '\n')
241         ++lineno;
242       c1 = c2;
243       c2 = input();
245       if (c1 == ' ' && c2 == '@')
246         {
247           c1 = c2;
248           c2 = input();
249           parse_gtkdoc (igenerator, &c1, &c2);
250         }
251     }
254 static int check_identifier (GIGenerator *igenerator, const char *s)
256         /*
257          * This function checks if `s' is a type name or an
258          * identifier.
259          */
261         if (g_igenerator_is_typedef (igenerator, s)) {
262                 return TYPEDEF_NAME;
263         } else if (strcmp (s, "__builtin_va_list") == 0) {
264                 return TYPEDEF_NAME;
265         }
267         return IDENTIFIER;
270 static void process_directive (GIGenerator *igenerator)
272         /* extract current filename from #line directives */
273         GString *filename_builder;
274         gboolean in_string, found_filename;
276         lineno = 0;
277         found_filename = FALSE;
278         in_string = FALSE;
279         filename_builder = g_string_new ("");
281         int c = input ();
282         while (c != EOF && c != '\n') {
283                 if (!in_string) {
284                         if (c == '\"') {
285                                 in_string = TRUE;
286                                 found_filename = TRUE;
287                         } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
288                                 if (!found_filename) {
289                                         lineno = lineno * 10 + (c - '0');
290                                 }
291                         }
292                 } else {
293                         if (c == '\"') {
294                                 in_string = FALSE;
295                         } else if (c == '\\') {
296                                 g_string_append_c (filename_builder, c);
297                                 c = input ();
298                                 g_string_append_c (filename_builder, c);
299                         } else {
300                                 g_string_append_c (filename_builder, c);
301                         }
302                 }
303                 c = input ();
304         }
306         if (filename_builder->len > 0) {
307                 char *filename = g_strcompress (filename_builder->str);
308                 g_free (igenerator->current_filename);
309                 igenerator->current_filename = g_realpath(filename);
310                 g_free(filename);
311         }
313         g_string_free (filename_builder, TRUE);