remove obsolete ref modifier and callback keyword
[vala-lang.git] / gobject / valacodegeneratorclass.vala
1 /* valacodegeneratorclass.vala
3 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jürg Billeter, Raffaele Sandrini
5 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 * Author:
20 * Jürg Billeter <>
21 * Raffaele Sandrini <>
24 using GLib;
26 public class Vala.CodeGenerator {
27 public override void visit_class (Class! cl) {
28 current_symbol = cl.symbol;
29 current_type_symbol = cl.symbol;
30 current_class = cl;
32 if (cl.is_static) {
33 return;
36 instance_struct = new CCodeStruct ("_%s".printf (cl.get_cname ()));
37 type_struct = new CCodeStruct ("_%sClass".printf (cl.get_cname ()));
38 instance_priv_struct = new CCodeStruct ("_%sPrivate".printf (cl.get_cname ()));
39 prop_enum = new CCodeEnum ();
40 prop_enum.add_value ("%s_DUMMY_PROPERTY".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname (null)), null);
41 instance_init_fragment = new CCodeFragment ();
42 instance_dispose_fragment = new CCodeFragment ();
45 header_type_declaration.append (new CCodeNewline ());
46 var macro = "(%s_get_type ())".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null));
47 header_type_declaration.append (new CCodeMacroReplacement (cl.get_upper_case_cname ("TYPE_"), macro));
49 macro = "(G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), %s, %s))".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname ("TYPE_"), cl.get_cname ());
50 header_type_declaration.append (new CCodeMacroReplacement ("%s(obj)".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname (null)), macro));
52 macro = "(G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), %s, %sClass))".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname ("TYPE_"), cl.get_cname ());
53 header_type_declaration.append (new CCodeMacroReplacement ("%s_CLASS(klass)".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname (null)), macro));
55 macro = "(G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), %s))".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname ("TYPE_"));
56 header_type_declaration.append (new CCodeMacroReplacement ("%s(obj)".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname ("IS_")), macro));
58 macro = "(G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), %s))".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname ("TYPE_"));
59 header_type_declaration.append (new CCodeMacroReplacement ("%s_CLASS(klass)".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname ("IS_")), macro));
61 macro = "(G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), %s, %sClass))".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname ("TYPE_"), cl.get_cname ());
62 header_type_declaration.append (new CCodeMacroReplacement ("%s_GET_CLASS(obj)".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname (null)), macro));
63 header_type_declaration.append (new CCodeNewline ());
66 if (cl.source_reference.file.cycle == null) {
67 header_type_declaration.append (new CCodeTypeDefinition ("struct %s".printf (, new CCodeVariableDeclarator (cl.get_cname ())));
68 header_type_declaration.append (new CCodeTypeDefinition ("struct %s".printf (, new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("%sClass".printf (cl.get_cname ()))));
70 header_type_declaration.append (new CCodeTypeDefinition ("struct %s".printf (, new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("%sPrivate".printf (cl.get_cname ()))));
72 instance_struct.add_field (cl.base_class.get_cname (), "parent");
73 instance_struct.add_field ("%sPrivate *".printf (cl.get_cname ()), "priv");
74 type_struct.add_field ("%sClass".printf (cl.base_class.get_cname ()), "parent");
76 if (cl.source_reference.comment != null) {
77 header_type_definition.append (new CCodeComment (cl.source_reference.comment));
79 header_type_definition.append (instance_struct);
80 header_type_definition.append (type_struct);
81 /* only add the *Private struct if it is not empty, i.e. we actually have private data */
82 if (cl.has_private_fields) {
83 source_type_member_declaration.append (instance_priv_struct);
84 macro = "(G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((o), %s, %sPrivate))".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname ("TYPE_"), cl.get_cname ());
85 source_type_member_declaration.append (new CCodeMacroReplacement ("%s_GET_PRIVATE(o)".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname (null)), macro));
87 source_type_member_declaration.append (prop_enum);
89 cl.accept_children (this);
91 if (!cl.is_static) {
92 if (class_has_readable_properties (cl)) {
93 add_get_property_function (cl);
95 if (class_has_writable_properties (cl)) {
96 add_set_property_function (cl);
98 add_class_init_function (cl);
100 foreach (TypeReference base_type in cl.get_base_types ()) {
101 if (base_type.data_type is Interface) {
102 add_interface_init_function (cl, (Interface) base_type.data_type);
106 add_instance_init_function (cl);
107 if (memory_management && cl.get_fields () != null) {
108 add_dispose_function (cl);
111 var type_fun = new ClassRegisterFunction (cl);
112 type_fun.init_from_type (in_plugin);
113 header_type_member_declaration.append (type_fun.get_declaration ());
114 source_type_member_definition.append (type_fun.get_definition ());
116 if (in_plugin) {
117 // FIXME resolve potential dependency issues, i.e. base types have to be registered before derived types
118 var register_call = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_register_type".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null))));
119 register_call.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (module_init_param_name));
120 module_init_fragment.append (new CCodeExpressionStatement (register_call));
124 current_type_symbol = null;
125 current_class = null;
126 instance_dispose_fragment = null;
129 private void add_class_init_function (Class! cl) {
130 var class_init = new CCodeFunction ("%s_class_init".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null)), "void");
131 class_init.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("klass", "%sClass *".printf (cl.get_cname ())));
132 class_init.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC;
134 var init_block = new CCodeBlock ();
135 class_init.block = init_block;
137 CCodeFunctionCall ccall;
139 /* save pointer to parent class */
140 var parent_decl = new CCodeDeclaration ("gpointer");
141 var parent_var_decl = new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("%s_parent_class".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null)));
142 parent_var_decl.initializer = new CCodeConstant ("NULL");
143 parent_decl.add_declarator (parent_var_decl);
144 parent_decl.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC;
145 source_type_member_declaration.append (parent_decl);
146 ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_type_class_peek_parent"));
147 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("klass"));
148 var parent_assignment = new CCodeAssignment (new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_parent_class".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null))), ccall);
149 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (parent_assignment));
151 /* add struct for private fields */
152 if (cl.has_private_fields) {
153 ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_type_class_add_private"));
154 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("klass"));
155 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("sizeof (%sPrivate)".printf (cl.get_cname ())));
156 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (ccall));
159 /* set property handlers */
160 ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("G_OBJECT_CLASS"));
161 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("klass"));
162 if (class_has_readable_properties (cl)) {
163 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (new CCodeAssignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (ccall, "get_property"), new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_get_property".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null))))));
165 if (class_has_writable_properties (cl)) {
166 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (new CCodeAssignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (ccall, "set_property"), new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_set_property".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null))))));
169 /* set constructor */
170 if (cl.constructor != null) {
171 var ccast = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("G_OBJECT_CLASS"));
172 ccast.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("klass"));
173 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (new CCodeAssignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (ccast, "constructor"), new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_constructor".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null))))));
176 /* set dispose function */
177 if (memory_management && cl.get_fields () != null) {
178 var ccast = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("G_OBJECT_CLASS"));
179 ccast.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("klass"));
180 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (new CCodeAssignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (ccast, "dispose"), new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_dispose".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null))))));
183 /* connect overridden methods */
184 var methods = cl.get_methods ();
185 foreach (Method m in methods) {
186 if (m.base_method == null) {
187 continue;
189 var base_type = m.base_method.symbol.parent_symbol.node;
191 var ccast = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_CLASS".printf (((Class) base_type).get_upper_case_cname (null))));
192 ccast.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("klass"));
193 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (new CCodeAssignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (ccast,, new CCodeIdentifier (m.get_real_cname ()))));
196 /* create destroy_func properties for generic types */
197 foreach (TypeParameter type_param in cl.get_type_parameters ()) {
198 string func_name = "%s_destroy_func".printf ( ());
199 var func_name_constant = new CCodeConstant ("\"%s-destroy-func\"".printf ( ()));
200 string enum_value = "%s_%s".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null), func_name).up ();
201 var cinst = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_object_class_install_property"));
202 cinst.add_argument (ccall);
203 cinst.add_argument (new CCodeConstant (enum_value));
204 var cspec = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_param_spec_pointer"));
205 cspec.add_argument (func_name_constant);
206 cspec.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("\"destroy func\""));
207 cspec.add_argument (new CCodeConstant ("\"destroy func\""));
209 cinst.add_argument (cspec);
210 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (cinst));
211 prop_enum.add_value (enum_value, null);
213 instance_priv_struct.add_field ("GDestroyNotify", func_name);
216 /* create properties */
217 var props = cl.get_properties ();
218 foreach (Property prop in props) {
219 if (prop.overrides || prop.base_interface_property != null) {
220 var cinst = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_object_class_override_property"));
221 cinst.add_argument (ccall);
222 cinst.add_argument (new CCodeConstant (prop.get_upper_case_cname ()));
223 cinst.add_argument (prop.get_canonical_cconstant ());
225 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (cinst));
226 } else {
227 var cinst = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_object_class_install_property"));
228 cinst.add_argument (ccall);
229 cinst.add_argument (new CCodeConstant (prop.get_upper_case_cname ()));
230 cinst.add_argument (get_param_spec (prop));
232 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (cinst));
236 /* create signals */
237 foreach (Signal sig in cl.get_signals ()) {
238 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (get_signal_creation (sig, cl)));
241 source_type_member_definition.append (class_init);
244 private void add_interface_init_function (Class! cl, Interface! iface) {
245 var iface_init = new CCodeFunction ("%s_%s_interface_init".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null), iface.get_lower_case_cname (null)), "void");
246 iface_init.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("iface", "%s *".printf (iface.get_type_cname ())));
247 iface_init.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC;
249 var init_block = new CCodeBlock ();
250 iface_init.block = init_block;
252 CCodeFunctionCall ccall;
254 /* save pointer to parent vtable */
255 string parent_iface_var = "%s_%s_parent_iface".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null), iface.get_lower_case_cname (null));
256 var parent_decl = new CCodeDeclaration (iface.get_type_cname () + "*");
257 var parent_var_decl = new CCodeVariableDeclarator (parent_iface_var);
258 parent_var_decl.initializer = new CCodeConstant ("NULL");
259 parent_decl.add_declarator (parent_var_decl);
260 parent_decl.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC;
261 source_type_member_declaration.append (parent_decl);
262 ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_type_interface_peek_parent"));
263 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("iface"));
264 var parent_assignment = new CCodeAssignment (new CCodeIdentifier (parent_iface_var), ccall);
265 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (parent_assignment));
267 var methods = cl.get_methods ();
268 foreach (Method m in methods) {
269 if (m.base_interface_method == null) {
270 continue;
273 var base_type = m.base_interface_method.symbol.parent_symbol.node;
274 if (base_type != iface) {
275 continue;
278 var ciface = new CCodeIdentifier ("iface");
279 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (new CCodeAssignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (ciface,, new CCodeIdentifier (m.get_real_cname ()))));
282 source_type_member_definition.append (iface_init);
285 private void add_instance_init_function (Class! cl) {
286 var instance_init = new CCodeFunction ("%s_init".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null)), "void");
287 instance_init.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("self", "%s *".printf (cl.get_cname ())));
288 instance_init.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC;
290 var init_block = new CCodeBlock ();
291 instance_init.block = init_block;
293 if (cl.has_private_fields) {
294 var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_GET_PRIVATE".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname (null))));
295 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("self"));
296 init_block.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (new CCodeAssignment (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (new CCodeIdentifier ("self"), "priv"), ccall)));
299 init_block.add_statement (instance_init_fragment);
301 var init_sym = cl.symbol.lookup ("init");
302 if (init_sym != null) {
303 var init_fun = (Method) init_sym.node;
304 init_block.add_statement (init_fun.body.ccodenode);
307 source_type_member_definition.append (instance_init);
310 private void add_dispose_function (Class! cl) {
311 function = new CCodeFunction ("%s_dispose".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null)), "void");
312 function.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC;
314 function.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("obj", "GObject *"));
316 source_type_member_declaration.append (function.copy ());
319 var cblock = new CCodeBlock ();
321 var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (cl.get_upper_case_cname (null)));
322 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("obj"));
324 var cdecl = new CCodeDeclaration ("%s *".printf (cl.get_cname ()));
325 cdecl.add_declarator (new CCodeVariableDeclarator.with_initializer ("self", ccall));
327 cblock.add_statement (cdecl);
329 cblock.add_statement (instance_dispose_fragment);
331 cdecl = new CCodeDeclaration ("%sClass *".printf (cl.get_cname ()));
332 cdecl.add_declarator (new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("klass"));
333 cblock.add_statement (cdecl);
335 cdecl = new CCodeDeclaration ("GObjectClass *");
336 cdecl.add_declarator (new CCodeVariableDeclarator ("parent_class"));
337 cblock.add_statement (cdecl);
340 ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_type_class_peek"));
341 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier (cl.get_upper_case_cname ("TYPE_")));
342 var ccast = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_CLASS".printf (cl.get_upper_case_cname (null))));
343 ccast.add_argument (ccall);
344 cblock.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (new CCodeAssignment (new CCodeIdentifier ("klass"), ccast)));
346 ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_type_class_peek_parent"));
347 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("klass"));
348 ccast = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("G_OBJECT_CLASS"));
349 ccast.add_argument (ccall);
350 cblock.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (new CCodeAssignment (new CCodeIdentifier ("parent_class"), ccast)));
353 ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (new CCodeIdentifier ("parent_class"), "dispose"));
354 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("obj"));
355 cblock.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (ccall));
358 function.block = cblock;
360 source_type_member_definition.append (function);
363 private CCodeIdentifier! get_value_setter_function (TypeReference! type_reference) {
364 if (type_reference.data_type is Class || type_reference.data_type is Interface) {
365 return new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_set_object");
366 } else if (type_reference.data_type == string_type.data_type) {
367 return new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_set_string");
368 } else if (type_reference.data_type == int_type.data_type
369 || type_reference.data_type is Enum) {
370 return new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_set_int");
371 } else if (type_reference.data_type == uint_type.data_type) {
372 return new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_set_uint");
373 } else if (type_reference.data_type == long_type.data_type) {
374 return new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_set_long");
375 } else if (type_reference.data_type == ulong_type.data_type) {
376 return new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_set_ulong");
377 } else if (type_reference.data_type == bool_type.data_type) {
378 return new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_set_boolean");
379 } else if (type_reference.data_type == float_type.data_type) {
380 return new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_set_float");
381 } else if (type_reference.data_type == double_type.data_type) {
382 return new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_set_double");
383 } else {
384 return new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_set_pointer");
388 private bool class_has_readable_properties (Class! cl) {
389 foreach (Property prop in cl.get_properties ()) {
390 if (prop.get_accessor != null && !prop.is_abstract) {
391 return true;
394 return false;
397 private bool class_has_writable_properties (Class! cl) {
398 foreach (Property prop in cl.get_properties ()) {
399 if (prop.set_accessor != null && !prop.is_abstract) {
400 return true;
403 return false;
406 private void add_get_property_function (Class! cl) {
407 var get_prop = new CCodeFunction ("%s_get_property".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null)), "void");
408 get_prop.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC;
409 get_prop.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("object", "GObject *"));
410 get_prop.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("property_id", "guint"));
411 get_prop.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("value", "GValue *"));
412 get_prop.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("pspec", "GParamSpec *"));
414 var block = new CCodeBlock ();
416 var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (cl.get_upper_case_cname (null)));
417 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("object"));
418 var cdecl = new CCodeDeclaration ("%s *".printf (cl.get_cname ()));
419 cdecl.add_declarator (new CCodeVariableDeclarator.with_initializer ("self", ccall));
420 block.add_statement (cdecl);
422 var cswitch = new CCodeSwitchStatement (new CCodeIdentifier ("property_id"));
423 var props = cl.get_properties ();
424 foreach (Property prop in props) {
425 if (prop.get_accessor == null || prop.is_abstract) {
426 continue;
429 bool is_virtual = prop.base_property != null || prop.base_interface_property != null;
431 string prefix = cl.get_lower_case_cname (null);
432 if (is_virtual) {
433 prefix += "_real";
436 var ccase = new CCodeCaseStatement (new CCodeIdentifier (prop.get_upper_case_cname ()));
437 var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_get_%s".printf (prefix,;
438 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("self"));
439 var csetcall = new CCodeFunctionCall ();
440 = get_value_setter_function (prop.type_reference);
441 csetcall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("value"));
442 csetcall.add_argument (ccall);
443 ccase.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (csetcall));
444 ccase.add_statement (new CCodeBreakStatement ());
445 cswitch.add_case (ccase);
447 block.add_statement (cswitch);
449 get_prop.block = block;
451 source_type_member_definition.append (get_prop);
454 private void add_set_property_function (Class! cl) {
455 var set_prop = new CCodeFunction ("%s_set_property".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null)), "void");
456 set_prop.modifiers = CCodeModifiers.STATIC;
457 set_prop.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("object", "GObject *"));
458 set_prop.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("property_id", "guint"));
459 set_prop.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("value", "const GValue *"));
460 set_prop.add_parameter (new CCodeFormalParameter ("pspec", "GParamSpec *"));
462 var block = new CCodeBlock ();
464 var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier (cl.get_upper_case_cname (null)));
465 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("object"));
466 var cdecl = new CCodeDeclaration ("%s *".printf (cl.get_cname ()));
467 cdecl.add_declarator (new CCodeVariableDeclarator.with_initializer ("self", ccall));
468 block.add_statement (cdecl);
470 var cswitch = new CCodeSwitchStatement (new CCodeIdentifier ("property_id"));
471 var props = cl.get_properties ();
472 foreach (Property prop in props) {
473 if (prop.set_accessor == null || prop.is_abstract) {
474 continue;
477 bool is_virtual = prop.base_property != null || prop.base_interface_property != null;
479 string prefix = cl.get_lower_case_cname (null);
480 if (is_virtual) {
481 prefix += "_real";
484 var ccase = new CCodeCaseStatement (new CCodeIdentifier (prop.get_upper_case_cname ()));
485 var ccall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("%s_set_%s".printf (prefix,;
486 ccall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("self"));
487 var cgetcall = new CCodeFunctionCall ();
488 if (prop.type_reference.data_type is Class || prop.type_reference.data_type is Interface) {
489 = new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_get_object");
490 } else if (prop.type_reference.type_name == "string") {
491 = new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_get_string");
492 } else if (prop.type_reference.type_name == "int" || prop.type_reference.data_type is Enum) {
493 = new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_get_int");
494 } else if (prop.type_reference.type_name == "uint") {
495 = new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_get_uint");
496 } else if (prop.type_reference.type_name == "long") {
497 = new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_get_long");
498 } else if (prop.type_reference.type_name == "ulong") {
499 = new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_get_ulong");
500 } else if (prop.type_reference.type_name == "bool") {
501 = new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_get_boolean");
502 } else if (prop.type_reference.type_name == "float") {
503 = new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_get_float");
504 } else if (prop.type_reference.type_name == "double") {
505 = new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_get_double");
506 } else {
507 = new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_get_pointer");
509 cgetcall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("value"));
510 ccall.add_argument (cgetcall);
511 ccase.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (ccall));
512 ccase.add_statement (new CCodeBreakStatement ());
513 cswitch.add_case (ccase);
515 block.add_statement (cswitch);
517 /* destroy func properties for generic types */
518 foreach (TypeParameter type_param in cl.get_type_parameters ()) {
519 string func_name = "%s_destroy_func".printf ( ());
520 string enum_value = "%s_%s".printf (cl.get_lower_case_cname (null), func_name).up ();
522 var ccase = new CCodeCaseStatement (new CCodeIdentifier (enum_value));
523 var cfield = new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (new CCodeMemberAccess.pointer (new CCodeIdentifier ("self"), "priv"), func_name);
524 var cgetcall = new CCodeFunctionCall (new CCodeIdentifier ("g_value_get_pointer"));
525 cgetcall.add_argument (new CCodeIdentifier ("value"));
526 ccase.add_statement (new CCodeExpressionStatement (new CCodeAssignment (cfield, cgetcall)));
527 ccase.add_statement (new CCodeBreakStatement ());
528 cswitch.add_case (ccase);
531 set_prop.block = block;
533 source_type_member_definition.append (set_prop);