1 # This is a real problem in the Solaris libc. It is caused by a read past the
2 # FILE structure. It's an intentional hack to differentiate between two file
3 # structures, FILE and xFILE.
13 # The same problem as above.
23 # Solaris libc doesn't deallocate I/O buffers on program exit.
25 Solaris:file_buffer_malloc
33 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
34 # Solaris libc reinitializes mutex udp->ld_lock in the child's post-fork
37 Solaris:postfork_child_mutex_reinit
45 Solaris:std::lock_guard<std::mutex>::lock_guard
47 fun:_ZL18__gthread_active_pv
48 fun:_ZL20__gthread_mutex_lockP14_pthread_mutex
49 fun:_ZNSt5mutex4lockEv
50 fun:_ZNSt10lock_guardISt5mutexEC1ERS0_