2 Undef 1 of 8 (stack, 32 bit)
4 Undef 2 of 8 (stack, 32 bit)
6 Undef 3 of 8 (stack, 64 bit)
8 Undef 4 of 8 (mallocd, 32-bit)
10 Undef 5 of 8 (realloc)
12 Undef 6 of 8 (MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK)
18 Undef 8 of 8 (MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED)
25 Syscall param exit(status) contains uninitialised byte(s)
27 Uninitialised value was created by a client request
28 at 0x........: main (origin1-yes.c:115)