1 vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
2 vgdb-error value changed from 999999 to 0
3 n_errs_found 1 n_errs_shown 1 (vgdb-error 0)
4 n_errs_found 1 n_errs_shown 1 (vgdb-error 0) a
5 n_errs_found 1 n_errs_shown 1 (vgdb-error 0) b
6 n_errs_found 1 n_errs_shown 1 (vgdb-error 0) c d
7 n_errs_found 1 n_errs_shown 1 (vgdb-error 0) eeeeeee fffffff ggggggg
8 vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 0
9 monitor command request to kill this process
10 Remote connection closed