New extension:
[vanilla-miry.git] / extensions / JQE / default.php
1 <?php
2 /*
3 Extension Name: JQE WYSIWYG editor
4 Extension Url:
5 Description: Add a WYSIWYG editor to the comment form using Jquery JQE
6 Version: 1.0.0
7 Author: Cyril Russo
8 Author Url: stage.nexvision at
12 if (!defined('IN_VANILLA')) exit();
13 define('JQE_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
14 require(JQE_PATH . 'settings.php');
16 require(JQE_PATH . 'autolink.php');
18 if (!function_exists('kses')) require(JQE_PATH . 'kses.php');
19 // Check to see if user is allowed to comment
20 $Configuration["JQE_LOGINREQUIRED"] = false; //if u are using Add Comments Extension set this to false
21 if( $Configuration["JQE_LOGINREQUIRED"]===false or $Context->Session->UserID > 0 )
23 //If user is allowed to comment then add JQE javasript
24 if ( in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("post.php", "comments.php")) )
26 includeJQuery();
27 $Head->AddScript('extensions/JQE/jquery.rte.js');
28 $Head->AddStyleSheet('extensions/JQE/rte.css');
30 $Head->AddString('
31 <script type="text/javascript">
32 jQuery(document).ready(function($){
33 $("#CommentBoxController").hide();
34 $("#CommentFormats").hide();
35 $("#CommentBox").rte({
36 content_css_url: "'. $Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT'].'extensions/JQE/rte.css'.'",
37 media_url: "'. $Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT'].'extensions/JQE/'.'",
38 });
39 $("#abshosturls").rte({
40 content_css_url: "'. $Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT'].'extensions/JQE/rte.css'.'",
41 media_url: "'. $Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT'].'extensions/JQE/'.'",
42 });
43 });
44 </script>');
49 //add Kses formater
51 class JQEFormatter extends StringFormatter {
52 var $allowed_tags;
53 var $allowed_protocols;
54 var $autolink;
56 function JQEFormatter($tags, $protocols)
58 $this->allowed_tags = $tags;
59 $this->allowed_protocols = $protocols;
60 $this->autolink = new AutoLinksHelper();
63 function Parse($String, $Object, $FormatPurpose)
65 if ($FormatPurpose == FORMAT_STRING_FOR_DISPLAY)
67 return $this->autolink->AddLinks(kses($String, $this->allowed_tags, $this->allowed_protocols));
69 return $String;
73 if ( $Context->Session->UserID > 0 && $Context->Session->User->Permission('PERMISSION_HTML_ALLOWED') ) {
74 //Make JQE formatter the only formatter available to post a new comment or to edit an old one
75 $Context->Configuration['DEFAULT_FORMAT_TYPE'] = 'JQE';
76 $Context->Session->User->DefaultFormatType = 'JQE';
77 $Context->Session->User->Preferences['ShowFormatSelector'] = 0;
79 $JQEFormatter = $Context->ObjectFactory->NewObject($Context, "JQEFormatter", $JQE_allowed_tags, $JQE_allowed_protocols);
80 $Context->StringManipulator->AddManipulator("JQE", $JQEFormatter);