1 =========================================================================================================
3 Tweet Posts is an extension for Vanilla designed for Tweeting discussions.
5 See it in action at http://forums.sixlabrats.com
8 * NOTE: This extension is in beta and it should not be used in a production environment *
12 Tweet Posts By John Croucher - www.sixlabrats.com www.jcroucher.com
13 Twitter Library Copyright (c) 2007, Jaisen Mathai - see TwitterLib/LICENCE
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19 TeetPosts for security reasons uses oAuth to connect to Twitter.
20 For this reason there is a bit of setup involved to get this extension to work.
22 01. Create a twitter application
23 This can be done by going to http://twitter.com/oauth_clients and following the prompts.
25 1.1 Set the application type to "Browser"
26 1.2 Set the application callback url to http://YOUR_DOMAIN/settings.php?PostBackAction=ProcessTweetPosts
28 02. Take note of the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret which are generated
30 03. Install the TweetPosts plugin
32 04. Go to settings -> Tweet Posts Settings
34 05. Place your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret key in the appropriate boxes
37 You will now be redirected to Twitter
39 07. Enter in your username and password on twitter for the account you want the tweets to go to
41 08. Select approve application
42 You will now be redirected back to your forum settings
43 All fields should now be filled in and saved.
45 09. Test by creating a new discussion and check your twitter account
47 10. The twitter message can be edited in default.php on line 158. This will be editable through settings
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54 In order for Vanilla to recognize an extension, it must be contained within its
55 own directory within the extensions directory. So, once you have downloaded and
56 unzipped the extension files, you can then place the folder containing the
57 default.php file into your installation of Vanilla. The path to your extension's
58 default.php file should look like this:
60 /path/to/vanilla/extensions/TweetPosts/default.php
62 Once this is complete, you can enable the extension through the "Manage
63 Extensions" form on the settings tab in Vanilla.
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68 - Investigate if there is a better way to hook into the post. I am interested in any input for better methods
71 - Allow the Tweet message format to be edited through the settings
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78 v0.01 - Initial Beta Release