2 may deadlock with some avisynth plugins (set the number of threads, VSCore(threads=4))
5 to get around keyword conflicts all function arguments names can be specified with both name and _name (Loop(_clip=a) is the same as Loop(clip=a))
6 works under linux and probably osx too
7 full source released under LGPL
8 it is now possible to use + to splice clips and the slicing operator to perform Trim, Reverse and SelectEvery operations on a clip
9 documentation of all user functions
10 lots of included filter fixes
11 minor fixes to other things
14 portability fixes for linux
15 minor api additions to make filters that consume 20+ input frames/scan a whole clip feasible
16 added cpu state checks after filter calls
17 added a function type, plugins may now take a python function and evaluate it for every frame
18 implemented the final planned standard functions (transpose, croprel, clipselect, modifyprops)
19 fixed the huge memory leak in cropabs
23 includes the source for all of the std functions and the header needed to write plugins (more source coming soon)
24 unnamed arguments are now accepted
25 y4m headers now specify the colorspace for all yuv formats and gives an error when used with non-yuv
26 added a new B tag to y4m output that specifies the number of bits per sample (B8/B10/B16)
30 now drops all crop calls to env->invoke(), fixes dgdecode compatibility but you have to crop yourself now
31 all 64bit issues fixed
32 added several checks to prevent the compat formats from being used by new filters
33 minor fixes and extra checks for everything
36 more python output fixes
37 added accept_lowercase as a setting for the core constructor
38 python module refinement, now all objects have a string representation with more information
42 fixed the bad frame output from the python module
43 added a callback to the output function so progress can be reported
45 raw frame data can be accessed from python
48 fixes even more threading and performance issues
49 adds special support for yuy2 and rgb32 so most avisynth filters should work
50 added hacks to make mvtools2 work
53 fixes a large number of threading issues
54 removed the stupid clip.vi.width thing in python, now it's simply clip.width
55 fixed the frame reordering in the python bindings, now frames pop out in the expected order