Add support and documentation for drawing arcs of a circle.
[vecto.git] / doc / illustrations.lisp
1 ;;;; $Id: illustrations.lisp,v 1.6 2007/10/01 16:24:10 xach Exp $
3 (defpackage #:vecto-illustrations
4 (:use #:cl #:vecto))
6 (in-package #:vecto-illustrations)
8 (defun x (point)
9 (car point))
11 (defun y (point)
12 (cdr point))
14 (defun annotated-path (&rest points)
15 (with-graphics-state
16 (set-rgb-stroke 0.5 0.5 0.5)
17 (set-rgb-fill 0.5 0.5 0.5)
18 (set-line-width 2)
19 (dolist (point (remove-duplicates points :test 'equal))
20 (centered-circle-path (x point) (y point) 3))
21 (fill-path)
22 (move-to (x (first points)) (y (first points)))
23 (dolist (point (rest points))
24 (line-to (x point) (y point)))
25 (stroke)))
28 (defun join-style (style file)
29 (with-canvas (:width 160 :height 165)
30 (set-rgb-fill 1 1 1)
31 (clear-canvas)
32 (set-rgb-stroke 0 0 0)
33 (set-line-width 20)
34 (move-to 20 20)
35 (line-to 80 140)
36 (line-to 140 20)
37 (set-line-join style)
38 (stroke)
39 (annotated-path '(20 . 20)
40 '(80 . 140)
41 '(140 . 20))
42 (save-png file)))
45 (defun cap-style (style file)
46 (with-canvas (:width 40 :height 100)
47 (set-rgb-fill 1 1 1)
48 (clear-canvas)
49 (set-rgb-stroke 0 0 0)
50 (set-line-width 20)
51 (move-to 20 20)
52 (line-to 20 80)
53 (set-line-cap style)
54 (stroke)
55 (annotated-path '(20 . 20) '(20 . 80))
56 (save-png file)))
60 (defun closed-subpaths (closep file)
61 (with-canvas (:width 160 :height 160)
62 (set-rgb-fill 1 1 1)
63 (clear-canvas)
64 (set-rgb-stroke 0 0 0)
65 (set-line-width 20)
66 (move-to 20 20)
67 (line-to 20 140)
68 (line-to 140 140)
69 (line-to 140 20)
70 (line-to 20 20)
71 (when closep
72 (close-subpath))
73 (stroke)
74 (annotated-path '(20 . 20)
75 '(20 . 140)
76 '(140 . 140)
77 '(140 . 20)
78 '(20 . 20))
79 (save-png file)))
81 (defun dash-paths (array phase cap-style file)
82 (with-canvas (:width 160 :height 40)
83 (set-rgb-fill 1 1 1)
84 (clear-canvas)
85 (set-rgb-stroke 0 0 0)
86 (set-line-width 20)
87 (with-graphics-state
88 (set-dash-pattern array phase)
89 (set-line-cap cap-style)
90 (move-to 20 20)
91 (line-to 140 20)
92 (stroke))
93 (annotated-path '(20 . 20) '(140 . 20))
94 (save-png file)))
97 (defun simple-clipping-path (file &key clip-circle clip-rounded-rectangle)
98 (with-canvas (:width 100 :height 100)
99 (let ((x0 45)
100 (y 45)
101 (r 40))
102 (set-rgb-fill 1 1 1)
103 (clear-canvas)
104 (with-graphics-state
105 (set-rgb-fill 0.9 0.9 0.9)
106 (rectangle 10 10 80 80)
107 (fill-path))
108 (with-graphics-state
109 (when clip-circle
110 (centered-circle-path x0 y r)
111 (clip-path)
112 (end-path-no-op))
113 (when clip-rounded-rectangle
114 (rounded-rectangle 45 25 50 50 10 10)
115 (clip-path)
116 (end-path-no-op))
117 (set-rgb-fill 1 0 0)
118 (set-rgb-stroke 1 1 0)
119 (rectangle 10 10 80 80)
120 (fill-path))
121 (when clip-circle
122 (with-graphics-state
123 (set-rgb-stroke 0.5 0.5 0.5)
124 (set-dash-pattern #(5) 0)
125 (set-line-width 1)
126 (centered-circle-path x0 y r)
127 (stroke)))
128 (when clip-rounded-rectangle
129 (with-graphics-state
130 (set-rgb-stroke 0.5 0.5 0.5)
131 (set-dash-pattern #(5) 0)
132 (set-line-width 1)
133 (rounded-rectangle 45 25 50 50 10 10)
134 (stroke)))
135 (save-png file))))
137 (defun arc-demo (file)
138 (flet ((point (x y)
139 (with-graphics-state
140 (set-rgb-fill 0 0 0)
141 (centered-circle-path x y 3)
142 (fill-path))))
143 (with-canvas (:width 150 :height 150)
144 (translate 10 10)
145 (let* ((theta1 (* (/ pi 180) 20))
146 (theta2 (* (/ pi 180) 80))
147 (theta3 (/ (+ theta1 theta2) 2))
148 (radius 120)
149 (x1 (* (+ radius 10) (cos theta1)))
150 (y1 (* (+ radius 10) (sin theta1)))
151 (x2 (* (+ radius 10) (cos theta2)))
152 (y2 (* (+ radius 10) (sin theta2))))
153 (with-graphics-state
154 (set-rgb-stroke 0.5 0.5 0.5)
155 (set-dash-pattern #(3 3) 0)
156 (move-to 0 0)
157 (line-to x1 y1)
158 (stroke)
159 (move-to 0 0)
160 (line-to x2 y2)
161 (stroke)
162 (move-to -500 0)
163 (line-to 500 0)
164 (stroke))
165 (set-rgb-stroke 1 0 0)
166 (set-line-width 1)
167 (arc 0 0 80 0 theta1)
168 (stroke)
169 (set-rgb-stroke 0 0 1)
170 (arc 0 0 100 0 theta2)
171 (stroke)
172 (set-rgb-stroke 0 1 0)
173 (move-to 0 0)
174 (line-to (* radius (cos theta3))
175 (* radius (sin theta3)))
176 (stroke)
177 (set-line-width 2)
178 (set-rgb-stroke 0 0 0)
179 (arc 0 0 radius theta1 theta2)
180 (stroke)
181 (point (* radius (cos theta1))
182 (* radius (sin theta1)))
183 (point (* radius (cos theta2))
184 (* radius (sin theta2)))
185 (save-png file)))))
187 (defun pie-wedge (file)
188 (with-canvas (:width 80 :height 60)
189 (let ((x 0) (y 0)
190 (radius 70)
191 (angle1 (* (/ pi 180) 15))
192 (angle2 (* (/ pi 180) 45)))
193 (translate 5 5)
194 (set-rgb-fill 1 1 1)
195 (move-to 0 0)
196 (arc x y radius angle1 angle2)
197 (fill-and-stroke)
198 (save-png file))))
200 (defun wiper (file)
201 (with-canvas (:width 70 :height 70)
202 (let ((x 0) (y 0)
203 (r1 30) (r2 60)
204 (angle1 0)
205 (angle2 (* (/ pi 180) 90)))
206 (translate 5 5)
207 (set-rgba-fill 1 1 1 0.75)
208 (arc x y r1 angle1 angle2)
209 (arcn x y r2 angle2 angle1)
210 (fill-and-stroke)
211 (save-png file))))
217 (defun make-illustrations ()
218 (cap-style :butt "cap-style-butt.png")
219 (cap-style :square "cap-style-square.png")
220 (cap-style :round "cap-style-round.png")
221 (join-style :miter "join-style-miter.png")
222 (join-style :bevel "join-style-bevel.png")
223 (join-style :round "join-style-round.png")
224 (closed-subpaths nil "open-subpath.png")
225 (closed-subpaths t "closed-subpath.png")
226 (dash-paths #() 0 :butt "dash-pattern-none.png")
227 (dash-paths #(30 30) 0 :butt "dash-pattern-a.png")
228 (dash-paths #(30 30) 15 :butt "dash-pattern-b.png")
229 (dash-paths #(10 20 10 40) 0 :butt "dash-pattern-c.png")
230 (dash-paths #(10 20 10 40) 13 :butt "dash-pattern-d.png")
231 (dash-paths #(30 30) 0 :round "dash-pattern-e.png")
232 (simple-clipping-path "clip-unclipped.png")
233 (simple-clipping-path "clip-to-circle.png" :clip-circle t)
234 (simple-clipping-path "clip-to-rectangle.png" :clip-rounded-rectangle t)
235 (simple-clipping-path "clip-to-both.png"
236 :clip-circle t
237 :clip-rounded-rectangle t))