Merge pull request #10 from phoe-trash/master
[vecto.git] / vectometry / colors.lisp
1 ;;;; colors.lisp
3 (in-package #:vectometry)
5 (defclass color ()
6 ((red
7 :initarg :red
8 :accessor red)
9 (green
10 :initarg :green
11 :accessor green)
12 (blue
13 :initarg :blue
14 :accessor blue)))
16 (defun rgb-color (r g b)
17 (make-instance 'color :red r :green g :blue b))
19 (defclass color/alpha (color)
20 ((alpha
21 :initarg :alpha
22 :accessor alpha)))
24 (defun rgba-color (r g b a)
25 (make-instance 'color/alpha :red r :green g :blue b :alpha a))
27 ;;; from kmrcl
28 (defun rgb->hsv (r g b)
29 (let* ((min (min r g b))
30 (max (max r g b))
31 (delta (- max min))
32 (v max)
33 (s 0)
34 (h nil))
35 (when (plusp max)
36 (setq s (/ delta max)))
37 (when (plusp delta)
38 (setq h (cond
39 ((= max r)
40 (nth-value 0 (/ (- g b) delta)))
41 ((= max g)
42 (nth-value 0 (+ 2 (/ (- b r) delta))))
44 (nth-value 0 (+ 4 (/ (- r g) delta))))))
45 (setq h (* 60 h))
46 (when (minusp h)
47 (incf h 360)))
48 (values h s v)))
50 (defun hsv->rgb (h s v)
51 (when (zerop s)
52 (return-from hsv->rgb (values v v v)))
54 (loop while (minusp h)
55 do (incf h 360))
56 (loop while (>= h 360)
57 do (decf h 360))
59 (let ((h-pos (/ h 60)))
60 (multiple-value-bind (h-int h-frac) (truncate h-pos)
61 (declare (fixnum h-int))
62 (let ((p (* v (- 1 s)))
63 (q (* v (- 1 (* s h-frac))))
64 (t_ (* v (- 1 (* s (- 1 h-frac)))))
65 r g b)
67 (cond
68 ((zerop h-int)
69 (setf r v
70 g t_
71 b p))
72 ((= 1 h-int)
73 (setf r q
74 g v
75 b p))
76 ((= 2 h-int)
77 (setf r p
78 g v
79 b t_))
80 ((= 3 h-int)
81 (setf r p
82 g q
83 b v))
84 ((= 4 h-int)
85 (setf r t_
86 g p
87 b v))
88 ((= 5 h-int)
89 (setf r v
90 g p
91 b q)))
92 (values r g b)))))
94 (defun hsv-color (h s v)
95 (multiple-value-call 'rgb-color (hsv->rgb h s v)))
97 (defgeneric hsv-values (color)
98 (:method ((color color))
99 (rgb->hsv (red color) (green color) (blue color))))
101 (defgeneric rgb-values (color)
102 (:method ((color color))
103 (values (red color) (green color) (blue color))))
105 (defgeneric darkp (color)
106 (:method (color)
107 (multiple-value-bind (hue saturation value)
108 (hsv-values color)
109 (or (< value 0.64)
110 (and (< 0.5 saturation)
111 (or (< hue 45) (< 205 hue)))))))
113 (defvar *black* (rgb-color 0 0 0))
114 (defvar *white* (rgb-color 1 1 1))
116 (defun contrasting-text-color (color)
117 (if (darkp color)
118 *white*
119 *black*))
121 (defun add-alpha (color alpha)
122 (multiple-value-call #'rgba-color (rgb-values color) alpha))
124 (defun float-octet (float)
125 "Convert a float in the range 0.0 - 1.0 to an octet."
126 (values (round (* float 255.0d0))))
128 (defgeneric html-code (color)
129 (:method (color)
130 (format nil "#~2,'0X~2,'0X~2,'0X"
131 (float-octet (red color))
132 (float-octet (green color))
133 (float-octet (blue color)))))
135 (defmethod alpha ((color color))
136 1.0)
138 (defun set-fill-color (color)
139 (vecto:set-rgba-fill (red color)
140 (green color)
141 (blue color)
142 (alpha color)))
144 (defun set-stroke-color (color)
145 (vecto:set-rgba-stroke (red color)
146 (green color)
147 (blue color)
148 (alpha color)))
150 (defun html-color (code)
151 (multiple-value-bind (size divisor)
152 (ecase (length code)
153 (7 (values 2 255.0))
154 (4 (values 1 15.0)))
155 (flet ((value-at (i)
156 (let* ((start (1+ (* i size)))
157 (end (+ start size)))
158 (/ (parse-integer code :start start :end end :radix 16)
159 divisor))))
160 (rgb-color (value-at 0) (value-at 1) (value-at 2)))))
163 (defun gray-color (value)
164 (rgb-color value value value))
166 (defun graya-color (value alpha)
167 (rgba-color value value value alpha))