1 # How to generate HTML from the xml:
2 xmlto xhtml -m config.xsl viking.xml
3 # ATM config is setup for a single page - index.html
5 # To generate a block of text for the Wiki:
6 #html2wiki --dialect=MediaWiki \
7 #--wiki-uri=http://sourceforge.net/p/viking/wikiallura \
8 #--base-uri=http://sourceforge.net/p/viking/wikiallura \
9 #index.html > help.wiki
11 # Allura Wiki is in Markdown
12 # pandoc -f docbook viking.xml -t markdown -o help.md
13 # Note pandoc (at least doesn't open included files within docbook,
14 # so stick with using xmlto for now
15 pandoc -f html index.html -t markdown -o help.md
17 # To generate the PDF: