1 " fugitive.vim - A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
2 " Maintainer: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/>
4 " GetLatestVimScripts: 2975 1 :AutoInstall: fugitive.vim
6 if exists('g:loaded_fugitive')
9 let g:loaded_fugitive = 1
11 let s:bad_git_dir = '/$\|^fugitive:'
13 " FugitiveGitDir() returns the detected Git dir for the given buffer number,
14 " or the current buffer if no argument is passed. This will be an empty
15 " string if no Git dir was found. Use !empty(FugitiveGitDir()) to check if
16 " Fugitive is active in the current buffer. Do not rely on this for direct
17 " filesystem access; use FugitiveFind('.git/whatever') instead.
18 function! FugitiveGitDir(...) abort
21 elseif !a:0 || type(a:1) == type(0) && a:1 < 0 || a:1 is# get(v:, 'true', -1)
22 if exists('g:fugitive_event')
23 return g:fugitive_event
25 let dir = get(b:, 'git_dir', '')
26 if empty(dir) && (empty(bufname('')) && &filetype !=# 'netrw' || &buftype =~# '^\%(nofile\|acwrite\|quickfix\|terminal\|prompt\)$')
27 return FugitiveExtractGitDir(getcwd())
28 elseif (!exists('b:git_dir') || b:git_dir =~# s:bad_git_dir) && &buftype =~# '^\%(nowrite\)\=$'
29 let b:git_dir = FugitiveExtractGitDir(bufnr(''))
32 return dir =~# s:bad_git_dir ? '' : dir
33 elseif type(a:1) == type(0) && a:1 isnot# 0
34 if a:1 == bufnr('') && (!exists('b:git_dir') || b:git_dir =~# s:bad_git_dir) && &buftype =~# '^\%(nowrite\)\=$'
35 let b:git_dir = FugitiveExtractGitDir(a:1)
37 let dir = getbufvar(a:1, 'git_dir')
38 return dir =~# s:bad_git_dir ? '' : dir
39 elseif type(a:1) == type('')
40 return substitute(s:Slash(a:1), '/$', '', '')
41 elseif type(a:1) == type({})
42 return get(a:1, 'fugitive_dir', get(a:1, 'git_dir', ''))
48 " FugitiveReal() takes a fugitive:// URL and returns the corresponding path in
49 " the work tree. This may be useful to get a cleaner path for inclusion in
50 " the statusline, for example. Note that the file and its parent directories
51 " are not guaranteed to exist.
53 " This is intended as an abstract API to be used on any "virtual" path. For a
54 " buffer named foo://bar, check for a function named FooReal(), and if it
55 " exists, call FooReal("foo://bar").
56 function! FugitiveReal(...) abort
57 let file = a:0 ? a:1 : @%
58 if type(file) ==# type({})
59 let dir = FugitiveGitDir(file)
60 let tree = s:Tree(dir)
61 return s:VimSlash(empty(tree) ? dir : tree)
62 elseif file =~# '^\a\a\+:' || a:0 > 1
63 return call('fugitive#Real', [file] + a:000[1:-1])
64 elseif file =~# '^/\|^\a:\|^$'
67 return fnamemodify(file, ':p' . (file =~# '[\/]$' ? '' : ':s?[\/]$??'))
71 " FugitiveFind() takes a Fugitive object and returns the appropriate Vim
72 " buffer name. You can use this to generate Fugitive URLs ("HEAD:README") or
73 " to get the absolute path to a file in the Git dir (".git/HEAD"), the common
74 " dir (".git/config"), or the work tree (":(top)Makefile").
76 " An optional second argument provides the Git dir, or the buffer number of a
77 " buffer with a Git dir. The default is the current buffer.
78 function! FugitiveFind(...) abort
79 if a:0 && (type(a:1) ==# type({}) || type(a:1) ==# type(0))
80 return call('fugitive#Find', a:000[1:-1] + [FugitiveGitDir(a:1)])
82 return fugitive#Find(a:0 ? a:1 : bufnr(''), FugitiveGitDir(a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : -1))
86 " FugitiveParse() takes a fugitive:// URL and returns a 2 element list
87 " containing an object name ("commit:file") and the Git dir. It's effectively
88 " the inverse of FugitiveFind().
89 function! FugitiveParse(...) abort
90 let path = s:Slash(a:0 ? a:1 : @%)
91 if path !~# '^fugitive://'
94 let [rev, dir] = fugitive#Parse(path)
98 throw 'fugitive: invalid Fugitive URL ' . path
101 " FugitiveGitVersion() queries the version of Git in use. Pass up to 3
102 " arguments to return a Boolean of whether a certain minimum version is
103 " available (FugitiveGitVersion(2,3,4) checks for 2.3.4 or higher) or no
104 " arguments to get a raw string.
105 function! FugitiveGitVersion(...) abort
106 return call('fugitive#GitVersion', a:000)
109 " FugitiveResult() returns an object encapsulating the result of the most
110 " recent :Git command. Will be empty if no result is available. During a
111 " User FugitiveChanged event, this is guaranteed to correspond to the :Git
112 " command that triggered the event, or be empty if :Git was not the trigger.
113 " Pass in the name of a temp buffer to get the result object for that command
114 " instead. Contains the following keys:
116 " * "args": List of command arguments, starting with the subcommand. Will be
117 " empty for usages like :Git --help.
118 " * "git_dir": Git dir of the relevant repository.
119 " * "exit_status": The integer exit code of the process.
120 " * "flags": Flags passed directly to Git, like -c and --help.
121 " * "file": Path to file containing command output. Not guaranteed to exist,
122 " so verify with filereadable() before trying to access it.
123 function! FugitiveResult(...) abort
124 return call('fugitive#Result', a:000)
127 " FugitiveExecute() runs Git with a list of arguments and returns a dictionary
128 " with the following keys:
130 " * "exit_status": The integer exit code of the process.
131 " * "stdout": The stdout produced by the process, as a list of lines.
132 " * "stderr": The stdout produced by the process, as a list of lines.
134 " An optional second argument provides the Git dir, or the buffer number of a
135 " buffer with a Git dir. The default is the current buffer.
137 " An optional final argument is a callback Funcref, for asynchronous
139 function! FugitiveExecute(args, ...) abort
140 return call('fugitive#Execute', [a:args] + a:000)
143 " FugitiveShellCommand() turns an array of arguments into a Git command string
144 " which can be executed with functions like system() and commands like :!.
145 " Integer arguments will be treated as buffer numbers, and the appropriate
146 " relative path inserted in their place.
148 " An optional second argument provides the Git dir, or the buffer number of a
149 " buffer with a Git dir. The default is the current buffer.
150 function! FugitiveShellCommand(...) abort
151 return call('fugitive#ShellCommand', a:000)
154 " FugitiveConfig() get returns an opaque structure that can be passed to other
155 " FugitiveConfig functions in lieu of a Git directory. This can be faster
156 " when performing multiple config queries. Do not rely on the internal
157 " structure of the return value as it is not guaranteed. If you want a full
158 " dictionary of every config value, use FugitiveConfigGetRegexp('.*').
160 " An optional argument provides the Git dir, or the buffer number of a
161 " buffer with a Git dir. The default is the current buffer. Pass a blank
162 " string to limit to the global config.
163 function! FugitiveConfig(...) abort
164 return call('fugitive#Config', a:000)
167 " FugitiveConfigGet() retrieves a Git configuration value. An optional second
168 " argument can be either the object returned by FugitiveConfig(), or a Git
169 " dir or buffer number to be passed along to FugitiveConfig().
170 function! FugitiveConfigGet(name, ...) abort
171 return get(call('FugitiveConfigGetAll', [a:name] + (a:0 ? [a:1] : [])), -1, get(a:, 2, ''))
174 " FugitiveConfigGetAll() is like FugitiveConfigGet() but returns a list of
176 function! FugitiveConfigGetAll(name, ...) abort
177 return call('fugitive#ConfigGetAll', [a:name] + a:000)
180 " FugitiveConfigGetRegexp() retrieves a dictionary of all configuration values
181 " with a key matching the given pattern. Like git config --get-regexp, but
182 " using a Vim regexp. Second argument has same semantics as
183 " FugitiveConfigGet().
184 function! FugitiveConfigGetRegexp(pattern, ...) abort
185 return call('fugitive#ConfigGetRegexp', [a:pattern] + a:000)
188 " FugitiveRemoteUrl() retrieves the remote URL for the given remote name,
189 " defaulting to the current branch's remote or "origin" if no argument is
190 " given. Similar to `git remote get-url`, but also attempts to resolve HTTP
191 " redirects and SSH host aliases.
193 " An optional second argument provides the Git dir, or the buffer number of a
194 " buffer with a Git dir. The default is the current buffer.
195 function! FugitiveRemoteUrl(...) abort
196 return call('fugitive#RemoteUrl', a:000)
199 " FugitiveRemote() returns a data structure parsed from the remote URL.
200 " For example, for remote URL "https://me@example.com:1234/repo.git", the
201 " returned dictionary will contain the following:
203 " * "scheme": "https"
204 " * "authority": "user@example.com:1234"
205 " * "path": "/repo.git" (for SSH URLs this may be a relative path)
206 " * "pathname": "/repo.git" (always coerced to absolute path)
207 " * "host": "example.com:1234"
208 " * "hostname": "example.com"
211 " * "path": "/repo.git"
212 " * "url": "https://me@example.com:1234/repo.git"
213 function! FugitiveRemote(...) abort
214 return call('fugitive#Remote', a:000)
217 " FugitiveDidChange() triggers a FugitiveChanged event and reloads the summary
218 " buffer for the current or given buffer number's repository. You can also
219 " give the result of a FugitiveExecute() and that context will be made
220 " available inside the FugitiveChanged() event.
222 " Passing the special argument 0 (the number zero) softly expires summary
223 " buffers for all repositories. This can be used after a call to system()
224 " with unclear implications.
225 function! FugitiveDidChange(...) abort
226 return call('fugitive#DidChange', a:000)
229 " FugitiveHead() retrieves the name of the current branch. If the current HEAD
230 " is detached, FugitiveHead() will return the empty string, unless the
231 " optional argument is given, in which case the hash of the current commit
232 " will be truncated to the given number of characters.
234 " An optional second argument provides the Git dir, or the buffer number of a
235 " buffer with a Git dir. The default is the current buffer.
236 function! FugitiveHead(...) abort
237 if a:0 && (type(a:1) ==# type({}) || type(a:1) ==# type('') && a:1 !~# '^\d\+$')
238 let dir = FugitiveGitDir(a:1)
239 let arg = get(a:, 2, 0)
241 let dir = FugitiveGitDir(a:2)
244 let dir = FugitiveGitDir()
245 let arg = get(a:, 1, 0)
250 return fugitive#Head(arg, dir)
253 function! FugitivePath(...) abort
254 if a:0 > 2 && type(a:1) ==# type({})
255 return fugitive#Path(a:2, a:3, FugitiveGitDir(a:1))
256 elseif a:0 && type(a:1) ==# type({})
257 return FugitiveReal(a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : @%)
259 return fugitive#Path(a:1, a:2, FugitiveGitDir(a:0 > 2 ? a:3 : -1))
261 return FugitiveReal(a:0 ? a:1 : @%)
265 function! FugitiveStatusline(...) abort
266 if empty(FugitiveGitDir(bufnr('')))
269 return fugitive#Statusline()
272 let s:resolved_git_dirs = {}
273 function! FugitiveActualDir(...) abort
274 let dir = call('FugitiveGitDir', a:000)
278 if !has_key(s:resolved_git_dirs, dir)
279 let s:resolved_git_dirs[dir] = s:ResolveGitDir(dir)
281 return empty(s:resolved_git_dirs[dir]) ? dir : s:resolved_git_dirs[dir]
284 let s:commondirs = {}
285 function! FugitiveCommonDir(...) abort
286 let dir = call('FugitiveActualDir', a:000)
290 if has_key(s:commondirs, dir)
291 return s:commondirs[dir]
293 if getfsize(dir . '/HEAD') >= 10
294 let cdir = get(s:ReadFile(dir . '/commondir', 1), 0, '')
295 if cdir =~# '^/\|^\a:/'
296 let s:commondirs[dir] = s:Slash(FugitiveVimPath(cdir))
298 let s:commondirs[dir] = simplify(dir . '/' . cdir)
300 let s:commondirs[dir] = dir
303 let s:commondirs[dir] = dir
305 return s:commondirs[dir]
308 function! FugitiveWorkTree(...) abort
309 let tree = s:Tree(FugitiveGitDir(a:0 ? a:1 : -1))
310 if tree isnot# 0 || a:0 > 1
317 function! FugitiveIsGitDir(...) abort
318 if !a:0 || type(a:1) !=# type('')
319 return !empty(call('FugitiveGitDir', a:000))
321 let path = substitute(a:1, '[\/]$', '', '') . '/'
322 return len(path) && getfsize(path.'HEAD') > 10 && (
323 \ isdirectory(path.'objects') && isdirectory(path.'refs') ||
324 \ getftype(path.'commondir') ==# 'file')
327 function! s:ReadFile(path, line_count) abort
328 if v:version < 800 && !filereadable(a:path)
332 return readfile(a:path, 'b', a:line_count)
338 let s:worktree_for_dir = {}
339 let s:dir_for_worktree = {}
340 function! s:Tree(path) abort
341 if a:path =~# '/\.git$'
342 return len(a:path) ==# 5 ? '/' : a:path[0:-6]
346 let dir = FugitiveActualDir(a:path)
347 if !has_key(s:worktree_for_dir, dir)
348 let s:worktree_for_dir[dir] = ''
349 let ext_wtc_pat = 'v:val =~# "^\\s*worktreeConfig *= *\\%(true\\|yes\\|on\\|1\\) *$"'
350 let config = s:ReadFile(dir . '/config', 50)
352 let ext_wtc_config = filter(copy(config), ext_wtc_pat)
353 if len(ext_wtc_config) == 1 && filereadable(dir . '/config.worktree')
354 let config += s:ReadFile(dir . '/config.worktree', 50)
357 let worktree = fnamemodify(FugitiveVimPath(get(s:ReadFile(dir . '/gitdir', 1), '0', '')), ':h')
361 if len(filter(s:ReadFile(FugitiveCommonDir(dir) . '/config', 50), ext_wtc_pat))
362 let config = s:ReadFile(dir . '/config.worktree', 50)
366 let wt_config = filter(copy(config), 'v:val =~# "^\\s*worktree *="')
368 let worktree = FugitiveVimPath(matchstr(wt_config[0], '= *\zs.*'))
369 elseif !exists('worktree')
370 call filter(config,'v:val =~# "^\\s*bare *= *true *$"')
372 let s:worktree_for_dir[dir] = 0
376 if exists('worktree')
377 let s:worktree_for_dir[dir] = s:Slash(resolve(worktree))
378 let s:dir_for_worktree[s:worktree_for_dir[dir]] = dir
381 if s:worktree_for_dir[dir] =~# '^\.'
382 return simplify(dir . '/' . s:worktree_for_dir[dir])
384 return s:worktree_for_dir[dir]
388 function! s:CeilingDirectories() abort
389 if !exists('s:ceiling_directories')
390 let s:ceiling_directories = []
392 for dir in split($GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES, has('win32') ? ';' : ':', 1)
396 call add(s:ceiling_directories, s:Slash(resolve(dir)))
398 call add(s:ceiling_directories, s:Slash(dir))
402 return s:ceiling_directories + get(g:, 'ceiling_directories', [s:Slash(fnamemodify(expand('~'), ':h'))])
405 function! s:ResolveGitDir(git_dir) abort
406 let type = getftype(a:git_dir)
407 if type ==# 'dir' && FugitiveIsGitDir(a:git_dir)
409 elseif type ==# 'link' && FugitiveIsGitDir(a:git_dir)
410 return resolve(a:git_dir)
412 let line = get(s:ReadFile(a:git_dir, 1), 0, '')
413 let file_dir = s:Slash(FugitiveVimPath(matchstr(line, '^gitdir: \zs.*')))
414 if file_dir !~# '^/\|^\a:\|^$' && a:git_dir =~# '/\.git$' && FugitiveIsGitDir(a:git_dir[0:-5] . file_dir)
415 return simplify(a:git_dir[0:-5] . file_dir)
416 elseif file_dir =~# '^/\|^\a:' && FugitiveIsGitDir(file_dir)
423 function! FugitiveExtractGitDir(path) abort
424 if type(a:path) ==# type({})
425 return get(a:path, 'fugitive_dir', get(a:path, 'git_dir', ''))
426 elseif type(a:path) == type(0)
427 let path = s:Slash(a:path > 0 ? bufname(a:path) : bufname(''))
428 if getbufvar(a:path, '&filetype') ==# 'netrw'
429 let path = s:Slash(getbufvar(a:path, 'netrw_curdir', path))
432 let path = s:Slash(a:path)
434 if path =~# '^fugitive://'
435 return fugitive#Parse(path)[1]
439 let pre = substitute(matchstr(path, '^\a\a\+\ze:'), '^.', '\u&', '')
440 if len(pre) && exists('*' . pre . 'Real')
441 let path = {pre}Real(path)
443 let root = s:Slash(fnamemodify(path, ':p:h'))
445 let env_git_dir = len($GIT_DIR) ? s:Slash(simplify(fnamemodify(FugitiveVimPath($GIT_DIR), ':p:s?[\/]$??'))) : ''
446 call s:Tree(env_git_dir)
447 let ceiling_directories = s:CeilingDirectories()
448 while root !=# previous && root !~# '^$\|^//[^/]*$'
449 if index(ceiling_directories, root) >= 0
452 if root ==# $GIT_WORK_TREE && FugitiveIsGitDir(env_git_dir)
454 elseif has_key(s:dir_for_worktree, root)
455 return s:dir_for_worktree[root]
457 let dir = substitute(root, '[\/]$', '', '') . '/.git'
458 let resolved = s:ResolveGitDir(dir)
460 let s:resolved_git_dirs[dir] = resolved
461 return dir is# resolved || s:Tree(resolved) is# 0 ? dir : resolved
462 elseif FugitiveIsGitDir(root)
463 let s:resolved_git_dirs[root] = root
467 let root = fnamemodify(root, ':h')
472 function! FugitiveDetect(...) abort
476 if exists('b:git_dir') && b:git_dir =~# '^$\|' . s:bad_git_dir
479 if !exists('b:git_dir')
480 let b:git_dir = FugitiveExtractGitDir(a:0 ? a:1 : bufnr(''))
485 function! FugitiveGitPath(path) abort
486 return s:Slash(a:path)
489 if exists('+shellslash')
491 function! s:Slash(path) abort
492 return tr(a:path, '\', '/')
495 function! s:VimSlash(path) abort
496 return tr(a:path, '\/', &shellslash ? '//' : '\\')
499 function FugitiveVimPath(path) abort
500 return tr(a:path, '\/', &shellslash ? '//' : '\\')
505 function! s:Slash(path) abort
509 function! s:VimSlash(path) abort
513 if has('win32unix') && filereadable('/git-bash.exe')
514 function! FugitiveVimPath(path) abort
515 return substitute(a:path, '^\(\a\):', '/\l\1', '')
518 function! FugitiveVimPath(path) abort
525 function! s:ProjectionistDetect() abort
526 let file = s:Slash(get(g:, 'projectionist_file', ''))
527 let dir = FugitiveExtractGitDir(file)
528 let base = matchstr(file, '^fugitive://.\{-\}//\x\+')
530 let base = s:Tree(dir)
533 if exists('+shellslash') && !&shellslash
534 let base = tr(base, '/', '\')
536 let file = FugitiveFind('.git/info/projections.json', dir)
537 if filereadable(file)
538 call projectionist#append(base, file)
543 let s:addr_other = has('patch-8.1.560') || has('nvim-0.5.0') ? '-addr=other' : ''
544 let s:addr_tabs = has('patch-7.4.542') ? '-addr=tabs' : ''
545 let s:addr_wins = has('patch-7.4.542') ? '-addr=windows' : ''
548 command! -bang -nargs=? -range=-1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#Complete G exe fugitive#Command(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)
550 command! -bang -nargs=? -range=-1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#Complete Git exe fugitive#Command(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)
552 if exists(':Gstatus') != 2 && get(g:, 'fugitive_legacy_commands', 0)
553 exe 'command! -bang -bar -range=-1' s:addr_other 'Gstatus exe fugitive#Command(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
554 \ '|echohl WarningMSG|echomsg ":Gstatus is deprecated in favor of :Git (with no arguments)"|echohl NONE'
557 for s:cmd in ['Commit', 'Revert', 'Merge', 'Rebase', 'Pull', 'Push', 'Fetch', 'Blame']
558 if exists(':G' . tolower(s:cmd)) != 2 && get(g:, 'fugitive_legacy_commands', 0)
559 exe 'command! -bang -nargs=? -range=-1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#' . s:cmd . 'Complete G' . tolower(s:cmd)
560 \ 'echohl WarningMSG|echomsg ":G' . tolower(s:cmd) . ' is deprecated in favor of :Git ' . tolower(s:cmd) . '"|echohl NONE|'
561 \ 'exe fugitive#Command(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", "' . tolower(s:cmd) . ' " . <q-args>)'
566 exe "command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,fugitive#CdComplete Gcd exe fugitive#Cd(<q-args>, 0)"
567 exe "command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,fugitive#CdComplete Glcd exe fugitive#Cd(<q-args>, 1)"
569 exe 'command! -bang -nargs=? -range=-1' s:addr_wins '-complete=customlist,fugitive#GrepComplete Ggrep exe fugitive#GrepCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
570 exe 'command! -bang -nargs=? -range=-1' s:addr_wins '-complete=customlist,fugitive#GrepComplete Glgrep exe fugitive#GrepCommand(0, <count> > 0 ? <count> : 0, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
572 exe 'command! -bang -nargs=? -range=-1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#LogComplete Gclog :exe fugitive#LogCommand(<line1>,<count>,+"<range>",<bang>0,"<mods>",<q-args>, "c")'
573 exe 'command! -bang -nargs=? -range=-1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#LogComplete GcLog :exe fugitive#LogCommand(<line1>,<count>,+"<range>",<bang>0,"<mods>",<q-args>, "c")'
574 exe 'command! -bang -nargs=? -range=-1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#LogComplete Gllog :exe fugitive#LogCommand(<line1>,<count>,+"<range>",<bang>0,"<mods>",<q-args>, "l")'
575 exe 'command! -bang -nargs=? -range=-1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#LogComplete GlLog :exe fugitive#LogCommand(<line1>,<count>,+"<range>",<bang>0,"<mods>",<q-args>, "l")'
577 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Ge exe fugitive#Open("edit<bang>", 0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
578 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Gedit exe fugitive#Open("edit<bang>", 0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
579 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Gpedit exe fugitive#Open("pedit", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
580 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -range=-1' s:addr_other '-complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Gsplit exe fugitive#Open((<count> > 0 ? <count> : "").(<count> ? "split" : "edit"), <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
581 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -range=-1' s:addr_other '-complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Gvsplit exe fugitive#Open((<count> > 0 ? <count> : "").(<count> ? "vsplit" : "edit!"), <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
582 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -range=-1' s:addr_tabs '-complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Gtabedit exe fugitive#Open((<count> >= 0 ? <count> : "")."tabedit", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
583 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Gdrop exe fugitive#DropCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
585 if exists(':Gr') != 2
586 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -range=-1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#ReadComplete Gr exe fugitive#ReadCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
588 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -range=-1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#ReadComplete Gread exe fugitive#ReadCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
590 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Gdiffsplit exe fugitive#Diffsplit(1, <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
591 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Ghdiffsplit exe fugitive#Diffsplit(0, <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
592 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Gvdiffsplit exe fugitive#Diffsplit(0, <bang>0, "vertical <mods>", <q-args>)'
594 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Gw exe fugitive#WriteCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
595 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Gwrite exe fugitive#WriteCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
596 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#EditComplete Gwq exe fugitive#WqCommand( <line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
598 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=0 GRemove exe fugitive#RemoveCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
599 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=0 GUnlink exe fugitive#UnlinkCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
600 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=0 GDelete exe fugitive#DeleteCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
601 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#CompleteObject GMove exe fugitive#MoveCommand( <line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
602 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#RenameComplete GRename exe fugitive#RenameCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
603 if exists(':Gremove') != 2 && get(g:, 'fugitive_legacy_commands', 0)
604 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=0 Gremove exe fugitive#RemoveCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
605 \ '|echohl WarningMSG|echomsg ":Gremove is deprecated in favor of :GRemove"|echohl NONE'
606 elseif exists(':Gremove') != 2 && !exists('g:fugitive_legacy_commands')
607 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=0 Gremove echoerr ":Gremove has been removed in favor of :GRemove"'
609 if exists(':Gdelete') != 2 && get(g:, 'fugitive_legacy_commands', 0)
610 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=0 Gdelete exe fugitive#DeleteCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
611 \ '|echohl WarningMSG|echomsg ":Gdelete is deprecated in favor of :GDelete"|echohl NONE'
612 elseif exists(':Gdelete') != 2 && !exists('g:fugitive_legacy_commands')
613 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=0 Gdelete echoerr ":Gdelete has been removed in favor of :GDelete"'
615 if exists(':Gmove') != 2 && get(g:, 'fugitive_legacy_commands', 0)
616 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#CompleteObject Gmove exe fugitive#MoveCommand( <line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
617 \ '|echohl WarningMSG|echomsg ":Gmove is deprecated in favor of :GMove"|echohl NONE'
618 elseif exists(':Gmove') != 2 && !exists('g:fugitive_legacy_commands')
619 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,fugitive#CompleteObject Gmove'
620 \ 'echoerr ":Gmove has been removed in favor of :GMove"'
622 if exists(':Grename') != 2 && get(g:, 'fugitive_legacy_commands', 0)
623 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,fugitive#RenameComplete Grename exe fugitive#RenameCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
624 \ '|echohl WarningMSG|echomsg ":Grename is deprecated in favor of :GRename"|echohl NONE'
625 elseif exists(':Grename') != 2 && !exists('g:fugitive_legacy_commands')
626 exe 'command! -bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,fugitive#RenameComplete Grename'
627 \ 'echoerr ":Grename has been removed in favor of :GRename"'
630 exe 'command! -bar -bang -range=-1 -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#CompleteObject GBrowse exe fugitive#BrowseCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
631 if exists(':Gbrowse') != 2 && get(g:, 'fugitive_legacy_commands', 0)
632 exe 'command! -bar -bang -range=-1 -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#CompleteObject Gbrowse exe fugitive#BrowseCommand(<line1>, <count>, +"<range>", <bang>0, "<mods>", <q-args>)'
633 \ '|if <bang>1|redraw!|endif|echohl WarningMSG|echomsg ":Gbrowse is deprecated in favor of :GBrowse"|echohl NONE'
634 elseif exists(':Gbrowse') != 2 && !exists('g:fugitive_legacy_commands')
635 exe 'command! -bar -bang -range=-1 -nargs=* -complete=customlist,fugitive#CompleteObject Gbrowse'
636 \ 'echoerr ":Gbrowse has been removed in favor of :GBrowse"'
643 let g:io_fugitive = {
644 \ 'simplify': function('fugitive#simplify'),
645 \ 'resolve': function('fugitive#resolve'),
646 \ 'getftime': function('fugitive#getftime'),
647 \ 'getfsize': function('fugitive#getfsize'),
648 \ 'getftype': function('fugitive#getftype'),
649 \ 'filereadable': function('fugitive#filereadable'),
650 \ 'filewritable': function('fugitive#filewritable'),
651 \ 'isdirectory': function('fugitive#isdirectory'),
652 \ 'getfperm': function('fugitive#getfperm'),
653 \ 'setfperm': function('fugitive#setfperm'),
654 \ 'readfile': function('fugitive#readfile'),
655 \ 'writefile': function('fugitive#writefile'),
656 \ 'glob': function('fugitive#glob'),
657 \ 'delete': function('fugitive#delete'),
658 \ 'Real': function('FugitiveReal')}
663 autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *
664 \ if exists('b:git_dir') && b:git_dir =~# '^$\|' . s:bad_git_dir |
667 autocmd FileType netrw
668 \ if exists('b:git_dir') && b:git_dir =~# '^$\|' . s:bad_git_dir |
671 autocmd BufFilePost * unlet! b:git_dir
674 \ call fugitive#MapCfile()
675 autocmd FileType gitcommit
676 \ call fugitive#MapCfile('fugitive#MessageCfile()')
677 autocmd FileType git,gitcommit
678 \ if &foldtext ==# 'foldtext()' |
679 \ setlocal foldtext=fugitive#Foldtext() |
681 autocmd FileType fugitive
682 \ call fugitive#MapCfile('fugitive#PorcelainCfile()')
683 autocmd FileType gitrebase
684 \ let &l:include = '^\%(pick\|squash\|edit\|reword\|fixup\|drop\|[pserfd]\)\>' |
685 \ if &l:includeexpr !~# 'Fugitive' |
686 \ let &l:includeexpr = 'v:fname =~# ''^\x\{4,\}$'' && len(FugitiveGitDir()) ? FugitiveFind(v:fname) : ' .
687 \ (len(&l:includeexpr) ? &l:includeexpr : 'v:fname') |
689 \ let b:undo_ftplugin = get(b:, 'undo_ftplugin', 'exe') . '|setl inex= inc='
691 autocmd BufReadCmd index{,.lock} nested
692 \ if FugitiveIsGitDir(expand('<amatch>:p:h')) |
693 \ let b:git_dir = s:Slash(expand('<amatch>:p:h')) |
694 \ exe fugitive#BufReadStatus(v:cmdbang) |
695 \ echohl WarningMSG |
696 \ echo "fugitive: Direct editing of .git/" . expand('%:t') . " is deprecated" |
698 \ elseif filereadable(expand('<amatch>')) |
699 \ silent doautocmd BufReadPre |
700 \ keepalt noautocmd read <amatch> |
702 \ silent doautocmd BufReadPost |
704 \ silent doautocmd BufNewFile |
707 autocmd BufReadCmd fugitive://* nested exe fugitive#BufReadCmd() |
708 \ if &path =~# '^\.\%(,\|$\)' |
709 \ let &l:path = substitute(&path, '^\.,\=', '', '') |
711 autocmd BufWriteCmd fugitive://* nested exe fugitive#BufWriteCmd()
712 autocmd FileReadCmd fugitive://* nested exe fugitive#FileReadCmd()
713 autocmd FileWriteCmd fugitive://* nested exe fugitive#FileWriteCmd()
714 if exists('##SourceCmd')
715 autocmd SourceCmd fugitive://* nested exe fugitive#SourceCmd()
718 autocmd User Flags call Hoist('buffer', function('FugitiveStatusline'))
720 autocmd User ProjectionistDetect call s:ProjectionistDetect()
723 nmap <script><silent> <Plug>fugitive:y<C-G> :<C-U>call setreg(v:register, fugitive#Object(@%))<CR>
724 nmap <script> <Plug>fugitive: <Nop>
726 if get(g:, 'fugitive_no_maps')
730 function! s:Map(mode, lhs, rhs, flags) abort
731 let flags = a:flags . (a:rhs =~# '<Plug>' ? '' : '<script>') . '<nowait>'
734 let keys = get(g:, a:mode.'remap', {})
735 if len(keys) && type(keys) == type({})
737 if has_key(keys, head)
738 let head = keys[head]
744 let tail = matchstr(head, '<[^<>]*>$\|.$') . tail
745 let head = substitute(head, '<[^<>]*>$\|.$', '', '')
748 if empty(mapcheck(head.tail, a:mode))
749 exe a:mode.'map' flags head.tail a:rhs
753 call s:Map('c', '<C-R><C-G>', 'fnameescape(fugitive#Object(@%))', '<expr>')
754 call s:Map('n', 'y<C-G>', ':<C-U>call setreg(v:register, fugitive#Object(@%))<CR>', '<silent>')