Merge branch 'hack/autopaste'
[vim-kana.git] / src / GvimExt / Make_bc5.mak
1 ### USEDLL no for statically linked version of run-time, yes for DLL runtime
2 ### BOR path to root of Borland C install (c:\bc5)
4 ### (requires cc3250.dll be available in %PATH%)
5 !if ("$(USEDLL)"=="")
6 USEDLL = no
7 !endif
9 ### BOR: root of the BC installation
10 !if ("$(BOR)"=="")
11 BOR = c:\bc5
12 !endif
14 CC = $(BOR)\bin\Bcc32
15 BRC = $(BOR)\bin\brc32
16 LINK = $(BOR)\BIN\ILink32
17 INCLUDE = $(BOR)\include;.
18 LIB = $(BOR)\lib
20 !if ("$(USEDLL)"=="yes")
22 RT_LIB = cw32i.lib
23 !else
24 RT_DEF =
25 RT_LIB = cw32.lib
26 !endif
29 all : gvimext.dll
31 gvimext.obj : gvimext.cpp gvimext.h
32 $(CC) -tWD -I$(INCLUDE) -c -DFEAT_GETTEXT $(RT_DEF) -w- gvimext.cpp
34 gvimext.res : gvimext.rc
35 $(BRC) -r gvimext.rc
37 gvimext.dll : gvimext.obj gvimext.res
38 $(LINK) -L$(LIB) -aa gvimext.obj, gvimext.dll, , c0d32.obj $(RT_LIB) import32.lib, gvimext.def, gvimext.res
40 clean :
41 -@del gvimext.obj
42 -@del gvimext.res
43 -@del gvimext.dll