Changed return value of hinting.js to done; instead of 0.
[vimprobable2.git] / main.c
2 /*
3 (c) 2009 by Leon Winter
4 (c) 2009-2011 by Hannes Schueller
5 (c) 2009-2010 by Matto Fransen
6 (c) 2010-2011 by Hans-Peter Deifel
7 (c) 2010-2011 by Thomas Adam
8 (c) 2011 by Albert Kim
9 see LICENSE file
12 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
13 #include "includes.h"
14 #include "vimprobable.h"
15 #include "utilities.h"
16 #include "callbacks.h"
17 #include "javascript.h"
19 /* the CLEAN_MOD_*_MASK defines have all the bits set that will be stripped from the modifier bit field */
23 /* remove unused bits, numlock symbol and buttons from keymask */
26 #define IS_ESCAPE(event) (IS_ESCAPE_KEY(CLEAN(event->state), event->keyval))
27 #define IS_ESCAPE_KEY(s, k) ((s == 0 && k == GDK_Escape) || \
28 (s == GDK_CONTROL_MASK && k == GDK_bracketleft))
30 /* callbacks here */
31 static void inputbox_activate_cb(GtkEntry *entry, gpointer user_data);
32 static gboolean inputbox_keypress_cb(GtkEntry *entry, GdkEventKey *event);
33 static gboolean inputbox_keyrelease_cb(GtkEntry *entry, GdkEventKey *event);
34 static gboolean inputbox_changed_cb(GtkEditable *entry, gpointer user_data);
35 static WebKitWebView* inspector_inspect_web_view_cb(gpointer inspector, WebKitWebView* web_view);
36 static gboolean notify_event_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer user_data);
37 static gboolean webview_console_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, char *message, int line, char *source, gpointer user_data);
38 static gboolean webview_download_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitDownload *download, gpointer user_data);
39 static void webview_hoverlink_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, char *title, char *link, gpointer data);
40 static gboolean webview_keypress_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, GdkEventKey *event);
41 static void webview_load_committed_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, gpointer user_data);
42 static void webview_load_finished_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, gpointer user_data);
43 static gboolean webview_mimetype_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, WebKitNetworkRequest *request,
44 char *mime_type, WebKitWebPolicyDecision *decision, gpointer user_data);
45 static gboolean webview_new_window_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, WebKitNetworkRequest *request,
46 WebKitWebNavigationAction *action, WebKitWebPolicyDecision *decision, gpointer user_data);
47 static gboolean webview_open_in_new_window_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, gpointer user_data);
48 static void webview_progress_changed_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, int progress, gpointer user_data);
49 static void webview_title_changed_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, char *title, gpointer user_data);
50 static void window_destroyed_cb(GtkWidget *window, gpointer func_data);
52 /* functions */
53 static gboolean bookmark(const Arg *arg);
54 static gboolean browser_settings(const Arg *arg);
55 static gboolean commandhistoryfetch(const Arg *arg);
56 static gboolean complete(const Arg *arg);
57 static gboolean descend(const Arg *arg);
58 gboolean echo(const Arg *arg);
59 static gboolean focus_input(const Arg *arg);
60 static gboolean input(const Arg *arg);
61 static gboolean navigate(const Arg *arg);
62 static gboolean number(const Arg *arg);
63 static gboolean open_arg(const Arg *arg);
64 static gboolean open_remembered(const Arg *arg);
65 static gboolean paste(const Arg *arg);
66 static gboolean quickmark(const Arg *arg);
67 static gboolean quit(const Arg *arg);
68 static gboolean revive(const Arg *arg);
69 static gboolean print_frame(const Arg *arg);
70 static gboolean search(const Arg *arg);
71 static gboolean set(const Arg *arg);
72 static gboolean script(const Arg *arg);
73 static gboolean scroll(const Arg *arg);
74 static gboolean search_tag(const Arg *arg);
75 static gboolean yank(const Arg *arg);
76 static gboolean view_source(const Arg * arg);
77 static gboolean zoom(const Arg *arg);
78 static gboolean fake_key_event(const Arg *arg);
80 static void update_url(const char *uri);
81 static void setup_modkeys(void);
82 static void setup_gui(void);
83 static void setup_settings(void);
84 static void setup_signals(void);
85 static void ascii_bar(int total, int state, char *string);
86 static gchar *jsapi_ref_to_string(JSContextRef context, JSValueRef ref);
87 static void jsapi_evaluate_script(const gchar *script, gchar **value, gchar **message);
88 static void download_progress(WebKitDownload *d, GParamSpec *pspec);
89 static void set_widget_font_and_color(GtkWidget *widget, const char *font_str,
90 const char *bg_color_str, const char *fg_color_str);
92 static gboolean history(void);
93 static gboolean process_set_line(char *line);
94 void save_command_history(char *line);
95 void toggle_proxy(gboolean onoff);
96 void toggle_scrollbars(gboolean onoff);
98 gboolean process_keypress(GdkEventKey *event);
99 void fill_suggline(char * suggline, const char * command, const char *fill_with);
100 GtkWidget * fill_eventbox(const char * completion_line);
101 static void mop_up(void);
103 #include "main.h"
105 /* variables */
106 static GtkWindow *window;
107 static GtkWidget *viewport;
108 static GtkBox *box;
109 static GtkScrollbar *scroll_h;
110 static GtkScrollbar *scroll_v;
111 static GtkAdjustment *adjust_h;
112 static GtkAdjustment *adjust_v;
113 static GtkWidget *inputbox;
114 static GtkWidget *eventbox;
115 static GtkBox *statusbar;
116 static GtkWidget *status_url;
117 static GtkWidget *status_state;
118 static WebKitWebView *webview;
119 static SoupSession *session;
120 static GtkClipboard *clipboards[2];
122 static char **args;
123 static unsigned int mode = ModeNormal;
124 static unsigned int count = 0;
125 static float zoomstep;
126 static char *modkeys;
127 static char current_modkey;
128 static char *search_handle;
129 static gboolean search_direction;
130 static gboolean echo_active = TRUE;
131 WebKitWebInspector *inspector;
133 static GdkNativeWindow embed = 0;
134 static char *configfile = NULL;
135 static char *winid = NULL;
137 static char rememberedURI[1024] = "";
138 static char followTarget[8] = "";
139 char *error_msg = NULL;
141 GList *activeDownloads;
143 #include "config.h"
144 #include "keymap.h"
146 char commandhistory[COMMANDHISTSIZE][255];
147 int lastcommand = 0;
148 int maxcommands = 0;
149 int commandpointer = 0;
150 KeyList *keylistroot = NULL;
152 /* Cookie support. */
154 static SoupCookieJar *session_cookie_jar = NULL;
155 static SoupCookieJar *file_cookie_jar = NULL;
156 static time_t cookie_timeout = 4800;
157 static char *cookie_store;
158 static void setup_cookies(void);
159 static const char *get_cookies(SoupURI *soup_uri);
160 static void load_all_cookies(void);
161 static void new_generic_request(SoupSession *soup_ses, SoupMessage *soup_msg, gpointer unused);
162 static void update_cookie_jar(SoupCookieJar *jar, SoupCookie *old, SoupCookie *new);
163 static void handle_cookie_request(SoupMessage *soup_msg, gpointer unused);
164 #endif
165 /* callbacks */
166 void
167 window_destroyed_cb(GtkWidget *window, gpointer func_data) {
168 quit(NULL);
171 void
172 webview_title_changed_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, char *title, gpointer user_data) {
173 gtk_window_set_title(window, title);
176 void
177 webview_progress_changed_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, int progress, gpointer user_data) {
179 gtk_entry_set_progress_fraction(GTK_ENTRY(inputbox), progress == 100 ? 0 : (double)progress/100);
180 #endif
181 update_state();
185 void
186 ascii_bar(int total, int state, char *string) {
187 int i;
189 for (i = 0; i < state; i++)
190 string[i] = progressbartickchar;
191 string[i++] = progressbarcurrent;
192 for (; i < total; i++)
193 string[i] = progressbarspacer;
194 string[i] = '\0';
196 #endif
198 void
199 webview_load_committed_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, gpointer user_data) {
200 Arg a = { .i = Silent, .s = g_strdup(JS_SETUP_HINTS) };
201 const char *uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri(webview);
203 update_url(uri);
204 script(&a);
207 void
208 webview_load_finished_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, gpointer user_data) {
209 Arg a = { .i = Silent, .s = g_strdup(JS_SETUP_INPUT_FOCUS) };
212 history();
213 update_state();
214 script(&a);
217 static gboolean
218 webview_open_in_new_window_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, gpointer user_data) {
219 Arg a = { .i = TargetNew, .s = (char*)webkit_web_view_get_uri(webview) };
220 if (strlen(rememberedURI) > 0) {
221 a.s = rememberedURI;
223 open_arg(&a);
224 return FALSE;
227 gboolean
228 webview_new_window_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, WebKitNetworkRequest *request,
229 WebKitWebNavigationAction *action, WebKitWebPolicyDecision *decision, gpointer user_data) {
230 Arg a = { .i = TargetNew, .s = (char*)webkit_network_request_get_uri(request) };
231 open_arg(&a);
232 webkit_web_policy_decision_ignore(decision);
233 return TRUE;
236 gboolean
237 webview_mimetype_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitWebFrame *frame, WebKitNetworkRequest *request,
238 char *mime_type, WebKitWebPolicyDecision *decision, gpointer user_data) {
239 if (webkit_web_view_can_show_mime_type(webview, mime_type) == FALSE) {
240 webkit_web_policy_decision_download(decision);
241 return TRUE;
242 } else {
243 return FALSE;
247 static WebKitWebView*
248 inspector_inspect_web_view_cb(gpointer inspector, WebKitWebView* web_view) {
249 gchar* inspector_title;
250 GtkWidget* inspector_window;
251 GtkWidget* inspector_view;
253 /* just enough code to show the inspector - no signal handling etc. */
254 inspector_title = g_strdup_printf("Inspect page - %s - Vimprobable2", webkit_web_view_get_uri(web_view));
255 if (embed) {
256 inspector_window = gtk_plug_new(embed);
257 } else {
258 inspector_window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
259 gtk_window_set_wmclass(window, "vimprobable2", "Vimprobable2");
261 gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(inspector_window), inspector_title);
262 g_free(inspector_title);
263 inspector_view = webkit_web_view_new();
264 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(inspector_window), inspector_view);
265 gtk_widget_show_all(inspector_window);
266 return WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(inspector_view);
269 gboolean
270 webview_download_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, WebKitDownload *download, gpointer user_data) {
271 const gchar *filename;
272 gchar *uri, *path;
273 uint32_t size;
274 Arg a;
276 filename = webkit_download_get_suggested_filename(download);
277 if (filename == NULL || strlen(filename) == 0) {
278 filename = "vimprobable_download";
280 path = g_build_filename(g_strdup_printf(DOWNLOADS_PATH), filename, NULL);
281 uri = g_strconcat("file://", path, NULL);
282 webkit_download_set_destination_uri(download, uri);
283 g_free(uri);
284 size = (uint32_t)webkit_download_get_total_size(download);
285 a.i = Info;
286 if (size > 0)
287 a.s = g_strdup_printf("Download %s started (expected size: %u bytes)...", filename, size);
288 else
289 a.s = g_strdup_printf("Download %s started (unknown size)...", filename);
290 echo(&a);
291 g_free(a.s);
292 activeDownloads = g_list_prepend(activeDownloads, download);
293 g_signal_connect(download, "notify::progress", G_CALLBACK(download_progress), NULL);
294 g_signal_connect(download, "notify::status", G_CALLBACK(download_progress), NULL);
295 update_state();
296 return TRUE;
299 void
300 download_progress(WebKitDownload *d, GParamSpec *pspec) {
301 Arg a;
302 WebKitDownloadStatus status = webkit_download_get_status(d);
306 a.i = Error;
307 a.s = g_strdup_printf("Error while downloading %s", webkit_download_get_suggested_filename(d));
308 echo(&a);
309 } else {
310 a.i = Info;
311 a.s = g_strdup_printf("Download %s finished", webkit_download_get_suggested_filename(d));
312 echo(&a);
314 g_free(a.s);
315 activeDownloads = g_list_remove(activeDownloads, d);
317 update_state();
321 gboolean
322 process_keypress(GdkEventKey *event) {
323 KeyList *current;
325 current = keylistroot;
326 while (current != NULL) {
327 if (current->Element.mask == CLEAN(event->state)
328 && (current->Element.modkey == current_modkey
329 || (!current->Element.modkey && !current_modkey)
330 || current->Element.modkey == GDK_VoidSymbol ) /* wildcard */
331 && current->Element.key == event->keyval
332 && current->Element.func)
333 if (current->Element.func(&current->Element.arg)) {
334 current_modkey = count = 0;
335 update_state();
336 return TRUE;
338 current = current->next;
340 return FALSE;
343 gboolean
344 webview_keypress_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, GdkEventKey *event) {
345 Arg a = { .i = ModeNormal, .s = NULL };
347 switch (mode) {
348 case ModeNormal:
349 if (CLEAN(event->state) == 0) {
350 if (IS_ESCAPE(event)) {
351 a.i = Info;
352 a.s = g_strdup("");
353 echo(&a);
354 g_free(a.s);
355 } else if (current_modkey == 0 && ((event->keyval >= GDK_1 && event->keyval <= GDK_9)
356 || (event->keyval == GDK_0 && count))) {
357 count = (count ? count * 10 : 0) + (event->keyval - GDK_0);
358 update_state();
359 return TRUE;
360 } else if (strchr(modkeys, event->keyval) && current_modkey != event->keyval) {
361 current_modkey = event->keyval;
362 update_state();
363 return TRUE;
366 /* keybindings */
367 if (process_keypress(event) == TRUE) return TRUE;
369 break;
370 case ModeInsert:
371 if (IS_ESCAPE(event)) {
372 a.i = Silent;
373 a.s = g_strdup("hints.clearFocus();");
374 script(&a);
375 a.i = ModeNormal;
376 return set(&a);
378 case ModePassThrough:
379 if (IS_ESCAPE(event)) {
380 echo(&a);
381 set(&a);
382 return TRUE;
384 break;
385 case ModeSendKey:
386 echo(&a);
387 set(&a);
388 break;
390 return FALSE;
393 void
394 set_widget_font_and_color(GtkWidget *widget, const char *font_str, const char *bg_color_str,
395 const char *fg_color_str) {
396 GdkColor fg_color;
397 GdkColor bg_color;
398 PangoFontDescription *font;
400 font = pango_font_description_from_string(font_str);
401 gtk_widget_modify_font(widget, font);
402 pango_font_description_free(font);
404 if (fg_color_str)
405 gdk_color_parse(fg_color_str, &fg_color);
406 if (bg_color_str)
407 gdk_color_parse(bg_color_str, &bg_color);
409 gtk_widget_modify_text(widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, fg_color_str ? &fg_color : NULL);
410 gtk_widget_modify_base(widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, bg_color_str ? &bg_color : NULL);
412 return;
415 void
416 webview_hoverlink_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, char *title, char *link, gpointer data) {
417 const char *uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri(webview);
419 memset(rememberedURI, 0, 1024);
420 if (link) {
421 gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(status_url), g_markup_printf_escaped("<span font=\"%s\">Link: %s</span>", statusfont, link));
422 strncpy(rememberedURI, link, 1024);
423 } else
424 update_url(uri);
427 gboolean
428 webview_console_cb(WebKitWebView *webview, char *message, int line, char *source, gpointer user_data) {
429 Arg a;
431 /* Don't change internal mode if the browser doesn't have focus to prevent inconsistent states */
432 if (gtk_window_has_toplevel_focus(window)) {
433 if (!strcmp(message, "hintmode_off") || !strcmp(message, "insertmode_off")) {
434 a.i = ModeNormal;
435 return set(&a);
436 } else if (!strcmp(message, "insertmode_on")) {
437 a.i = ModeInsert;
438 return set(&a);
441 return FALSE;
444 void
445 inputbox_activate_cb(GtkEntry *entry, gpointer user_data) {
446 char *text;
447 guint16 length = gtk_entry_get_text_length(entry);
448 Arg a;
449 gboolean success = FALSE, forward = FALSE;
451 a.i = HideCompletion;
452 complete(&a);
453 if (length == 0)
454 return;
455 text = (char*)gtk_entry_get_text(entry);
456 if (length > 1 && text[0] == ':') {
457 success = process_line((text + 1));
458 } else if (length > 1 && ((forward = text[0] == '/') || text[0] == '?')) {
459 webkit_web_view_unmark_text_matches(webview);
461 webkit_web_view_mark_text_matches(webview, &text[1], FALSE, 0);
462 webkit_web_view_set_highlight_text_matches(webview, TRUE);
463 #endif
464 count = 0;
466 a.s =& text[1];
467 a.i = searchoptions | (forward ? DirectionForward : DirectionBackwards);
468 search(&a);
469 #else
470 search_direction = forward;
471 search_handle = g_strdup(&text[1]);
472 #endif
473 } else if (text[0] == '.' || text[0] == ',') {
474 a.i = Silent;
475 a.s = g_strdup_printf(";");
476 script(&a);
477 update_state();
478 } else
479 return;
480 if (!echo_active)
481 gtk_entry_set_text(entry, "");
482 gtk_widget_grab_focus(GTK_WIDGET(webview));
485 gboolean
486 inputbox_keypress_cb(GtkEntry *entry, GdkEventKey *event) {
487 Arg a;
488 int numval;
490 if (mode == ModeHints) {
491 if (event->keyval == GDK_Tab) {
492 a.i = Silent;
493 a.s = g_strdup_printf("hints.focusNextHint();");
494 script(&a);
495 update_state();
496 return TRUE;
498 if (event->keyval == GDK_ISO_Left_Tab) {
499 a.i = Silent;
500 a.s = g_strdup_printf("hints.focusPreviousHint();");
501 script(&a);
502 update_state();
503 return TRUE;
505 if (event->keyval == GDK_Return) {
506 a.i = Silent;
507 a.s = g_strdup_printf(";");
508 script(&a);
509 update_state();
510 return TRUE;
513 switch (event->keyval) {
514 case GDK_bracketleft:
515 case GDK_Escape:
516 if (!IS_ESCAPE(event)) break;
517 a.i = HideCompletion;
518 complete(&a);
519 a.i = ModeNormal;
520 return set(&a);
521 break;
522 case GDK_Tab:
523 a.i = DirectionNext;
524 return complete(&a);
525 break;
526 case GDK_Up:
527 a.i = DirectionPrev;
528 return commandhistoryfetch(&a);
529 break;
530 case GDK_Down:
531 a.i = DirectionNext;
532 return commandhistoryfetch(&a);
533 break;
534 case GDK_ISO_Left_Tab:
535 a.i = DirectionPrev;
536 return complete(&a);
537 break;
540 if (mode == ModeHints) {
541 if ((CLEAN(event->state) & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) &&
542 (CLEAN(event->state) & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) &&
543 (event->keyval == GDK_BackSpace)) {
544 count /= 10;
545 a.i = Silent;
546 a.s = g_strdup_printf("hints.updateHints(%d);", count);
547 script(&a);
548 update_state();
549 return TRUE;
552 numval = g_unichar_digit_value((gunichar) gdk_keyval_to_unicode(event->keyval));
553 if ((numval >= 1 && numval <= 9) || (numval == 0 && count)) {
554 /* allow a zero as non-first number */
555 count = (count ? count * 10 : 0) + numval;
556 a.i = Silent;
557 a.s = g_strdup_printf("hints.updateHints(%d);", count);
558 script(&a);
559 update_state();
560 return TRUE;
564 return FALSE;
567 gboolean
568 notify_event_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer user_data) {
569 int i;
570 if (mode == ModeNormal && event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) {
571 /* handle mouse click events */
572 for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(mouse); i++) {
573 if (mouse[i].mask == CLEAN(event->button.state)
574 && (mouse[i].modkey == current_modkey
575 || (!mouse[i].modkey && !current_modkey)
576 || mouse[i].modkey == GDK_VoidSymbol) /* wildcard */
577 && mouse[i].button == event->button.button
578 && mouse[i].func) {
579 if (mouse[i].func(&mouse[i].arg)) {
580 current_modkey = count = 0;
581 update_state();
582 return TRUE;
587 return FALSE;
590 static gboolean inputbox_keyrelease_cb(GtkEntry *entry, GdkEventKey *event) {
591 Arg a;
592 guint16 length = gtk_entry_get_text_length(entry);
594 if (!length) {
595 a.i = HideCompletion;
596 complete(&a);
597 a.i = ModeNormal;
598 return set(&a);
600 return FALSE;
603 static gboolean inputbox_changed_cb(GtkEditable *entry, gpointer user_data) {
604 Arg a;
605 char *text = (char*)gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry));
606 guint16 length = gtk_entry_get_text_length(GTK_ENTRY(entry));
607 gboolean forward = FALSE;
609 /* Update incremental search if the user changes the search text.
611 * Note: gtk_widget_is_focus() is a poor way to check if the change comes
612 * from the user. But if the entry is focused and the text is set
613 * through gtk_entry_set_text() in some asyncrounous operation,
614 * I would consider that a bug.
617 if (gtk_widget_is_focus(GTK_WIDGET(entry)) && length > 1 && ((forward = text[0] == '/') || text[0] == '?')) {
618 webkit_web_view_unmark_text_matches(webview);
619 webkit_web_view_search_text(webview, &text[1], searchoptions & CaseSensitive, forward, searchoptions & Wrapping);
620 return TRUE;
621 } else if (gtk_widget_is_focus(GTK_WIDGET(entry)) && length >= 1 &&
622 (text[0] == '.' || text[0] == ',')) {
623 a.i = Silent;
624 a.s = g_strdup("hints.clearHints();");
625 script(&a);
627 a.i = Silent;
628 switch (text[0]) {
629 case '.':
630 a.s = g_strconcat("hints.createHints('", text + 1, "', 'f');", NULL);
631 break;
633 case ',':
634 a.s = g_strconcat("hints.createHints('", text + 1, "', 'F');", NULL);
635 break;
637 script(&a);
639 return TRUE;
640 } else if (length == 0 && followTarget[0]) {
641 mode = ModeNormal;
642 a.i = Silent;
643 a.s = g_strdup("hints.clearHints();");
644 script(&a);
645 count = 0;
646 update_state();
649 return FALSE;
652 /* funcs here */
654 void fill_suggline(char * suggline, const char * command, const char *fill_with) {
655 memset(suggline, 0, 512);
656 strncpy(suggline, command, 512);
657 strncat(suggline, " ", 1);
658 strncat(suggline, fill_with, 512 - strlen(suggline) - 1);
661 GtkWidget * fill_eventbox(const char * completion_line) {
662 GtkBox * row;
663 GtkWidget *row_eventbox, *el;
664 GdkColor color;
665 char * markup;
667 row = GTK_BOX(gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0));
668 row_eventbox = gtk_event_box_new();
669 gdk_color_parse(completionbgcolor[0], &color);
670 gtk_widget_modify_bg(row_eventbox, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
671 el = gtk_label_new(NULL);
672 markup = g_strconcat("<span font=\"", completionfont[0], "\" color=\"", completioncolor[0], "\">",
673 g_markup_escape_text(completion_line, strlen(completion_line)), "</span>", NULL);
674 gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(el), markup);
675 g_free(markup);
676 gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(el), 0, 0);
677 gtk_box_pack_start(row, el, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
678 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(row_eventbox), GTK_WIDGET(row));
679 return row_eventbox;
682 gboolean
683 complete(const Arg *arg) {
684 char *str, *p, *s, *markup, *entry, *searchfor, command[32] = "", suggline[512] = "", **suggurls;
685 size_t listlen, len, cmdlen;
686 int i, spacepos;
687 Listelement *elementlist = NULL, *elementpointer;
688 gboolean highlight = FALSE;
689 GtkBox *row;
690 GtkWidget *row_eventbox, *el;
691 GtkBox *_table;
692 GdkColor color;
693 static GtkWidget *table, *top_border;
694 static char *prefix;
695 static char **suggestions;
696 static GtkWidget **widgets;
697 static int n = 0, m, current = -1;
699 str = (char*)gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(inputbox));
700 len = strlen(str);
702 /* Get the length of the list of commands for completion. We need this to
703 * malloc/realloc correctly.
705 listlen = LENGTH(commands);
707 if ((len == 0 || str[0] != ':') && arg->i != HideCompletion)
708 return TRUE;
709 if (prefix) {
710 if (arg->i != HideCompletion && widgets && current != -1 && !strcmp(&str[1], suggestions[current])) {
711 gdk_color_parse(completionbgcolor[0], &color);
712 gtk_widget_modify_bg(widgets[current], GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
713 current = (n + current + (arg->i == DirectionPrev ? -1 : 1)) % n;
714 if ((arg->i == DirectionNext && current == 0)
715 || (arg->i == DirectionPrev && current == n - 1))
716 current = -1;
717 } else {
718 free(widgets);
719 free(suggestions);
720 free(prefix);
721 gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(table));
722 gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(top_border));
723 table = NULL;
724 widgets = NULL;
725 suggestions = NULL;
726 prefix = NULL;
727 n = 0;
728 current = -1;
729 if (arg->i == HideCompletion)
730 return TRUE;
732 } else if (arg->i == HideCompletion)
733 return TRUE;
734 if (!widgets) {
735 prefix = g_strdup_printf(str);
736 widgets = malloc(sizeof(GtkWidget*) * listlen);
737 suggestions = malloc(sizeof(char*) * listlen);
738 top_border = gtk_event_box_new();
739 gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(top_border), 0, 1);
740 gdk_color_parse(completioncolor[2], &color);
741 gtk_widget_modify_bg(top_border, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
742 table = gtk_event_box_new();
743 gdk_color_parse(completionbgcolor[0], &color);
744 _table = GTK_BOX(gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0));
745 highlight = len > 1;
746 if (strchr(str, ' ') == NULL) {
747 /* command completion */
748 listlen = LENGTH(commands);
749 for (i = 0; i < listlen; i++) {
750 if (commands[i].cmd == NULL)
751 break;
752 cmdlen = strlen(commands[i].cmd);
753 if (!highlight || (n < MAX_LIST_SIZE && len - 1 <= cmdlen && !strncmp(&str[1], commands[i].cmd, len - 1))) {
754 p = s = malloc(sizeof(char*) * (highlight ? sizeof(COMPLETION_TAG_OPEN) + sizeof(COMPLETION_TAG_CLOSE) - 1 : 1) + cmdlen);
755 if (highlight) {
756 memcpy(p, COMPLETION_TAG_OPEN, sizeof(COMPLETION_TAG_OPEN) - 1);
757 memcpy((p += sizeof(COMPLETION_TAG_OPEN) - 1), &str[1], len - 1);
758 memcpy((p += len - 1), COMPLETION_TAG_CLOSE, sizeof(COMPLETION_TAG_CLOSE) - 1);
759 p += sizeof(COMPLETION_TAG_CLOSE) - 1;
761 memcpy(p, &commands[i].cmd[len - 1], cmdlen - len + 2);
762 row = GTK_BOX(gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0));
763 row_eventbox = gtk_event_box_new();
764 gtk_widget_modify_bg(row_eventbox, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
765 el = gtk_label_new(NULL);
766 markup = g_strconcat("<span font=\"", completionfont[0], "\" color=\"", completioncolor[0], "\">", s, "</span>", NULL);
767 free(s);
768 gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(el), markup);
769 g_free(markup);
770 gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(el), 0, 0);
771 gtk_box_pack_start(row, el, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
772 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(row_eventbox), GTK_WIDGET(row));
773 gtk_box_pack_start(_table, GTK_WIDGET(row_eventbox), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
774 suggestions[n] = commands[i].cmd;
775 widgets[n++] = row_eventbox;
778 } else {
779 entry = (char *)malloc(512 * sizeof(char));
780 if (entry == NULL) {
781 return FALSE;
783 memset(entry, 0, 512);
784 suggurls = malloc(sizeof(char*) * listlen);
785 if (suggurls == NULL) {
786 return FALSE;
788 spacepos = strcspn(str, " ");
789 searchfor = (str + spacepos + 1);
790 strncpy(command, (str + 1), spacepos - 1);
791 if (strlen(command) == 3 && strncmp(command, "set", 3) == 0) {
792 /* browser settings */
793 listlen = LENGTH(browsersettings);
794 for (i = 0; i < listlen; i++) {
795 if (n < MAX_LIST_SIZE && strstr(browsersettings[i].name, searchfor) != NULL) {
796 /* match */
797 fill_suggline(suggline, command, browsersettings[i].name);
798 suggurls[n] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 512 + 1);
799 strncpy(suggurls[n], suggline, 512);
800 suggestions[n] = suggurls[n];
801 row_eventbox = fill_eventbox(suggline);
802 gtk_box_pack_start(_table, GTK_WIDGET(row_eventbox), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
803 widgets[n++] = row_eventbox;
807 } else if (strlen(command) == 2 && strncmp(command, "qt", 2) == 0) {
808 /* completion on tags */
809 spacepos = strcspn(str, " ");
810 searchfor = (str + spacepos + 1);
811 elementlist = complete_list(searchfor, 1, elementlist);
812 } else {
813 /* URL completion: bookmarks */
814 elementlist = complete_list(searchfor, 0, elementlist);
815 m = count_list(elementlist);
816 if (m < MAX_LIST_SIZE) {
817 /* URL completion: history */
818 elementlist = complete_list(searchfor, 2, elementlist);
821 elementpointer = elementlist;
822 while (elementpointer != NULL) {
823 fill_suggline(suggline, command, elementpointer->element);
824 suggurls[n] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 512 + 1);
825 strncpy(suggurls[n], suggline, 512);
826 suggestions[n] = suggurls[n];
827 row_eventbox = fill_eventbox(suggline);
828 gtk_box_pack_start(_table, GTK_WIDGET(row_eventbox), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
829 widgets[n++] = row_eventbox;
830 elementpointer = elementpointer->next;
831 if (n >= MAX_LIST_SIZE)
832 break;
834 free_list(elementlist);
835 if (suggurls != NULL) {
836 free(suggurls);
837 suggurls = NULL;
839 if (entry != NULL) {
840 free(entry);
841 entry = NULL;
844 /* TA: FIXME - this needs rethinking entirely. */
846 GtkWidget **widgets_temp = realloc(widgets, sizeof(*widgets) * n);
847 if (widgets_temp == NULL && widgets == NULL) {
848 fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't realloc() widgets\n");
849 exit(1);
851 widgets = widgets_temp;
852 char **suggestions_temp = realloc(suggestions, sizeof(*suggestions) * n);
853 if (suggestions_temp == NULL && suggestions == NULL) {
854 fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't realloc() suggestions\n");
855 exit(1);
857 suggestions = suggestions_temp;
859 if (!n) {
860 gdk_color_parse(completionbgcolor[1], &color);
861 gtk_widget_modify_bg(table, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
862 el = gtk_label_new(NULL);
863 gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(el), 0, 0);
864 markup = g_strconcat("<span font=\"", completionfont[1], "\" color=\"", completioncolor[1], "\">No Completions</span>", NULL);
865 gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(el), markup);
866 g_free(markup);
867 gtk_box_pack_start(_table, GTK_WIDGET(el), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
869 gtk_box_pack_start(box, GTK_WIDGET(top_border), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
870 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(table), GTK_WIDGET(_table));
871 gtk_box_pack_start(box, GTK_WIDGET(table), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
872 gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(window));
873 if (!n)
874 return TRUE;
875 current = arg->i == DirectionPrev ? n - 1 : 0;
877 if (current != -1) {
878 gdk_color_parse(completionbgcolor[2], &color);
879 gtk_widget_modify_bg(GTK_WIDGET(widgets[current]), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
880 s = g_strconcat(":", suggestions[current], NULL);
881 gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(inputbox), s);
882 g_free(s);
883 } else
884 gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(inputbox), prefix);
885 gtk_editable_set_position(GTK_EDITABLE(inputbox), -1);
886 return TRUE;
889 gboolean
890 descend(const Arg *arg) {
891 char *source = (char*)webkit_web_view_get_uri(webview), *p = &source[0], *new;
892 int i, len;
893 count = count ? count : 1;
895 if (!source)
896 return TRUE;
897 if (arg->i == Rootdir) {
898 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) /* get to the third slash */
899 if (!(p = strchr(++p, '/')))
900 return TRUE; /* if we cannot find it quit */
901 } else {
902 len = strlen(source);
903 if (!len) /* if string is empty quit */
904 return TRUE;
905 p = source + len; /* start at the end */
906 if (*(p - 1) == '/') /* /\/$/ is not an additional level */
907 ++count;
908 for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
909 while(*(p--) != '/' || *p == '/') /* count /\/+/ as one slash */
910 if (p == source) /* if we reach the first char pointer quit */
911 return TRUE;
912 ++p; /* since we do p-- in the while, we are pointing at
913 the char before the slash, so +1 */
915 len = p - source + 1; /* new length = end - start + 1 */
916 new = malloc(len + 1);
917 memcpy(new, source, len);
918 new[len] = '\0';
919 webkit_web_view_load_uri(webview, new);
920 free(new);
921 return TRUE;
924 gboolean
925 echo(const Arg *arg) {
926 int index = !arg->s ? 0 : arg->i & (~NoAutoHide);
928 if (index < Info || index > Error)
929 return TRUE;
931 set_widget_font_and_color(inputbox, urlboxfont[index], urlboxbgcolor[index], urlboxcolor[index]);
932 gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(inputbox), !arg->s ? "" : arg->s);
934 return TRUE;
937 gboolean
938 input(const Arg *arg) {
939 int pos = 0;
940 count = 0;
941 const char *url;
942 int index = Info;
943 Arg a;
945 /* if inputbox hidden, show it again */
946 if (!gtk_widget_get_visible(inputbox))
947 gtk_widget_set_visible(inputbox, TRUE);
949 update_state();
951 /* Set the colour and font back to the default, so that we don't still
952 * maintain a red colour from a warning from an end of search indicator,
953 * etc.
955 set_widget_font_and_color(inputbox, urlboxfont[index], urlboxbgcolor[index], urlboxcolor[index]);
957 if (arg->s[0] == '.' || arg->s[0] == ',') {
958 mode = ModeHints;
959 memset(followTarget, 0, 8);
960 strncpy(followTarget, "current", 8);
961 a.i = Silent;
962 switch (arg->s[0]) {
963 case '.':
964 a.s = g_strdup("hints.createHints('', 'f');");
965 break;
967 case ',':
968 a.s = g_strdup("hints.createHints('', 'F');");
969 break;
971 script(&a);
974 /* to avoid things like :open URL :open URL2 or :open :open URL */
975 gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(inputbox), "");
976 gtk_editable_insert_text(GTK_EDITABLE(inputbox), arg->s, -1, &pos);
977 if (arg->i & InsertCurrentURL && (url = webkit_web_view_get_uri(webview)))
978 gtk_editable_insert_text(GTK_EDITABLE(inputbox), url, -1, &pos);
979 gtk_widget_grab_focus(inputbox);
980 gtk_editable_set_position(GTK_EDITABLE(inputbox), -1);
982 return TRUE;
985 gboolean
986 navigate(const Arg *arg) {
987 if (arg->i & NavigationForwardBack)
988 webkit_web_view_go_back_or_forward(webview, (arg->i == NavigationBack ? -1 : 1) * (count ? count : 1));
989 else if (arg->i & NavigationReloadActions)
990 (arg->i == NavigationReload ? webkit_web_view_reload : webkit_web_view_reload_bypass_cache)(webview);
991 else
992 webkit_web_view_stop_loading(webview);
993 return TRUE;
996 gboolean
997 number(const Arg *arg) {
998 const char *source = webkit_web_view_get_uri(webview);
999 char *uri, *p, *new;
1000 int number, diff = (count ? count : 1) * (arg->i == Increment ? 1 : -1);
1002 if (!source)
1003 return TRUE;
1004 uri = g_strdup_printf(source); /* copy string */
1005 p =& uri[0];
1006 while(*p != '\0') /* goto the end of the string */
1007 ++p;
1008 --p;
1009 while(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') /* go back until non number char is reached */
1010 --p;
1011 if (*(++p) == '\0') { /* if no numbers were found abort */
1012 free(uri);
1013 return TRUE;
1015 number = atoi(p) + diff; /* apply diff on number */
1016 *p = '\0';
1017 new = g_strdup_printf("%s%d", uri, number); /* create new uri */
1018 webkit_web_view_load_uri(webview, new);
1019 g_free(new);
1020 free(uri);
1021 return TRUE;
1024 gboolean
1025 open_arg(const Arg *arg) {
1026 char *argv[6];
1027 char *s = arg->s, *p = NULL, *new;
1028 Arg a = { .i = NavigationReload };
1029 int len;
1030 char *search_uri, *search_term;
1032 if (embed) {
1033 argv[0] = *args;
1034 argv[1] = "-e";
1035 argv[2] = winid;
1036 argv[3] = arg->s;
1037 argv[4] = NULL;
1038 } else {
1039 argv[0] = *args;
1040 argv[1] = arg->s;
1041 argv[2] = NULL;
1044 if (!arg->s)
1045 navigate(&a);
1046 else if (arg->i == TargetCurrent) {
1047 while(*s == ' ') /* strip leading whitespace */
1048 ++s;
1049 p = (s + strlen(s) - 1);
1050 while(*p == ' ') /* strip trailing whitespace */
1051 --p;
1052 *(p + 1) = '\0';
1053 len = strlen(s);
1054 new = NULL, p = strchr(s, ' ');
1055 if (p) { /* check for search engines */
1056 *p = '\0';
1057 search_uri = find_uri_for_searchengine(s);
1058 if (search_uri != NULL) {
1059 search_term = soup_uri_encode(p+1, "&");
1060 new = g_strdup_printf(search_uri, search_term);
1061 g_free(search_term);
1063 *p = ' ';
1065 if (!new) {
1066 if (len > 3 && strstr(s, "://")) { /* valid url? */
1067 p = new = g_malloc(len + 1);
1068 while(*s != '\0') { /* strip whitespaces */
1069 if (*s != ' ')
1070 *(p++) = *s;
1071 ++s;
1073 *p = '\0';
1074 } else if (strcspn(s, "/") == 0 || strcspn(s, "./") == 0) { /* prepend "file://" */
1075 new = g_malloc(sizeof("file://") + len);
1076 strcpy(new, "file://");
1077 memcpy(&new[sizeof("file://") - 1], s, len + 1);
1078 } else if (p || !strchr(s, '.')) { /* whitespaces or no dot? */
1079 search_uri = find_uri_for_searchengine(defaultsearch);
1080 if (search_uri != NULL) {
1081 search_term = soup_uri_encode(s, "&");
1082 new = g_strdup_printf(search_uri, search_term);
1083 g_free(search_term);
1085 } else { /* prepend "http://" */
1086 new = g_malloc(sizeof("http://") + len);
1087 strcpy(new, "http://");
1088 memcpy(&new[sizeof("http://") - 1], s, len + 1);
1091 webkit_web_view_load_uri(webview, new);
1092 g_free(new);
1093 } else
1094 g_spawn_async(NULL, argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
1095 return TRUE;
1098 gboolean
1099 open_remembered(const Arg *arg)
1101 Arg a = {arg->i, rememberedURI};
1103 if (strcmp(rememberedURI, "")) {
1104 open_arg(&a);
1106 return TRUE;
1109 gboolean
1110 yank(const Arg *arg) {
1111 const char *url, *feedback;
1113 if (arg->i & SourceURL) {
1114 url = webkit_web_view_get_uri(webview);
1115 if (!url)
1116 return TRUE;
1117 feedback = g_strconcat("Yanked ", url, NULL);
1118 give_feedback(feedback);
1119 if (arg->i & ClipboardPrimary)
1120 gtk_clipboard_set_text(clipboards[0], url, -1);
1121 if (arg->i & ClipboardGTK)
1122 gtk_clipboard_set_text(clipboards[1], url, -1);
1123 } else
1124 webkit_web_view_copy_clipboard(webview);
1125 return TRUE;
1128 gboolean
1129 paste(const Arg *arg) {
1130 Arg a = { .i = arg->i & TargetNew, .s = NULL };
1132 /* If we're over a link, open it in a new target. */
1133 if (strlen(rememberedURI) > 0) {
1134 Arg new_target = { .i = TargetNew, .s = arg->s };
1135 open_arg(&new_target);
1136 return TRUE;
1139 if (arg->i & ClipboardPrimary)
1140 a.s = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text(clipboards[0]);
1141 if (!a.s && arg->i & ClipboardGTK)
1142 a.s = gtk_clipboard_wait_for_text(clipboards[1]);
1143 if (a.s)
1144 open_arg(&a);
1145 return TRUE;
1148 gboolean
1149 quit(const Arg *arg) {
1150 FILE *f;
1151 const char *filename;
1152 const char *uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri(webview);
1153 if (uri != NULL) {
1154 /* write last URL into status file for recreation with "u" */
1155 filename = g_strdup_printf(CLOSED_URL_FILENAME);
1156 f = fopen(filename, "w");
1157 if (f != NULL) {
1158 fprintf(f, "%s", uri);
1159 fclose(f);
1162 gtk_main_quit();
1163 return TRUE;
1166 gboolean
1167 revive(const Arg *arg) {
1168 FILE *f;
1169 const char *filename;
1170 char buffer[512] = "";
1171 Arg a = { .i = TargetNew, .s = NULL };
1172 /* get the URL of the window which has been closed last */
1173 filename = g_strdup_printf(CLOSED_URL_FILENAME);
1174 f = fopen(filename, "r");
1175 if (f != NULL) {
1176 fgets(buffer, 512, f);
1177 fclose(f);
1179 if (strlen(buffer) > 0) {
1180 a.s = buffer;
1181 open_arg(&a);
1182 return TRUE;
1184 return FALSE;
1187 static
1188 gboolean print_frame(const Arg *arg)
1190 WebKitWebFrame *frame = webkit_web_view_get_main_frame(webview);
1191 webkit_web_frame_print (frame);
1192 return TRUE;
1195 gboolean
1196 search(const Arg *arg) {
1197 count = count ? count : 1;
1198 gboolean success, direction = arg->i & DirectionPrev;
1199 Arg a;
1201 if (arg->s) {
1202 free(search_handle);
1203 search_handle = g_strdup_printf(arg->s);
1205 if (!search_handle)
1206 return TRUE;
1207 if (arg->i & DirectionAbsolute)
1208 search_direction = direction;
1209 else
1210 direction ^= search_direction;
1211 do {
1212 success = webkit_web_view_search_text(webview, search_handle, arg->i & CaseSensitive, direction, FALSE);
1213 if (!success) {
1214 if (arg->i & Wrapping) {
1215 success = webkit_web_view_search_text(webview, search_handle, arg->i & CaseSensitive, direction, TRUE);
1216 if (success) {
1217 a.i = Warning;
1218 a.s = g_strdup_printf("search hit %s, continuing at %s",
1219 direction ? "BOTTOM" : "TOP",
1220 direction ? "TOP" : "BOTTOM");
1221 echo(&a);
1222 g_free(a.s);
1223 } else
1224 break;
1225 } else
1226 break;
1228 } while(--count);
1229 if (!success) {
1230 a.i = Error;
1231 a.s = g_strdup_printf("Pattern not found: %s", search_handle);
1232 echo(&a);
1233 g_free(a.s);
1235 return TRUE;
1238 gboolean
1239 set(const Arg *arg) {
1240 Arg a = { .i = Info | NoAutoHide };
1242 switch (arg->i) {
1243 case ModeNormal:
1244 if (search_handle) {
1245 search_handle = NULL;
1246 webkit_web_view_unmark_text_matches(webview);
1248 gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(inputbox), "");
1249 gtk_widget_grab_focus(GTK_WIDGET(webview));
1250 break;
1251 case ModePassThrough:
1252 a.s = g_strdup("-- PASS THROUGH --");
1253 echo(&a);
1254 g_free(a.s);
1255 break;
1256 case ModeSendKey:
1257 a.s = g_strdup("-- PASS TROUGH (next) --");
1258 echo(&a);
1259 g_free(a.s);
1260 break;
1261 case ModeInsert: /* should not be called manually but automatically */
1262 a.s = g_strdup("-- INSERT --");
1263 echo(&a);
1264 g_free(a.s);
1265 break;
1266 default:
1267 return TRUE;
1269 mode = arg->i;
1270 return TRUE;
1273 gchar*
1274 jsapi_ref_to_string(JSContextRef context, JSValueRef ref) {
1275 JSStringRef string_ref;
1276 gchar *string;
1277 size_t length;
1279 string_ref = JSValueToStringCopy(context, ref, NULL);
1280 length = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(string_ref);
1281 string = g_new(gchar, length);
1282 JSStringGetUTF8CString(string_ref, string, length);
1283 JSStringRelease(string_ref);
1284 return string;
1287 void
1288 jsapi_evaluate_script(const gchar *script, gchar **value, gchar **message) {
1289 WebKitWebFrame *frame = webkit_web_view_get_main_frame(webview);
1290 JSGlobalContextRef context = webkit_web_frame_get_global_context(frame);
1291 JSStringRef str;
1292 JSValueRef val, exception;
1294 str = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(script);
1295 val = JSEvaluateScript(context, str, JSContextGetGlobalObject(context), NULL, 0, &exception);
1296 JSStringRelease(str);
1297 if (!val)
1298 *message = jsapi_ref_to_string(context, exception);
1299 else
1300 *value = jsapi_ref_to_string(context, val);
1303 gboolean
1304 quickmark(const Arg *a) {
1305 int i, b;
1306 b = atoi(a->s);
1307 char *fn = g_strdup_printf(QUICKMARK_FILE);
1308 FILE *fp;
1309 fp = fopen(fn, "r");
1310 char buf[100];
1312 if (fp != NULL && b < 10) {
1313 for( i=0; i < b; ++i ) {
1314 if (feof(fp)) {
1315 break;
1317 fgets(buf, 100, fp);
1319 char *ptr = strrchr(buf, '\n');
1320 *ptr = '\0';
1321 Arg x = { .s = buf };
1322 if (strlen(buf))
1323 return open_arg(&x);
1324 else {
1325 x.i = Error;
1326 x.s = g_strdup_printf("Quickmark %d not defined", b);
1327 echo(&x);
1328 g_free(x.s);
1329 return false;
1331 } else { return false; }
1334 gboolean
1335 script(const Arg *arg) {
1336 gchar *value = NULL, *message = NULL;
1337 Arg a;
1339 if (!arg->s) {
1340 set_error("Missing argument.");
1341 return FALSE;
1343 jsapi_evaluate_script(arg->s, &value, &message);
1344 if (message) {
1345 set_error(message);
1346 if (arg->s)
1347 g_free(arg->s);
1348 return FALSE;
1350 if (arg->i != Silent && value) {
1351 a.i = arg->i;
1352 a.s = g_strdup(value);
1353 echo(&a);
1354 g_free(a.s);
1356 if (arg->s)
1357 g_free(arg->s);
1358 g_free(value);
1359 return TRUE;
1362 gboolean
1363 scroll(const Arg *arg) {
1364 GtkAdjustment *adjust = (arg->i & OrientationHoriz) ? adjust_h : adjust_v;
1365 int max = gtk_adjustment_get_upper(adjust) - gtk_adjustment_get_page_size(adjust);
1366 float val = gtk_adjustment_get_value(adjust) / max * 100;
1367 int direction = (arg->i & (1 << 2)) ? 1 : -1;
1369 if ((direction == 1 && val < 100) || (direction == -1 && val > 0)) {
1370 if (arg->i & ScrollMove)
1371 gtk_adjustment_set_value(adjust, gtk_adjustment_get_value(adjust) +
1372 direction * /* direction */
1373 ((arg->i & UnitLine || (arg->i & UnitBuffer && count)) ? (scrollstep * (count ? count : 1)) : (
1374 arg->i & UnitBuffer ? gtk_adjustment_get_page_size(adjust) / 2 :
1375 (count ? count : 1) * (gtk_adjustment_get_page_size(adjust) -
1376 (gtk_adjustment_get_page_size(adjust) > pagingkeep ? pagingkeep : 0)))));
1377 else
1378 gtk_adjustment_set_value(adjust,
1379 ((direction == 1) ? gtk_adjustment_get_upper : gtk_adjustment_get_lower)(adjust));
1380 update_state();
1382 return TRUE;
1385 gboolean
1386 zoom(const Arg *arg) {
1387 webkit_web_view_set_full_content_zoom(webview, (arg->i & ZoomFullContent) > 0);
1388 webkit_web_view_set_zoom_level(webview, (arg->i & ZoomOut) ?
1389 webkit_web_view_get_zoom_level(webview) +
1390 (((float)(count ? count : 1)) * (arg->i & (1 << 1) ? 1.0 : -1.0) * zoomstep) :
1391 (count ? (float)count / 100.0 : 1.0));
1392 return TRUE;
1395 gboolean
1396 fake_key_event(const Arg *a) {
1397 if(!embed) {
1398 return FALSE;
1400 Arg err;
1401 err.i = Error;
1402 Display *xdpy;
1403 if ( (xdpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL ) {
1404 err.s = g_strdup("Couldn't find the XDisplay.");
1405 echo(&err);
1406 g_free(err.s);
1407 return FALSE;
1410 XKeyEvent xk;
1411 xk.display = xdpy;
1412 xk.subwindow = None;
1413 xk.time = CurrentTime;
1414 xk.same_screen = True;
1415 xk.x = xk.y = xk.x_root = xk.y_root = 1;
1416 xk.window = embed;
1417 xk.state = a->i;
1419 if( ! a->s ) {
1420 err.s = g_strdup("Zero pointer as argument! Check your config.h");
1421 echo(&err);
1422 g_free(err.s);
1423 return FALSE;
1426 KeySym keysym;
1427 if( (keysym = XStringToKeysym(a->s)) == NoSymbol ) {
1428 err.s = g_strdup_printf("Couldn't translate %s to keysym", a->s );
1429 echo(&err);
1430 g_free(err.s);
1431 return FALSE;
1434 if( (xk.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(xdpy, keysym)) == NoSymbol ) {
1435 err.s = g_strdup("Couldn't translate keysym to keycode");
1436 echo(&err);
1437 g_free(err.s);
1438 return FALSE;
1441 xk.type = KeyPress;
1442 if( !XSendEvent(xdpy, embed, True, KeyPressMask, (XEvent *)&xk) ) {
1443 err.s = g_strdup("XSendEvent failed");
1444 echo(&err);
1445 g_free(err.s);
1446 return FALSE;
1448 XFlush(xdpy);
1450 return TRUE;
1454 gboolean
1455 commandhistoryfetch(const Arg *arg) {
1456 if (arg->i == DirectionPrev) {
1457 commandpointer--;
1458 if (commandpointer < 0)
1459 commandpointer = maxcommands - 1;
1460 } else {
1461 commandpointer++;
1462 if (commandpointer == COMMANDHISTSIZE || commandpointer == maxcommands)
1463 commandpointer = 0;
1466 if (commandpointer < 0)
1467 return FALSE;
1469 gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(inputbox), commandhistory[commandpointer ]);
1470 gtk_editable_set_position(GTK_EDITABLE(inputbox), -1);
1471 return TRUE;
1475 gboolean
1476 bookmark(const Arg *arg) {
1477 FILE *f;
1478 const char *filename;
1479 const char *uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri(webview);
1480 const char *title = webkit_web_view_get_title(webview);
1481 filename = g_strdup_printf(BOOKMARKS_STORAGE_FILENAME);
1482 f = fopen(filename, "a");
1483 if (uri == NULL || strlen(uri) == 0) {
1484 set_error("No URI found to bookmark.");
1485 return FALSE;
1487 if (f != NULL) {
1488 fprintf(f, "%s", uri);
1489 if (title != NULL) {
1490 fprintf(f, "%s", " ");
1491 fprintf(f, "%s", title);
1493 if (arg->s && strlen(arg->s)) {
1494 build_taglist(arg, f);
1496 fprintf(f, "%s", "\n");
1497 fclose(f);
1498 give_feedback( "Bookmark saved" );
1499 return TRUE;
1500 } else {
1501 set_error("Bookmarks file not found.");
1502 return FALSE;
1506 gboolean
1507 history() {
1508 FILE *f;
1509 const char *filename;
1510 const char *uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri(webview);
1511 const char *title = webkit_web_view_get_title(webview);
1512 char *entry, buffer[512], *new;
1513 int n, i = 0;
1514 gboolean finished = FALSE;
1515 if (uri != NULL) {
1516 if (title != NULL) {
1517 entry = malloc((strlen(uri) + strlen(title) + 2) * sizeof(char));
1518 memset(entry, 0, strlen(uri) + strlen(title) + 2);
1519 } else {
1520 entry = malloc((strlen(uri) + 1) * sizeof(char));
1521 memset(entry, 0, strlen(uri) + 1);
1523 if (entry != NULL) {
1524 strncpy(entry, uri, strlen(uri));
1525 if (title != NULL) {
1526 strncat(entry, " ", 1);
1527 strncat(entry, title, strlen(title));
1529 n = strlen(entry);
1530 filename = g_strdup_printf(HISTORY_STORAGE_FILENAME);
1531 f = fopen(filename, "r");
1532 if (f != NULL) {
1533 new = (char *)malloc(HISTORY_MAX_ENTRIES * 512 * sizeof(char) + 1);
1534 if (new != NULL) {
1535 memset(new, 0, HISTORY_MAX_ENTRIES * 512 * sizeof(char) + 1);
1536 /* newest entries go on top */
1537 strncpy(new, entry, strlen(entry));
1538 strncat(new, "\n", 1);
1539 /* retain at most HISTORY_MAX_ENTIRES - 1 old entries */
1540 while (finished != TRUE) {
1541 if ((char *)NULL == fgets(buffer, 512, f)) {
1542 /* check if end of file was reached / error occured */
1543 if (!feof(f)) {
1544 break;
1546 /* end of file reached */
1547 finished = TRUE;
1548 continue;
1550 /* compare line (-1 because of newline character) */
1551 if (n != strlen(buffer) - 1 || strncmp(entry, buffer, n) != 0) {
1552 /* if the URI is already in history; we put it on top and skip it here */
1553 strncat(new, buffer, 512);
1554 i++;
1556 if ((i + 1) >= HISTORY_MAX_ENTRIES) {
1557 break;
1560 fclose(f);
1562 f = fopen(filename, "w");
1563 if (f != NULL) {
1564 fprintf(f, "%s", new);
1565 fclose(f);
1567 if (new != NULL) {
1568 free(new);
1569 new = NULL;
1573 if (entry != NULL) {
1574 free(entry);
1575 entry = NULL;
1578 return TRUE;
1581 static gboolean
1582 view_source(const Arg * arg) {
1583 gboolean current_mode = webkit_web_view_get_view_source_mode(webview);
1584 webkit_web_view_set_view_source_mode(webview, !current_mode);
1585 webkit_web_view_reload(webview);
1586 return TRUE;
1589 static gboolean
1590 focus_input(const Arg *arg) {
1591 static Arg a;
1593 a.s = g_strconcat("hints.focusInput();", NULL);
1594 a.i = Silent;
1595 script(&a);
1596 update_state();
1597 return TRUE;
1600 static gboolean
1601 browser_settings(const Arg *arg) {
1602 char line[255];
1603 if (!arg->s) {
1604 set_error("Missing argument.");
1605 return FALSE;
1607 strncpy(line, arg->s, 254);
1608 if (process_set_line(line))
1609 return TRUE;
1610 else {
1611 set_error("Invalid setting.");
1612 return FALSE;
1616 char *
1617 search_word(int whichword) {
1618 int k = 0;
1619 static char word[240];
1620 char *c = my_pair.line;
1622 while (isspace(*c) && *c)
1623 c++;
1625 switch (whichword) {
1626 case 0:
1627 while (*c && !isspace (*c) && *c != '=' && k < 240) {
1628 word[k++] = *c;
1629 c++;
1631 word[k] = '\0';
1632 strncpy(my_pair.what, word, 20);
1633 break;
1634 case 1:
1635 while (*c && k < 240) {
1636 word[k++] = *c;
1637 c++;
1639 word[k] = '\0';
1640 strncpy(my_pair.value, word, 240);
1641 break;
1644 return c;
1647 static gboolean
1648 process_set_line(char *line) {
1649 char *c;
1650 int listlen, i;
1651 gboolean boolval;
1652 WebKitWebSettings *settings;
1654 settings = webkit_web_view_get_settings(webview);
1655 my_pair.line = line;
1656 c = search_word(0);
1657 if (!strlen(my_pair.what))
1658 return FALSE;
1660 while (isspace(*c) && *c)
1661 c++;
1663 if (*c == ':' || *c == '=')
1664 c++;
1666 my_pair.line = c;
1667 c = search_word(1);
1669 listlen = LENGTH(browsersettings);
1670 for (i = 0; i < listlen; i++) {
1671 if (strlen(browsersettings[i].name) == strlen(my_pair.what) && strncmp(browsersettings[i].name, my_pair.what, strlen(my_pair.what)) == 0) {
1672 /* mandatory argument not provided */
1673 if (strlen(my_pair.value) == 0)
1674 return FALSE;
1675 /* process qmark? */
1676 if (strlen(my_pair.what) == 5 && strncmp("qmark", my_pair.what, 5) == 0) {
1677 return (process_save_qmark(my_pair.value, webview));
1679 /* interpret boolean values */
1680 if (browsersettings[i].boolval) {
1681 if (strncmp(my_pair.value, "on", 2) == 0 || strncmp(my_pair.value, "true", 4) == 0 || strncmp(my_pair.value, "ON", 2) == 0 || strncmp(my_pair.value, "TRUE", 4) == 0) {
1682 boolval = TRUE;
1683 } else if (strncmp(my_pair.value, "off", 3) == 0 || strncmp(my_pair.value, "false", 5) == 0 || strncmp(my_pair.value, "OFF", 3) == 0 || strncmp(my_pair.value, "FALSE", 5) == 0) {
1684 boolval = FALSE;
1685 } else {
1686 return FALSE;
1688 } else if (browsersettings[i].colourval) {
1689 /* interpret as hexadecimal colour */
1690 if (!parse_colour(my_pair.value)) {
1691 return FALSE;
1694 if (browsersettings[i].var != NULL) {
1695 /* write value into internal variable */
1696 /*if (browsersettings[i].intval) {
1697 browsersettings[i].var = atoi(my_pair.value);
1698 } else {*/
1699 strncpy(browsersettings[i].var, my_pair.value, MAX_SETTING_SIZE);
1700 if (strlen(my_pair.value) > MAX_SETTING_SIZE - 1) {
1701 /* in this case, \0 will not have been copied */
1702 browsersettings[i].var[MAX_SETTING_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
1703 /* in case this string is also used for a webkit setting, make sure it's consistent */
1704 my_pair.value[MAX_SETTING_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
1705 give_feedback("String too long; automatically truncated!");
1707 /*}*/
1709 if (strlen(browsersettings[i].webkit) > 0) {
1710 /* activate appropriate webkit setting */
1711 if (browsersettings[i].boolval) {
1712 g_object_set((GObject*)settings, browsersettings[i].webkit, boolval, NULL);
1713 } else if (browsersettings[i].intval) {
1714 g_object_set((GObject*)settings, browsersettings[i].webkit, atoi(my_pair.value), NULL);
1715 } else {
1716 g_object_set((GObject*)settings, browsersettings[i].webkit, my_pair.value, NULL);
1718 webkit_web_view_set_settings(webview, settings);
1721 /* process acceptlanguage*/
1722 if (strlen(my_pair.what) == 14 && strncmp("acceptlanguage", my_pair.what, 14) == 0) {
1723 g_object_set(G_OBJECT(session), "accept-language", acceptlanguage, NULL);
1726 /* toggle proxy usage? */
1727 if (strlen(my_pair.what) == 5 && strncmp("proxy", my_pair.what, 5) == 0) {
1728 toggle_proxy(boolval);
1731 /* Toggle scrollbars. */
1732 if (strlen(my_pair.what) == 10 && strncmp("scrollbars", my_pair.what, 10) == 0)
1733 toggle_scrollbars(boolval);
1735 /* Toggle widgets */
1736 if (strlen(my_pair.what) == 9 && strncmp("statusbar", my_pair.what, 9) == 0)
1737 gtk_widget_set_visible(GTK_WIDGET(statusbar), boolval);
1738 if (strlen(my_pair.what) == 8 && strncmp("inputbox", my_pair.what, 8) == 0)
1739 gtk_widget_set_visible(inputbox, boolval);
1741 /* case sensitivity of completion */
1742 if (strlen(my_pair.what) == 14 && strncmp("completioncase", my_pair.what, 14) == 0)
1743 complete_case_sensitive = boolval;
1745 /* reload page? */
1746 if (browsersettings[i].reload)
1747 webkit_web_view_reload(webview);
1748 return TRUE;
1751 return FALSE;
1754 gboolean
1755 process_line(char *line) {
1756 char *c = line;
1757 int i;
1758 size_t len, length = strlen(line);
1759 gboolean found = FALSE, success = FALSE;
1760 Arg a;
1762 while (isspace(*c))
1763 c++;
1764 /* Ignore blank lines. */
1765 if (c[0] == '\0')
1766 return TRUE;
1767 for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(commands); i++) {
1768 if (commands[i].cmd == NULL)
1769 break;
1770 len = strlen(commands[i].cmd);
1771 if (length >= len && !strncmp(c, commands[i].cmd, len) && (c[len] == ' ' || !c[len])) {
1772 found = TRUE;
1773 a.i = commands[i].arg.i;
1774 a.s = length > len + 1 ? &c[len + 1] : commands[i].arg.s;
1775 success = commands[i].func(&a);
1776 break;
1779 save_command_history(c);
1780 if (!found) {
1781 a.i = Error;
1782 a.s = g_strdup_printf("Not a browser command: %s", c);
1783 echo(&a);
1784 } else if (!success) {
1785 a.i = Error;
1786 if (error_msg != NULL) {
1787 a.s = g_strdup_printf("%s", error_msg);
1788 g_free(error_msg);
1789 error_msg = NULL;
1790 } else {
1791 a.s = g_strdup_printf("Unknown error. Please file a bug report!");
1793 echo(&a);
1794 g_free(a.s);
1796 return success;
1799 static gboolean
1800 search_tag(const Arg * a) {
1801 FILE *f;
1802 const char *filename;
1803 const char *tag = a->s;
1804 char s[BUFFERSIZE], foundtag[40], url[BUFFERSIZE];
1805 int t, i, intag, k;
1807 if (!tag) {
1808 /* The user must give us something to load up. */
1809 set_error("Bookmark tag required with this option.");
1810 return FALSE;
1813 if (strlen(tag) > MAXTAGSIZE) {
1814 set_error("Tag too long.");
1815 return FALSE;
1818 filename = g_strdup_printf(BOOKMARKS_STORAGE_FILENAME);
1819 f = fopen(filename, "r");
1820 if (f == NULL) {
1821 set_error("Couldn't open bookmarks file.");
1822 return FALSE;
1824 while (fgets(s, BUFFERSIZE-1, f)) {
1825 intag = 0;
1826 t = strlen(s) - 1;
1827 while (isspace(s[t]))
1828 t--;
1829 if (s[t] != ']') continue;
1830 while (t > 0) {
1831 if (s[t] == ']') {
1832 if (!intag)
1833 intag = t;
1834 else
1835 intag = 0;
1836 } else {
1837 if (s[t] == '[') {
1838 if (intag) {
1839 i = 0;
1840 k = t + 1;
1841 while (k < intag)
1842 foundtag[i++] = s[k++];
1843 foundtag[i] = '\0';
1844 /* foundtag now contains the tag */
1845 if (strlen(foundtag) < MAXTAGSIZE && strcmp(tag, foundtag) == 0) {
1846 i = 0;
1847 while (isspace(s[i])) i++;
1848 k = 0;
1849 while (s[i] && !isspace(s[i])) url[k++] = s[i++];
1850 url[k] = '\0';
1851 Arg x = { .i = TargetNew, .s = url };
1852 open_arg(&x);
1855 intag = 0;
1858 t--;
1861 return TRUE;
1864 void
1865 toggle_proxy(gboolean onoff) {
1866 SoupURI *proxy_uri;
1867 char *filename, *new;
1868 int len;
1870 if (onoff == FALSE) {
1871 g_object_set(session, "proxy-uri", NULL, NULL);
1872 give_feedback("Proxy deactivated");
1873 } else {
1874 filename = (char *)g_getenv("http_proxy");
1876 /* Fallthrough to checking HTTP_PROXY as well, since this can also be
1877 * defined.
1879 if (filename == NULL)
1880 filename = (char *)g_getenv("HTTP_PROXY");
1882 if (filename != NULL && 0 < (len = strlen(filename))) {
1883 if (strstr(filename, "://") == NULL) {
1884 /* prepend http:// */
1885 new = g_malloc(sizeof("http://") + len);
1886 strcpy(new, "http://");
1887 memcpy(&new[sizeof("http://") - 1], filename, len + 1);
1888 proxy_uri = soup_uri_new(new);
1889 } else {
1890 proxy_uri = soup_uri_new(filename);
1892 g_object_set(session, "proxy-uri", proxy_uri, NULL);
1893 give_feedback("Proxy activated");
1898 void
1899 toggle_scrollbars(gboolean onoff) {
1900 if (onoff == TRUE) {
1901 adjust_h = gtk_scrolled_window_get_hadjustment(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(viewport));
1902 adjust_v = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(viewport));
1904 else {
1905 adjust_v = gtk_range_get_adjustment(GTK_RANGE(scroll_v));
1906 adjust_h = gtk_range_get_adjustment(GTK_RANGE(scroll_h));
1908 gtk_widget_set_scroll_adjustments (GTK_WIDGET(webview), adjust_h, adjust_v);
1910 return;
1913 void
1914 update_url(const char *uri) {
1915 gboolean ssl = g_str_has_prefix(uri, "https://");
1916 GdkColor color;
1918 char before[] = " [";
1919 char after[] = "]";
1920 gboolean back = webkit_web_view_can_go_back(webview);
1921 gboolean fwd = webkit_web_view_can_go_forward(webview);
1923 if (!back && !fwd)
1924 before[0] = after[0] = '\0';
1925 #endif
1926 gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(status_url), g_markup_printf_escaped(
1928 "<span font=\"%s\">%s%s%s%s%s</span>", statusfont, uri,
1929 before, back ? "+" : "", fwd ? "-" : "", after
1930 #else
1931 "<span font=\"%s\">%s</span>", statusfont, uri
1932 #endif
1934 gdk_color_parse(ssl ? sslbgcolor : statusbgcolor, &color);
1935 gtk_widget_modify_bg(eventbox, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
1936 gdk_color_parse(ssl ? sslcolor : statuscolor, &color);
1937 gtk_widget_modify_fg(GTK_WIDGET(status_url), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
1938 gtk_widget_modify_fg(GTK_WIDGET(status_state), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
1941 void
1942 update_state() {
1943 char *markup;
1944 int download_count = g_list_length(activeDownloads);
1945 GString *status = g_string_new("");
1947 /* construct the status line */
1949 /* count, modkey and input buffer */
1950 g_string_append_printf(status, "%.0d", count);
1951 if (current_modkey) g_string_append_c(status, current_modkey);
1953 /* the number of active downloads */
1954 if (activeDownloads) {
1955 g_string_append_printf(status, " %d active %s", download_count,
1956 (download_count == 1) ? "download" : "downloads");
1960 /* the progressbar */
1962 int progress = -1;
1963 char progressbar[progressbartick + 1];
1965 if (activeDownloads) {
1966 progress = 0;
1967 GList *ptr;
1969 for (ptr = activeDownloads; ptr; ptr = g_list_next(ptr)) {
1970 progress += 100 * webkit_download_get_progress(ptr->data);
1973 progress /= download_count;
1975 } else if (webkit_web_view_get_load_status(webview) != WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED
1976 && webkit_web_view_get_load_status(webview) != WEBKIT_LOAD_FAILED) {
1978 progress = webkit_web_view_get_progress(webview) * 100;
1981 if (progress >= 0) {
1982 ascii_bar(progressbartick, progress * progressbartick / 100, progressbar);
1983 g_string_append_printf(status, " %c%s%c",
1984 progressborderleft, progressbar, progressborderright);
1987 #endif
1989 /* and the current scroll position */
1991 int max = gtk_adjustment_get_upper(adjust_v) - gtk_adjustment_get_page_size(adjust_v);
1992 int val = (int)(gtk_adjustment_get_value(adjust_v) / max * 100);
1994 if (max == 0)
1995 g_string_append(status, " All");
1996 else if (val == 0)
1997 g_string_append(status, " Top");
1998 else if (val == 100)
1999 g_string_append(status, " Bot");
2000 else
2001 g_string_append_printf(status, " %d%%", val);
2005 markup = g_markup_printf_escaped("<span font=\"%s\">%s</span>", statusfont, status->str);
2006 gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(status_state), markup);
2008 g_string_free(status, TRUE);
2011 void
2012 setup_modkeys() {
2013 unsigned int i;
2014 modkeys = calloc(LENGTH(keys) + 1, sizeof(char));
2015 char *ptr = modkeys;
2017 for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(keys); i++)
2018 if (keys[i].modkey && !strchr(modkeys, keys[i].modkey))
2019 *(ptr++) = keys[i].modkey;
2020 modkeys = realloc(modkeys, &ptr[0] - &modkeys[0] + 1);
2023 void
2024 setup_gui() {
2025 scroll_h = GTK_SCROLLBAR(gtk_hscrollbar_new(NULL));
2026 scroll_v = GTK_SCROLLBAR(gtk_vscrollbar_new(NULL));
2027 adjust_h = gtk_range_get_adjustment(GTK_RANGE(scroll_h));
2028 adjust_v = gtk_range_get_adjustment(GTK_RANGE(scroll_v));
2029 if (embed) {
2030 window = GTK_WINDOW(gtk_plug_new(embed));
2031 } else {
2032 window = GTK_WINDOW(gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL));
2033 gtk_window_set_wmclass(GTK_WINDOW(window), "vimprobable2", "Vimprobable2");
2035 gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), 640, 480);
2036 box = GTK_BOX(gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0));
2037 inputbox = gtk_entry_new();
2038 webview = (WebKitWebView*)webkit_web_view_new();
2039 statusbar = GTK_BOX(gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0));
2040 eventbox = gtk_event_box_new();
2041 status_url = gtk_label_new(NULL);
2042 status_state = gtk_label_new(NULL);
2043 GdkColor bg;
2044 PangoFontDescription *font;
2045 GdkGeometry hints = { 1, 1 };
2046 inspector = webkit_web_view_get_inspector(WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(webview));
2048 clipboards[0] = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY);
2049 clipboards[1] = gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_NONE);
2050 setup_settings();
2051 gdk_color_parse(statusbgcolor, &bg);
2052 gtk_widget_modify_bg(eventbox, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &bg);
2053 gtk_widget_set_name(GTK_WIDGET(window), "Vimprobable2");
2054 gtk_window_set_geometry_hints(window, NULL, &hints, GDK_HINT_MIN_SIZE);
2057 viewport = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
2058 gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(viewport), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_NEVER);
2059 #else
2060 /* Ensure we still see scrollbars. */
2061 GtkWidget *viewport = gtk_scrolled_window_new(adjust_h, adjust_v);
2062 #endif
2064 setup_signals();
2065 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(viewport), GTK_WIDGET(webview));
2067 /* Ensure we set the scroll adjustments now, so that if we're not drawing
2068 * titlebars, we can still scroll.
2070 gtk_widget_set_scroll_adjustments(GTK_WIDGET(webview), adjust_h, adjust_v);
2072 font = pango_font_description_from_string(urlboxfont[0]);
2073 gtk_widget_modify_font(GTK_WIDGET(inputbox), font);
2074 pango_font_description_free(font);
2075 gtk_entry_set_inner_border(GTK_ENTRY(inputbox), NULL);
2076 gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(status_url), 0.0, 0.0);
2077 gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(status_state), 1.0, 0.0);
2078 gtk_box_pack_start(statusbar, status_url, TRUE, TRUE, 2);
2079 gtk_box_pack_start(statusbar, status_state, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
2080 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(eventbox), GTK_WIDGET(statusbar));
2081 gtk_box_pack_start(box, viewport, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
2082 gtk_box_pack_start(box, eventbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
2083 gtk_entry_set_has_frame(GTK_ENTRY(inputbox), FALSE);
2084 gtk_box_pack_end(box, inputbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
2085 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), GTK_WIDGET(box));
2086 gtk_widget_grab_focus(GTK_WIDGET(webview));
2087 gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(window));
2090 void
2091 setup_settings() {
2092 WebKitWebSettings *settings = (WebKitWebSettings*)webkit_web_settings_new();
2093 SoupURI *proxy_uri;
2094 char *filename, *new;
2095 int len;
2097 session = webkit_get_default_session();
2098 g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), "default-font-size", DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, NULL);
2099 g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), "enable-scripts", enablePlugins, NULL);
2100 g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), "enable-plugins", enablePlugins, NULL);
2101 g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), "enable-java-applet", enableJava, NULL);
2102 g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), "enable-page-cache", enablePagecache, NULL);
2103 filename = g_strdup_printf(USER_STYLESHEET);
2104 filename = g_strdup_printf("file://%s", filename);
2105 g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), "user-stylesheet-uri", filename, NULL);
2106 g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), "user-agent", useragent, NULL);
2107 g_object_get(G_OBJECT(settings), "zoom-step", &zoomstep, NULL);
2108 webkit_web_view_set_settings(webview, settings);
2110 /* proxy */
2111 if (use_proxy == TRUE) {
2112 filename = (char *)g_getenv("http_proxy");
2113 if (filename != NULL && 0 < (len = strlen(filename))) {
2114 if (strstr(filename, "://") == NULL) {
2115 /* prepend http:// */
2116 new = g_malloc(sizeof("http://") + len);
2117 strcpy(new, "http://");
2118 memcpy(&new[sizeof("http://") - 1], filename, len + 1);
2119 proxy_uri = soup_uri_new(new);
2120 } else {
2121 proxy_uri = soup_uri_new(filename);
2123 g_object_set(session, "proxy-uri", proxy_uri, NULL);
2128 void
2129 setup_signals() {
2131 /* Headers. */
2132 g_signal_connect_after(G_OBJECT(session), "request-started", G_CALLBACK(new_generic_request), NULL);
2133 #endif
2134 /* Accept-language header */
2135 g_object_set(G_OBJECT(session), "accept-language", acceptlanguage, NULL);
2136 /* window */
2137 g_object_connect(G_OBJECT(window),
2138 "signal::destroy", G_CALLBACK(window_destroyed_cb), NULL,
2139 NULL);
2140 /* webview */
2141 g_object_connect(G_OBJECT(webview),
2142 "signal::title-changed", G_CALLBACK(webview_title_changed_cb), NULL,
2143 "signal::load-progress-changed", G_CALLBACK(webview_progress_changed_cb), NULL,
2144 "signal::load-committed", G_CALLBACK(webview_load_committed_cb), NULL,
2145 "signal::load-finished", G_CALLBACK(webview_load_finished_cb), NULL,
2146 "signal::navigation-policy-decision-requested", G_CALLBACK(webview_navigation_cb), NULL,
2147 "signal::new-window-policy-decision-requested", G_CALLBACK(webview_new_window_cb), NULL,
2148 "signal::mime-type-policy-decision-requested", G_CALLBACK(webview_mimetype_cb), NULL,
2149 "signal::download-requested", G_CALLBACK(webview_download_cb), NULL,
2150 "signal::key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(webview_keypress_cb), NULL,
2151 "signal::hovering-over-link", G_CALLBACK(webview_hoverlink_cb), NULL,
2152 "signal::console-message", G_CALLBACK(webview_console_cb), NULL,
2153 "signal::create-web-view", G_CALLBACK(webview_open_in_new_window_cb), NULL,
2154 "signal::event", G_CALLBACK(notify_event_cb), NULL,
2155 NULL);
2156 /* webview adjustment */
2157 g_object_connect(G_OBJECT(adjust_v),
2158 "signal::value-changed", G_CALLBACK(webview_scroll_cb), NULL,
2159 NULL);
2160 /* inputbox */
2161 g_object_connect(G_OBJECT(inputbox),
2162 "signal::activate", G_CALLBACK(inputbox_activate_cb), NULL,
2163 "signal::key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(inputbox_keypress_cb), NULL,
2164 "signal::key-release-event", G_CALLBACK(inputbox_keyrelease_cb), NULL,
2166 "signal::changed", G_CALLBACK(inputbox_changed_cb), NULL,
2167 #endif
2168 NULL);
2169 /* inspector */
2170 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(inspector),
2171 "inspect-web-view", G_CALLBACK(inspector_inspect_web_view_cb), NULL);
2175 void
2176 setup_cookies()
2178 if (file_cookie_jar)
2179 g_object_unref(file_cookie_jar);
2181 if (session_cookie_jar)
2182 g_object_unref(session_cookie_jar);
2184 session_cookie_jar = soup_cookie_jar_new();
2186 cookie_store = g_strdup_printf(COOKIES_STORAGE_FILENAME);
2188 load_all_cookies();
2190 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(file_cookie_jar), "changed",
2191 G_CALLBACK(update_cookie_jar), NULL);
2193 return;
2196 /* TA: XXX - we should be using this callback for any header-requests we
2197 * receive (hence the name "new_generic_request" -- but for now, its use
2198 * is limited to handling cookies.
2200 void
2201 new_generic_request(SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *soup_msg, gpointer unused) {
2202 SoupMessageHeaders *soup_msg_h;
2203 SoupURI *uri;
2204 const char *cookie_str;
2206 soup_msg_h = soup_msg->request_headers;
2207 soup_message_headers_remove(soup_msg_h, "Cookie");
2208 uri = soup_message_get_uri(soup_msg);
2209 if( (cookie_str = get_cookies(uri)) )
2210 soup_message_headers_append(soup_msg_h, "Cookie", cookie_str);
2212 g_signal_connect_after(G_OBJECT(soup_msg), "got-headers", G_CALLBACK(handle_cookie_request), NULL);
2214 return;
2217 const char *
2218 get_cookies(SoupURI *soup_uri) {
2219 const char *cookie_str;
2221 cookie_str = soup_cookie_jar_get_cookies(file_cookie_jar, soup_uri, TRUE);
2223 return cookie_str;
2226 void
2227 handle_cookie_request(SoupMessage *soup_msg, gpointer unused)
2229 GSList *resp_cookie = NULL;
2230 SoupCookie *cookie;
2232 for(resp_cookie = soup_cookies_from_response(soup_msg);
2233 resp_cookie;
2234 resp_cookie = g_slist_next(resp_cookie))
2236 SoupDate *soup_date;
2237 cookie = soup_cookie_copy((SoupCookie *)resp_cookie->data);
2239 if (cookie_timeout && cookie->expires == NULL) {
2240 soup_date = soup_date_new_from_time_t(time(NULL) + cookie_timeout * 10);
2241 soup_cookie_set_expires(cookie, soup_date);
2243 soup_cookie_jar_add_cookie(file_cookie_jar, cookie);
2246 return;
2249 void
2250 update_cookie_jar(SoupCookieJar *jar, SoupCookie *old, SoupCookie *new)
2252 if (!new) {
2253 /* Nothing to do. */
2254 return;
2257 SoupCookie *copy;
2258 copy = soup_cookie_copy(new);
2260 soup_cookie_jar_add_cookie(session_cookie_jar, copy);
2262 return;
2265 void
2266 load_all_cookies(void)
2268 file_cookie_jar = soup_cookie_jar_text_new(cookie_store, COOKIES_STORAGE_READONLY);
2270 /* Put them back in the session store. */
2271 GSList *cookies_from_file = soup_cookie_jar_all_cookies(file_cookie_jar);
2273 for (; cookies_from_file;
2274 cookies_from_file = cookies_from_file->next)
2276 soup_cookie_jar_add_cookie(session_cookie_jar, cookies_from_file->data);
2279 soup_cookies_free(cookies_from_file);
2281 return;
2284 #endif
2286 void
2287 mop_up(void) {
2288 /* Free up any nasty globals before exiting. */
2290 if (cookie_store)
2291 g_free(cookie_store);
2292 #endif
2293 return;
2297 main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
2298 static Arg a;
2299 static char url[256] = "";
2300 static gboolean ver = false;
2301 static gboolean configfile_exists = FALSE;
2302 static const char *cfile = NULL;
2303 char *searchengines_file;
2304 static GOptionEntry opts[] = {
2305 { "version", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &ver, "print version", NULL },
2306 { "embed", 'e', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &winid, "embedded", NULL },
2307 { "configfile", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &cfile, "config file", NULL },
2308 { NULL }
2310 static GError *err;
2311 args = argv;
2313 /* command line argument: version */
2314 if (!gtk_init_with_args(&argc, &argv, "[<uri>]", opts, NULL, &err)) {
2315 g_printerr("can't init gtk: %s\n", err->message);
2316 g_error_free(err);
2317 return EXIT_FAILURE;
2320 if (ver) {
2321 printf("%s\n", INTERNAL_VERSION);
2322 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
2325 if (cfile)
2326 configfile = g_strdup_printf(cfile);
2327 else
2328 configfile = g_strdup_printf(RCFILE);
2330 if (!g_thread_supported())
2331 g_thread_init(NULL);
2333 if (winid)
2334 embed = atoi(winid);
2336 setup_modkeys();
2337 make_keyslist();
2338 setup_gui();
2340 setup_cookies();
2341 #endif
2343 /* Check if the specified file exists. */
2344 /* And only warn the user, if they explicitly asked for a config on the
2345 * command line.
2347 if (!(access(configfile, F_OK) == 0) && cfile) {
2348 char *feedback_str;
2350 feedback_str = g_strdup_printf("Config file '%s' doesn't exist", cfile);
2351 give_feedback(feedback_str);
2352 } else if ((access(configfile, F_OK) == 0))
2353 configfile_exists = true;
2355 /* read config file */
2356 /* But only report errors if we failed, and the file existed. */
2357 if (!read_rcfile(configfile) && configfile_exists) {
2358 a.i = Error;
2359 a.s = g_strdup_printf("Error in config file '%s'", configfile);
2360 echo(&a);
2361 g_free(a.s);
2362 g_free(configfile);
2365 make_searchengines_list(searchengines, LENGTH(searchengines));
2367 /* read searchengines. */
2368 searchengines_file = g_strdup_printf(SEARCHENGINES_STORAGE_FILENAME);
2369 switch (read_searchengines(searchengines_file)) {
2370 case SYNTAX_ERROR:
2371 a.i = Error;
2372 a.s = g_strdup_printf("Syntax error in searchengines file '%s'", searchengines_file);
2373 echo(&a);
2374 break;
2376 a.i = Error;
2377 a.s = g_strdup_printf("Could not read searchengines file '%s'", searchengines_file);
2378 echo(&a);
2379 break;
2380 default:
2381 break;
2383 g_free(searchengines_file);
2385 /* command line argument: URL */
2386 if (argc > 1) {
2387 strncpy(url, argv[argc - 1], 255);
2388 } else {
2389 strncpy(url, startpage, 255);
2392 a.i = TargetCurrent;
2393 a.s = url;
2394 open_arg(&a);
2395 gtk_main();
2397 mop_up();
2399 return EXIT_SUCCESS;