1 virtuoso-opensource for Debian
2 ------------------------------
4 On Debian systems, Virtuoso is built with the following substantive
6 a) --with-layout=debian
7 b) the isql program is renamed to isql-v; isqlw becomes isql-vw.
9 For usage notes, see the homepage,
10 <http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main> especially the
11 "Getting Started" section.
13 The first time virtuoso-t is run it will create an empty database in
14 /var/lib/virtuoso/db/ and install the Conductor package. Point your
15 web-browser at <http://hostname:8890/> and use the conductor (default user
16 and password of dba/dba) to install other VAD packages to taste.
18 -- OpenLink Virtuoso Maintainer <vos.admin@openlinksw.com> Wed, 08 Oct 2008 17:10:32 +0100