build: set version to 0.5
[vis.git] / lua / lexers / rails.lua
1 -- Copyright 2006-2017 Mitchell See LICENSE.
2 -- Ruby on Rails LPeg lexer.
4 local l = require('lexer')
5 local token, word_match = l.token, l.word_match
6 local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S
7 local table = _G.table
9 local M = {_NAME = 'rails'}
11 -- Whitespace
12 local ws = token(l.WHITESPACE,^1)
14 -- Functions.
16 local actionpack = token(l.FUNCTION, word_match{
17 'before_filter', 'skip_before_filter', 'skip_after_filter', 'after_filter',
18 'around_filter', 'filter', 'filter_parameter_logging', 'layout',
19 'require_dependency', 'render', 'render_action', 'render_text', 'render_file',
20 'render_template', 'render_nothing', 'render_component',
21 'render_without_layout', 'rescue_from', 'url_for', 'redirect_to',
22 'redirect_to_path', 'redirect_to_url', 'respond_to', 'helper',
23 'helper_method', 'model', 'service', 'observer', 'serialize', 'scaffold',
24 'verify', 'hide_action'
27 local view_helpers = token(l.FUNCTION, word_match{
28 'check_box', 'content_for', 'error_messages_for', 'form_for', 'fields_for',
29 'file_field', 'hidden_field', 'image_submit_tag', 'label', 'link_to',
30 'password_field', 'radio_button', 'submit', 'text_field', 'text_area'
33 local activerecord = token(l.FUNCTION, word_match{
34 'after_create', 'after_destroy', 'after_save', 'after_update',
35 'after_validation', 'after_validation_on_create',
36 'after_validation_on_update', 'before_create', 'before_destroy',
37 'before_save', 'before_update', 'before_validation',
38 'before_validation_on_create', 'before_validation_on_update', 'composed_of',
39 'belongs_to', 'has_one', 'has_many', 'has_and_belongs_to_many', 'validate',
40 'validates', 'validate_on_create', 'validates_numericality_of',
41 'validate_on_update', 'validates_acceptance_of', 'validates_associated',
42 'validates_confirmation_of', 'validates_each', 'validates_format_of',
43 'validates_inclusion_of', 'validates_exclusion_of', 'validates_length_of',
44 'validates_presence_of', 'validates_size_of', 'validates_uniqueness_of',
45 'attr_protected', 'attr_accessible', 'attr_readonly',
46 'accepts_nested_attributes_for', 'default_scope', 'scope'
49 local active_support = token(l.FUNCTION, word_match{
50 'alias_method_chain', 'alias_attribute', 'delegate', 'cattr_accessor',
51 'mattr_accessor', 'returning', 'memoize'
54 -- Extend Ruby lexer to include Rails methods.
55 local ruby = l.load('ruby')
56 local _rules = ruby._rules
57 _rules[1] = {'whitespace', ws}
58 table.insert(_rules, 3, {'actionpack', actionpack})
59 table.insert(_rules, 4, {'view_helpers', view_helpers})
60 table.insert(_rules, 5, {'activerecord', activerecord})
61 table.insert(_rules, 6, {'active_support', active_support})
62 M._rules = _rules
63 M._foldsymbols = ruby._foldsymbols
65 return M