make C-s and C-q available in key mappings
[vis/gkirilov.git] / text-objects.h
1 #ifndef TEXT_OBJECTS_H
2 #define TEXT_OBJECTS_H
4 /* these functions all take a file position. If this position is part of the
5 * respective text-object, a corresponding range is returned. If there is no
6 * such text-object at the given location, an empty range is returned.
7 */
9 #include <stddef.h>
10 #include "text.h"
12 /* return range covering the entire text */
13 Filerange text_object_entire(Text*, size_t pos);
14 /* word which happens to be at pos without any neighbouring white spaces */
15 Filerange text_object_word(Text*, size_t pos);
16 /* includes trailing white spaces. If at pos happens to be a white space
17 * include all neighbouring leading white spaces and the following word. */
18 Filerange text_object_word_outer(Text*, size_t pos);
19 /* find next occurrence of `word' (as word not substring) in forward/backward direction */
20 Filerange text_object_word_find_next(Text*, size_t pos, const char *word);
21 Filerange text_object_word_find_prev(Text*, size_t pos, const char *word);
22 /* find next occurrence of a literal string (not regex) in forward/backward direction */
23 Filerange text_object_find_next(Text *txt, size_t pos, const char *search);
24 Filerange text_object_find_prev(Text *txt, size_t pos, const char *search);
25 /* same semantics as above but for a longword (i.e. delimited by white spaces) */
26 Filerange text_object_longword(Text*, size_t pos);
27 Filerange text_object_longword_outer(Text*, size_t pos);
29 Filerange text_object_line(Text*, size_t pos);
30 Filerange text_object_line_inner(Text*, size_t pos);
31 Filerange text_object_sentence(Text*, size_t pos);
32 Filerange text_object_paragraph(Text*, size_t pos);
33 Filerange text_object_paragraph_outer(Text*, size_t pos);
35 /* these are inner text objects i.e. the delimiters themself are not
36 * included in the range */
37 Filerange text_object_square_bracket(Text*, size_t pos);
38 Filerange text_object_curly_bracket(Text*, size_t pos);
39 Filerange text_object_angle_bracket(Text*, size_t pos);
40 Filerange text_object_parenthesis(Text*, size_t pos);
41 Filerange text_object_quote(Text*, size_t pos);
42 Filerange text_object_single_quote(Text*, size_t pos);
43 Filerange text_object_backtick(Text*, size_t pos);
44 /* match a search term in either forward or backward direction */
45 Filerange text_object_search_forward(Text*, size_t pos, Regex*);
46 Filerange text_object_search_backward(Text*, size_t pos, Regex*);
47 /* match all lines with same indentation level as the current one */
48 Filerange text_object_indentation(Text*, size_t pos);
50 /* extend a range to cover whole lines */
51 Filerange text_range_linewise(Text*, Filerange*);
52 /* trim leading and trailing white spaces from range */
53 Filerange text_range_inner(Text*, Filerange*);
54 /* test whether a given range covers whole lines */
55 bool text_range_is_linewise(Text*, Filerange*);
57 #endif