python-texttable: update to 1.3.1
[void-packages.git] / srcpkgs / avahi / template
1 # Template file for 'avahi'
2 pkgname=avahi
3 version=0.7
4 revision=4
5 build_style=gnu-configure
6 configure_args="--disable-qt3 --disable-qt4 --disable-mono --disable-monodoc
7  --disable-doxygen-doc --enable-compat-libdns_sd --enable-compat-howl
8  --with-xml=expat --with-avahi-user=avahi --with-avahi-group=avahi
9  --with-avahi-priv-access-group=network --with-autoipd-user=avahi
10  --with-autoipd-group=avahi --with-distro=none --disable-xmltoman
11  --disable-static ssp_cv_lib=no --enable-python --disable-pygtk
12  --disable-glib --disable-python-dbus --disable-gobject --disable-gtk
13  --disable-gtk3 --disable-dbm --disable-introspection --sbindir=/usr/bin
14  --disable-pygobject"
15 short_desc="Multicast DNS Service Discovery"
16 maintainer="Juan RP <>"
17 license="LGPL-2.1-or-later"
18 homepage=""
19 distfiles="${homepage}/releases/download/v${version}/avahi-${version}.tar.gz"
20 checksum=57a99b5dfe7fdae794e3d1ee7a62973a368e91e414bd0dfa5d84434de5b14804
22 hostmakedepends="pkg-config intltool python"
23 makedepends="dbus-devel libcap-devel libdaemon-devel gdbm-devel"
24 conf_files="
25         /etc/avahi/services/ssh.service
26         /etc/avahi/services/sftp-ssh.service
27         /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf
28         /etc/avahi/hosts
29         /etc/avahi/avahi-dnsconfd.action"
30 system_accounts="avahi:23"
32 if [ "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then
33         hostmakedepends+=" automake libtool glib-devel"
34         pre_configure() {
35                 autoreconf -if
36         }
39 post_extract() {
40         # Switch to /run to not depend on /var/run being a symlink.
41         sed -e 's,\(avahi_runtime_dir=\).*,\1\"/run\",' -i ${wrksrc}/configure
43 post_install() {
44         rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/python*
45         # Enable 'disallow_other_stacks' option by default.
46         sed -e 's,\#\(disallow-other-stacks\).*,\1=yes,' -i ${DESTDIR}/etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf
47         # Set 'enable-dbus=warn' option by default to not require dbus.
48         sed -e 's,\#\(enable-dbus\).*,\1=warn,' -i ${DESTDIR}/etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf
49         vsv avahi-daemon
52 avahi-autoipd_package() {
53         depends="net-tools"
54         short_desc="Avahi IPv4LL network address configuration daemon"
55         pkg_install() {
56                 vmove usr/bin/avahi-autoipd
57                 vmove "usr/share/man/man8/avahi-autoipd*"
58                 vmove etc/avahi/avahi-autoipd.action
59         }
61 avahi-compat-libs-devel_package() {
62         depends="avahi-libs-devel-${version}_${revision} avahi-compat-libs-${version}_${revision}"
63         short_desc="Avahi compat libraries - development files"
64         pkg_install() {
65                 vmove "usr/include/avahi-compat*"
66                 vmove "usr/lib/pkgconfig/avahi-compat*"
67                 vmove usr/lib/
68                 vmove usr/lib/
69         }
71 avahi-compat-libs_package() {
72         short_desc="Avahi compatiblity shared libraries"
73         pkg_install() {
74                 vmove "usr/lib/*"
75                 vmove "usr/lib/*"
76         }
78 avahi-libs-devel_package() {
79         depends="dbus-devel avahi-libs-${version}_${revision}"
80         short_desc="Avahi core libraries - development files"
81         pkg_install() {
82                 for f in common client core; do
83                         vmove usr/include/avahi-${f}
84                 done
85                 vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig/avahi-core.pc
86                 vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig/avahi-client.pc
87                 vmove usr/lib/
88                 vmove usr/lib/
89                 vmove usr/lib/
90         }
92 avahi-libs_package() {
93         short_desc="Avahi shared libraries"
94         pkg_install() {
95                 vmove "usr/lib/*"
96                 vmove "usr/lib/*"
97                 vmove "usr/lib/*"
98         }
100 avahi-utils_package() {
101         short_desc="Avahi browsing, publishing and discovery utilities"
102         pkg_install() {
103                 vmove usr/bin/avahi-browse*
104                 vmove usr/bin/avahi-publish*
105                 vmove usr/bin/avahi-resolv*
106                 vmove usr/share/man/man1
107         }