1 # Template file for 'fwup'
5 build_style=gnu-configure
6 hostmakedepends="automake libtool pkg-config"
7 makedepends="libarchive-devel libsodium-devel confuse-devel"
8 checkdepends="mtools unzip zip dosfstools"
9 short_desc="Configurable embedded Linux firmware update creator and runner"
10 maintainer="Duncaen <duncaen@voidlinux.eu>"
12 #changelog="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fhunleth/fwup/master/CHANGELOG.md"
13 homepage="https://github.com/fhunleth/fwup"
14 distfiles="https://github.com/fhunleth/fwup/archive/v${version}.tar.gz"
15 checksum=e20b22b01e921102e61daea2e5fafd80ce2c5ee868e19f756dccf33f2a6bd61a
17 if [ -z "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then
18 hostmakedepends+=" help2man"
22 NOCONFIGURE=1 autoreconf -fi
26 # mtools.conf requires manual configuration for usage, but not for out tests
27 # so we just remove the unrecognized keyword
28 sed -i '/SAMPLE FILE/d' /etc/mtools.conf