python-texttable: update to 1.3.1
[void-packages.git] / srcpkgs / gegl3 / template
1 # Template build file for 'gegl3'.
2 pkgname=gegl3
3 version=0.3.28
4 revision=1
5 wrksrc="gegl-${version}"
6 build_style=gnu-configure
7 configure_args="--disable-docs --without-sdl
8  --without-libavformat --without-graphviz --without-lua --without-libspiro
9  --without-umfpack --with-exiv2 --without-libv4l --disable-introspection"
10 hostmakedepends="pkg-config intltool"
11 makedepends="libglib-devel libpng-devel babl-devel jasper-devel
12  libjpeg-turbo-devel librsvg-devel gtk+-devel exiv2-devel json-glib-devel
13  libraw-devel"
14 short_desc="Graph based image processing framework (v0.3)"
15 maintainer="Juan RP <>"
16 license="GPL-3, LGPL-3"
17 homepage=""
18 distfiles="${version%.*}/gegl-${version}.tar.bz2"
19 checksum=152f87604a5a191775329dfb63764efa1d5c32403d1438da68e242f96b7d23ff
21 post_install() {
22         # Resolves conflict with gegl
23         mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/gegl ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/gegl3
26 gegl3-devel_package() {
27         depends="libglib-devel gegl3>=${version}_${revision}"
28         short_desc+=" - development files"
29         pkg_install() {
30                 vmove usr/include
31                 vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig
32                 vmove usr/lib/
33         }