python-texttable: update to 1.3.1
[void-packages.git] / srcpkgs / libarchive / template
1 # Template file for 'libarchive'
2 pkgname=libarchive
3 version=3.3.2
4 revision=5
5 bootstrap=yes
6 build_style=gnu-configure
7 configure_args="$(vopt_enable acl) $(vopt_enable acl xattr)
8  $(vopt_with expat) $(vopt_with lzo lzo2) $(vopt_with lz4)
9  $(vopt_with ssl openssl) --without-xml2 --without-nettle
10  --disable-rpath ac_cv_func_lchmod=no"
11 makedepends="zlib-devel bzip2-devel liblzma-devel
12  $(vopt_if acl acl-devel) $(vopt_if expat expat-devel)
13  $(vopt_if lzo lzo-devel) $(vopt_if lz4 liblz4-devel) $(vopt_if ssl libressl-devel)"
14 short_desc="Library to read/write several different streaming archive formats"
15 maintainer="Juan RP <>"
16 homepage=""
17 license="BSD"
18 distfiles="${version}.tar.gz"
19 checksum=ed2dbd6954792b2c054ccf8ec4b330a54b85904a80cef477a1c74643ddafa0ce
21 # Package build options
22 build_options="acl expat lzo lz4 ssl"
23 # Enable acl and ssl by default.
24 build_options_default="acl ssl"
26 if [ "$CHROOT_READY" ]; then
27         hostmakedepends="automake libtool pkg-config"
30 pre_configure() {
31         autoreconf -if
33 post_install() {
34         vlicense COPYING
37 bsdtar_package() {
38         replaces="bsdcpio>=0"
39         short_desc="BSD utilities using libarchive"
40         pkg_install() {
41                 vmove usr/bin
42                 vmove usr/share/man/man1
43                 vmove usr/share/man/man5
44                 # Conflicts with mtree.
45                 mv ${PKGDESTDIR}/usr/share/man/man5/{mtree.5,libarchive-mtree.5}
46         }
48 libarchive-devel_package() {
49         depends="${makedepends} ${sourcepkg}>=${version}_${revision}"
50         short_desc+=" - development files"
51         pkg_install() {
52                 vmove usr/include
53                 vmove usr/lib/*.a
54                 vmove usr/lib/*.so
55                 vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig
56                 vmove usr/share
57         }