1 # Template file for 'mbpfan'
5 only_for_archs="x86_64 i686 x86_64-musl i686-musl" #Package is restricted to these arches because it's Macbook-specific and Macbooks only have these arches.
6 build_style=gnu-makefile
7 nopie="YES" #Hardening is disabled because it causes buffer overflow errors with this version of mbpfan. A more elegant solution would be patching the source files themselves.
8 short_desc="Macbook Pro Fan Control Daemon"
9 maintainer='noah <nsawyer1993@gmail.com>'
11 conf_files="/etc/mbpfan.conf"
12 homepage="https://github.com/dgraziotin/mbpfan"
13 distfiles="${homepage}/archive/v${version}.tar.gz"
14 checksum="a7cf850a393ebfce21427b992436b84cc4b20e1cb8d673d45d2c8b991c69e68c"