1 # Template file for 'vice'
5 build_style=gnu-configure
7 $(vopt_enable sdl2 sdlui2)
8 $(vopt_with sdl2 sdlsound)
9 $(vopt_enable gtk3 gnomeui3)
10 $(vopt_with gtk3 pulse)
11 --disable-option-checking
13 hostmakedepends="pkg-config bdftopcf mkfontdir flex"
19 $(vopt_if sdl2 SDL2_mixer-devel)
20 $(vopt_if sdl2 SDL2-devel)
21 $(vopt_if gtk3 gtk+3-devel)
22 $(vopt_if gtk3 pulseaudio-devel)
23 $(vopt_if gtk3 pango-devel)"
24 short_desc="Emulator for C64, C128, CBM-II, PET, VIC20, Plus4 and C16"
25 maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@voidlinux.eu>"
27 homepage="http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/"
28 distfiles="${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/vice-emu/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz"
29 checksum=3eb8159633816095006dec36c5c3edd055a87fd8bda193a1194a6801685d1240
31 # Package build options
32 build_options="sdl2 gtk3"
33 build_options_default="gtk3"
36 # Do not install data to /usr/lib64
37 sed -i 's:VICEDIR=.*:VICEDIR="$PREFIX/share/vice":g' configure
38 # __u_char is not portable...
39 sed -i 's,__u_char,unsigned char,g' src/*.[ch]