Added exact arithmetic test branch.
[voro++.git] / branches / exact / examples / no_release /
1 // Voronoi calculation example code
2 //
3 // Author : Chris H. Rycroft (LBL / UC Berkeley)
4 // Email :
5 // Date : August 30th 2011
7 #include "voro++.hh"
8 using namespace voro;
10 // Set up constants for the container geometry
11 const double boxl=1.2;
13 // Set up the number of blocks that the container is divided into
14 const int bl=24;
16 // Set the number of particles that are going to be randomly introduced
17 const int particles=20000;
19 const int nface=11;
21 // This function returns a random double between 0 and 1
22 double rnd() {return double(rand())/RAND_MAX;}
24 struct wall_shell : public wall {
25 public:
26 wall_shell(double xc_,double yc_,double zc_,double rc,double sc,int w_id_=-99)
27 : w_id(w_id_), xc(xc_), yc(yc_), zc(zc_), lc(rc-sc), uc(rc+sc) {}
28 bool point_inside(double x,double y,double z) {
29 double rsq=(x-xc)*(x-xc)+(y-yc)*(y-yc)+(z-zc)*(z-zc);
30 return rsq>lc*lc&&rsq<uc*uc;
32 template<class v_cell>
33 bool cut_cell_base(v_cell &c,double x,double y,double z) {
34 double xd=x-xc,yd=y-yc,zd=z-zc,dq=xd*xd+yd*yd+zd*zd,dq2;
35 if (dq>1e-5) {
36 dq2=2*(sqrt(dq)*lc-dq);
37 dq=2*(sqrt(dq)*uc-dq);
38 return c.nplane(xd,yd,zd,dq,w_id)&&c.nplane(-xd,-yd,-zd,-dq2,w_id);
40 return true;
42 bool cut_cell(voronoicell &c,double x,double y,double z) {return cut_cell_base(c,x,y,z);}
43 bool cut_cell(voronoicell_neighbor &c,double x,double y,double z) {return cut_cell_base(c,x,y,z);}
44 private:
45 const int w_id;
46 const double xc,yc,zc,lc,uc;
50 int main() {
51 int i=0,j,k,l,ll,o;
52 double x,y,z,r,dx,dy,dz;
53 int faces[nface],*fp;
54 double p[3*particles];
56 // Create a container with the geometry given above, and make it
57 // non-periodic in each of the three coordinates. Allocate space for
58 // eight particles within each computational block
59 container con(-boxl,boxl,-boxl,boxl,-boxl,boxl,bl,bl,bl,false,false,false,8);
61 wall_shell ws(0,0,0,1,0.00001);
62 con.add_wall(ws);
64 // Randomly add particles into the container
65 while(i<particles) {
66 x=boxl*(2*rnd()-1);
67 y=boxl*(2*rnd()-1);
68 z=boxl*(2*rnd()-1);
69 r=x*x+y*y+z*z;
70 if(r>1e-5) {
71 r=1/sqrt(r);x*=r;y*=r;z*=r;
72 con.put(i,x,y,z);
73 i++;
77 for(l=0;l<1000;l++) {
78 c_loop_all vl(con);
79 voronoicell c;
80 for(fp=faces;fp<faces+nface;fp++) *fp=0;
81 if(vl.start()) do if(con.compute_cell(c,vl)) {
82 vl.pos(i,x,y,z,r);
83 c.centroid(dx,dy,dz);
84 p[3*i]=x+dx;
85 p[3*i+1]=y+dy;
86 p[3*i+2]=z+dz;
88 i=c.number_of_faces()-4;
89 if(i<0) i=0;if(i>=nface) i=nface-1;
90 faces[i]++;
91 } while (;
92 con.clear();
93 double fac=0;//l<9000?0.1/sqrt(double(l)):0;
94 for(i=0;i<particles;i++) con.put(i,p[3*i]+fac*(2*rnd()-1),p[3*i+1]+fac*(2*rnd()-1),p[3*i+2]+fac*(2*rnd()-1));
95 printf("%d",l);
96 for(fp=faces;fp<faces+nface;fp++) printf(" %d",*fp);
97 puts("");
100 // Output the particle positions in gnuplot format
101 con.draw_particles("sphere_mesh_p.gnu");
103 // Output the Voronoi cells in gnuplot format
104 con.draw_cells_gnuplot("sphere_mesh_v.gnu");
106 // Allocate memory for neighbor relations
107 int *q=new int[particles*nface],*qn=new int[particles],*qp;
108 for(l=0;l<particles;l++) qn[l]=0;
110 // Create a table of all neighbor relations
111 vector<int> vi;
112 voronoicell_neighbor c;
113 c_loop_all vl(con);
114 if(vl.start()) do if(con.compute_cell(c,vl)) {
116 c.neighbors(vi);
117 if(vi.size()>nface+2) voro_fatal_error("Too many faces; boost nface",5);
119 for(l=0;l<(signed int) vi.size();l++) if(vi[l]>=0) qp[qn[i]++]=vi[l];
120 } while (;
122 // Sort the connections in anti-clockwise order
123 bool connect;
124 int tote=0;
125 for(l=0;l<particles;l++) {
126 tote+=qn[l];
127 for(i=0;i<qn[l]-2;i++) {
128 o=q[l*nface+i];
129 //printf("---> %d,%d\n",i,o);
130 j=i+1;
131 while(j<qn[l]-1) {
132 ll=q[l*nface+j];
133 // printf("-> %d %d\n",j,ll);
134 connect=false;
135 for(k=0;k<qn[ll];k++) {
136 // printf("%d %d %d\n",ll,k,q[ll*nface+k]);
137 if(q[ll*nface+k]==o) {connect=true;break;}
139 if(connect) break;
140 j++;
143 // Swap the connected vertex into this location
144 //printf("%d %d\n",i+1,j);
145 o=q[l*nface+i+1];
146 q[l*nface+i+1]=q[l*nface+j];
147 q[l*nface+j]=o;
150 // Reverse all connections if the have the wrong handedness
151 j=3*l;k=3*q[l*nface];o=3*q[l*nface+1];
152 x=p[j]-p[k];dx=p[j]-p[o];
153 y=p[j+1]-p[k+1];dy=p[j+1]-p[o+1];
154 z=p[j+2]-p[k+2];dz=p[j+2]-p[o+2];
155 if(p[j]*(y*dz-z*dy)+p[j+1]*(z*dx-x*dz)+p[j+2]*(x*dy-y*dx)<0) {
156 for(i=0;i<qn[l]/2;i++) {
157 o=q[l*nface+i];
158 q[l*nface+i]=q[l*nface+qn[l]-1-i];
159 q[l*nface+qn[l]-1-i]=o;
164 FILE *ff=safe_fopen("","w");
165 int *mp=new int[particles],*mpi=new int[particles];
166 for(i=0;i<particles;i++) mp[i]=-1;
167 *mpi=0;*mp=0;l=1;o=0;
168 while(o<l) {
169 i=mpi[o];
170 for(j=0;j<qn[i];j++) {
171 k=q[i*nface+j];
172 if(mp[k]==-1) {
173 mpi[l]=k;
174 mp[k]=l++;
176 if(mp[i]<mp[k])
177 fprintf(ff,"%g %g %g\n%g %g %g\n\n\n",p[3*i],p[3*i+1],p[3*i+2],p[3*k],p[3*k+1],p[3*k+2]);
179 o++;
181 fclose(ff);
183 // Save binary representation of the mesh
184 FILE *fb=safe_fopen("sphere_mesh.bin","wb");
186 // Write header
187 int kk[3],sz=tote+particles+2,*red(new int[sz]),*rp=red;
188 *kk=1;kk[1]=sz;kk[2]=3*particles;
189 fwrite(kk,sizeof(int),3,fb);
191 // Assemble the connections and write them
192 *(rp++)=particles;*(rp++)=tote;
193 for(l=0;l<particles;l++) *(rp++)=qn[mpi[l]];
194 for(l=0;l<particles;l++) {
195 i=mpi[l];printf("%d",l);
196 for(j=0;j<qn[i];j++) {*(rp++)=mp[q[i*nface+j]];printf(" %d",*(rp-1));}
197 puts("");
199 fwrite(red,sizeof(int),sz,fb);
202 double *pm=new double[3*particles],*a=pm,*b;
203 for(i=0;i<particles;i++) {
204 b=p+3*mpi[i];
205 *(a++)=*(b++);*(a++)=*(b++);*(a++)=*b;
207 fwrite(pm,sizeof(double),3*particles,fb);
208 delete [] pm;
210 // Free dynamically allocated arrays
211 delete [] red;
212 delete [] mpi;
213 delete [] mp;
214 delete [] qn;
215 delete [] q;