1 import curve
, defaults
, glyphs
, pathdata
, plot
, svg
, trans
3 # Only bring into the namespace the functions and classes that the user will need
4 # This distinguishes user interface from internal functions
5 # (Though the user can still access them, it intentionally requires more typing)
6 # Internal class members are preceeded by an underscore
8 from svg
import SVG
, template
, load
, load_stream
, rgb
, randomid
, shortcut
9 from glyphs
import latex
10 from trans
import clone
, tonumber
, transform
, evaluate
, Delay
, Freeze
, Pin
, window
, rotation
, transformation_angle
, transformation_jacobian
11 from pathdata
import poly
, bezier
, velocity
, foreback
, smooth
12 from curve
import Curve
, format_number
, unicode_number
, ticks
, logticks
13 from plot
import Fig
, Canvas