Potential fix of boundary issue. Updated Makefiles. Comment out some global
[voro++.git] / branches / 2d / boundary / voro++_bdry.cc
1 // Voro++, a cell-based Voronoi library
2 //
3 // Authors : Chris H. Rycroft (LBL / UC Berkeley)
4 // Cody Robert Dance (UC Berkeley)
5 // Email : chr@alum.mit.edu
6 // Date : August 30th 2011
8 #include "voro++_2d.hh"
9 using namespace voro;
10 //#include <stdio.h>
11 //#include <iostream>
12 #include <vector>
13 using namespace std;
15 const double pad=0.01;
17 int main(int argc,char **argv) {
19 if(argc<2) {
20 fprintf(stderr,"Syntax: voro++_bdry <input_file>\n");
21 return 1;
24 // Read file to determine the size of the system and the number
25 // of particles
26 unsigned int i=0,j;
27 int id;
28 double x,y,minx=large_number,maxx=-minx,miny=minx,maxy=maxx;
29 vector<int> vid;
30 vector<double> vpos;
31 vector<char> vbd;
32 int mid=0;
33 bool neg_label=false,boundary_track=false,start=false;
34 char *buf(new char[512]);
36 FILE *fp=safe_fopen(argv[1],"r");
38 while(fgets(buf,512,fp)!=NULL) {
40 if(strcmp(buf,"#Start\n")==0||strcmp(buf,"# Start\n")==0) {
42 // Check that two consecutive start tokens haven't been
43 // encountered
44 if(boundary_track) voro_fatal_error("File import error - two consecutive start tokens found",VOROPP_FILE_ERROR);
45 start=true;boundary_track=true;
47 } else if(strcmp(buf,"#End\n")==0||strcmp(buf,"# End\n")==0||
48 strcmp(buf,"#End")==0||strcmp(buf,"# End")==0) {
50 // Check that two consecutive end tokens haven't been
51 // encountered
52 if(start) voro_fatal_error("File import error - end token immediately after start token",VOROPP_FILE_ERROR);
53 if(!boundary_track) voro_fatal_error("File import error - found end token without start token",VOROPP_FILE_ERROR);
54 vbd[i-1]|=2;boundary_track=false;
55 } else {
57 // Try and read three entries from the line
58 if(sscanf(buf,"%d %lg %lg",&id,&x,&y)!=3) voro_fatal_error("File import error #1",VOROPP_FILE_ERROR);
59 vid.push_back(id);
60 vpos.push_back(x);
61 vpos.push_back(y);
62 vbd.push_back(start?1:0);
63 i++;
65 // Determine bounds
66 if(id<0) neg_label=true;
67 if(id>mid) mid=id;
68 if(x<minx) minx=x;
69 if(x>maxx) maxx=x;
70 if(y<miny) miny=y;
71 if(y>maxy) maxy=y;
73 start=false;
77 if(boundary_track) voro_fatal_error("File import error - boundary not finished",VOROPP_FILE_ERROR);
78 if(!feof(fp)) voro_fatal_error("File import error #2",VOROPP_FILE_ERROR);
79 delete [] buf;
81 // Add small amount of padding to container bounds
82 double dx=maxx-minx,dy=maxy-miny;
83 minx-=pad*dx;maxx+=pad*dx;dx+=2*pad*dx;
84 miny-=pad*dy;maxy+=pad*dy;dy+=2*pad*dy;
86 // Guess the optimal computationl grid, aiming at eight particles per
87 // grid square
88 double lscale=sqrt(8.0*dx*dy/i);
89 int nx=int(dx/lscale)+1,ny=int(dy/lscale)+1;
91 // Print diagnostic information
92 printf("Container bounds : [%g:%g] [%g:%g]\n"
93 "Total particles : %d\n"
94 "Compute grid : %d by %d\n",minx,maxx,miny,maxy,i,nx,ny);
96 // Create container
97 container_boundary_2d con(minx,maxx,miny,maxy,nx,ny,false,false,16);
99 // Import data
100 for(j=0;j<vid.size();j++) {
101 if(vbd[j]&1) con.start_boundary();
102 con.put(vid[j],vpos[2*j],vpos[2*j+1]);
103 if(vbd[j]&2) con.end_boundary();
106 // Carry out all of the setup prior to computing any Voronoi cells
107 con.setup();
109 // Save the boundary in a format that can be read by Gnuplot
110 char *outfn(new char[strlen(argv[1])+5]);
111 sprintf(outfn,"%s.bd",argv[1]);
113 con.draw_boundary_gnuplot(outfn);
115 //Test Global Connectivity Info
116 // cout << "beginning" << endl;
117 // char *connectfn(new char[strlen(argv[1])+5]);
118 // sprintf(connectfn,"%s.connect",argv[1]);
119 // con.print_custom(argv[2],connectfn );
120 // cout << "finished" << endl;
122 // Compute the Voronoi cells and save them to file
123 sprintf(outfn,"%s.gnu",argv[1]);
124 con.draw_cells_gnuplot(outfn);
126 // Output the neighbor mesh in gnuplot format
127 if(mid>16777216) puts("Network output disabled due to too high Ids");
128 else if(neg_label) puts("Network output disabled due to negative IDs");
129 else {
131 int *mp=new int[mid+1];
132 for(j=0;j<i;j++) mp[vid[j]]=j;
134 sprintf(outfn,"%s.net",argv[1]);
135 FILE *ff=safe_fopen(outfn,"w");
136 int l1,l2;
137 vector<int> vi;
138 voronoicell_nonconvex_neighbor_2d c;
139 c_loop_all_2d cl(con);
140 if(cl.start()) do if(con.compute_cell(c,cl)) {
141 id=cl.pid();l1=2*mp[id];
142 c.neighbors(vi);
143 for(j=0;j<vi.size();j++) if(vi[j]>id) {
144 l2=2*mp[vi[j]];
145 fprintf(ff,"%g %g\n%g %g\n\n\n",
146 vpos[l1],vpos[l1+1],vpos[l2],vpos[l2+1]);
148 } while (cl.inc());
149 fclose(ff);
151 delete [] mp;
153 // delete [] connectfn;
154 delete [] outfn;
155 return 0;