Bugfix found by Zeo++ test case.
[voro++.git] / trunk / src / container.cc
1 // Voro++, a 3D cell-based Voronoi library
2 //
3 // Author : Chris H. Rycroft (LBL / UC Berkeley)
4 // Email : chr@alum.mit.edu
5 // Date : August 30th 2011
7 /** \file container.cc
8 * \brief Function implementations for the container and related classes. */
10 #include "container.hh"
12 namespace voro {
14 /** The class constructor sets up the geometry of container, initializing the
15 * minimum and maximum coordinates in each direction, and setting whether each
16 * direction is periodic or not. It divides the container into a rectangular
17 * grid of blocks, and allocates memory for each of these for storing particle
18 * positions and IDs.
19 * \param[in] (ax_,bx_) the minimum and maximum x coordinates.
20 * \param[in] (ay_,by_) the minimum and maximum y coordinates.
21 * \param[in] (az_,bz_) the minimum and maximum z coordinates.
22 * \param[in] (nx_,ny_,nz_) the number of grid blocks in each of the three
23 * coordinate directions.
24 * \param[in] (xperiodic_,yperiodic_,zperiodic_) flags setting whether the
25 * container is periodic in each
26 * coordinate direction.
27 * \param[in] init_mem the initial memory allocation for each block.
28 * \param[in] ps_ the number of floating point entries to store for each
29 * particle. */
30 container_base::container_base(double ax_,double bx_,double ay_,double by_,double az_,double bz_,
31 int nx_,int ny_,int nz_,bool xperiodic_,bool yperiodic_,bool zperiodic_,int init_mem,int ps_)
32 : voro_base(nx_,ny_,nz_,(bx_-ax_)/nx_,(by_-ay_)/ny_,(bz_-az_)/nz_),
33 ax(ax_), bx(bx_), ay(ay_), by(by_), az(az_), bz(bz_),
34 max_len_sq((bx-ax)*(bx-ax)*(xperiodic_?0.25:1)+(by-ay)*(by-ay)*(yperiodic_?0.25:1)
35 +(bz-az)*(bz-az)*(zperiodic_?0.25:1)),
36 xperiodic(xperiodic_), yperiodic(yperiodic_), zperiodic(zperiodic_),
37 id(new int*[nxyz]), p(new double*[nxyz]), co(new int[nxyz]), mem(new int[nxyz]), ps(ps_) {
39 int l;
40 for(l=0;l<nxyz;l++) co[l]=0;
41 for(l=0;l<nxyz;l++) mem[l]=init_mem;
42 for(l=0;l<nxyz;l++) id[l]=new int[init_mem];
43 for(l=0;l<nxyz;l++) p[l]=new double[ps*init_mem];
46 /** The container destructor frees the dynamically allocated memory. */
47 container_base::~container_base() {
48 int l;
49 for(l=0;l<nxyz;l++) delete [] p[l];
50 for(l=0;l<nxyz;l++) delete [] id[l];
51 delete [] id;
52 delete [] p;
53 delete [] co;
54 delete [] mem;
57 /** The class constructor sets up the geometry of container.
58 * \param[in] (ax_,bx_) the minimum and maximum x coordinates.
59 * \param[in] (ay_,by_) the minimum and maximum y coordinates.
60 * \param[in] (az_,bz_) the minimum and maximum z coordinates.
61 * \param[in] (nx_,ny_,nz_) the number of grid blocks in each of the three
62 * coordinate directions.
63 * \param[in] (xperiodic_,yperiodic_,zperiodic_) flags setting whether the
64 * container is periodic in each
65 * coordinate direction.
66 * \param[in] init_mem the initial memory allocation for each block. */
67 container::container(double ax_,double bx_,double ay_,double by_,double az_,double bz_,
68 int nx_,int ny_,int nz_,bool xperiodic_,bool yperiodic_,bool zperiodic_,int init_mem)
69 : container_base(ax_,bx_,ay_,by_,az_,bz_,nx_,ny_,nz_,xperiodic_,yperiodic_,zperiodic_,init_mem,3),
70 vc(*this,xperiodic_?2*nx_+1:nx_,yperiodic_?2*ny_+1:ny_,zperiodic_?2*nz_+1:nz_) {}
72 /** The class constructor sets up the geometry of container.
73 * \param[in] (ax_,bx_) the minimum and maximum x coordinates.
74 * \param[in] (ay_,by_) the minimum and maximum y coordinates.
75 * \param[in] (az_,bz_) the minimum and maximum z coordinates.
76 * \param[in] (nx_,ny_,nz_) the number of grid blocks in each of the three
77 * coordinate directions.
78 * \param[in] (xperiodic_,yperiodic_,zperiodic_) flags setting whether the
79 * container is periodic in each
80 * coordinate direction.
81 * \param[in] init_mem the initial memory allocation for each block. */
82 container_poly::container_poly(double ax_,double bx_,double ay_,double by_,double az_,double bz_,
83 int nx_,int ny_,int nz_,bool xperiodic_,bool yperiodic_,bool zperiodic_,int init_mem)
84 : container_base(ax_,bx_,ay_,by_,az_,bz_,nx_,ny_,nz_,xperiodic_,yperiodic_,zperiodic_,init_mem,4),
85 vc(*this,xperiodic_?2*nx_+1:nx_,yperiodic_?2*ny_+1:ny_,zperiodic_?2*nz_+1:nz_) {ppr=p;}
87 /** Put a particle into the correct region of the container.
88 * \param[in] n the numerical ID of the inserted particle.
89 * \param[in] (x,y,z) the position vector of the inserted particle. */
90 void container::put(int n,double x,double y,double z) {
91 int ijk;
92 if(put_locate_block(ijk,x,y,z)) {
93 id[ijk][co[ijk]]=n;
94 double *pp=p[ijk]+3*co[ijk]++;
95 *(pp++)=x;*(pp++)=y;*pp=z;
99 /** Put a particle into the correct region of the container.
100 * \param[in] n the numerical ID of the inserted particle.
101 * \param[in] (x,y,z) the position vector of the inserted particle.
102 * \param[in] r the radius of the particle. */
103 void container_poly::put(int n,double x,double y,double z,double r) {
104 int ijk;
105 if(put_locate_block(ijk,x,y,z)) {
106 id[ijk][co[ijk]]=n;
107 double *pp=p[ijk]+4*co[ijk]++;
108 *(pp++)=x;*(pp++)=y;*(pp++)=z;*pp=r;
109 if(max_radius<r) max_radius=r;
113 /** Put a particle into the correct region of the container, also recording
114 * into which region it was stored.
115 * \param[in] vo the ordering class in which to record the region.
116 * \param[in] n the numerical ID of the inserted particle.
117 * \param[in] (x,y,z) the position vector of the inserted particle. */
118 void container::put(particle_order &vo,int n,double x,double y,double z) {
119 int ijk;
120 if(put_locate_block(ijk,x,y,z)) {
121 id[ijk][co[ijk]]=n;
122 vo.add(ijk,co[ijk]);
123 double *pp=p[ijk]+3*co[ijk]++;
124 *(pp++)=x;*(pp++)=y;*pp=z;
128 /** Put a particle into the correct region of the container, also recording
129 * into which region it was stored.
130 * \param[in] vo the ordering class in which to record the region.
131 * \param[in] n the numerical ID of the inserted particle.
132 * \param[in] (x,y,z) the position vector of the inserted particle.
133 * \param[in] r the radius of the particle. */
134 void container_poly::put(particle_order &vo,int n,double x,double y,double z,double r) {
135 int ijk;
136 if(put_locate_block(ijk,x,y,z)) {
137 id[ijk][co[ijk]]=n;
138 vo.add(ijk,co[ijk]);
139 double *pp=p[ijk]+4*co[ijk]++;
140 *(pp++)=x;*(pp++)=y;*(pp++)=z;*pp=r;
141 if(max_radius<r) max_radius=r;
145 /** This routine takes a particle position vector, tries to remap it into the
146 * primary domain. If successful, it computes the region into which it can be
147 * stored and checks that there is enough memory within this region to store
148 * it.
149 * \param[out] ijk the region index.
150 * \param[in,out] (x,y,z) the particle position, remapped into the primary
151 * domain if necessary.
152 * \return True if the particle can be successfully placed into the container,
153 * false otherwise. */
154 bool container_base::put_locate_block(int &ijk,double &x,double &y,double &z) {
155 if(put_remap(ijk,x,y,z)) {
156 if(co[ijk]==mem[ijk]) add_particle_memory(ijk);
157 return true;
160 fprintf(stderr,"Out of bounds: (x,y,z)=(%g,%g,%g)\n",x,y,z);
161 #endif
162 return false;
165 /** Takes a particle position vector and computes the region index into which
166 * it should be stored. If the container is periodic, then the routine also
167 * maps the particle position to ensure it is in the primary domain. If the
168 * container is not periodic, the routine bails out.
169 * \param[out] ijk the region index.
170 * \param[in,out] (x,y,z) the particle position, remapped into the primary
171 * domain if necessary.
172 * \return True if the particle can be successfully placed into the container,
173 * false otherwise. */
174 inline bool container_base::put_remap(int &ijk,double &x,double &y,double &z) {
175 int l;
177 ijk=step_int((x-ax)*xsp);
178 if(xperiodic) {l=step_mod(ijk,nx);x+=boxx*(l-ijk);ijk=l;}
179 else if(ijk<0||ijk>=nx) return false;
181 int j=step_int((y-ay)*ysp);
182 if(yperiodic) {l=step_mod(j,ny);y+=boxy*(l-j);j=l;}
183 else if(j<0||j>=ny) return false;
185 int k=step_int((z-az)*zsp);
186 if(zperiodic) {l=step_mod(k,nz);z+=boxz*(l-k);k=l;}
187 else if(k<0||k>=nz) return false;
189 ijk+=nx*j+nxy*k;
190 return true;
193 /** Takes a position vector and attempts to remap it into the primary domain.
194 * \param[out] (ai,aj,ak) the periodic image displacement that the vector is in,
195 * with (0,0,0) corresponding to the primary domain.
196 * \param[out] (ci,cj,ck) the index of the block that the position vector is
197 * within, once it has been remapped.
198 * \param[in,out] (x,y,z) the position vector to consider, which is remapped
199 * into the primary domain during the routine.
200 * \param[out] ijk the block index that the vector is within.
201 * \return True if the particle is within the container or can be remapped into
202 * it, false if it lies outside of the container bounds. */
203 inline bool container_base::remap(int &ai,int &aj,int &ak,int &ci,int &cj,int &ck,double &x,double &y,double &z,int &ijk) {
204 ci=step_int((x-ax)*xsp);
205 if(ci<0||ci>=nx) {
206 if(xperiodic) {ai=step_div(ci,nx);x-=ai*(bx-ax);ci-=ai*nx;}
207 else return false;
208 } else ai=0;
210 cj=step_int((y-ay)*ysp);
211 if(cj<0||cj>=ny) {
212 if(yperiodic) {aj=step_div(cj,ny);y-=aj*(by-ay);cj-=aj*ny;}
213 else return false;
214 } else aj=0;
216 ck=step_int((z-az)*zsp);
217 if(ck<0||ck>=nz) {
218 if(zperiodic) {ak=step_div(ck,nz);z-=ak*(bz-az);ck-=ak*nz;}
219 else return false;
220 } else ak=0;
222 ijk=ci+nx*cj+nxy*ck;
223 return true;
226 /** Takes a vector and finds the particle whose Voronoi cell contains that
227 * vector. This is equivalent to finding the particle which is nearest to the
228 * vector. Additional wall classes are not considered by this routine.
229 * \param[in] (x,y,z) the vector to test.
230 * \param[out] (rx,ry,rz) the position of the particle whose Voronoi cell
231 * contains the vector. If the container is periodic,
232 * this may point to a particle in a periodic image of
233 * the primary domain.
234 * \param[out] pid the ID of the particle.
235 * \return True if a particle was found. If the container has no particles,
236 * then the search will not find a Voronoi cell and false is returned. */
237 bool container::find_voronoi_cell(double x,double y,double z,double &rx,double &ry,double &rz,int &pid) {
238 int ai,aj,ak,ci,cj,ck,ijk;
239 particle_record w;
240 double mrs;
242 // If the given vector lies outside the domain, but the container
243 // is periodic, then remap it back into the domain
244 if(!remap(ai,aj,ak,ci,cj,ck,x,y,z,ijk)) return false;
245 vc.find_voronoi_cell(x,y,z,ci,cj,ck,ijk,w,mrs);
247 if(w.ijk!=-1) {
249 // Assemble the position vector of the particle to be returned,
250 // applying a periodic remapping if necessary
251 if(xperiodic) {ci+=w.di;if(ci<0||ci>=nx) ai+=step_div(ci,nx);}
252 if(yperiodic) {cj+=w.dj;if(cj<0||cj>=ny) aj+=step_div(cj,ny);}
253 if(zperiodic) {ck+=w.dk;if(ck<0||ck>=nz) ak+=step_div(ck,nz);}
254 rx=p[w.ijk][3*w.l]+ai*(bx-ax);
255 ry=p[w.ijk][3*w.l+1]+aj*(by-ay);
256 rz=p[w.ijk][3*w.l+2]+ak*(bz-az);
257 pid=id[w.ijk][w.l];
258 return true;
261 // If no particle if found then just return false
262 return false;
265 /** Takes a vector and finds the particle whose Voronoi cell contains that
266 * vector. Additional wall classes are not considered by this routine.
267 * \param[in] (x,y,z) the vector to test.
268 * \param[out] (rx,ry,rz) the position of the particle whose Voronoi cell
269 * contains the vector. If the container is periodic,
270 * this may point to a particle in a periodic image of
271 * the primary domain.
272 * \param[out] pid the ID of the particle.
273 * \return True if a particle was found. If the container has no particles,
274 * then the search will not find a Voronoi cell and false is returned. */
275 bool container_poly::find_voronoi_cell(double x,double y,double z,double &rx,double &ry,double &rz,int &pid) {
276 int ai,aj,ak,ci,cj,ck,ijk;
277 particle_record w;
278 double mrs;
280 // If the given vector lies outside the domain, but the container
281 // is periodic, then remap it back into the domain
282 if(!remap(ai,aj,ak,ci,cj,ck,x,y,z,ijk)) return false;
283 vc.find_voronoi_cell(x,y,z,ci,cj,ck,ijk,w,mrs);
285 if(w.ijk!=-1) {
287 // Assemble the position vector of the particle to be returned,
288 // applying a periodic remapping if necessary
289 if(xperiodic) {ci+=w.di;if(ci<0||ci>=nx) ai+=step_div(ci,nx);}
290 if(yperiodic) {cj+=w.dj;if(cj<0||cj>=ny) aj+=step_div(cj,ny);}
291 if(zperiodic) {ck+=w.dk;if(ck<0||ck>=nz) ak+=step_div(ck,nz);}
292 rx=p[w.ijk][4*w.l]+ai*(bx-ax);
293 ry=p[w.ijk][4*w.l+1]+aj*(by-ay);
294 rz=p[w.ijk][4*w.l+2]+ak*(bz-az);
295 pid=id[w.ijk][w.l];
296 return true;
299 // If no particle if found then just return false
300 return false;
303 /** Increase memory for a particular region.
304 * \param[in] i the index of the region to reallocate. */
305 void container_base::add_particle_memory(int i) {
306 int l,nmem=mem[i]<<1;
308 // Carry out a check on the memory allocation size, and
309 // print a status message if requested
310 if(nmem>max_particle_memory)
311 voro_fatal_error("Absolute maximum memory allocation exceeded",VOROPP_MEMORY_ERROR);
312 #if VOROPP_VERBOSE >=3
313 fprintf(stderr,"Particle memory in region %d scaled up to %d\n",i,nmem);
314 #endif
316 // Allocate new memory and copy in the contents of the old arrays
317 int *idp=new int[nmem];
318 for(l=0;l<co[i];l++) idp[l]=id[i][l];
319 double *pp=new double[ps*nmem];
320 for(l=0;l<ps*co[i];l++) pp[l]=p[i][l];
322 // Update pointers and delete old arrays
323 mem[i]=nmem;
324 delete [] id[i];id[i]=idp;
325 delete [] p[i];p[i]=pp;
328 /** Import a list of particles from an open file stream into the container.
329 * Entries of four numbers (Particle ID, x position, y position, z position)
330 * are searched for. If the file cannot be successfully read, then the routine
331 * causes a fatal error.
332 * \param[in] fp the file handle to read from. */
333 void container::import(FILE *fp) {
334 int i,j;
335 double x,y,z;
336 while((j=fscanf(fp,"%d %lg %lg %lg",&i,&x,&y,&z))==4) put(i,x,y,z);
337 if(j!=EOF) voro_fatal_error("File import error",VOROPP_FILE_ERROR);
340 /** Import a list of particles from an open file stream, also storing the order
341 * of that the particles are read. Entries of four numbers (Particle ID, x
342 * position, y position, z position) are searched for. If the file cannot be
343 * successfully read, then the routine causes a fatal error.
344 * \param[in,out] vo a reference to an ordering class to use.
345 * \param[in] fp the file handle to read from. */
346 void container::import(particle_order &vo,FILE *fp) {
347 int i,j;
348 double x,y,z;
349 while((j=fscanf(fp,"%d %lg %lg %lg",&i,&x,&y,&z))==4) put(vo,i,x,y,z);
350 if(j!=EOF) voro_fatal_error("File import error",VOROPP_FILE_ERROR);
353 /** Import a list of particles from an open file stream into the container.
354 * Entries of five numbers (Particle ID, x position, y position, z position,
355 * radius) are searched for. If the file cannot be successfully read, then the
356 * routine causes a fatal error.
357 * \param[in] fp the file handle to read from. */
358 void container_poly::import(FILE *fp) {
359 int i,j;
360 double x,y,z,r;
361 while((j=fscanf(fp,"%d %lg %lg %lg %lg",&i,&x,&y,&z,&r))==5) put(i,x,y,z,r);
362 if(j!=EOF) voro_fatal_error("File import error",VOROPP_FILE_ERROR);
365 /** Import a list of particles from an open file stream, also storing the order
366 * of that the particles are read. Entries of four numbers (Particle ID, x
367 * position, y position, z position, radius) are searched for. If the file
368 * cannot be successfully read, then the routine causes a fatal error.
369 * \param[in,out] vo a reference to an ordering class to use.
370 * \param[in] fp the file handle to read from. */
371 void container_poly::import(particle_order &vo,FILE *fp) {
372 int i,j;
373 double x,y,z,r;
374 while((j=fscanf(fp,"%d %lg %lg %lg %lg",&i,&x,&y,&z,&r))==5) put(vo,i,x,y,z,r);
375 if(j!=EOF) voro_fatal_error("File import error",VOROPP_FILE_ERROR);
378 /** Outputs the a list of all the container regions along with the number of
379 * particles stored within each. */
380 void container_base::region_count() {
381 int i,j,k,*cop=co;
382 for(k=0;k<nz;k++) for(j=0;j<ny;j++) for(i=0;i<nx;i++)
383 printf("Region (%d,%d,%d): %d particles\n",i,j,k,*(cop++));
386 /** Clears a container of particles. */
387 void container::clear() {
388 for(int *cop=co;cop<co+nxyz;cop++) *cop=0;
391 /** Clears a container of particles, also clearing resetting the maximum radius
392 * to zero. */
393 void container_poly::clear() {
394 for(int *cop=co;cop<co+nxyz;cop++) *cop=0;
395 max_radius=0;
398 /** Computes all the Voronoi cells and saves customized information about them.
399 * \param[in] format the custom output string to use.
400 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
401 void container::print_custom(const char *format,FILE *fp) {
402 c_loop_all vl(*this);
403 print_custom(vl,format,fp);
406 /** Computes all the Voronoi cells and saves customized
407 * information about them.
408 * \param[in] format the custom output string to use.
409 * \param[in] fp a file handle to write to. */
410 void container_poly::print_custom(const char *format,FILE *fp) {
411 c_loop_all vl(*this);
412 print_custom(vl,format,fp);
415 /** Computes all the Voronoi cells and saves customized information about them.
416 * \param[in] format the custom output string to use.
417 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to write to. */
418 void container::print_custom(const char *format,const char *filename) {
419 FILE *fp=safe_fopen(filename,"w");
420 print_custom(format,fp);
421 fclose(fp);
424 /** Computes all the Voronoi cells and saves customized
425 * information about them
426 * \param[in] format the custom output string to use.
427 * \param[in] filename the name of the file to write to. */
428 void container_poly::print_custom(const char *format,const char *filename) {
429 FILE *fp=safe_fopen(filename,"w");
430 print_custom(format,fp);
431 fclose(fp);
434 /** Computes all of the Voronoi cells in the container, but does nothing
435 * with the output. It is useful for measuring the pure computation time
436 * of the Voronoi algorithm, without any additional calculations such as
437 * volume evaluation or cell output. */
438 void container::compute_all_cells() {
439 voronoicell c(*this);
440 c_loop_all vl(*this);
441 if(vl.start()) do compute_cell(c,vl);
442 while(vl.inc());
445 /** Computes all of the Voronoi cells in the container, but does nothing
446 * with the output. It is useful for measuring the pure computation time
447 * of the Voronoi algorithm, without any additional calculations such as
448 * volume evaluation or cell output. */
449 void container_poly::compute_all_cells() {
450 voronoicell c(*this);
451 c_loop_all vl(*this);
452 if(vl.start()) do compute_cell(c,vl);while(vl.inc());
455 /** Calculates all of the Voronoi cells and sums their volumes. In most cases
456 * without walls, the sum of the Voronoi cell volumes should equal the volume
457 * of the container to numerical precision.
458 * \return The sum of all of the computed Voronoi volumes. */
459 double container::sum_cell_volumes() {
460 voronoicell c(*this);
461 double vol=0;
462 c_loop_all vl(*this);
463 if(vl.start()) do if(compute_cell(c,vl)) vol+=c.volume();while(vl.inc());
464 return vol;
467 /** Calculates all of the Voronoi cells and sums their volumes. In most cases
468 * without walls, the sum of the Voronoi cell volumes should equal the volume
469 * of the container to numerical precision.
470 * \return The sum of all of the computed Voronoi volumes. */
471 double container_poly::sum_cell_volumes() {
472 voronoicell c(*this);
473 double vol=0;
474 c_loop_all vl(*this);
475 if(vl.start()) do if(compute_cell(c,vl)) vol+=c.volume();while(vl.inc());
476 return vol;
479 /** This function tests to see if a given vector lies within the container
480 * bounds and any walls.
481 * \param[in] (x,y,z) the position vector to be tested.
482 * \return True if the point is inside the container, false if the point is
483 * outside. */
484 bool container_base::point_inside(double x,double y,double z) {
485 if(x<ax||x>bx||y<ay||y>by||z<az||z>bz) return false;
486 return point_inside_walls(x,y,z);
489 /** Draws an outline of the domain in gnuplot format.
490 * \param[in] fp the file handle to write to. */
491 void container_base::draw_domain_gnuplot(FILE *fp) {
492 fprintf(fp,"%g %g %g\n%g %g %g\n%g %g %g\n%g %g %g\n",ax,ay,az,bx,ay,az,bx,by,az,ax,by,az);
493 fprintf(fp,"%g %g %g\n%g %g %g\n%g %g %g\n%g %g %g\n",ax,by,bz,bx,by,bz,bx,ay,bz,ax,ay,bz);
494 fprintf(fp,"%g %g %g\n\n%g %g %g\n%g %g %g\n\n",ax,by,bz,ax,ay,az,ax,ay,bz);
495 fprintf(fp,"%g %g %g\n%g %g %g\n\n%g %g %g\n%g %g %g\n\n",bx,ay,az,bx,ay,bz,bx,by,az,bx,by,bz);
498 /** Draws an outline of the domain in POV-Ray format.
499 * \param[in] fp the file handle to write to. */
500 void container_base::draw_domain_pov(FILE *fp) {
501 fprintf(fp,"cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n"
502 "cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n",ax,ay,az,bx,ay,az,ax,by,az,bx,by,az);
503 fprintf(fp,"cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n"
504 "cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n",ax,by,bz,bx,by,bz,ax,ay,bz,bx,ay,bz);
505 fprintf(fp,"cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n"
506 "cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n",ax,ay,az,ax,by,az,bx,ay,az,bx,by,az);
507 fprintf(fp,"cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n"
508 "cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n",bx,ay,bz,bx,by,bz,ax,ay,bz,ax,by,bz);
509 fprintf(fp,"cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n"
510 "cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n",ax,ay,az,ax,ay,bz,bx,ay,az,bx,ay,bz);
511 fprintf(fp,"cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n"
512 "cylinder{<%g,%g,%g>,<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n",bx,by,az,bx,by,bz,ax,by,az,ax,by,bz);
513 fprintf(fp,"sphere{<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\nsphere{<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n"
514 "sphere{<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\nsphere{<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n",ax,ay,az,bx,ay,az,ax,by,az,bx,by,az);
515 fprintf(fp,"sphere{<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\nsphere{<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n"
516 "sphere{<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\nsphere{<%g,%g,%g>,rr}\n",ax,ay,bz,bx,ay,bz,ax,by,bz,bx,by,bz);
520 /** The wall_list constructor sets up an array of pointers to wall classes. */
521 wall_list::wall_list() : walls(new wall*[init_wall_size]), wep(walls), wel(walls+init_wall_size),
522 current_wall_size(init_wall_size) {}
524 /** The wall_list destructor frees the array of pointers to the wall classes.
526 wall_list::~wall_list() {
527 delete [] walls;
530 /** Adds all of the walls on another wall_list to this class.
531 * \param[in] wl a reference to the wall class. */
532 void wall_list::add_wall(wall_list &wl) {
533 for(wall **wp=wl.walls;wp<wl.wep;wp++) add_wall(*wp);
536 /** Deallocates all of the wall classes pointed to by the wall_list. */
537 void wall_list::deallocate() {
538 for(wall **wp=walls;wp<wep;wp++) delete *wp;
541 /** Increases the memory allocation for the walls array. */
542 void wall_list::increase_wall_memory() {
543 current_wall_size<<=1;
544 if(current_wall_size>max_wall_size)
545 voro_fatal_error("Wall memory allocation exceeded absolute maximum",VOROPP_MEMORY_ERROR);
546 wall **nwalls=new wall*[current_wall_size],**nwp=nwalls,**wp=walls;
547 while(wp<wep) *(nwp++)=*(wp++);
548 delete [] walls;
549 walls=nwalls;wel=walls+current_wall_size;wep=nwp;