Minkowski test code.
[voro++.git] / trunk / src / worklist_gen.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # Voro++, a 3D cell-based Voronoi library
4 # Author : Chris H. Rycroft (LBL / UC Berkeley)
5 # Email : chr@alum.mit.edu
6 # Date : August 30th 2011
8 # worklist_gen.pl - this perl script is used to automatically generate the
9 # worklists of blocks that are stored in worklist.cc, that are used by the
10 # compute_cell() routine to ensure maximum efficiency
12 # Each region is divided into a grid of subregions, and a worklist is
13 # constructed for each. This parameter sets is set to half the number of
14 # subregions that the block is divided into.
15 $hr=4;
17 # This parameter is automatically set to the the number of subregions that the
18 # block is divided into
19 $r=$hr*2;
21 # This parameter sets the total number of block entries in each worklist
22 $ls=63;
24 # When the worklists are being constructed, a mask array is made use of. To
25 # prevent the creation of array elements with negative indices, this parameter
26 # sets an arbitrary displacement.
27 $dis=8;
29 # Constants used mask indexing
30 $d=2*$dis+1;$dd=$d*$d;$d0=(1+$d+$dd)*$dis;
32 use Math::Trig;
34 # Construct the worklist header file, based on the parameters above
35 open W,">worklist.hh";
36 print W <<EOF;
37 // Voro++, a 3D cell-based Voronoi library
39 // Author : Chris H. Rycroft (LBL / UC Berkeley)
40 // Email : chr\@alum.mit.edu
41 // Date : August 30th 2011
43 /** \\file worklist.hh
44 * \\brief Header file for setting constants used in the block worklists that are
45 * used during cell computation.
47 * This file is automatically generated by worklist_gen.pl and it is not
48 * intended to be edited by hand. */
53 namespace voro {
55 /** Each region is divided into a grid of subregions, and a worklist is
56 # constructed for each. This parameter sets is set to half the number of
57 # subregions that the block is divided into. */
58 EOF
59 print W "const int wl_hgrid=$hr;\n";
60 print W <<EOF;
61 /** The number of subregions that a block is subdivided into, which is twice
62 the value of hgrid. */
63 EOF
64 print W "const int wl_fgrid=$r;\n";
65 print W <<EOF;
66 /** The total number of worklists, set to the cube of hgrid. */
67 EOF
68 printf W "const int wl_hgridcu=%d;\n",$hr*$hr*$hr;
69 print W <<EOF;
70 /** The number of elements in each worklist. */
71 EOF
72 printf W "const int wl_seq_length=%d;\n",$ls+1;
73 print W <<EOF;
76 #endif
77 EOF
78 close W;
80 # Construct the preamble to the worklist.cc file
81 open W,">v_base_wl.cc";
82 print W <<EOF;
83 // Voro++, a 3D cell-based Voronoi library
85 // Author : Chris H. Rycroft (LBL / UC Berkeley)
86 // Email : chr\@alum.mit.edu
87 // Date : August 30th 2011
89 /** \\file v_base_wl.cc
90 * \\brief The table of block worklists that are used during the cell
91 * computation, which is part of the voro_base class.
93 * This file is automatically generated by worklist_gen.pl and it is not
94 * intended to be edited by hand. */
96 EOF
97 printf W "const unsigned int voro_base::wl[wl_seq_length*wl_hgridcu]={\n";
99 # Now create a worklist for each subregion
100 for($kk=0;$kk<$hr;$kk++) {
101 for($jj=0;$jj<$hr;$jj++) {
102 for($ii=0;$ii<$hr;$ii++) {
103 worklist($ii,$jj,$kk);
108 # Finish the file and close it
109 print W "};\n";
110 close W;
112 # A subroutine
113 sub worklist {
114 # print "@_[0] @_[1] @_[2]\n";
115 $ind=@_[0]+$hr*(@_[1]+$hr*@_[2]);
116 $ac=0;$v+=2;
117 $xp=$yp=$zp=0;
118 $x=(@_[0]+0.5)/$r;
119 $y=(@_[1]+0.5)/$r;
120 $z=(@_[2]+0.5)/$r;
121 $m[$d0]=$v;
122 add(1,0,0);add(0,1,0);add(0,0,1);
123 add(-1,0,0);add(0,-1,0);add(0,0,-1);
124 foreach $l (1..$ls) {
125 $minwei=1e9;
126 foreach (0..$ac-1) {
127 $xt=@a[3*$_];$yt=@a[3*$_+1];$zt=@a[3*$_+2];
128 # $wei=dis($x,$y,$z,$xt,$yt,$zt)+1*acos(($xt*$xp+$yt*$yp+$zt*$zp)/($xt*$xt+$yt*$yt+$zt*$zt)*($xp*$xp+$yp*$yp+$zp*$zp));
129 $wei=adis($x,$y,$z,$xt,$yt,$zt)+0.02*sqrt(($xt-$xp)**2+($yt-$yp)**2+($zt-$zp)**2);
130 $nx=$_,$minwei=$wei if $wei<$minwei;
132 $xp=@a[3*$nx];$yp=@a[3*$nx+1];$zp=@a[3*$nx+2];
133 add($xp+1,$yp,$zp);add($xp,$yp+1,$zp);add($xp,$yp,$zp+1);
134 add($xp-1,$yp,$zp);add($xp,$yp-1,$zp);add($xp,$yp,$zp-1);
135 # print "=> $l $xp $yp $zp\n" if $l<4;
136 push @b,(splice @a,3*$nx,3);$ac--;
139 # Mark all blocks that are on this worklist entry
140 $m[$d0]=++$v;
141 for($i=0;$i<$#b;$i+=3) {
142 $xt=$b[$i];$yt=$b[$i+1];$zt=$b[$i+2];
143 $m[$d0+$xt+$d*$yt+$dd*$zt]=$v;
146 # Find which neighboring outside blocks need to be marked when
147 # considering this block, being as conservative as possible by
148 # overwriting the marks, so that the last possible entry that can reach
149 # a block is used
150 for($i=$j=0;$i<$#b;$i+=3,$j++) {
151 $xt=$b[$i];$yt=$b[$i+1];$zt=$b[$i+2];
152 $k=$d0+$xt+$yt*$d+$zt*$dd;
153 $la[$k+1]=$j, $m[$k+1]=$v+1 if $xt>=0 && $m[$k+1]!=$v;
154 $la[$k+$d]=$j, $m[$k+$d]=$v+1 if $yt>=0 && $m[$k+$d]!=$v;
155 $la[$k+$dd]=$j, $m[$k+$dd]=$v+1 if $zt>=0 && $m[$k+$dd]!=$v;
156 $la[$k-1]=$j, $m[$k-1]=$v+1 if $xt<=0 && $m[$k-1]!=$v;
157 $la[$k-$d]=$j, $m[$k-$d]=$v+1 if $yt<=0 && $m[$k-$d]!=$v;
158 $la[$k-$dd]=$j, $m[$k-$dd]=$v+1 if $zt<=0 && $m[$k-$dd]!=$v;
161 # Scan to ensure that no neighboring blocks have been missed by the
162 # outwards-looking logic in the above section
163 for($i=0;$i<$#b;$i+=3) {
164 wl_check($d0+$b[$i]+$b[$i+1]*$d+$b[$i+2]*$dd);
167 # Compute the number of entries where outside blocks do not need to be
168 # consider
169 for($i=$j=0;$i<$#b;$i+=3,$j++) {
170 $k=$d0+$b[$i]+$b[$i+1]*$d+$b[$i+2]*$dd;
171 last if $m[$k+1]!=$v;
172 last if $m[$k+$d]!=$v;
173 last if $m[$k+$dd]!=$v;
174 last if $m[$k-1]!=$v;
175 last if $m[$k-$d]!=$v;
176 last if $m[$k-$dd]!=$v;
178 print W "\t$j";
180 # Create worklist entry and save to file
181 $j=0;
182 while ($#b>0) {
183 $xt=shift @b;$yt=shift @b;$zt=shift @b;
184 $k=$d0+$xt+$yt*$d+$zt*$dd;
185 $o=0;
186 $o|=1 if $m[$k+1]!=$v && $la[$k+1]==$j;
187 $o^=3 if $m[$k-1]!=$v && $la[$k-1]==$j;
188 $o|=8 if $m[$k+$d]!=$v && $la[$k+$d]==$j;
189 $o^=24 if $m[$k-$d]!=$v && $la[$k-$d]==$j;
190 $o|=64 if $m[$k+$dd]!=$v && $la[$k+$dd]==$j;
191 $o^=192 if $m[$k-$dd]!=$v && $la[$k-$dd]==$j;
192 printf W ",%#x",(($xt+64)|($yt+64)<<7|($zt+64)<<14|$o<<21);
193 $j++;
195 print W "," unless $ind==$hr*$hr*$hr-1;
196 print W "\n";
198 # Remove list memory
199 undef @a;
200 undef @b;
203 sub add {
204 if ($m[$d0+@_[0]+$d*@_[1]+$dd*@_[2]]!=$v) {
205 $ac++;
206 push @a,@_[0],@_[1],@_[2];
207 $m[$d0+@_[0]+$d*@_[1]+$dd*@_[2]]=$v;
211 sub dis {
212 $xl=@_[3]+0.3-@_[0];$xh=@_[3]+0.7-@_[0];
213 $yl=@_[4]+0.3-@_[1];$yh=@_[4]+0.7-@_[1];
214 $zl=@_[5]+0.3-@_[2];$zh=@_[5]+0.7-@_[2];
215 $dis=(abs($xl)<abs($xh)?$xl:$xh)**2
216 +(abs($yl)<abs($yh)?$yl:$yh)**2
217 +(abs($zl)<abs($zh)?$zl:$zh)**2;
218 return sqrt $dis;
221 sub adis {
222 $xco=$yco=$zco=0;
223 $xco=@_[0]-@_[3] if @_[3]>0;
224 $xco=@_[0]-@_[3]-1 if @_[3]<0;
225 $yco=@_[1]-@_[4] if @_[4]>0;
226 $yco=@_[1]-@_[4]-1 if @_[4]<0;
227 $zco=@_[2]-@_[5] if @_[5]>0;
228 $zco=@_[2]-@_[5]-1 if @_[5]<0;
229 return sqrt $xco*$xco+$yco*$yco+$zco*$zco;
232 sub wl_check {
233 die "Failure in worklist construction\n" if $m[@_[0]+1]<$v||$m[@_[0]-1]<$v
234 ||$m[@_[0]+$d]<$v||$m[@_[0]-$d]<$v
235 ||$m[@_[0]+$dd]<$v||$m[@_[0]-$dd]<$v;