Bugfix in search_for_outside_edge routine.
[voro++.git] / branches / 2d_boundary / src / container_2d.hh
1 /** \file container_2d.hh
2 * \brief Header file for the container_2d class. */
7 #include <cstdio>
8 #include <cstdlib>
9 #include <cmath>
10 using namespace std;
12 #include "config.hh"
13 #include "cell_2d.hh"
15 class voropp_loop_2d;
17 /** \brief A class representing the whole 2D simulation region.
19 * The container class represents the whole simulation region. The
20 * container constructor sets up the geometry and periodicity, and divides
21 * the geometry into rectangular grid of blocks, each of which handles the
22 * particles in a particular area. Routines exist for putting in particles,
23 * importing particles from standard input, and carrying out Voronoi
24 * calculations. */
25 class container_2d {
26 public:
27 /** degbugging aid. */
28 bool debug;
29 /** The minimum x coordinate of the container. */
30 const double ax;
31 /** The maximum x coordinate of the container. */
32 const double bx;
33 /** The minimum y coordinate of the container. */
34 const double ay;
35 /** The maximum y coordinate of the container. */
36 const double by;
37 /** The box length in the x direction, set to (bx-ax)/nx. */
38 const double boxx;
39 /** The box length in the y direction, set to (by-ay)/ny. */
40 const double boxy;
41 /** The inverse box length in the x direction. */
42 const double xsp;
43 /** The inverse box length in the y direction. */
44 const double ysp;
45 /** The number of boxes in the x direction. */
46 const int nx;
47 /** The number of boxes in the y direction. */
48 const int ny;
49 /** A constant, set to the value of nx multiplied by ny, which
50 * is used in the routines which step through boxes in
51 * sequence. */
52 const int nxy;
53 /** A boolean value that determines if the x coordinate in
54 * periodic or not. */
55 const bool xperiodic;
56 /** A boolean value that determines if the y coordinate in
57 * periodic or not. */
58 const bool yperiodic;
59 /** A boolean value that specifies whether the domain will be convex or non-convex.
60 * affected methods include cell_2d:plane, container_2d:import, container_2d:initialize_vo
61 ronoicell
62 * and container_2d:compute_cellsphere. */
63 const bool convex;
64 /** This array holds the number of particles within each
65 * computational box of the container. */
66 int *co;
68 /** This array holds the maximum amount of particle memory for
69 * each computational box of the container. If the number of
70 * particles in a particular box ever approaches this limit,
71 * more is allocated using the add_particle_memory() function.
73 int *mem;
74 /** This array holds the numerical IDs of each particle in each
75 * computational box. */
76 int **id;
77 /** For each computational box, this holds the boundary walls that pass through that box.
79 int **wid;
80 /** A two dimensional array holding particle positions. For the
81 * derived container_poly class, this also holds particle
82 * radii. */
83 double **p;
84 /** A two dimensional array for holding the number of labels per
85 * particle, plus other status information. */
86 unsigned int **nlab;
87 /** A two dimensional array of pointers to label information.
89 int ***plab;
90 /** An array created from *tmp and is referenced my *soip. soi
91 * stands for "spheres of influence" */
92 int *soi;
93 /** The current number of boundary points. */
94 int noofbnds;
95 /** Specifies the memory allocation for the boundary points. */
96 int bnds_size;
97 /** This array holds the vertices of the non-convex domain. If
98 * the domain is convex this variable is not initialized. The
99 * format is (bnds[0],bnds[1])=(x1,y1) for some (x1,y1)
100 * boundary point and (bnds[2],bnds[3])=(x2,y2) is the next
101 * vertex in the boundary from (x1,y1) if we are going
102 * clockwise. */
103 double *bnds;
104 /** Information about how the boundary vertices are connected.
105 * A single integer is stored for each vertex, giving the index
106 * of the connecting vertex in the counter-clockwise sense. */
107 int *edb;
108 /** Contains information about which points are boundary points,
109 i.e. lie at a nonconvexity. **/
110 int **bndpts;
111 /** Contains information about which boundary points are problem points **/
112 bool *probpts;
113 bool *extpts;
114 container_2d(double xa,double xb,double ya,double yb,int xn,int yn,bool xper,bool yper,bool convex_,int memi);
115 ~container_2d();
116 void setup();
117 int crossproductz(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
118 void semi_circle_labelling(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int wid);
119 void add_edb_memory(int i);
120 void initial_cut(voronoicell_2d &c, double x, double y, int bid);
121 void initial_cut_nonconvex(voronoicell_2d &c, double x, double y, int bid);
122 void import(FILE *fp=stdin);
123 void container_projection(double x, double y, double &ccy, double &ccy, double &nx, double &ny);
124 /** Imports a list of particles from a file.
125 * \param[in] filename the file to read from. */
126 inline void import(const char *filename) {
127 FILE *fp(voropp_safe_fopen(filename,"r"));
128 import(fp);
129 fclose(fp);
131 void Perp_vector(double x1, double y1, double &x1, double &y1, int dcp);
132 void tag_walls(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int wid);
133 inline void tag(int wallid, int box) {
134 int length=wid[box][0], *a;
135 if(length%6==0){
136 a=new int[length+6];
137 for(int j=0; j<length; j++){
138 a[j]=wid[box][j];
140 delete [] wid[box]; wid[box]=a;
142 wid[box][length]=wallid;
143 wid[box][0]++;
145 void draw_particles(FILE *fp=stdout);
146 /** Dumps all the particle positions and IDs to a file.
147 * \param[in] filename the file to write to. */
148 inline void draw_particles(const char *filename) {
149 FILE *fp(voropp_safe_fopen(filename,"w"));
150 draw_particles(fp);
151 fclose(fp);
153 void draw_particles_pov(FILE *fp=stdout);
154 /** Dumps all the particles positions in POV-Ray format.
155 * \param[in] filename the file to write to. */
156 inline void draw_particles_pov(const char *filename) {
157 FILE *fp(voropp_safe_fopen(filename,"w"));
158 draw_particles_pov(fp);
159 fclose(fp);
161 void draw_cells_gnuplot(FILE *fp=stdout);
162 /** Computes the Voronoi cells for all particles and saves the
163 * output in gnuplot format.
164 * \param[in] filename the file to write to. */
165 inline void draw_cells_gnuplot(const char *filename) {
166 FILE *fp(voropp_safe_fopen(filename,"w"));
167 draw_cells_gnuplot(fp);
168 fclose(fp);
170 void draw_cells_pov(FILE *fp=stdout);
171 /** Computes the Voronoi cells for all particles and saves the
172 * output in POV-Ray format.
173 * \param[in] filename the file to write to. */
174 inline void draw_cells_pov(const char *filename) {
175 FILE *fp(voropp_safe_fopen(filename,"w"));
176 draw_cells_pov(fp);
177 fclose(fp);
179 void draw_boundary(FILE *fp=stdout);
180 inline void draw_boundary(const char *filename) {
181 FILE *fp(voropp_safe_fopen(filename,"w"));
182 draw_boundary(fp);
183 fclose(fp);
185 void print_custom(const char *format,FILE *fp=stdout);
186 /** Computes the Voronoi cells for all particles in the
187 * container, and for each cell, outputs a line containing
188 * custom information about the cell structure. The output
189 * format is specified using an input string with control
190 * sequences similar to the standard C printf() routine.
191 * \param[in] format the format of the output lines, using
192 * control sequences to denote the different
193 * cell statistics.
194 * \param[in] filename the file to write to. */
195 inline void print_custom(const char *format,const char *filename) {
196 FILE *fp(voropp_safe_fopen(filename,"w"));
197 print_custom(format,fp);
198 fclose(fp);
200 double sum_cell_areas();
201 void compute_all_cells();
202 void debug_output();
203 /** An overloaded version of the compute_cell_sphere routine,
204 * that sets up the x and y variables.
205 *\param[in,out] c a reference to a voronoicell object.
206 * \param[in] (i,j) the coordinates of the block that the test
207 * particle is in.
208 * \param[in] ij the index of the block that the test particle
209 * is in, set to i+nx*j.
210 * \param[in] s the index of the particle within the test
211 * block.
212 * \return False if the Voronoi cell was completely removed
213 * during the computation and has zero volume, true otherwise.
215 inline bool compute_cell_sphere(voronoicell_2d &c,int i,int j,int ij,int s) {
216 double x=p[s][2*ij],y=p[s][2*ij+1];
217 return compute_cell_sphere(c,i,j,ij,s,x,y);
219 bool compute_cell_sphere(voronoicell_2d &c,int i,int j,int ij,int s,double x,double y);
220 bool initialize_voronoicell(voronoicell_2d &c,double x,double y);
221 bool initialize_voronoicell_nonconvex(voronoicell_2d &c,double x, double y, int bid);
222 bool initialize_voronoicell_boundary(voronoicell_2d &c, double x, double y, int bid);
223 bool OKCuttingParticle(double gx, double gy, int gbox, int gindex, double cx, double cy,
224 int cbox, int cindex, bool boundary, int bid);
225 void put(int n,double x,double y, int bndloc);
226 void clear();
227 private:
228 /** A temporary array used in label creation. */
229 int *tmp;
230 /** The next free position in the temporary label array. */
231 int *tmpp;
232 /** The end of the temporary label array. */
233 int *tmpe;
234 inline bool put_locate_block(int &ij,double &x,double &y);
235 inline bool put_remap(int &ij,double &x,double &y);
236 inline double max(double a, double b) {return b<a?a:b;}
237 inline double min(double a, double b) {return (b<a)?b:a;}
238 inline double dist(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2) {
239 return pow((((y2-y1)*(y2-y1))+((x2-x1)*(x2-x1))),.5);
241 void create_label_table();
242 void add_temporary_label_memory();
243 void add_particle_memory(int i);
244 void add_boundary_memory();
245 /** Custom int function, that gives consistent stepping for
246 * negative numbers. With normal int, we have
247 * (-1.5,-0.5,0.5,1.5) -> (-1,0,0,1). With this routine, we
248 * have (-1.5,-0.5,0.5,1.5) -> (-2,-1,0,1). */
249 inline int step_int(double a) {return a<0?int(a)-1:int(a);}
250 /** Custom modulo function, that gives consistent stepping for
251 * negative numbers. */
252 inline int step_mod(int a,int b) {return a>=0?a%b:b-1-(b-1-a)%b;}
253 /** Custom integer division function, that gives consistent
254 * stepping for negative numbers. */
255 inline int step_div(int a,int b) {return a>=0?a/b:-1+(a+1)/b;}
256 friend class voropp_loop_2d;
260 /** \brief A class to handle loops on regions of the container handling
261 * non-periodic and periodic boundary conditions.
263 * Many of the container routines require scanning over a rectangular sub-grid
264 * of blocks, and the routines for handling this are stored in the
265 * voropp_loop_2d class. A voropp_loop_2d class can first be initialized to
266 * either calculate the subgrid which is within a distance r of a vector
267 * (vx,vy,vz), or a subgrid corresponding to a rectangular box. The routine
268 * inc() can then be successively called to step through all the blocks within
269 * this subgrid.
271 class voropp_loop_2d {
272 public:
273 voropp_loop_2d(container_2d &con);
274 int init(double vx,double vy,double r,double &px,double &py);
275 int init(double xmin,double xmax,double ymin,double ymax,double &px,double &py);
276 int inc(double &px,double &py);
277 /** The current block index in the x direction, referencing a
278 * real cell in the range 0 to nx-1. */
279 int ip;
280 /** The current block index in the y direction, referencing a
281 * real cell in the range 0 to ny-1. */
282 int jp;
283 private:
284 const double boxx,boxy,xsp,ysp,ax,ay;
285 const int nx,ny,nxy;
286 const bool xperiodic,yperiodic;
287 double apx,apy;
288 int i,j,ai,bi,aj,bj,s;
289 int aip,ajp,inc1;
290 /** Custom modulo function, that gives consistent stepping for
291 * negative numbers. */
292 inline int step_mod(int a,int b) {return a>=0?a%b:b-1-(b-1-a)%b;}
293 /** Custom integer division function, that gives consistent
294 * stepping for negative numbers. */
295 inline int step_div(int a,int b) {return a>=0?a/b:-1+(a+1)/b;}
296 /** Custom int function, that gives consistent stepping for
297 * negative numbers. With normal int, we have
298 * (-1.5,-0.5,0.5,1.5) -> (-1,0,0,1). With this routine, we
299 * have (-1.5,-0.5,0.5,1.5) -> (-2,-1,0,1). */
300 inline int step_int(double a) {return a<0?int(a)-1:int(a);}
303 #endif