Fixed typo in delete_connection routine.
[voro++.git] / branches / 2d_boundary / Tests / build / lib.macosx-10.7-intel-2.7 / svgfig /
1 import math, cmath, copy, re, sys, new
2 import defaults, svg, trans, pathdata, glyphs, _curve
4 ############################### generic curve with marks (tick marks, arrows, etc)
6 class Curve(svg.SVG):
7 attrib = {"stroke": "black", "fill": "none"}
8 smooth = False
9 marks = []
10 random_sampling = True
11 random_seed = 12345
12 recursion_limit = 15
13 linearity_limit = 0.05
14 discontinuity_limit = 5.
15 text_offsetx = 0.
16 text_offsety = -2.5
17 text_attrib = {}
19 _varlist = ["attrib", "smooth", "marks", "random_sampling", "random_seed", "recursion_limit", "linearity_limit", "discontinuity_limit", "text_offsetx", "text_offsety", "text_attrib"]
21 def __init__(self, expr, low, high, **kwds):
22 self.__dict__["tag"] = None
23 self.__dict__["children"] = []
24 self.__dict__["_svg"] = []
25 self.__dict__["f"] = svg.cannonical_parametric(expr)
26 self.__dict__["low"] = low
27 self.__dict__["high"] = high
29 for var in self._varlist:
30 if not callable(eval("self.%s" % var)) and var[:1] != "__" and var[-1:] != "__":
31 if var in kwds:
32 self.__dict__[var] = kwds[var]
33 del kwds[var]
34 else:
35 self.__dict__[var] = copy.deepcopy(eval("self.%s" % var))
37 # needed to set arrow color
38 if "stroke" in kwds:
39 self.attrib["stroke"] = kwds["stroke"]
40 del kwds["stroke"]
42 if "farrow" in kwds:
43 if kwds["farrow"] is True:
44 self.add(self.high, glyphs.farrowhead)
45 else:
46 self.add(self.high, kwds["farrow"])
47 self.marks[-1][1]["fill"] = self["stroke"]
48 del kwds["farrow"]
50 if "barrow" in kwds:
51 if kwds["barrow"] is True:
52 self.add(self.low, glyphs.barrowhead)
53 else:
54 self.add(self.low, kwds["barrow"])
55 self.marks[-1][1]["fill"] = self["stroke"]
56 del kwds["barrow"]
58 self.clean_arrows()
60 # now the rest of the attributes (other than stroke)
61 self.__dict__["attrib"].update(kwds)
62 self.__dict__["trans"] = []
64 def __call__(self, t, transformed=True):
65 x, y = self.f(t)
66 if transformed:
67 for trans in self.trans:
68 x, y = trans(x, y)
69 return x, y
71 def angle(self, t, transformed=True):
72 x, y = self(t, transformed)
74 tprime = t + trans.epsilon * abs(self.high - self.low)
75 xprime, yprime = self(tprime, transformed)
77 delx, dely = xprime - x, yprime - y
78 return math.atan2(dely, delx)
80 ### pickleability and access issues
81 def __getattr__(self, name): return self.__dict__[name]
82 def __setattr__(self, name, value): self.__dict__[name] = value
84 def __getstate__(self):
85 mostdict = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
86 del mostdict["f"]
87 del mostdict["trans"]
88 transcode = map(lambda f: (f.func_code, f.func_name), self.trans)
89 fcode = self.f.func_code, self.f.func_name
90 return (sys.version_info, defaults.version_info, mostdict, transcode, fcode)
92 def __setstate__(self, state):
93 self.__dict__ = state[2]
94 self.__dict__["trans"] = []
96 for code, name in state[3]:
97 context = globals()
98 if "z" in code.co_names:
99 context.update(cmath.__dict__)
100 else:
101 context.update(math.__dict__)
102 f = new.function(code, context)
103 f.func_name = name
104 self.__dict__["trans"].append(f)
106 context = globals()
107 if "z" in state[4][0].co_names:
108 context.update(cmath.__dict__)
109 else:
110 context.update(math.__dict__)
111 self.__dict__["f"] = new.function(state[4][0], context)
112 self.__dict__["f"].func_name = state[4][1]
114 def __deepcopy__(self, memo={}):
115 mostdict = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
116 del mostdict["trans"]
117 del mostdict["f"]
118 if "repr" in mostdict: del mostdict["repr"]
119 output = new.instance(self.__class__)
120 output.__dict__ = copy.deepcopy(mostdict, memo)
121 output.__dict__["trans"] = copy.copy(self.trans)
122 output.__dict__["f"] = self.f
124 memo[id(self)] = output
125 return output
127 ### presentation
128 def __repr__(self):
129 marks = ""
130 if len(self.marks) == 1: marks = " (1 mark)"
131 elif len(self.marks) > 1: marks = " (%d marks)" % len(self.marks)
133 trans = ""
134 if len(self.trans) > 0: trans = " (%d trans)" % len(self.trans)
136 attrib = ""
137 for var in "stroke", "fill":
138 if var in self.attrib:
139 attrib += " %s=%s" % (var, repr(self.attrib[var]))
141 return "<%s %s from %g to %g%s%s%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.f, self.low, self.high, marks, trans, attrib)
143 ### transformation is like Delay
144 def transform(self, t): self.trans.append(svg.cannonical_transformation(t))
146 def bbox(self): return pathdata.bbox(self.d())
148 ### construct the SVG path
149 def svg(self):
150 obj = new.instance(svg.SVG)
151 obj.__dict__["tag"] = "path"
152 obj.__dict__["attrib"] = self.attrib
153 obj.__dict__["children"] = self.children
154 obj.__dict__["_svg"] = obj
155 obj.attrib["d"] = self.d()
157 if self.marks == []:
158 output = obj
159 else:
160 output = svg.SVG("g", obj)
162 lowX, lowY = self(self.low)
163 highX, highY = self(self.high)
165 for item in self.marks:
166 if isinstance(item, (int, long, float)):
167 t, mark = item, glyphs.tick
168 else:
169 t, mark = item # marks should be (pos, mark) pairs or just pos
171 X, Y = self(t)
172 if self.low <= t <= self.high or \
173 math.sqrt((X - lowX)**2 + (Y - lowY)**2) < trans.epsilon or \
174 math.sqrt((X - highX)**2 + (Y - highY)**2) < trans.epsilon:
176 angle = self.angle(t)
178 if isinstance(mark, basestring):
179 mark = self._render_text(X, Y, angle, mark)
181 else:
182 mark = trans.transform(lambda x, y: (X + math.cos(angle)*x - math.sin(angle)*y,
183 Y + math.sin(angle)*x + math.cos(angle)*y), mark)
184 output.append(mark)
186 self._svg = output
188 def d(self):
189 data = _curve.curve(self.f, self.trans, self.low, self.high,
190 self.random_sampling, self.random_seed, self.recursion_limit, self.linearity_limit, self.discontinuity_limit)
192 segments = []
193 last_d = None
194 for d in data:
195 if d is not None:
196 if last_d is None: segments.append([])
197 segments[-1].append(d)
198 last_d = d
200 output = []
201 if self.smooth:
202 for seg in segments:
203 output.extend(pathdata.smooth(*seg))
204 else:
205 for seg in segments:
206 output.extend(pathdata.poly(*seg))
208 return output
210 def _render_text(self, X, Y, angle, text):
211 text_attrib = {"transform": "translate(%g, %g) rotate(%g)" %
212 (X + self.text_offsetx*math.cos(angle) - self.text_offsety*math.sin(angle),
213 Y + self.text_offsetx*math.sin(angle) + self.text_offsety*math.cos(angle), 180./math.pi*angle),
214 "text-anchor": "middle"}
215 text_attrib.update(self.text_attrib)
216 return svg.SVG("text", 0., 0., **text_attrib)(text)
218 ### lots of functions for adding/removing marks
219 def _matches(self, matching, mark):
220 if matching is None: return True
222 try:
223 if isinstance(mark, matching): return True
224 except TypeError: pass
226 if isinstance(mark, svg.SVG) and isinstance(matching, basestring):
227 if, mark.tag): return True
228 if "repr" in mark.__dict__ and, mark.repr): return True
230 if isinstance(matching, basestring) and isinstance(mark, basestring):
231 if, mark): return True
233 return matching == mark
235 def wipe(self, low=None, high=None, matching=None):
236 if low is None: low = self.low
237 if high is None: high = self.high
239 newmarks = []
240 for item in self.marks:
241 if isinstance(item, (int, long, float)):
242 if self._matches(matching, item):
243 if not low <= item <= high: newmarks.append(item)
244 else:
245 newmarks.append(item)
247 else:
248 pos, mark = item # marks should be (pos, mark) pairs or just pos
249 if self._matches(matching, mark):
250 if not low <= pos <= high: newmarks.append(item)
251 else:
252 newmarks.append(item)
254 self.marks = newmarks
256 def keep(self, low=None, high=None, matching=None):
257 if low is None: low = self.low
258 if high is None: high = self.high
260 newmarks = []
261 for item in self.marks:
262 if isinstance(item, (int, long, float)):
263 if self._matches(matching, item):
264 if low <= item <= high: newmarks.append(item)
266 else:
267 pos, mark = item # marks should be (pos, mark) pairs or just pos
268 if self._matches(matching, mark):
269 if low <= pos <= high: newmarks.append(item)
271 self.marks = newmarks
273 def drop(self, t, tolerance=None, matching=None):
274 if tolerance is None: tolerance = trans.epsilon * abs(self.high - self.low)
275 self.wipe(t - tolerance, t + tolerance, matching=matching)
277 def add(self, t, mark, angle=0., dx=0., dy=0.):
278 if not isinstance(mark, basestring):
279 mark = trans.transform(lambda x, y: (dx + math.cos(angle)*x - math.sin(angle)*y,
280 dy + math.sin(angle)*x + math.cos(angle)*y), mark)
281 self.marks.append((t, mark))
283 def tick(self, t, mark=None):
284 if mark is None:
285 self.add(t, glyphs.tick)
286 self.marks[-1][1]["stroke"] = self["stroke"]
287 elif isinstance(mark, basestring):
288 self.add(t, glyphs.tick)
289 self.marks[-1][1]["stroke"] = self["stroke"]
290 self.add(t, mark)
291 else:
292 self.add(t, mark)
293 self.marks[-1][1]["stroke"] = self["stroke"]
295 def minitick(self, t): self.tick(t, glyphs.minitick)
297 def _markorder(self, a, b):
298 if isinstance(a, (int, long, float)):
299 posa, marka = a, None
300 else:
301 posa, marka = a # marks should be (pos, mark) pairs or just pos
302 if isinstance(b, (int, long, float)):
303 posb, markb = b, None
304 else:
305 posb, markb = b # marks should be (pos, mark) pairs or just pos
307 if marka is None and markb is not None: return 1
308 if marka is not None and markb is None: return -1
309 return cmp(posa, posb)
311 def sort(self, order=None):
312 if order is None: order = lambda a, b: self._markorder(a, b)
313 self.marks.sort(order)
315 def closest(self, t, tolerance=None, matching=None):
316 if tolerance is None: tolerance = trans.epsilon * abs(self.high - self.low)
318 candidates = []
319 for item in self.marks:
320 if isinstance(item, (int, long, float)):
321 if self._matches(matching, item) and abs(t - item) < tolerance:
322 candidates.append(item)
323 else:
324 pos, mark = item
325 if self._matches(matching, mark) and abs(t - pos) < tolerance:
326 candidates.append(item)
328 def closecmp(a, b):
329 if isinstance(a, (int, long, float)):
330 posa, marka = a, None
331 else:
332 posa, marka = a # marks should be (pos, mark) pairs or just pos
333 if isinstance(b, (int, long, float)):
334 posb, markb = b, None
335 else:
336 posb, markb = b # marks should be (pos, mark) pairs or just pos
337 return cmp(abs(posa - t), abs(posb - t))
339 candidates.sort(closecmp)
340 return candidates
342 def clean_arrows(self):
343 end1, end2 = None, None
344 for item in self.marks:
345 if not isinstance(item, (int, long, float)):
346 pos, mark = item # marks should be (pos, mark) pairs or just pos
347 if mark not in (glyphs.tick, glyphs.minitick, glyphs.frtick, glyphs.frminitick) and \
348 not isinstance(mark, basestring) and not (isinstance(mark, svg.SVG) and self.tag == "text"):
349 if pos == self.low: end1 = item
350 if pos == self.high: end2 = item
352 newmarks = []
353 for item in self.marks:
354 if isinstance(item, (int, long, float)):
355 if (item != self.low and item != self.high) or \
356 (item == self.low and end1 is None) or \
357 (item == self.high and end2 is None):
358 newmarks.append(item)
360 else:
361 pos, mark = item
362 if (mark not in (glyphs.tick, glyphs.minitick, glyphs.frtick, glyphs.frminitick)) or \
363 (pos != self.low and pos != self.high) or \
364 (pos == self.low and end1 is None) or \
365 (pos == self.high and end2 is None):
366 newmarks.append(item)
368 self.marks = newmarks
370 ### act like a list
371 def append(self, other): self.marks.append(other)
372 def prepend(self, other): self.marks[0:0] = [other]
373 def insert(self, i, other): self.marks.insert(i, other)
374 def remove(self, other): self.marks.remove(other)
375 def __len__(self): return len(self.marks)
377 def extend(self, other):
378 if isinstance(other, SVG):
379 self.marks.extend(other.children)
380 elif isinstance(other, basestring):
381 self.marks.append(other)
382 else:
383 self.marks.extend(other)
385 def __add__(self, other):
386 output = copy.deepcopy(self)
387 output += other
388 return output
390 def __iadd__(self, other):
391 self.marks.append(other)
392 return self
394 def __mul__(self, other):
395 output = copy.deepcopy(self)
396 output *= other
397 return output
399 def __rmul__(self, other):
400 return self * other
402 def __imul__(self, other):
403 self.marks *= other
404 return self
406 def count(self, *args, **kwds): return self.marks.count(*args, **kwds)
407 def index(self, *args, **kwds): return self.marks.index(*args, **kwds)
408 def pop(self, *args, **kwds): return self.marks.pop(*args, **kwds)
409 def reverse(self, *args, **kwds): return self.marks.reverse(*args, **kwds)
411 ############################### plot axes
413 class XAxis(Curve):
414 text_offsety = 2.5 + 3.
415 xlogbase = None
417 _varlist = Curve._varlist + ["xlogbase"]
419 def _reassign_marks(self):
420 if self.xlogbase is not None:
421 return logticks(self.low, self.high)
422 else:
423 return ticks(self.low, self.high)
425 def _reassign_f(self):
426 output = eval("lambda t: (t, %s)" % repr(self.y))
427 output.func_name = "x-value"
428 return output
430 def __init__(self, low, high, y, **kwds):
431 self.__dict__["low"] = low
432 self.__dict__["high"] = high
433 self.y = y
435 if "marks" not in kwds:
436 kwds["marks"] = self._reassign_marks()
438 Curve.__init__(self, self._reassign_f(), low, high, **kwds)
440 def _render_text(self, X, Y, angle, text):
441 text_attrib = {"transform": "translate(%g, %g) rotate(%g)" %
442 (X + self.text_offsetx*math.cos(angle) - self.text_offsety*math.sin(angle),
443 Y + self.text_offsetx*math.sin(angle) + self.text_offsety*math.cos(angle), 180./math.pi*angle),
444 "text-anchor": "middle"}
445 text_attrib.update(self.text_attrib)
446 return svg.SVG("text", 0., 0., **text_attrib)(text)
448 def __setattr__(self, name, value):
449 self.__dict__[name] = value
450 if name == "xlogbase":
451 self.marks = self._reassign_marks()
452 if name in ("xlogbase", "low", "high"):
453 self.f = self._reassign_f()
455 class YAxis(Curve):
456 text_offsetx = -2.5
457 text_offsety = 1.5 # when dominant-baseline is implemented everywhere, this hack will no longer be necessary
458 ylogbase = None
460 _varlist = Curve._varlist + ["ylogbase"]
462 def _reassign_marks(self):
463 if self.ylogbase is not None:
464 return logticks(self.low, self.high)
465 else:
466 return ticks(self.low, self.high)
468 def _reassign_f(self):
469 output = eval("lambda t: (t, %s)" % repr(self.y))
470 output.func_name = "y-value"
471 return output
473 def __init__(self, low, high, y, **kwds):
474 self.__dict__["low"] = low
475 self.__dict__["high"] = high
476 self.y = y
478 if "marks" not in kwds:
479 kwds["marks"] = self._reassign_marks()
481 Curve.__init__(self, self._reassign_f(), low, high, **kwds)
483 def _render_text(self, X, Y, angle, text):
484 angle += math.pi/2.
485 text_attrib = {"transform": "translate(%g, %g) rotate(%g)" %
486 (X + self.text_offsetx*math.cos(angle) - self.text_offsety*math.sin(angle),
487 Y + self.text_offsetx*math.sin(angle) + self.text_offsety*math.cos(angle), 180./math.pi*angle),
488 "text-anchor": "end"}
489 text_attrib.update(self.text_attrib)
490 return svg.SVG("text", 0., 0., **text_attrib)(text)
492 def __setattr__(self, name, value):
493 self.__dict__[name] = value
494 if name == "ylogbase":
495 self.marks = self._reassign_marks()
496 if name in ("ylogbase", "low", "high"):
497 self.f = self._reassign_f()
499 ############################### functions for making ticks
501 def format_number(x, format="%g", scale=1.):
502 eps = trans.epsilon * abs(scale)
503 if abs(x) < eps: return "0"
504 return format % x
506 def unicode_number(x, scale=1.):
507 """Converts numbers to a Unicode string, taking advantage of special
508 Unicode characters to make nice minus signs and scientific notation."""
509 output = format_number(x, u"%g", scale)
511 if output[0] == u"-":
512 output = u"\u2013" + output[1:]
514 index = output.find(u"e")
515 if index != -1:
516 uniout = unicode(output[:index]) + u"\u00d710"
517 saw_nonzero = False
518 for n in output[index+1:]:
519 if n == u"+": pass # uniout += u"\u207a"
520 elif n == u"-": uniout += u"\u207b"
521 elif n == u"0":
522 if saw_nonzero: uniout += u"\u2070"
523 elif n == u"1":
524 saw_nonzero = True
525 uniout += u"\u00b9"
526 elif n == u"2":
527 saw_nonzero = True
528 uniout += u"\u00b2"
529 elif n == u"3":
530 saw_nonzero = True
531 uniout += u"\u00b3"
532 elif u"4" <= n <= u"9":
533 saw_nonzero = True
534 if saw_nonzero: uniout += eval("u\"\\u%x\"" % (0x2070 + ord(n) - ord(u"0")))
535 else: uniout += n
537 if uniout[:2] == u"1\u00d7": uniout = uniout[2:]
538 return uniout
540 return output
542 def ticks(low, high, maximum=None, exactly=None, format=unicode_number):
543 if exactly is not None:
544 output = []
545 t = low
546 for i in xrange(exactly):
547 output.append((t, glyphs.tick))
548 output.append((t, format(t, scale=abs(high - low))))
549 t += (high - low)/(exactly - 1.)
550 return output
552 if maximum is None: maximum = 10
554 counter = 0
555 granularity = 10**math.ceil(math.log10(max(abs(low), abs(high))))
556 lowN = math.ceil(1.*low / granularity)
557 highN = math.floor(1.*high / granularity)
559 def subdivide(counter, granularity, low, high, lowN, highN):
560 countermod3 = counter % 3
561 if countermod3 == 0: granularity *= 0.5
562 elif countermod3 == 1: granularity *= 0.4
563 elif countermod3 == 2: granularity *= 0.5
564 counter += 1
565 lowN = math.ceil(1.*low / granularity)
566 highN = math.floor(1.*high / granularity)
567 return counter, granularity, low, high, lowN, highN
569 while lowN > highN:
570 counter, granularity, low, high, lowN, highN = \
571 subdivide(counter, granularity, low, high, lowN, highN)
573 last_granularity = granularity
574 last_trial = None
576 while True:
577 trial = []
578 for n in range(int(lowN), int(highN)+1):
579 t = n * granularity
580 trial.append(t)
582 if len(trial) > maximum:
583 if last_trial is None:
584 v1, v2 = low, high
585 return [(v1, format(v1, scale=abs(high - low))), (v2, format(v2, scale=abs(high - low)))]
587 else:
588 if counter % 3 == 2:
589 counter, granularity, low, high, lowN, highN = \
590 subdivide(counter, granularity, low, high, lowN, highN)
591 trial = []
592 for n in range(int(lowN), int(highN)+1):
593 t = n * granularity
594 trial.append(t)
596 output = []
597 for t in last_trial:
598 output.append((t, glyphs.tick))
599 output.append((t, format(t, scale=abs(high - low))))
600 for t in trial:
601 if t not in last_trial:
602 output.append((t, glyphs.minitick))
603 return output
605 last_granularity = granularity
606 last_trial = trial
608 counter, granularity, low, high, lowN, highN = \
609 subdivide(counter, granularity, low, high, lowN, highN)
611 def logticks(low, high, base=10., maximum=None, format=unicode_number):
612 if maximum is None: maximum = 10
614 lowN = math.floor(math.log(low, base))
615 highN = math.ceil(math.log(high, base))
617 trial = []
618 for n in range(int(lowN), int(highN)+1):
619 trial.append(base**n)
621 output = []
623 # don't need every decade if the ticks cover too many
624 for i in range(1, len(trial)):
625 subtrial = trial[::i]
626 if len(subtrial) <= maximum:
627 for t in trial:
628 output.append((t, glyphs.tick))
629 if t in subtrial:
630 output.append((t, format(t)))
631 break
633 if len(trial) <= 2:
634 output2 = ticks(low, high, maximum=maximum, format=format)
636 lowest = min(output2)
637 for t, mark in output:
638 if t < lowest: output2.append((t, mark))
640 return output2
642 for n in range(int(lowN), int(highN)+1):
643 t = base**n
644 for m in range(2, int(math.ceil(base))):
645 output.append((m * t, glyphs.minitick))
647 return output