Fixed typo in delete_connection routine.
[voro++.git] / trunk / examples / walls / frustum.pov
1 #version 3.6;
3 // Right-handed coordinate system in which the z-axis points upwards
4 camera {
5 location <20,-50,30>
6 sky z
7 right -0.3*x*image_width/image_height
8 up 0.3*z
9 look_at <0,0,3>
12 // White background
13 background{rgb 1}
15 // Two lights with slightly different colors
16 light_source{<-8,-20,30> color rgb <0.77,0.75,0.75>}
17 light_source{<20,-15,5> color rgb <0.38,0.40,0.40>}
19 // Radius of the Voronoi cell network, and the particle radius
20 #declare r=0.025;
21 #declare s=0.1;
23 // Particles
24 union{
25 #include "frustum_p.pov"
26 scale 10
27 pigment{rgb <0.4,0.85,0.95>} finish{reflection 0.1 specular 0.3 ambient 0.42 metallic}
30 // Voronoi cells
31 union{
32 #include "frustum_v.pov"
33 scale 10
34 pigment{rgb <0.5,0.5,0.51>} finish{specular 0.3 ambient 0.42 reflection 0.4 metallic}