added progress indicator for long conversions
[voxconv.git] / vox_texatlas.d
1 module vox_texatlas;
3 import iv.bclamp;
4 import iv.glbinds.utils;
5 import iv.cmdcongl;
6 import iv.strex;
7 import iv.vfs;
8 import;
9 import iv.vmath;
12 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
13 public __gshared bool vox_atlas_cache_colors = true;
16 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
17 struct VoxTexAtlas {
18 public:
19 static struct Rect {
20 int x, y, w, h;
21 alias x0 = x;
22 alias y0 = y;
23 pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
24 static Rect Invalid () { pragma(inline, true); return Rect.init; }
25 bool isValid () const { pragma(inline, true); return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && w > 0 && h > 0); }
26 int getArea () const { pragma(inline, true); return w*h; }
27 int getX1 () const { pragma(inline, true); return x+w; }
28 int getY1 () const { pragma(inline, true); return y+h; }
32 private:
33 int imgWidth, imgHeight;
34 Rect[] rects;
36 enum BadRect = uint.max;
38 public:
39 void clear () {
40 delete rects; rects = null;
41 imgWidth = imgHeight = 0;
44 void setSize (int awdt, int ahgt) {
45 clear();
46 assert(awdt > 0 && ahgt > 0);
47 imgWidth = awdt;
48 imgHeight = ahgt;
49 rects.assumeSafeAppend;
50 rects ~= Rect(0, 0, awdt, ahgt); // one big rect
53 @property const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
54 int width () { pragma(inline, true); return imgWidth; }
55 int height () { pragma(inline, true); return imgHeight; }
58 // node id or BadRect
59 private uint findBestFit (int w, int h) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
60 uint fitW = BadRect, fitH = BadRect, biggest = BadRect;
62 foreach (immutable idx, const ref r; rects) {
63 if (r.w < w || r.h < h) continue; // absolutely can't fit
64 if (r.w == w && r.h == h) return cast(uint)idx; // perfect fit
65 if (r.w == w) {
66 // width fit
67 if (fitW == BadRect || rects.ptr[fitW].h < r.h) fitW = cast(uint)idx;
68 } else if (r.h == h) {
69 // height fit
70 if (fitH == BadRect || rects.ptr[fitH].w < r.w) fitH = cast(uint)idx;
71 } else {
72 // get biggest rect
73 if (biggest == BadRect || rects.ptr[biggest].getArea() > r.getArea()) biggest = cast(uint)idx;
76 // both?
77 if (fitW != BadRect && fitH != BadRect) return (rects.ptr[fitW].getArea() > rects.ptr[fitH].getArea() ? fitW : fitH);
78 if (fitW != BadRect) return fitW;
79 if (fitH != BadRect) return fitH;
80 return biggest;
83 // returns invalid rect if there's no room
84 Rect insert (int cwdt, int chgt/*, const(uint)[] colors*/) {
85 assert(cwdt > 0 && chgt > 0);
86 auto ri = findBestFit(cwdt, chgt);
87 if (ri == BadRect) return Rect.Invalid;
88 auto rc = rects.ptr[ri];
89 auto res = Rect(rc.x, rc.y, cwdt, chgt);
90 // split this rect
91 if (rc.w == res.w && rc.h == res.h) {
92 // best fit, simply remove this rect
93 foreach (immutable cidx; ri+1..rects.length) rects.ptr[cidx-1] = rects.ptr[cidx];
94 rects.length -= 1;
95 rects.assumeSafeAppend; // for future; we probably won't have alot of best-fitting nodes initially
96 } else {
97 if (rc.w == res.w) {
98 // split vertically
99 rc.y += res.h;
100 rc.h -= res.h;
101 } else if (rc.h == res.h) {
102 // split horizontally
103 rc.x += res.w;
104 rc.w -= res.w;
105 } else {
106 Rect nr = rc;
107 // split in both directions (by longer edge)
108 if (rc.w-res.w > rc.h-res.h) {
109 // cut the right part
110 nr.x += res.w;
111 nr.w -= res.w;
112 // cut the bottom part
113 rc.y += res.h;
114 rc.h -= res.h;
115 rc.w = res.w;
116 } else {
117 // cut the bottom part
118 nr.y += res.h;
119 nr.h -= res.h;
120 // cut the right part
121 rc.x += res.w;
122 rc.w -= res.w;
123 rc.h = res.h;
125 rects.assumeSafeAppend;
126 rects ~= nr;
128 rects.ptr[ri] = rc;
130 return res;
135 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
136 // just a compact representation of a rectange
137 // splitted to two copy-pasted structs for better type checking
138 align(1) struct VoxXY16 {
139 align(1):
140 uint xy; // low word: x; high word: y
142 nothrow @safe @nogc {
143 this (uint x, uint y) { pragma(inline, true); xy = (y<<16)|(x&0xffffU); }
144 uint getX () const pure { pragma(inline, true); return (xy&0xffffU); }
145 uint getY () const pure { pragma(inline, true); return (xy>>16); }
146 void setX (uint x) { pragma(inline, true); xy = (xy&0xffff0000U)|(x&0xffffU); }
147 void setY (uint y) { pragma(inline, true); xy = (xy&0x0000ffffU)|(y<<16); }
152 align(1) struct VoxWH16 {
153 align(1):
154 uint wh; // low word: x; high word: y
156 nothrow @safe @nogc {
157 this (uint w, uint h) { pragma(inline, true); wh = (h<<16)|(w&0xffffU); }
158 uint getW () const pure { pragma(inline, true); return (wh&0xffffU); }
159 uint getH () const pure { pragma(inline, true); return (wh>>16); }
160 void setW (uint w) { pragma(inline, true); wh = (wh&0xffff0000U)|(w&0xffffU); }
161 void setH (uint h) { pragma(inline, true); wh = (wh&0x0000ffffU)|(h<<16); }
166 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
167 // color atlas, ready to be uploaded to the GPU
168 struct VoxColorPack {
169 public:
170 static struct ColorItem {
171 VoxXY16 xy; // start position
172 VoxWH16 wh; // size
173 VoxXY16 newxy; // used in relayouter
174 int next; // -1: no more
177 public:
178 uint clrwdt, clrhgt;
179 uint[] colors; // clrwdt by clrhgt
181 ColorItem[] citems;
182 int[uint] citemhash; // key: color index; value: index in `citems`
184 VoxTexAtlas atlas;
186 public:
187 uint getWidth () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return clrwdt; }
188 uint getHeight () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return clrhgt; }
190 uint getTexX (uint cidx) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
191 pragma(inline, true);
192 return citems[cidx].xy.getX();
195 uint getTexY (uint cidx) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
196 pragma(inline, true);
197 return citems[cidx].xy.getY();
201 void clear () {
202 delete colors; colors = null;
203 delete citems; citems = null;
204 citemhash.clear();
205 atlas.clear();
209 // prepare for new run
210 void reset () {
211 clear();
215 // grow image, and relayout everything
216 void growImage (uint inswdt, uint inshgt) {
217 uint neww = clrwdt, newh = clrhgt;
218 while (neww < inswdt) neww <<= 1;
219 while (newh < inshgt) newh <<= 1;
220 for (;;) {
221 if (neww < newh) neww <<= 1; else newh <<= 1;
222 // relayout data
223 bool again = false;
224 atlas.setSize(neww, newh);
225 for (int f = 0; f < cast(int)citems.length; ++f) {
226 ColorItem *ci = &citems[f];
227 auto rc = atlas.insert(cast(int)ci.wh.getW(), cast(int)ci.wh.getH());
228 if (!rc.isValid()) {
229 // alas, no room
230 again = true;
231 break;
233 // record new coords
234 ci.newxy = VoxXY16(rc.x, rc.y);
236 if (!again) break; // done
239 // allocate new image, copy old data
240 conwriteln("ATLAS: resized from ", clrwdt, "x", clrhgt, " to ", neww, "x", newh);
241 uint[] newclr = new uint[neww*newh];
242 newclr[] = 0;
243 for (int f = 0; f < cast(int)citems.length; ++f) {
244 ColorItem *ci = &citems[f];
245 const uint rcw = ci.wh.getW();
246 uint oaddr = ci.xy.getY()*clrwdt+ci.xy.getX();
247 uint naddr = ci.newxy.getY()*neww+ci.newxy.getX();
248 uint dy = ci.wh.getH();
250 conwriteln(": : : oldpos=(", ci.rc.getX(), ",", ci.rc.getY(), "); newpos=(", newx, ",",
251 newy, "); size=(", rcw, "x", ci.rc.getH(), "); oaddr=", oaddr, "; naddr=", naddr);
253 while (dy--) {
254 newclr[naddr..naddr+rcw] = colors[oaddr..oaddr+rcw];
255 oaddr += clrwdt;
256 naddr += neww;
258 ci.xy = ci.newxy;
260 delete colors;
261 colors = newclr;
262 clrwdt = neww;
263 clrhgt = newh;
264 newclr = null;
268 // returns true if found, and sets `*cidxp` and `*xyofsp`
269 // `*xyofsp` is offset inside `cidxp`
270 bool findRectEx (const(uint)[] clrs, uint cwdt, uint chgt, uint cxofs, uint cyofs,
271 uint wdt, uint hgt, uint *cidxp, VoxWH16 *whp)
273 assert(wdt > 0 && hgt > 0);
274 assert(cwdt >= wdt && chgt >= hgt);
276 const uint saddrOrig = cyofs*cwdt+cxofs;
277 auto cp = clrs[saddrOrig] in citemhash;
278 if (!cp) return false;
280 for (int cidx = *cp; cidx >= 0; cidx = citems[cidx].next) {
281 const ColorItem *ci = &citems[cidx];
282 if (wdt > ci.wh.getW() || hgt > ci.wh.getH()) continue; // impossibiru
283 // compare colors
284 bool ok = true;
285 uint saddr = saddrOrig;
286 uint caddr = ci.xy.getY()*clrwdt+ci.xy.getX();
287 for (uint dy = 0; dy < hgt; ++dy) {
288 if (colors[caddr..caddr+wdt] != clrs[saddr..saddr+wdt]) {
289 ok = false;
290 break;
292 saddr += cwdt;
293 caddr += clrwdt;
295 if (ok) {
296 // i found her!
297 // topmost
298 if (cidxp !is null) *cidxp = cast(uint)cidx;
299 if (whp !is null) *whp = VoxWH16(wdt, hgt);
300 return true;
304 return false;
308 bool findRect (const(uint)[] clrs, uint wdt, uint hgt, uint *cidxp, VoxWH16 *whp) {
309 pragma(inline, true);
310 return (vox_atlas_cache_colors ? findRectEx(clrs, wdt, hgt, 0, 0, wdt, hgt, cidxp, whp) : false);
314 // returns index in `citems`
315 uint addNewRect (const(uint)[] clrs, uint wdt, uint hgt) {
316 assert(wdt > 0 && hgt > 0);
317 VoxXY16 coord;
319 if (clrwdt == 0) {
320 // no rects yet
321 assert(clrhgt == 0);
322 clrwdt = 1;
323 while (clrwdt < wdt) clrwdt <<= 1;
324 clrhgt = 1;
325 while (clrhgt < hgt) clrhgt <<= 1;
326 if (clrhgt < clrwdt) clrhgt = clrwdt; //!!
327 atlas.setSize(clrwdt, clrhgt);
328 coord = VoxXY16(0, 0);
329 colors.length = clrwdt*clrhgt;
330 colors[] = 0;
331 } else {
332 // insert into atlas; grow texture if cannot insert
333 for (;;) {
334 auto rc = atlas.insert(cast(int)wdt, cast(int)hgt);
335 if (rc.isValid()) {
336 coord = VoxXY16(rc.x, rc.y);
337 break;
339 // no room, grow the texture, and relayout everything
340 growImage(wdt, hgt);
344 // copy source colors into the atlas image
345 uint saddr = 0;
346 uint daddr = coord.getY()*clrwdt+coord.getX();
347 for (uint dy = 0; dy < hgt; ++dy) {
348 colors[daddr..daddr+wdt] = clrs[saddr..saddr+wdt];
349 saddr += wdt;
350 daddr += clrwdt;
353 // hash main rect
354 ColorItem ci;
355 ci.xy = coord;
356 ci.wh = VoxWH16(wdt, hgt);
357 const int parentIdx = cast(int)citems.length;
358 if (vox_atlas_cache_colors) {
359 uint cc = clrs[0];
360 auto cpp = cc in citemhash;
361 if (cpp) {
362 = *cpp;
363 *cpp = parentIdx;
364 } else {
365 = -1;
366 citemhash[cc] = parentIdx;
369 citems.assumeSafeAppend;
370 citems ~= ci;
372 return cast(uint)parentIdx;