Random alloc fixed!
[vutg.git] / src / vut_parser.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 """
4 =======================================
5 module_name: vut_analyser
6 ---------------------------------------
7 Author: Rodrigo Peixoto
8 Data: 10/02/2008
9 ---------------------------------------
10 Description:
11 - This moludes fetchs the data from
12 the waveform to generate the Module
13 Skeleton and the UnitTest Module
14 =======================================
15 """
17 from elementtree.ElementTree import *
18 from vut_generator import *
19 from utils import *
20 import re
21 import sys
22 import random
24 class VUTParser:
26 def __init__(self, xml_source):
27 self.vut = ElementTree(file=xml_source)
28 self.root = self.vut.getroot()
29 self.vmodule = VerilogModule(self.root.get("module_name"))
30 print "Initing parser to %s..." % xml_source
32 def clear_comments(self, dlist):
33 for i in dlist:# removing commets
34 if "#" in i:
35 dlist[dlist.index(i)] = i[:i.index("#")]
36 return map(str.strip, dlist)
39 def parse_waveform(self, *args):
40 print "--> parsing waveform..."
41 waves = map(str.strip, args[0].text.splitlines())
42 waves = [x for x in waves if((x!= "") and ("-" not in x) and ("=" not in x))]
43 for signal in waves:
44 t = re.findall(r'(^[a-zA-z]\w*( )*\[)|(^[a-zA-z]\w*( )*[io]\@)', signal)[0]
45 sig_name = [x for x in t if x!=""][0].split()[0].replace('[', '') #Cleaning all once!
46 slice = re.findall(r'\[\d+\:\d+\]', signal)
47 port = None
48 if slice:
49 port = (sig_name, tuple(map(int, re.findall(r'\d+', slice[0]))))
50 else: port = (sig_name,)
52 if re.match(r'.*i@.*', signal):
53 self.vmodule.in_ports.append(port)
54 ref = re.findall(r"random_alloc\(.*\)",signal)
55 if ref:
56 print "Found random_alloc to %s: %s" % (sig_name,ref[0])
57 rs = re.findall(r"R\d+",ref[0])
58 n = int(re.findall(r"\,\d+",ref[0])[0][1:])
59 self.vmodule.random_alloc[sig_name] = (rs,n)
60 print self.vmodule.random_alloc
63 else:
64 self.vmodule.out_ports.append(port)
65 ref = re.findall(r"ref_function\(.*\)",signal)
66 sigs = []
67 if ref:
68 print "Found reference_function to %s: %s" % (sig_name, ref[0])
69 sigs = re.findall(r"\(.*\)",ref[0])[0][1:-1].split(',')
70 self.vmodule.out_ports_dep[sig_name] = sigs
72 print self.vmodule.out_ports_dep
73 waves = map(lambda a : a.replace(" ", ""), waves)
74 self.parse_signal_values(waves)
76 def parse_gen_with(self, *args):
77 '''
78 @param *args:
79 '''
80 print " parsing gen_with..."
81 ran = map(str.strip, args[0].text.splitlines())
82 ran = [x for x in ran if((x!= "") and (x[0]!="#"))]
83 #ran = self.clear_comments(ran)
84 for i in ran:
85 self.vmodule.ran_range[re.findall(r'R\d+', i)[0]] =\
86 (int(re.findall(r'[0-9A-Fa-f]+\s*\,', i)[0][:-1],16),\
87 int(re.findall(r'[0-9A-Fa-f]+\s*\)', i)[0][:-1],16))
88 print self.vmodule.ran_range
89 for code in args[0].getchildren():
90 var = code.get("output")
91 assert var, "Output not defined into python_code tag.\n"\
92 'Usage <python_code output="port_name">...code...</python_code>!'
93 port_name = re.findall(r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$', var)[0]
94 assert port_name, ""
95 self.python_code_parser(port_name, code.text)
97 def parse_time_scale(self, *args):
98 '''
99 @param *args:
101 print " parsing time_scale..."
102 t_div = args[0].get("t_div")
103 unit = args[0].get("unit")
104 assert t_div, 'Time division not defined in time_scale tag.\n'\
105 'Usage <time_scale t_div="val_integer" unit="unit{(ump)s}"/>!'
106 assert unit, "Unit not defined in time_scale tag!"
108 def parse_signal_values(self, pwaves):
109 print "--> creating memories..."
110 list_imem = []
111 list_omem = []
112 for wav in pwaves:
113 sig_name = re.sub("\[\d+:\d+\]", '', wav[:wav.index('@')-1])
114 #Random alloc values
115 if sig_name in self.vmodule.random_alloc:
116 ran_val = []
117 tmp_val,n = self.vmodule.random_alloc[sig_name]
118 for i in range(n):
119 ran_val.append(tmp_val[random.randrange(len(tmp_val))])
120 wav = re.sub(r"random_alloc\(.*\)","|".join(ran_val),wav)
121 print "TESTE DE RANDOMALLOC",wav
123 values = wav[wav.index('@')+1:].split('|')[1:-1]
124 if wav[wav.index('@')-1] == 'i':
125 mem = MemoryIO("%s"% sig_name, values)
126 #print mem
127 #exec ("imem_%s = %s" % (sig_name, values)) #wav[wav.index('@')+1:].split('|')[1:-1]))
128 list_imem.append(mem)
129 else:
130 mem = MemoryIO("%s"% sig_name, values)
131 #exec ("omem_%s = %s"% (sig_name, values)) #wav[wav.index('@')+1:].split('|')[1:-1]))
132 #exec("list_omem.append(omem_%s)"% sig_name)
133 list_omem.append(mem)
134 #print list_imem
135 #print list_omem
136 self.vmodule.set_in_ports_behavior(list_imem)
137 self.vmodule.set_out_ports_behavior(list_omem)
140 def parse_all(self):
143 root_children = self.root.getchildren()
144 switch = {"waveform": self.parse_waveform,
145 "gen_with": self.parse_gen_with,
146 "time_scale": self.parse_time_scale}
148 for item in root_children:
149 try:
150 switch[item.tag](item)
151 except KeyError, e:
152 raise InvalidTagException(e)
153 print "Parse complete successful!!!"
154 return self.vmodule
156 def python_code_parser(self, port_name, pycode):
157 #TODO: Ajsutar isso aqui!!!
158 print "checking python code..."
160 code = self.clear_comments(pycode.splitlines())
161 code = [x for x in code if(x!= "")]
163 try:
164 ref_function = None
165 if re.match(r"\s*include_python_file\(\"(((\/\w+)+|\.)\/)?\w+.py[oc]?\"\)\s*$",pycode):
166 print pycode.strip()
167 function_file = re.findall(r"\"(((\/\w+)+|\.)\/)?\w+.py[oc]?\"", pycode)[0]
168 exec """import %(file)s;ref_function = %(file)s.reference_function""" % {'file':port_name}
169 #DEBUG: print "test ref_function: ", ref_function(10,20)
170 else:
171 exec("ref_function = " + "\n".join(code))
172 print "Fetching reference model: ", "\n".join(code)
173 #DEBUG: print "test ref_function: ", ref_function(10,20)
174 self.vmodule.ref_functions[port_name] = ref_function
175 print self.vmodule.ref_functions
176 except:
177 print "Python reference model code error: ", sys.exc_info()
178 if __name__ == '__main__':
179 test = VUTParser("example5.vut")
180 vm = test.parse_all()
181 #VUTGenerator(vm).gen()