1 This test performs a check that :valid/:invalid CSS psudo selectors are lively applied.
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 Chheck the initial state:
7 PASS backgroundOf(el) is invalidColor
9 PASS backgroundOf(el) is normalColor
10 PASS backgroundOf(el) is invalidColor
12 PASS backgroundOf(el) is disabledColor
13 PASS backgroundOf(el) is invalidColor
15 PASS backgroundOf(el) is readOnlyColor
16 PASS backgroundOf(el) is invalidColor
17 Inside/outside of a form:
18 PASS backgroundOf(el) is normalColor
19 PASS backgroundOf(el) is invalidColor
20 Change the value by DOM attribute:
21 PASS backgroundOf(el) is validColor
22 PASS backgroundOf(el) is invalidColor
23 Change the value by key input:
24 PASS backgroundOf(el) is validColor
25 PASS backgroundOf(el) is invalidColor
27 PASS backgroundOf(el) is validColor
28 PASS backgroundOf(el) is invalidColor
30 PASS backgroundOf(el) is validColor
31 PASS backgroundOf(el) is invalidColor
32 PASS backgroundOf(el) is validColor
33 PASS successfullyParsed is true