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13 <table align="JUSTIFY" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td align="LEFT"></td><td align="RIGHT"><a href="WINGsIntro.html">NEXT: Introduction</a></td></tr></tbody></table>
14 <h2>A WINGs based graphical user interface in three steps</h2>
15 <h3>CONTENTS</h3>
16 <ol>
17 <li><a href="WINGsIntro.html">Introduction</a>
18 </li><li><a href="WINGstep1.html"><strong>Step 1.</strong> Six lines show a window on the screen </a>
19 <ol>
20 <li>First application
21 </li><li>Setting properties
22 </li><li>Something is missing
23 </li></ol>
24 </li><li><a href="WINGstep2.html"><strong>Step 2.</strong> Processing events</a>
25 <ol><li>Closing the window
26 </li><li>Closing the window in a different way
27 </li></ol>
28 </li><li><a href="WINGstep3.html"><strong>Step 3.</strong> Adding widgets to a window</a>
29 <ol><li>Adding buttons to a widget
30 </li><li>Resize events
31 </li><li>Adding the event handlers and widgets to the application
32 </li><li>Frames
33 </li></ol>
34 </li><li><a href="WINGsRemark.html">Programming details</a>
35 <ol><li>Count the windows
36 </li><li>Icons and images
37 </li><li>Virtual screen and resolution
38 </li><li>Message log window
39 </li></ol>
40 </li><li><a href="WINGGraphics.html">Graphics programming details</a>
41 <ol><li>The Drawable
42 </li><li>Xlib Graphics Functions
43 </li><li>An OpenGL Drawing Area
44 </li></ol>
45 </li><li><a href="WINGMenu.html">Floating hierarchical menus</a>
46 <ol><li>The menu widget
47 </li><li>Window Manager Hints</li></ol>
48 </li><li><a href="WINGLib.html">Complete library description</a>
49 <ol><li>General widgets
50 </li><li>Frames
51 </li><li>Panels
52 </li><li>Windows
53 </li><li>Views
54 </li><li>Buttons
55 </li><li>Button boxes
56 </li><li>Expanding and pull-down buttons
57 </li><li>Text fields
58 </li><li>Labels
59 </li><li>Sliders
60 </li><li>Scrollable views
61 </li><li>Message pop-up windows
62 </li><li>Input dialogs
63 </li><li>File selection dialogs
64 </li><li>Text Areas
65 </li><li>Split windows/views
66 </li><li>Lists
67 </li><li>Colour selection panels
68 </li><li>Font selection panel
69 </li><li>Tabbed views
70 </li><li>Progress indicators
71 </li><li>Event handlers
72 </li><li>Selections
73 </li><li>Screens
74 </li><li>Image functions
75 </li><li>Application wide functions
76 </li><li>Notifications
77 </li><li>Text balloons
78 </li><li>Drag/drop functions
79 </li><li>Network connections
80 </li><li>Draw functions
81 </li><li>Browser functions
82 </li><li>Menu items
83 </li><li>Utilities/redefined functions
84 </li><li>Data types
85 <ol><li>WMColor
86 </li><li>WMFont
87 </li><li>WMArray
88 </li><li>Trees
89 </li></ol>
90 </li><li>ENUMs and #defines
91 <ol><li>List of event masks and corresponding events
92 </li><li> Frame Title Positions
93 </li><li> WM Image Positions
94 </li><li>WMAlignment
95 </li><li>Reliefs
96 </li></ol></li></ol>
97 </li><li>Appendix: list of examples<ol>
98 <li><a href="FirstWindow.c">Minimal window</a>
99 </li><li><a href="SecondWindow.c">Responsive window</a>
100 </li><li><a href="ThirdWindow.c">Clickable window</a>
101 </li><li><a href="FourthWindow.c">Window with buttons and text area</a>
102 </li><li><a href="FifthWindow.c">Window with buttons and text area using frames</a>
103 </li><li><a href="SixthWindow.c">Pixmap drawing</a>
104 </li><li><a href="SeventhWindow.c">Xlib drawing</a>
105 </li><li><a href="EighthWindow.c">Menu creation</a>
106 </li><li><a href="NinthWindow.c">Menu and submenus</a>
107 </li><li><a href="glframe.c">OpenGL in a frame</a>
108 </li></ol>
109 </li><li><small><a href="FDL.html">GNU Free Documentation License</a></small>
110 </li></ol>
112 </p><p>
113 <br>
114 <br>
115 <tiny><small> Copyright (c) 2010
116 Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
117 under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
118 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
119 with no Invariant Sections, with no
120 Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.
121 A copy of the license is included in the section entitled <a href="FDL.html">"GNU
122 Free Documentation License"</a>.</small></tiny>
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