Merge branch 'list-length-via-peano' into 'master'
[why3.git] / plugins / cfg /
1 (********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* The Why3 Verification Platform / The Why3 Development Team *)
4 (* Copyright 2010-2023 -- Inria - CNRS - Paris-Saclay University *)
5 (* *)
6 (* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser *)
7 (* General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception *)
8 (* on linking described in file LICENSE. *)
9 (* *)
10 (********************************************************************)
12 open Why3
13 open Cfg_ast
14 open Ptree
16 let warn_deprecated_named_invariant =
17 Loc.register_warning "deprecated_named_invariant"
18 "Named invariants in MLCFG are deprecated. Use hyp_name: attribute to provide hypothesis names instead"
20 let debug = Debug.register_flag "cfg" ~desc:"CFG plugin debug flag"
21 let unit_type = PTtuple []
22 let mk_id ~loc name = { id_str = name; id_ats = []; id_loc = loc }
23 let mk_expr ~loc d = { expr_desc = d; expr_loc = loc }
24 let mk_unit ~loc = mk_expr ~loc (Etuple [])
25 let mk_check ~loc t = mk_expr ~loc (Eassert (Expr.Check, t))
26 let mk_assume ~loc t = mk_expr ~loc (Eassert (Expr.Assume, t))
27 let mk_seq ~loc e1 e2 = mk_expr ~loc (Esequence (e1, e2))
28 let mk_pat ~loc d = { pat_desc = d; pat_loc = loc }
29 let pat_wild ~loc = mk_pat ~loc Pwild
31 let empty_spec =
33 sp_pre = [];
34 sp_post = [];
35 sp_xpost = [];
36 sp_reads = [];
37 sp_writes = [];
38 sp_alias = [];
39 sp_variant = [];
40 sp_checkrw = false;
41 sp_diverge = false;
42 sp_partial = false;
45 let pp_id fmt id = Format.pp_print_string fmt id.id_str
47 let rec pp_qid fmt qid =
48 match qid with Qident id -> pp_id fmt id | Qdot (q, id) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a.%a" pp_qid q pp_id id
50 let rec pp_pty fmt t =
51 match t with
52 | PTtyapp (qid, l) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a %a@]" pp_qid qid (Pp.print_list Pp.semi pp_pty) l
53 | _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "<unknown pp_pty>"
55 let divergent_attr = ATstr (Ident.create_attribute "vc:divergent")
57 exception CFGError of string
59 let () =
60 Exn_printer.register (fun fmt exn ->
61 match exn with CFGError msg -> Format.fprintf fmt "CFG translation error: %s" msg | _ -> raise exn)
63 let translate_cfg preconds block (blocks : (label * block) list) =
64 let invcounter = ref 0 in
65 let blocks = List.fold_left (fun acc (l, b) -> Wstdlib.Mstr.add l.id_str b acc) Wstdlib.Mstr.empty blocks in
66 let thestartlabel = "start" in
67 let visited_entry_points = ref [ thestartlabel ] in
68 let funs = ref [] in
70 let rec translate_term startlabel visited_terms (t : cfg_term) : Ptree.expr =
71 let loc = t.cfg_term_loc in
72 if List.memq t visited_terms then begin
73 let msg = "cycle without invariant" in
74 let msg = if startlabel = thestartlabel then msg else msg ^ " starting from `" ^ startlabel ^ "`" in
75 raise (Loc.Located (loc, CFGError msg))
76 end;
77 match t.cfg_term_desc with
78 | CFGgoto l -> translate_goto startlabel (t :: visited_terms) l
79 | CFGreturn e -> e
80 | CFGabsurd -> mk_expr ~loc:t.cfg_term_loc Eabsurd
81 | CFGswitch (e, cases) ->
82 let branches =
84 (fun (pat, l) ->
85 let e = translate_term startlabel (t :: visited_terms) l in
86 (pat, e))
87 cases
89 mk_expr ~loc (Ematch (e, branches, []))
90 and translate_goto startlabel visited_terms (l : label) : Ptree.expr =
91 let bl =
92 try Wstdlib.Mstr.find l.id_str blocks
93 with Not_found -> raise (Loc.Located (l.id_loc, CFGError ("label " ^ l.id_str ^ " not found for goto")))
95 traverse_block startlabel visited_terms bl
96 and traverse_block startlabel visited_terms (blk : block) : Ptree.expr =
97 let instrs, term = blk in
98 begin
99 match instrs with
100 | [] -> translate_term startlabel visited_terms term
101 | i :: rem ->
102 let loc = i.cfg_instr_loc in
103 let traverse_block = traverse_block startlabel visited_terms in
104 begin
105 match (i.cfg_instr_desc, rem) with
106 | CFGinvariant l1, { cfg_instr_desc = CFGinvariant l2 } :: rem ->
107 traverse_block ({ i with cfg_instr_desc = CFGinvariant (l1 @ l2) } :: rem, term)
108 | CFGinvariant l, _ ->
109 let id =
110 match l with
111 | (_, _, _, { contents = Some id }) :: _ -> id
112 | (_, _, _, idr) :: _ ->
113 let i = !invcounter in invcounter := !invcounter + 1;
114 idr := Some i;
116 | _ -> assert false
118 let id = Printf.sprintf "invariant_%d" id in
119 let l =
121 (fun (k, id, t, _) ->
122 if k = Variant then
123 Loc.errorm ~loc:t.term_loc "`variant` clauses are not supported in the Paths backend";
124 if id <> None then
125 Loc.warning ~loc:t.term_loc warn_deprecated_named_invariant
126 "Named invariants are deprecated. Please use the `hyp_name` attribute directly";
130 if not (List.mem id !visited_entry_points) then begin
131 visited_entry_points := id :: !visited_entry_points;
132 traverse_from_entry_point id l (rem, term)
133 end;
134 let k = mk_expr ~loc (Eidapp (Qident (mk_id ~loc ("_from_" ^ id)), [ mk_unit ~loc ])) in
135 List.fold_right
136 (fun t acc ->
137 let e = mk_check ~loc:t.term_loc t in
138 mk_seq ~loc e acc)
140 | CFGexpr e1, _ ->
141 let e2 = traverse_block (rem, term) in
142 mk_seq ~loc e1 e2
145 and traverse_from_entry_point startlabel preconds (block : block) =
146 let e = traverse_block startlabel [] (block : block) in
147 funs := (startlabel, preconds, e) :: !funs
150 traverse_from_entry_point thestartlabel preconds (block : block);
151 !funs
153 let e_ref = mk_expr ~loc:Loc.dummy_position Eref
155 let declare_local (ghost, id, ty, init) body =
156 let loc = id.id_loc in
157 Debug.dprintf debug "declaring local variable %a of type %a@." pp_id id pp_pty ty;
158 let e : expr =
159 match init with
160 | Some e -> e
161 | None -> mk_expr ~loc (Eany ([], Expr.RKnone, Some ty, pat_wild ~loc, Ity.MaskVisible, empty_spec))
163 let e = mk_expr ~loc (Eapply (e_ref, e)) in
164 let id = { id with id_ats = ATstr Pmodule.ref_attr :: id.id_ats } in
165 mk_expr ~loc:id.id_loc (Elet (id, ghost, Expr.RKnone, e, body))
167 let build_path_function retty pat mask postconds (startlabel, preconds, body) : Ptree.fundef =
168 let body =
169 List.fold_left
170 (fun acc t ->
171 let loc = t.term_loc in
172 let e = mk_assume ~loc t in
173 mk_seq ~loc e acc)
174 body preconds
176 let loc = Loc.dummy_position in
177 let spec = { empty_spec with sp_post = postconds } in
178 let id = mk_id ~loc ("_from_" ^ startlabel) in
179 let arg = (loc, None, false, Some unit_type) in
180 (id, false, Expr.RKnone, [ arg ], Some retty, pat, mask, spec, body)
182 let translate_cfg_fundef cf =
183 Debug.dprintf debug "translating cfg function `%s`@." cf.cf_name.id_str;
184 Debug.dprintf debug "return type is `%a`@." pp_pty cf.cf_retty;
185 let funs = translate_cfg cf.cf_spec.sp_pre cf.cf_block0 cf.cf_blocks in
186 let loc = Loc.dummy_position in
187 let body = mk_expr ~loc (Eidapp (Qident (mk_id ~loc "_from_start"), [ mk_unit ~loc ])) in
188 let defs = (build_path_function cf.cf_retty cf.cf_pat cf.cf_mask cf.cf_spec.sp_post) funs in
189 let body = mk_expr ~loc (Erec (defs, body)) in
190 let body = List.fold_right declare_local cf.cf_locals body in
191 (* ignore termination *)
192 let body = mk_expr ~loc (Eattr (divergent_attr, body)) in
193 let body = List.fold_right (fun a e -> mk_expr ~loc (Eattr (a, e))) cf.cf_attrs body in
194 (cf.cf_name, false, Expr.RKnone, cf.cf_args, Some cf.cf_retty, cf.cf_pat, cf.cf_mask, cf.cf_spec, body)