fix sessions and CE oracles
[why3.git] / tests /
3 open Why3
4 open Tptp_ast
5 open Format
7 let pr_kind fmt k =
8 match k with
9 | TFF -> fprintf fmt "TFF"
10 | FOF -> fprintf fmt "FOF"
11 | CNF -> fprintf fmt "CNF"
13 let pr_role fmt r =
14 match r with
15 | Axiom -> fprintf fmt "Axiom"
16 | Hypothesis -> fprintf fmt "Hypothesis"
17 | Definition -> fprintf fmt "Definition"
18 | Assumption -> fprintf fmt "Assumption"
19 | Corollary -> fprintf fmt "Corollary"
20 | Lemma -> fprintf fmt "Lemma"
21 | Theorem -> fprintf fmt "Theorem"
22 | Conjecture -> fprintf fmt "Conjecture"
23 | Negated_conjecture -> fprintf fmt "Negated_conjecture"
24 | Type -> fprintf fmt "Type"
26 let pr_op fmt op =
27 match op with
28 | BOequ -> fprintf fmt "equ"
29 | BOnequ -> fprintf fmt "nequ"
30 | BOimp -> fprintf fmt "imp"
31 | BOpmi -> fprintf fmt "pmi"
32 | BOand -> fprintf fmt "and"
33 | BOor -> fprintf fmt "or"
34 | BOnand -> fprintf fmt "nand"
35 | BOnor -> fprintf fmt "nor"
37 let rec pr_expr fmt e =
38 match e.e_node with
39 | Elet(e1,e2) -> fprintf fmt "Elet(...)"
40 | Eite(e1,e2,e3) -> fprintf fmt "Eite(...)"
41 | Eqnt(q,vl,e) -> fprintf fmt "Eqnt(...)"
42 | Ebin(op,e1,e2) ->
43 fprintf fmt "Ebin(%a,%a,%a)" pr_op op pr_expr e1 pr_expr e2
44 | Enot e -> fprintf fmt "Enot(%a)" pr_expr e
45 | Eequ(e1,e2) -> fprintf fmt "Equ(%a,%a)" pr_expr e1 pr_expr e2
46 | Eapp(w,el) ->
47 fprintf fmt "Eapp(%s,[%a])" w (Pp.print_list Pp.comma pr_expr) el
48 | Edef(w,el) -> fprintf fmt "Edef(...)"
49 | Evar v -> fprintf fmt "Evar(%s)" v
50 | Edob d -> fprintf fmt "Edob(...)"
51 | Enum n -> fprintf fmt "Enum(...)"
53 let pr_top_formula fmt f =
54 match f with
55 | LogicFormula e -> fprintf fmt "LogicFormula(%a)" pr_expr e
56 | TypedAtom(a,t) -> fprintf fmt "TypedAtom"
57 | Sequent(l1,l2) -> fprintf fmt "Sequent"
59 let pr_decl fmt d =
60 match d with
61 | Formula(kind,name,role,top_formula,loc) ->
62 fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>{ kind = %a,@ name = '%s',@ role = %a,@ form = %a }@]"
63 pr_kind kind name pr_role role pr_top_formula top_formula
64 | Include(file,namelist,loc) ->
65 fprintf fmt "include file '%s'" file
67 let pr_file fmt a =
68 Pp.print_list Pp.newline pr_decl fmt a
70 exception Unsupported of string
72 let unsupported s = raise (Unsupported s)
74 let check_op op =
75 match op with
76 | BOequ -> unsupported "BOequ"
77 | BOnequ -> unsupported "BOnequ"
78 | BOimp -> ()
79 | BOpmi -> unsupported "BOpmi"
80 | BOand -> ()
81 | BOor -> ()
82 | BOnand -> ()
83 | BOnor -> ()
85 let rec check_expr e = match e.e_node with
86 | Elet(e1,e2) -> unsupported "let"
87 | Eite(e1,e2,e3) -> unsupported "ite"
88 | Eqnt(q,vl,e) -> check_expr e
89 | Ebin(op,e1,e2) -> check_op op; check_expr e1; check_expr e2
90 | Enot e -> check_expr e
91 | Eequ(e1,e2) -> unsupported "equ"
92 | Eapp(w,el) -> List.iter check_expr el
93 | Edef(w,el) -> unsupported "def"
94 | Evar v -> ()
95 | Edob d -> unsupported "dob"
96 | Enum n -> unsupported "num"
98 let check_top_formula f =
99 match f with
100 | LogicFormula e -> check_expr e
101 | TypedAtom _ -> unsupported "TypedAtom"
102 | Sequent _ -> unsupported "Sequent"
104 let check_role r =
105 match r with
106 | Axiom -> ()
107 | Hypothesis -> ()
108 | Definition -> unsupported "Definition"
109 | Assumption -> ()
110 | Corollary -> ()
111 | Lemma -> ()
112 | Theorem -> ()
113 | Conjecture -> ()
114 | Negated_conjecture -> ()
115 | Type -> unsupported "Type"
118 let check_kind k =
119 match k with
120 | TFF -> unsupported "TFF"
121 | FOF -> ()
122 | CNF -> ()
124 let check_decl d =
125 match d with
126 | Include _ -> unsupported "Include"
127 | Formula(kind,_,role,top_formula,_) ->
128 check_kind kind; check_role role; check_top_formula top_formula
130 let check_file a = List.iter check_decl a
132 let () =
133 if Array.length Sys.argv <> 2 then
134 begin
135 eprintf "Usage: %s <file>@." Sys.argv.(0);
136 exit 2
138 else
139 let file = Sys.argv.(1) in
141 let ast = Tptp_lexer.load file in
142 check_file ast;
143 (* printf "%a@." pr_file ast; *)
144 printf "File '%s' is OK.@." file;
145 exit 0
146 with
147 | Tptp_lexer.FileNotFound f ->
148 eprintf "File not found: %s@." f; exit 2
149 | Unsupported s ->
150 eprintf "File %s: '%s' is not supported@." file s; exit 1
151 | e ->
152 eprintf "Parsing error: %a@." Exn_printer.exn_printer e;
153 exit 2