Resolve "provide axioms for sdiv and smod in theory bitvector theory"
[why3.git] / bench / infer-bench
1 #!/bin/bash
3 has_infer=`sed -n -e 's/INFERLIB *= *\([^ ]\+\)/\1/p' share/Makefile.config`
5 if test -z "$has_infer"; then
6 echo "Inference of loop invariants not enabled!"
7 exit 3
8 fi
10 updateoracle=false
11 forceupdateoracle=false
12 files=""
13 dirs=""
14 success=true
15 why3prove="bin/why3 prove"
16 why3libs=""
18 if test $# = 0; then
19 printf "no files provided\n"
20 exit 2
23 while test $# != 0; do
24 case "$1" in
25 "-update-oracle")
26 updateoracle=true;;
27 "-force-update-oracle")
28 forceupdateoracle=true;;
29 -L=?*)
30 why3libs="$why3libs ${1#*=}";;
31 "-"*)
32 printf "unknown option: %s\n" "$1"
33 printf "usage: infer-bench [-update-oracle] <file>\n"
34 printf " if <file> is a directory, it runs on all the *.mlw files\n"
35 exit 2;;
37 if [ -d "$1" ]; then
38 dirs="$dirs $1"
39 else
40 if [ -f "$1" ]; then
41 files="$files $1"
42 else
43 echo "File not found: $1"
44 exit 2
47 esac
48 shift
49 done
51 if test -n "$why3libs"; then
52 why3libs="-L $why3libs"
55 for d in $dirs; do
56 d=$(echo $d | sed 's:/*$::') #remove trailling slashs
57 mlw="$(ls $d/*.mlw 2> /dev/null)"
58 files="$files $mlw"
59 done
61 failed=""
63 # $1 = file
64 run () {
65 printf "running for $1"
66 file_base="$(basename $1)"
67 file_dir="$(dirname $1)"
68 out_file="$file_dir/${file_base%.*}.out"
69 oracle_file="$file_dir/infer-oracles/${file_base%.*}.oracle"
70 $why3prove $1 -t 1 -P alt-ergo --debug=print-inferred-invs $why3libs > "$out_file" 2>&1
71 str_out=$(sed 's/[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+s//g' $out_file | sed 's/[0-9]\+ steps//g')
72 str_oracle=$(sed 's/[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+s//g' $oracle_file | sed 's/[0-9]\+ steps//g')
73 if [ "$str_oracle" = "$str_out" ] ; then
74 printf " - ok\n"
75 else
76 printf "\n"
77 if $updateoracle; then
78 echo "Updating oracle for $file_base"
79 cp "$out_file" "$oracle_file"
80 else
81 echo "FAILED!"
82 echo "diff is the following:"
83 echo "$f"
84 diff <(echo "$str_oracle") <(echo "$str_out")
85 failed="$failed\n$1"
86 success=false
89 if $forceupdateoracle; then
90 echo "Forcing update oracle for $file_base"
91 cp "$out_file" "$oracle_file"
93 rm "$out_file"
96 for file in $files; do
97 run $file
98 done
100 if $success; then
101 echo "Infer bench: success"
102 exit 0
103 else
104 echo "Infer bench: failed"
105 printf "$failed\n"
106 exit 1