5 goal g1 : forall x:t. t'isFinite x -> eq x (0.0:t)
7 goal g2 : forall x:t. t'isFinite x -> eq x (1.25:t)
9 goal g3 : forall x:t. not (eq x (0.0:t))
11 goal g4 : forall x:t. not (eq x (1.25:t))
13 goal g5 : forall x:t. not (ge x (4.25:t))
15 goal g6 : forall x:t. eq x x
17 goal g7 : forall x:t. t'isFinite x -> gt (add RNE x (1.0:t)) x
19 goal g8 : forall x:t. not (eq x (div RNE (1.0:t) (0.0:t)))
21 goal g9 : forall x:t. gt x (0.0:t) -> gt (div RNE x (2.0:t)) (0.0:t)
22 (** should give the smallest positive, i.e., 2^{-149} *)
24 goal g10: forall x:t. not (ge (mul RNE (10.0:t) x) (1.0:t) /\ (le (mul RTZ (10.0:t) x) (1.0:t)))
26 goal g11: forall x:t. not (eq x (0x1p-126:t))
27 (** 2^{-126} is normal *)
29 goal g12: forall x:t. not (eq x (0x0.FFFFFEp-126:t))
30 (** prec of 2^{-126} is subnormal *)
32 goal g13: forall x:t. not (eq x (0x1p-127:t))
33 (** 2^{-127} is subnormal *)
39 use ieee_float.Float64
41 goal g1 : forall x:t. t'isFinite x -> eq x (0.0:t)
43 goal g2 : forall x:t. t'isFinite x -> eq x (1.25:t)
45 goal g3 : forall x:t. not (eq x (0.0:t))
47 goal g4 : forall x:t. not (eq x (1.25:t))
49 goal g5 : forall x:t. not (ge x (4.25:t))
51 goal g6 : forall x:t. eq x x
53 goal g7 : forall x:t. t'isFinite x -> gt (add RNE x (1.0:t)) x
55 goal g8 : forall x:t. not (eq x (div RNE (1.0:t) (0.0:t)))
57 goal g9 : forall x:t. gt x (0.0:t) -> gt (div RNE x (2.0:t)) (0.0:t)
58 (** should give the smallest positive, i.e., 2^{-1074} *)
60 goal g10: forall x:t. not (ge (mul RNE (10.0:t) x) (1.0:t) /\ (le (mul RTZ (10.0:t) x) (1.0:t)))
62 goal g11: forall x:t. not (eq x (0x1p-1022:t))
63 (** 2^{-1022} is normal *)
65 goal g12: forall x:t. not (eq x (0x0.FFFFFFFFFFFFFp-1022:t))
66 (** prec of 2^{-1022} is subnormal *)
68 goal g13: forall x:t. not (eq x (0x1p-1023:t))
69 (** 2^{-1023} is subnormal *)