1 (********************************************************************)
3 (* The Why3 Verification Platform / The Why3 Development Team *)
4 (* Copyright 2010-2024 -- Inria - CNRS - Paris-Saclay University *)
6 (* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser *)
7 (* General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception *)
8 (* on linking described in file LICENSE. *)
10 (********************************************************************)
22 exception IllegalLexeme of string
23 exception UnterminatedComment
24 exception UnknownDDW of string
25 exception UnknownDW of string
27 let () = Exn_printer.register (fun fmt e -> match e with
28 | IllegalLexeme s -> fprintf fmt "illegal lexeme %s" s
29 | UnterminatedComment -> pp_print_string fmt "unterminated comment"
30 | UnknownDDW s -> fprintf fmt "unknown system_word %s" s
31 | UnknownDW s -> fprintf fmt "unknown defined_word %s" s
34 let defwords = Hashtbl.create 97
35 let () = List.iter (fun (x,y) -> Hashtbl.add defwords x y) [
36 "ceiling", DWORD (DF DFceil);
37 "difference", DWORD (DF DFdiff);
38 "distinct", DWORD (DP DPdistinct);
39 "false", DWORD (DP DPfalse);
40 "floor", DWORD (DF DFfloor);
41 "greater", DWORD (DP DPgreater);
42 "greatereq", DWORD (DP DPgreatereq);
43 "i", DWORD (DT DTuniv);
44 "int", DWORD (DT DTint);
45 "is_int", DWORD (DP DPisint);
46 "is_rat", DWORD (DP DPisrat);
49 "iType", DWORD (DT DTuniv);
54 "less", DWORD (DP DPless);
55 "lesseq", DWORD (DP DPlesseq);
56 "o", DWORD (DT DTprop);
57 "oType", DWORD (DT DTprop);
58 "product", DWORD (DF DFprod);
59 "quotient", DWORD (DF DFquot);
60 "quotient_e", DWORD (DF DFquot_e);
61 "quotient_t", DWORD (DF DFquot_t);
62 "quotient_f", DWORD (DF DFquot_f);
63 "rat", DWORD (DT DTrat);
64 "real", DWORD (DT DTreal);
65 "remainder_e", DWORD (DF DFrem_e);
66 "remainder_t", DWORD (DF DFrem_t);
67 "remainder_f", DWORD (DF DFrem_f);
68 "round", DWORD (DF DFround);
69 "sum", DWORD (DF DFsum);
70 "to_int", DWORD (DF DFtoint);
71 "to_rat", DWORD (DF DFtorat);
72 "to_real", DWORD (DF DFtoreal);
73 "true", DWORD (DP DPtrue);
74 "truncate", DWORD (DF DFtrunc);
75 "tType", DWORD (DT DTtype);
76 "uminus", DWORD (DF DFumin);
79 let keywords = Hashtbl.create 97
80 let () = List.iter (fun (x,y) -> Hashtbl.add keywords x y) [
81 "assumption", ASSUMPTION;
84 "conjecture", CONJECTURE;
85 "corollary", COROLLARY;
86 "definition", DEFINITION;
88 "hypothesis", HYPOTHESIS;
91 "negated_conjecture", NEGATED_CONJECTURE;
97 let comment_start_loc = ref Loc.dummy_position
99 let loc lb = Loc.extract (lexeme_start_p lb, lexeme_end_p lb)
103 let space = [' ' '\t' '\r']
105 let lalpha = ['a'-'z']
106 let ualpha = ['A'-'Z']
107 let digit = ['0'-'9']
108 let nzero = ['1'-'9']
110 let alnum = lalpha | ualpha | digit | '_'
111 let lword = lalpha alnum*
112 let uword = ualpha alnum*
114 let positive = nzero digit*
115 let natural = '0' | positive
117 let sq_char = [' '-'&' '('-'[' ']'-'~'] | '\\' ['\\' '\'']
118 let do_char = [' '-'!' '#'-'[' ']'-'~'] | '\\' ['\\' '"']
122 { new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf }
126 { try Hashtbl.find keywords id with Not_found -> LWORD id }
129 | '\'' (lword as id) '\''
131 | '\'' sq_char+ '\'' as sq
133 | '"' (do_char* as dob) '"'
136 { DWORD (DT DTdummy) }
138 { try Hashtbl.find defwords id with Not_found -> raise (UnknownDW id) }
140 { raise (UnknownDDW id) }
141 | '+'? (natural as s)
145 | '+'? (natural as n) '/' (positive as d)
147 | '-' (natural as n) '/' (positive as d)
149 | '+'? (natural as i) ('.' (digit+ as f))? (['e' 'E'] ('+'? (natural as e)))?
150 | '+'? (natural as i) ('.' (digit+ as f))? (['e' 'E'] ('-' natural as e))?
151 { REALPOSNUM (i,f,e) }
152 | '-' (natural as i) ('.' (digit+ as f))? (['e' 'E'] ('+'? (natural as e)))?
153 | '-' (natural as i) ('.' (digit+ as f))? (['e' 'E'] ('-' natural as e))?
154 { REALNEGNUM (i,f,e) }
156 { raise (IllegalLexeme "/*/") }
158 { comment_start_loc := loc lexbuf; comment_block lexbuf; token lexbuf }
160 { comment_start_loc := loc lexbuf; comment_line lexbuf; token lexbuf }
212 { Lexlib.illegal_character c lexbuf }
214 and comment_block = parse
218 { new_line lexbuf; comment_block lexbuf }
220 { raise (Loc.Located (!comment_start_loc, UnterminatedComment)) }
222 { comment_block lexbuf }
224 and comment_line = parse
226 { new_line lexbuf; () }
230 { comment_line lexbuf }
235 let lb = Lexing.from_channel c in
236 Loc.set_file file lb;
237 Loc.with_location (tptp_file token) lb
239 exception FileNotFound of string
242 let dir = Filename.dirname file in
244 try Some (Sys.getenv "TPTP")
245 with Not_found -> None
249 try (open_in file, file)
251 if not (Filename.is_relative file) then raise (FileNotFound file) else
252 try let f = Filename.concat dir file in (open_in f,f)
256 raise (FileNotFound (file ^ " (warning: $TPTP was not set)"))
258 try let f = Filename.concat d file in (open_in f,f)
259 with Sys_error _ -> raise (FileNotFound file)
261 let ast = parse file ch in
267 | Formula _ -> d::acc
268 | Include(file,_,_) ->
269 let ast = aux file in
270 List.rev_append ast acc)
275 let read_channel env path file c =
276 let ast = parse file c in
277 Tptp_typing.typecheck env path ast
279 let () = Env.register_format Env.base_language "tptp" ["p";"ax"] read_channel
280 ~desc:"TPTP format (CNF FOF FOFX TFF)"
286 compile-command: "unset LANG; make -C ../.. test"