1 theory PGCD_PGCD_common_div_a_b_1
5 why3_open "PGCD_PGCD_common_div_a_b_1.xml"
9 from assms have "\<exists>pa pb::int. (a-b) = pa * k \<and> b = pb * k" using common_div_def and divides_def by simp
10 then obtain pa pb where "(a-b) = pa * k" and "b = pb * k" by auto
11 hence "a-b+b = pa * k + pb * k" by simp
12 hence "a = (pa + pb) * k" using Mul_distr_r by simp
13 hence "divides k a" using divides_def by simp
14 thus "common_div a b k" using assms and common_div_def by simp