do not take resource limits from more than one source
[why3.git] / src / tools /
1 (********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* The Why3 Verification Platform / The Why3 Development Team *)
4 (* Copyright 2010-2023 -- Inria - CNRS - Paris-Saclay University *)
5 (* *)
6 (* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser *)
7 (* General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception *)
8 (* on linking described in file LICENSE. *)
9 (* *)
10 (********************************************************************)
12 open Format
13 open Why3
14 open Wstdlib
15 open Whyconf
16 open Theory
17 open Task
19 module Main : functor () -> sig end
20 = functor () -> struct
22 let usage_msg =
23 "[[<file>|-] [-T <theory> [-G <goal>]...]...]...\n\
24 Run some transformation or prover on the given goals."
26 let opt_queue = Queue.create ()
28 let opt_input = ref None
29 let opt_theory = ref None
30 let opt_trans = ref []
31 let opt_metas = ref []
32 (* Option for printing counterexamples with JSON formatting *)
33 let opt_json = ref false
34 let opt_check_ce_model = ref false
35 let opt_rac_prover = ref None
36 let opt_rac_timelimit = ref None
37 let opt_rac_memlimit = ref None
38 let opt_rac_steplimit = ref None
39 let opt_ce_log_verbosity = ref None
40 let opt_sub_goals = ref []
42 let debug_print_original_model = Debug.register_info_flag "print-original-model"
43 ~desc:"Print original counterexample model when --check-ce"
45 let debug_print_derived_model = Debug.register_info_flag "print-derived-model"
46 ~desc:"Print derived counterexample model when --check-ce"
48 let add_opt_file x =
49 let tlist = Queue.create () in
50 Queue.push (Some x, tlist) opt_queue;
51 opt_input := Some tlist
53 let add_opt_theory x =
54 let l = Strings.split '.' x in
55 let p, t = match List.rev l with
56 | t::p -> List.rev p, t
57 | _ -> assert false
59 match !opt_input, p with
60 | None, [] ->
61 let msg = "Option '-T'/'--theory' with a non-qualified \
62 argument requires an input file." in
63 raise (Getopt.GetoptFailure msg)
64 | Some tlist, [] ->
65 let glist = Queue.create () in
66 let elist = Queue.create () in
67 Queue.push (x, p, t, glist, elist) tlist;
68 opt_theory := Some glist
69 | _ ->
70 let tlist = Queue.create () in
71 Queue.push (None, tlist) opt_queue;
72 opt_input := None;
73 let glist = Queue.create () in
74 let elist = Queue.create () in
75 Queue.push (x, p, t, glist,elist) tlist;
76 opt_theory := Some glist
78 let add_opt_goal x =
79 let glist = match !opt_theory, !opt_input with
80 | None, None ->
81 let msg = "Option '-G'/'--goal' requires an input file or a library \
82 theory." in
83 raise (Getopt.GetoptFailure msg)
84 | None, Some _ ->
85 add_opt_theory "Top";
86 Option.get !opt_theory
87 | Some glist, _ -> glist in
88 let l = Strings.split '.' x in
89 Queue.push (x, l) glist
91 let add_opt_trans x =
92 match String.split_on_char ' ' x with
93 | [] -> assert false
94 | name :: args ->
95 opt_trans := (name, args) :: !opt_trans
97 let add_opt_meta meta =
98 let meta_name, meta_arg =
99 try
100 let index = String.index meta '=' in
101 (String.sub meta 0 index),
102 Some (String.sub meta (index+1) (String.length meta - (index + 1)))
103 with Not_found ->
104 meta, None
106 opt_metas := (meta_name,meta_arg)::!opt_metas
108 let subgoal_re = Re.Str.regexp "^\\([^:@]+\\)?\\(:[^@]+\\)?\\(@.+\\)?$"
110 let add_sub_goal s =
111 let failure str =
112 let msg = str ^ " for option --sub-goal" in
113 raise (Getopt.GetoptFailure msg) in
114 if Re.Str.string_match subgoal_re s 0 then (
115 let f =
116 try Re.Str.matched_group 1 s
117 with Not_found ->
118 try Option.get (fst (Queue.peek opt_queue))
119 with _ -> failure "Missing file" in
120 let l =
122 let s = Strings.remove_prefix ":" (Re.Str.matched_group 2 s) in
123 Some (int_of_string s)
124 with Not_found -> None | Failure _ -> failure "Invalid line number" in
125 let e =
126 try Some (Strings.remove_prefix "@" (Re.Str.matched_group 3 s))
127 with Not_found -> None in
128 opt_sub_goals := (f,l,e) :: !opt_sub_goals )
129 else
130 failure "Invalid argument"
132 let opt_driver : string list ref = ref []
133 let opt_parser = ref None
134 let opt_prover = ref None
135 let opt_output = ref None
136 let opt_timelimit = ref None
137 let opt_stepslimit = ref None
138 let opt_memlimit = ref None
139 let opt_command = ref None
140 let opt_task = ref None
142 let opt_print_theory = ref false
143 let opt_print_namespace = ref false
144 let opt_color = ref false
146 let option_list =
147 let open Getopt in
148 [ Key ('T', "theory"), Hnd1 (AString, add_opt_theory),
149 "<theory> select <theory> in the input file or in the library";
150 Key ('G', "goal"), Hnd1 (AString, add_opt_goal),
151 "<goal> select <goal> in the last selected theory";
152 Key ('a', "apply-transform"), Hnd1 (AString, add_opt_trans),
153 "<transf> apply a transformation to every task";
154 Key ('g', "sub-goal"), Hnd1 (AString, add_sub_goal),
155 "[<file>][:<line>][@<expl>] select sub-goals at the given\n\
156 position and with the given explanation after applying\n\
157 the transformations (<file> defaults to the input file)";
158 Key ('P', "prover"), Hnd1 (AString, fun s -> opt_prover := Some s),
159 "<prover> prove or print (with -o) the selected goals";
160 Key ('F', "format"), Hnd1 (AString, fun s -> opt_parser := Some s),
161 "<format> select input format (default: \"why\")";
162 Key ('t', "timelimit"), Hnd1 (AFloat, fun i -> opt_timelimit := Some i),
163 "<sec> set the prover's time limit (default=10, no limit=0)";
164 Key ('s', "stepslimit"), Hnd1 (AInt, fun i -> opt_stepslimit := Some i),
165 "<steps> set the prover's step limit (default: no limit)";
166 Key ('m', "memlimit"), Hnd1 (AInt, fun i -> opt_memlimit := Some i),
167 "<MiB> set the prover's memory limit (default: no limit)";
168 Key ('M', "meta"), Hnd1 (AString, add_opt_meta),
169 "<meta>[=<string>] add a meta to every task";
170 Key ('D', "driver"), Hnd1 (AString, fun s -> opt_driver := s::!opt_driver),
171 "<file> specify a prover's driver (conflicts with -P)";
172 Key ('o', "output"), Hnd1 (AString, fun s -> opt_output := Some s),
173 "<dir> print the selected goals to separate files in <dir>";
174 KLong "print-theory", Hnd0 (fun () -> opt_print_theory := true),
175 " print selected theories";
176 KLong "print-namespace", Hnd0 (fun () -> opt_print_namespace := true),
177 " print namespaces of selected theories";
178 Debug.Args.desc_shortcut
179 "parse_only" (KLong "parse-only") " stop after parsing";
180 Debug.Args.desc_shortcut
181 "type_only" (KLong "type-only") " stop after type checking";
182 Termcode.opt_extra_expl_prefix;
183 KLong "check-ce", Hnd0 (fun () -> opt_check_ce_model := true),
184 " check counterexamples using runtime assertion checking\n\
185 (RAC)";
186 KLong "rac-prover", Hnd1 (AString, fun s -> opt_rac_prover := Some s),
187 "<prover> use <prover> to check assertions in RAC when term\n\
188 reduction is insufficient, with optional, space-\n\
189 separated time and memory limit (e.g. 'cvc4 2 1000')";
190 KLong "rac-timelimit", Hnd1 (AFloat, fun i -> opt_rac_timelimit := Some i),
191 "<sec> set the time limit for RAC (with --check-ce)";
192 KLong "rac-memlimit", Hnd1 (AInt, fun i -> opt_rac_memlimit := Some i),
193 "<steps> set the memory limit for RAC (with --check-ce)";
194 KLong "rac-steplimit", Hnd1 (AInt, fun i -> opt_rac_steplimit := Some i),
195 "<steps> set the step limit for RAC (with --check-ce)";
196 KLong "ce-log-verbosity", Hnd1(AInt, fun i -> opt_ce_log_verbosity := Some i),
197 "<lvl> verbosity level for interpretation log of\n\
198 counterexample solver model";
199 KLong "json", Hnd0 (fun () -> opt_json := true),
200 " print output in JSON format";
201 KLong "color", Hnd0 (fun () -> opt_color := true),
202 " print output with colors";
205 let config, env =
206 Whyconf.Args.initialize option_list add_opt_file usage_msg
208 let opt_driver = ref (match !opt_driver with
209 | f::ef -> Some (None,f,["",ef])
210 | [] -> None)
212 let () = try
213 if Queue.is_empty opt_queue then
214 Whyconf.Args.exit_with_usage usage_msg;
216 if !opt_prover <> None && !opt_driver <> None then begin
217 eprintf "Options '-P'/'--prover' and \
218 '-D'/'--driver' cannot be used together.@.";
219 exit 1
220 end;
222 if !opt_output <> None && !opt_driver = None && !opt_prover = None then begin
223 eprintf
224 "Option '-o'/'--output' requires either a prover or a driver.@.";
225 exit 1
226 end;
228 if !opt_prover = None then begin
229 if !opt_timelimit <> None then begin
230 eprintf "Option '-t'/'--timelimit' requires a prover.@.";
231 exit 1
232 end;
233 if !opt_stepslimit <> None then begin
234 eprintf "Option '-t'/'--stepslimit' requires a prover.@.";
235 exit 1
236 end;
237 if !opt_memlimit <> None then begin
238 eprintf "Option '-m'/'--memlimit' requires a prover.@.";
239 exit 1
240 end;
241 if !opt_driver = None && not !opt_print_namespace then
242 opt_print_theory := true
243 end;
245 let main = Whyconf.get_main config in
247 if !opt_timelimit = None then opt_timelimit := Some (Whyconf.timelimit main);
248 if !opt_memlimit = None then opt_memlimit := Some (Whyconf.memlimit main);
249 begin match !opt_prover with
250 | Some s ->
251 let filter_prover = Whyconf.parse_filter_prover s in
252 let prover = Whyconf.filter_one_prover config filter_prover in
253 let with_steps = !opt_stepslimit <> None in
254 opt_command := Some (Whyconf.get_complete_command prover ~with_steps);
255 let (d,f) = prover.driver in
256 opt_driver := Some(d,f,prover.extra_drivers)
257 | None ->
259 end;
260 let add_meta task (meta,s) =
261 let meta = lookup_meta meta in
262 let args = match meta.meta_type, s with
263 | [MTstring], Some s -> [MAstr s]
264 | [MTint], Some s -> [MAint (int_of_string s)]
265 | [], None -> []
266 | _ -> failwith "meta argument not implemented"
268 Task.add_meta task meta args
270 opt_task := List.fold_left add_meta !opt_task !opt_metas
272 with e when not (Debug.test_flag Debug.stack_trace) ->
273 eprintf "%a@." Exn_printer.exn_printer e;
274 exit 1
276 let timelimit = match !opt_timelimit with
277 | None -> 10.
278 | Some i when i <= 0. -> 0.
279 | Some i -> i
281 let stepslimit = Option.value ~default:0 !opt_stepslimit
283 let memlimit = match !opt_memlimit with
284 | None -> 0
285 | Some i when i <= 0 -> 0
286 | Some i -> i
288 let print_th_namespace fmt th =
289 Pretty.print_namespace th.th_name.Ident.id_string fmt th
291 let really_do_task (task: task) =
292 let t = task_goal_fmla task in
293 let aux (f,l,e) =
294 match t.Term.t_loc with
295 | None -> false
296 | Some loc ->
297 let goal_f, goal_l, _, _, _ = Loc.get loc in
298 goal_f = f &&
299 (match l with None -> true | Some l -> l = goal_l) &&
300 (match e with None -> true | Some e ->
301 let expls = String.concat " " (Termcode.get_expls_fmla t) in
302 String.(equal (lowercase_ascii e) (lowercase_ascii expls))) in
303 !opt_sub_goals = [] || List.exists aux !opt_sub_goals
305 let fname_printer = ref (Ident.create_ident_printer [])
307 let output_task drv fname _tname th task dir =
308 let fname = Filename.basename fname in
309 let fname =
310 try Filename.chop_extension fname with _ -> fname in
311 let tname = th.th_name.Ident.id_string in
312 let dest = Driver.file_of_task drv fname tname task in
313 (* Uniquify the filename before the extension if it exists*)
314 let i = try String.rindex dest '.' with _ -> String.length dest in
315 let name = Ident.string_unique !fname_printer (String.sub dest 0 i) in
316 let ext = String.sub dest i (String.length dest - i) in
317 let cout = open_out (Filename.concat dir (name ^ ext)) in
318 Driver.print_task drv (formatter_of_out_channel cout) task;
319 close_out cout
321 let print_result json fmt (fname, loc, goal_name, expls, res, ce) =
322 if json then
323 begin
324 let open Json_base in
325 let loc =
326 match loc with
327 | None -> Record ["file-name", String fname]
328 | Some loc ->
329 let f, bl, bc, el, ec = Loc.get loc in
330 Record [
331 "file-name", String f;
332 "start-line", Int bl;
333 "start-char", Int bc;
334 "end-line", Int el;
335 "end-char", Int ec
336 ] in
337 let term =
338 Record [
339 "loc", loc;
340 "goal_name", String goal_name;
341 "explanations", List ( (fun s -> String s) expls)
342 ] in
343 print_json fmt
344 (Record [
345 "term", term;
346 "prover-result", Call_provers.json_prover_result res
349 else
350 begin
351 ( match loc with
352 | None -> fprintf fmt "File %s:@\n" fname
353 | Some loc -> fprintf fmt "File %a:@\n" Loc.pp_position loc );
354 ( if expls = [] then
355 fprintf fmt "@[<hov>Goal@ @{<bold>%s@}.@]" goal_name
356 else
357 let expls = String.capitalize_ascii (String.concat ", " expls) in
358 fprintf fmt
359 "@[<hov>Sub-goal@ @{<bold>%s@}@ of@ goal@ @{<bold>%s@}.@]"
360 expls goal_name );
361 fprintf fmt "@\n@[<hov2>Prover result is: %a.@]"
362 (Call_provers.print_prover_result ~json:false) res;
363 Option.iter
364 (Check_ce.print_model_classification ~json
365 ?verb_lvl:!opt_ce_log_verbosity ~check_ce:!opt_check_ce_model env fmt)
367 fprintf fmt "@\n"
370 let unproved = ref false
372 let select_ce env th models =
373 if models <> [] then
374 match Pmodule.restore_module th with
375 | pm ->
376 let main = Whyconf.get_main config in
377 let limit_time = Whyconf.timelimit main in
378 let limit_time = Opt.fold (fun _ s -> s) limit_time !opt_rac_timelimit in
379 let limit_mem = Whyconf.memlimit main in
380 let limit_mem = Opt.fold (fun _ s -> s) limit_mem !opt_rac_memlimit in
381 let limit_steps = Opt.fold (fun _ s -> s) 0 !opt_rac_steplimit in
382 let limits = Call_provers.{ limit_time ; limit_mem ; limit_steps } in
383 let why_prover =
384 match !opt_rac_prover with
385 | None -> None
386 | Some p -> Some(p,limits)
388 let rac = Pinterp.mk_rac ~ignore_incomplete:false
389 (Rac.Why.mk_check_term_lit config env ~why_prover ()) in
390 Check_ce.select_model ~limits ?verb_lvl:!opt_ce_log_verbosity
391 ~check_ce:!opt_check_ce_model rac env pm models
392 | exception Not_found -> None
393 else None
395 let debug_print_model_attrs = Debug.lookup_flag "print_model_attrs"
397 let print_other_models (m, (c, log)) =
398 let print_model fmt m =
399 let print_attrs = Debug.test_flag debug_print_model_attrs in
400 Model_parser.print_model fmt m ~print_attrs
402 ( match c with
403 | Check_ce.(NC | SW | NC_SW | BAD_CE _) ->
404 if Debug.test_flag debug_print_original_model then
405 printf "@[<v>Original model:@\n%a@]@\n@." print_model m;
406 | _ -> () );
407 ( match c with
408 | Check_ce.(NC | SW | NC_SW) ->
409 if Debug.test_flag debug_print_derived_model then
410 printf "@[<v>Derived model:@\n%a@]@\n@." print_model
411 (Check_ce.model_of_exec_log ~original_model:m log)
412 | _ -> () )
414 let do_task config env drv fname tname (th : Theory.theory) (task : Task.task) =
415 if really_do_task task then
416 let open Call_provers in
417 let limits =
418 { limit_time = timelimit;
419 limit_mem = memlimit;
420 limit_steps = stepslimit } in
421 match !opt_output, !opt_command with
422 | None, Some command ->
423 let call =
424 Driver.prove_task ~command ~config ~limits drv task
426 let res = wait_on_call call in
427 let ce = select_ce env th res.pr_models in
428 let t = task_goal_fmla task in
429 let expls = Termcode.get_expls_fmla t in
430 let goal_name = (task_goal task).Decl.pr_name.Ident.id_string in
431 printf "%a@." (print_result !opt_json)
432 (fname, t.Term.t_loc, goal_name, expls, res, ce);
433 Option.iter print_other_models ce;
434 if res.pr_answer <> Valid then unproved := true
435 | None, None ->
436 Driver.print_task drv std_formatter task
437 | Some dir, _ -> output_task drv fname tname th task dir
439 let do_tasks config env drv fname tname th task =
440 let table = Args_wrapper.build_naming_tables task in
441 let rec apply tasks = function
442 | [] -> tasks
443 | (name, args) :: trans ->
444 let apply_trans =
445 if args = [] then
446 Trans.apply_transform name env
447 else
448 let ffmt = Env.get_format ?format:!opt_parser fname in
449 Trans.apply_transform_args name env args table ffmt in
450 apply (List.concat ( apply_trans tasks)) trans in
451 let tasks = apply [task] !opt_trans in
452 List.iter (do_task config env drv fname tname th) tasks
454 let do_theory config env drv fname tname th glist elist =
455 if !opt_print_theory then
456 printf "%a@." Pretty.print_theory th
457 else if !opt_print_namespace then
458 printf "%a@." print_th_namespace th
459 else begin
460 let add acc (x,l) =
461 let pr = try ns_find_pr th.th_export l with Not_found ->
462 eprintf "Goal '%s' not found in theory '%s'.@." x tname;
463 exit 1
465 Decl.Spr.add pr acc
467 let drv = Option.get drv in
468 let prs = Queue.fold add Decl.Spr.empty glist in
469 let sel = if Decl.Spr.is_empty prs then None else Some prs in
470 let tasks = Task.split_theory th sel !opt_task in
471 List.iter (do_tasks config env drv fname tname th) tasks;
472 let eval (x,l) =
473 let ls = try ns_find_ls th.th_export l with Not_found ->
474 eprintf "Declaration '%s' not found in theory '%s'.@." x tname;
475 exit 1
477 match Decl.find_logic_definition th.th_known ls with
478 | None -> eprintf "Symbol '%s' has no definition in theory '%s'.@." x tname;
479 exit 1
480 | Some d ->
481 let l,_t = Decl.open_ls_defn d in
482 match l with
483 | [] ->
484 (* TODO
485 let t = Mlw_interp.eval_global_term env th.th_known t in
486 printf "@[<hov 2>Evaluation of %s:@ %a@]@." x Mlw_interp.print_value t
487 *) ()
488 | _ ->
489 eprintf "Symbol '%s' is not a constant in theory '%s'.@." x tname;
490 exit 1
492 Queue.iter eval elist
495 let do_global_theory config env drv (tname,p,t,glist,elist) =
496 let th = Env.read_theory env p t in
497 do_theory config env drv "lib" tname th glist elist
499 let do_local_theory config env drv fname m (tname,_,t,glist,elist) =
500 let th = try Mstr.find t m with Not_found ->
501 eprintf "Theory '%s' not found in file '%s'.@." tname fname;
502 exit 1
504 do_theory config env drv fname tname th glist elist
506 let do_input config env drv = function
507 | None, _ when Debug.test_flag Typing.debug_type_only ||
508 Debug.test_flag Typing.debug_parse_only ->
510 | None, tlist ->
511 Queue.iter (do_global_theory config env drv) tlist
512 | Some f, tlist ->
513 let format = !opt_parser in
514 let fname, m = match f with
515 | "-" -> "stdin",
516 Env.read_channel Env.base_language ?format env "stdin" stdin
517 | fname ->
518 let (mlw_files, _) =
519 Env.read_file Env.base_language ?format env fname in
520 (fname, mlw_files)
522 if Debug.test_flag Typing.debug_type_only then ()
523 else
524 if Queue.is_empty tlist then
525 let glist = Queue.create () in
526 let elist = Queue.create () in
527 let add_th t th mi = Ident.Mid.add th.th_name (t,th) mi in
528 let do_th _ (t,th) =
529 do_theory config env drv fname t th glist elist
531 Ident.Mid.iter do_th (Mstr.fold add_th m Ident.Mid.empty)
532 else
533 Queue.iter (do_local_theory config env drv fname m) tlist
535 let () =
537 if (Util.terminal_has_color && !opt_color) then (
538 Format.set_formatter_stag_functions Util.ansi_color_tags;
539 set_mark_tags true );
540 let main = Whyconf.get_main config in
541 let load (d,f,ef) = Driver.load_driver_file_and_extras main env ~extra_dir:d f ef in
542 let drv = load !opt_driver in
543 Queue.iter (do_input main env drv) opt_queue;
544 if !unproved then exit 2
545 with e when not (Debug.test_flag Debug.stack_trace) ->
546 eprintf "%a@." Exn_printer.exn_printer e;
547 exit 1
551 let () = Whyconf.Args.register_main (module Main)
555 Local Variables:
556 compile-command: "unset LANG; make -C ../.. byte"
557 End: