fix realizations
[why3.git] / examples / kmp / kmp_WP_KnuthMorrisPratt_next_is_maximal_1.v
1 (* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
2 (* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below *)
3 Require Import BuiltIn.
4 Require BuiltIn.
5 Require HighOrd.
6 Require int.Int.
7 Require map.Map.
9 (* Why3 assumption *)
10 Inductive ref (a:Type) :=
11 | ref'mk : a -> ref a.
12 Axiom ref_WhyType : forall (a:Type) {a_WT:WhyType a}, WhyType (ref a).
13 Existing Instance ref_WhyType.
14 Arguments ref'mk {a}.
16 (* Why3 assumption *)
17 Definition contents {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (v:ref a) : a :=
18 match v with
19 | ref'mk x => x
20 end.
22 Axiom array : forall (a:Type), Type.
23 Parameter array_WhyType :
24 forall (a:Type) {a_WT:WhyType a}, WhyType (array a).
25 Existing Instance array_WhyType.
27 Parameter elts:
28 forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, array a -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> a.
30 Parameter length:
31 forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, array a -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
33 Axiom array'invariant :
34 forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
35 forall (self:array a), (0%Z <= (length self))%Z.
37 (* Why3 assumption *)
38 Definition mixfix_lbrb {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (a1:array a)
39 (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : a :=
40 elts a1 i.
42 Parameter mixfix_lblsmnrb:
43 forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, array a -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> a ->
44 array a.
46 Axiom mixfix_lblsmnrb'spec'0 :
47 forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
48 forall (a1:array a) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (v:a),
49 ((length (mixfix_lblsmnrb a1 i v)) = (length a1)).
51 Axiom mixfix_lblsmnrb'spec :
52 forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
53 forall (a1:array a) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (v:a),
54 ((elts (mixfix_lblsmnrb a1 i v)) = (map.Map.set (elts a1) i v)).
56 Parameter make:
57 forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, Numbers.BinNums.Z -> a -> array a.
59 Axiom make_spec :
60 forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
61 forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (v:a), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
62 (forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z ->
63 ((mixfix_lbrb (make n v) i) = v)) /\
64 ((length (make n v)) = n).
66 Axiom char : Type.
67 Parameter char_WhyType : WhyType char.
68 Existing Instance char_WhyType.
70 (* Why3 assumption *)
71 Definition matches (a1:array char) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (a2:array char)
72 (i2:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
73 ((0%Z <= i1)%Z /\ (i1 <= ((length a1) - n)%Z)%Z) /\
74 ((0%Z <= i2)%Z /\ (i2 <= ((length a2) - n)%Z)%Z) /\
75 (forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z ->
76 ((mixfix_lbrb a1 (i1 + i)%Z) = (mixfix_lbrb a2 (i2 + i)%Z))).
78 Axiom matches_empty :
79 forall (a1:array char) (a2:array char) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
80 (i2:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
81 (0%Z <= i1)%Z /\ (i1 <= (length a1))%Z ->
82 (0%Z <= i2)%Z /\ (i2 <= (length a2))%Z -> matches a1 i1 a2 i2 0%Z.
84 Axiom matches_right_extension :
85 forall (a1:array char) (a2:array char) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
86 (i2:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
87 matches a1 i1 a2 i2 n -> (i1 <= (((length a1) - n)%Z - 1%Z)%Z)%Z ->
88 (i2 <= (((length a2) - n)%Z - 1%Z)%Z)%Z ->
89 ((mixfix_lbrb a1 (i1 + n)%Z) = (mixfix_lbrb a2 (i2 + n)%Z)) ->
90 matches a1 i1 a2 i2 (n + 1%Z)%Z.
92 Axiom matches_contradiction_at_first :
93 forall (a1:array char) (a2:array char) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
94 (i2:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
95 (0%Z < n)%Z -> ~ ((mixfix_lbrb a1 i1) = (mixfix_lbrb a2 i2)) ->
96 ~ matches a1 i1 a2 i2 n.
98 Axiom matches_contradiction_at_i :
99 forall (a1:array char) (a2:array char) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
100 (i2:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
101 (0%Z < n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < n)%Z ->
102 ~ ((mixfix_lbrb a1 (i1 + i)%Z) = (mixfix_lbrb a2 (i2 + i)%Z)) ->
103 ~ matches a1 i1 a2 i2 n.
105 Axiom matches_right_weakening :
106 forall (a1:array char) (a2:array char) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
107 (i2:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n':Numbers.BinNums.Z),
108 matches a1 i1 a2 i2 n -> (n' < n)%Z -> matches a1 i1 a2 i2 n'.
110 Axiom matches_left_weakening :
111 forall (a1:array char) (a2:array char) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
112 (i2:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n':Numbers.BinNums.Z),
113 matches a1 (i1 - (n - n')%Z)%Z a2 (i2 - (n - n')%Z)%Z n -> (n' < n)%Z ->
114 matches a1 i1 a2 i2 n'.
116 Axiom matches_sym :
117 forall (a1:array char) (a2:array char) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
118 (i2:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
119 matches a1 i1 a2 i2 n -> matches a2 i2 a1 i1 n.
121 Axiom matches_trans :
122 forall (a1:array char) (a2:array char) (a3:array char)
123 (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i2:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i3:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
124 (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
125 matches a1 i1 a2 i2 n -> matches a2 i2 a3 i3 n -> matches a1 i1 a3 i3 n.
127 (* Why3 assumption *)
128 Definition is_next (p:array char) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
129 (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
130 ((0%Z <= n)%Z /\ (n < j)%Z) /\
131 matches p (j - n)%Z p 0%Z n /\
132 (forall (z:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (n < z)%Z /\ (z < j)%Z ->
133 ~ matches p (j - z)%Z p 0%Z z).
135 Axiom next_iteration :
136 forall (p:array char) (a:array char) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
137 (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
138 (0%Z < j)%Z /\ (j < (length p))%Z -> (j <= i)%Z /\ (i <= (length a))%Z ->
139 matches a (i - j)%Z p 0%Z j -> is_next p j n -> matches a (i - n)%Z p 0%Z n.
141 Require Import Lia.
143 (* Why3 goal *)
144 Theorem next_is_maximal :
145 forall (p:array char) (a:array char) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
146 (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (k:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
147 (0%Z < j)%Z /\ (j < (length p))%Z -> (j <= i)%Z /\ (i <= (length a))%Z ->
148 ((i - j)%Z < k)%Z /\ (k < (i - n)%Z)%Z -> matches a (i - j)%Z p 0%Z j ->
149 is_next p j n -> ~ matches a k p 0%Z (length p).
150 (* Why3 intros p a i j n k (h1,h2) (h3,h4) (h5,h6) h7 h8. *)
152 intros p a.
153 intros i j n k Hj Hi Hk Hmatch Hnext.
154 red.
155 intro Hmax.
156 elim Hnext; intros h1 (h2, h3).
157 absurd (matches p (j - (i - k)) p 0 (i - k)).
158 apply h3; lia.
159 apply matches_trans with (a2 := a) (i2 := k).
160 apply matches_sym.
161 apply matches_left_weakening with (n := j).
162 replace (k - (j - (i - k)))%Z with (i-j)%Z by ring.
163 ring_simplify (j - (i - k) - (j - (i - k)))%Z.
164 assumption.
165 lia.
166 apply matches_right_weakening with (n := length p).
167 assumption.
168 lia.
169 Qed.