Version 1.5.0
[why3.git] / src / trywhy3 /
1 (********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* The Why3 Verification Platform / The Why3 Development Team *)
4 (* Copyright 2010-2022 -- Inria - CNRS - Paris-Saclay University *)
5 (* *)
6 (* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser *)
7 (* General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception *)
8 (* on linking described in file LICENSE. *)
9 (* *)
10 (********************************************************************)
13 (* Interface to Why3 *)
15 let why3_conf_file = "/trywhy3.conf"
17 open Why3
18 open Format
19 open Worker_proto
20 open Bindings
22 module Sys_js = Js_of_ocaml.Sys_js
23 module Worker = Js_of_ocaml.Worker
25 let () = log_time ("Initialising why3 worker: start ")
27 (* Name of the pseudo file *)
29 let temp_file_name = "/trywhy3_input.mlw"
31 (* reads the config file *)
32 let config : Whyconf.config = Whyconf.read_config (Some why3_conf_file)
33 (* the [main] section of the config file *)
34 let main : Whyconf.main = Whyconf.get_main config
35 (* all the provers detected, from the config file *)
36 let provers : Whyconf.config_prover Whyconf.Mprover.t =
37 Whyconf.get_provers config
39 (* One prover named Alt-Ergo in the config file *)
40 let alt_ergo : Whyconf.config_prover =
41 if Whyconf.Mprover.is_empty provers then begin
42 eprintf "Prover Alt-Ergo not installed or not configured@.";
43 exit 0
44 end else snd (Whyconf.Mprover.choose provers)
46 (* builds the environment from the [loadpath] *)
47 let env : Env.env = Env.create_env (Whyconf.loadpath main)
49 let alt_ergo_driver : Driver.driver =
50 try
51 Printexc.record_backtrace true;
52 Whyconf.load_driver main env alt_ergo
53 with e ->
54 let s = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
55 eprintf "Failed to load driver for alt-ergo: %a@.%s@."
56 Exn_printer.exn_printer e s;
57 exit 1
59 let () = log_time ("Initialising why3 worker: end ")
61 let split_trans = Trans.lookup_transform_l "split_vc" env
63 (* CF ligne 568 et suivante *)
64 module W =
65 struct
66 let send msg =
67 ignore (Worker.post_message (marshal msg))
69 let set_onmessage f =
70 Worker.set_onmessage (fun data -> f (unmarshal data))
71 end
73 (* Task Management *)
74 module Why3Task = Task (* prevent shadowing *)
76 module Task =
77 struct
78 type task_kind = Theory of Theory.theory | Task of Task.task
80 type task_info = {
81 task : task_kind;
82 parent_id : id;
83 mutable status : status;
84 mutable subtasks : id list;
85 loc : why3_loc list;
86 expl : string;
87 pretty : string;
90 let task_table : (id, task_info) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
92 let clear_table () = Hashtbl.clear task_table
93 let get_info id = Hashtbl.find task_table id
94 let get_info_opt id =
95 try
96 Some (get_info id)
97 with
98 Not_found -> None
100 let mk_loc (f, a,b,c) =
101 if f = temp_file_name then
102 Some (a,b,c)
103 else None
106 let warnings = ref []
107 let clear_warnings () = warnings := []
108 let () =
109 Warning.set_hook (fun ?(loc=(Loc.user_position "" 1 0 0)) msg ->
110 let _, a,b,_ = Loc.get loc in
111 warnings := ((a-1,b), msg) :: !warnings)
114 let premise_kind = function
115 | { Term. t_node = Term.Tnot _; t_loc = None } -> "why3-loc-neg-premise"
116 | _ -> "why3-loc-premise"
118 let collect_locs t =
119 (* from why 3 ide *)
120 let locs = ref [] in
121 let rec get_locs kind f =
122 Opt.iter (fun loc ->
123 match mk_loc (Loc.get loc) with
124 None -> ()
125 | Some l -> locs := (kind, l) :: !locs) f.Term.t_loc;
126 Term.t_fold (fun () t -> get_locs kind t ) () f
128 let rec get_t_locs f =
129 match f.Term.t_node with
130 | Term.Tbinop (Term.Timplies,f1,f2) ->
131 get_locs (premise_kind f1) f1;
132 get_t_locs f2
133 | Term.Tlet (t,fb) ->
134 let _,f1 = Term.t_open_bound fb in
135 get_locs (premise_kind t) t;
136 get_t_locs f1
137 | Term.Tquant (Term.Tforall,fq) ->
138 let _,_,f1 = Term.t_open_quant fq in
139 get_t_locs f1
140 | _ ->
141 get_locs "why3-loc-goal" f
143 match t with
144 | Some { Task.task_decl =
145 { Theory.td_node =
146 Theory.Decl { Decl.d_node = Decl.Dprop (Decl.Pgoal, _, f)}}} ->
147 get_t_locs f; !locs
148 | _ -> []
150 let task_to_string t =
151 Format.asprintf "%a" (Driver.print_task alt_ergo_driver) t
153 let gen_id =
154 let c = ref 0 in
155 fun () -> incr c; !c
157 let task_text t =
158 Pp.string_of Pretty.print_task t
160 let register_task parent_id task =
161 let id = gen_id () in
162 let vid, expl, _ = Termcode.goal_expl_task ~root:false task in
163 let id_loc = match vid.Ident.id_loc with
164 None -> []
165 | Some l -> begin match mk_loc (Loc.get l) with
166 Some l -> [ ("why3-loc-goal", l) ]
167 | None -> []
170 let task_info =
171 { task = Task task;
172 parent_id = parent_id;
173 status = StNew;
174 subtasks = [];
175 loc = id_loc @ (collect_locs task);
176 expl = expl;
177 pretty = task_text task;
180 Hashtbl.add task_table id task_info;
183 let register_theory th_name th =
184 let th_id = gen_id () in
185 let tasks = Why3Task.split_theory th None None in
186 let task_ids = List.fold_left (fun acc t ->
187 let tid = register_task th_id t in
188 tid:: acc) [] tasks in
189 Hashtbl.add task_table th_id {
190 task = Theory th;
191 parent_id = 0;
192 status = StNew;
193 subtasks = List.rev task_ids;
194 loc = [];
195 expl = th_name;
196 pretty = "";
198 th_id
200 let get_task = function
201 | Task t -> t
202 | Theory _ -> log ("called get_task on a theory !"); assert false
204 let set_status id st =
205 let rec loop id st acc =
206 match get_info_opt id with
207 | Some info when info.status <> st ->
208 info.status <- st;
209 let acc = (UpdateStatus (st, id)) :: acc in
210 begin
211 match get_info_opt info.parent_id with
212 None -> acc
213 | Some par_info ->
214 let has_new, has_unknown =
215 List.fold_left
216 (fun (an, au) id ->
217 let info = Hashtbl.find task_table id in
218 (an || info.status = StNew), (au || info.status = StUnknown))
219 (false, false) par_info.subtasks
221 let par_status =
222 if has_new then StNew
223 else if has_unknown then StUnknown
224 else StValid
226 if par_info.status <> par_status then
227 loop info.parent_id par_status acc
228 else acc
230 | _ -> acc
233 loop id st []
235 let rec clean_task id =
237 let info = get_info id in
238 List.iter clean_task info.subtasks;
239 Hashtbl.remove task_table id
240 with
241 Not_found -> ()
247 (* External API *)
250 let rec why3_prove ?(steps= ~-1) id =
251 let open Task in
252 let t = get_info id in
253 match t.subtasks with
254 | [] ->
255 t.status <- StUnknown;
256 let task = get_task t.task in
257 let msg = Worker_proto.Task (id, t.parent_id, t.expl, task_to_string task, t.loc, t.pretty, steps) in
258 W.send msg;
259 let l = set_status id StNew in
260 List.iter W.send l
261 | l -> List.iter (why3_prove ~steps) l
265 let rec why3_split t orig id steps unfold =
266 let open Task in
267 match Trans.apply split_trans orig with
268 | [] -> ()
269 | [ child ] when Why3.Task.task_equal child orig ->
270 if unfold then why3_split t (Trans.apply Inlining.goal orig) id steps false
271 | subtasks ->
272 t.subtasks <- (fun t -> register_task id t) subtasks;
273 List.iter (fun i -> why3_prove i ~steps) t.subtasks
275 let why3_split steps id =
276 let open Task in
277 let t = get_info id in
278 match t.subtasks with
279 | [] -> why3_split t (get_task t.task) id steps true
280 | _ -> ()
284 let why3_clean id =
285 let open Task in
287 let t = get_info id in
288 List.iter clean_task t.subtasks;
289 t.subtasks <- [];
290 let l = set_status id StUnknown in
291 List.iter W.send l
292 with
293 Not_found -> ()
295 let why3_parse_theories steps theories =
296 let theories =
297 Wstdlib.Mstr.fold
298 (fun thname th acc ->
299 let loc =
300 Opt.get_def Loc.dummy_position th.Theory.th_name.Ident.id_loc
302 (loc, (thname, th)) :: acc) theories []
304 let theories = List.sort (fun (l1,_) (l2,_) -> l1 l2) theories in
305 List.iter
306 (fun (_, (th_name, th)) ->
307 let th_id = Task.register_theory th_name th in
308 W.send (Theory(th_id, th_name));
309 let subs = (Task.get_info th_id).Task.subtasks in
310 W.send (UpdateStatus( (if subs == [] then StValid else StNew) , th_id));
311 List.iter (fun i -> why3_prove i ~steps) subs
312 ) theories
314 let why3_execute_one m rs =
315 let open Expr in
316 let e_unit = e_exec (c_app (rs_tuple 0) [] [] (Ity.ity_tuple [])) in
317 let (let_defn,pv) = let_var (Ident.id_fresh "o") e_unit in
318 let e_rs_unit = e_exec (c_app rs [pv] [] rs.rs_cty.Ity.cty_result) in
319 let expr = e_let let_defn e_rs_unit in
320 let output = Buffer.create 17 in
321 Sys_js.set_channel_flusher stdout (fun v -> Buffer.add_string output v);
322 let {Theory.th_name = th} = m.Pmodule.mod_theory in
323 let mod_name = th.Ident.id_string in
324 let result =
326 let ctx = Pinterp.mk_ctx (Pinterp.mk_empty_env env m)
327 ~do_rac:false ~giant_steps:false () in
328 let res = Pinterp.exec_global_fundef ctx [] None expr in
329 Format.print_flush ();
330 asprintf "@[<v>%s.main produces@,%a@,output:@,%s@]"
331 mod_name (Pinterp.report_eval_result expr) res
332 (Buffer.contents output)
333 with Pinterp_core.Incomplete r ->
334 asprintf "%s.main cannot compute (%s)" mod_name r in
335 let mod_loc = Opt.get_def Loc.dummy_position th.Ident.id_loc in
336 (mod_loc, result)
338 let why3_execute modules =
339 let mods =
340 Wstdlib.Mstr.fold (fun _ m acc ->
341 match Pmodule.ns_find_rs m.Pmodule.mod_export ["main"] with
342 | rs -> why3_execute_one m rs :: acc
343 | exception Not_found -> acc)
344 modules [] in
345 let result =
346 if mods = [] then
347 Error "No main function found"
348 else
349 let s = List.sort (fun (l1,_) (l2,_) -> l2 l1) mods in
350 Result (List.rev_map snd s) in
351 W.send result
354 let () = Sys_js.create_file ~name:temp_file_name ~content:""
356 let why3_run f format lang code =
358 let ch = open_out temp_file_name in
359 output_string ch code;
360 close_out ch;
362 let (theories, _) = Env.read_file ~format lang env temp_file_name in
363 W.send (Warning !Task.warnings);
364 f theories
365 with
366 | Loc.Located(loc,e') ->
367 let _, l, b, e = Loc.get loc in
368 W.send (ErrorLoc ((l-1,b, l-1, e),
369 Pp.sprintf
370 "error line %d, columns %d-%d: %a" l b e
371 Exn_printer.exn_printer e'))
372 | e ->
373 W.send (Error (Pp.sprintf
374 "unexpected exception: %a (%s)" Exn_printer.exn_printer e
375 (Printexc.to_string e)))
377 let handle_message = function
378 | Transform (Split steps, id) -> why3_split steps id
379 | Transform (Prove steps, id) -> why3_prove ~steps id
380 | Transform (Clean, id) -> why3_clean id
381 | ParseBuffer (format, code, steps) ->
382 Task.clear_warnings ();
383 Task.clear_table ();
384 why3_run (why3_parse_theories steps) format Env.base_language code
385 | ExecuteBuffer (format, code) ->
386 Task.clear_warnings ();
387 Task.clear_table ();
388 why3_run why3_execute format Pmodule.mlw_language code
389 | SetStatus (st, id) -> List.iter W.send (Task.set_status id st)
390 | GetFormats ->
391 let formats = Env.list_formats Env.base_language in
392 let formats = (fun (name, ext, _) -> (name, ext)) formats in
393 W.send (Formats formats)
396 let () =
397 W.set_onmessage (fun msg ->
398 handle_message msg;
399 W.send Idle
402 Local Variables:
403 compile-command: "unset LANG; make -C ../.. trywhy3"
404 End: