Merge branch 'fix_proofs' into 'master'
[why3.git] / plugins / tptp /
1 (********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* The Why3 Verification Platform / The Why3 Development Team *)
4 (* Copyright 2010-2023 -- Inria - CNRS - Paris-Saclay University *)
5 (* *)
6 (* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser *)
7 (* General Public License version 2.1, with the special exception *)
8 (* on linking described in file LICENSE. *)
9 (* *)
10 (********************************************************************)
12 open Format
14 open Why3
15 open Pp
16 open Ident
17 open Ty
18 open Term
19 open Decl
20 open Printer
22 let bls = ["true";"false"]
24 let ident_printer =
25 let san = sanitizer char_to_alpha char_to_alnumus in
26 create_ident_printer bls ~sanitizer:san
28 let pr_printer =
29 let san = sanitizer char_to_lalpha char_to_alnumus in
30 create_ident_printer bls ~sanitizer:san
32 let print_symbol fmt id =
33 let san = Strings.uncapitalize in
34 pp_print_string fmt (id_unique ~sanitizer:san ident_printer id)
36 let print_tvar fmt {tv_name = id} =
37 let san = Strings.capitalize in
38 pp_print_string fmt (id_unique ~sanitizer:san ident_printer id)
40 let print_var fmt {vs_name = id} =
41 let san = Strings.capitalize in
42 pp_print_string fmt (id_unique ~sanitizer:san ident_printer id)
44 let print_pr fmt pr =
45 pp_print_string fmt (id_unique pr_printer pr.pr_name)
47 let forget_var v = forget_id ident_printer v.vs_name
48 let forget_tvar v = forget_id ident_printer v.tv_name
50 type tptp_format = FOF | TFF0 | TFF1
52 type tptp_number = TPTP | MetiTarski
54 type info = {
55 info_syn : syntax_map;
56 info_fmt : tptp_format;
57 info_num : tptp_number;
58 info_srt : ty Mty.t ref;
59 info_urg : string list ref;
60 info_rules : Decl.Spr.t;
63 let complex_type = Wty.memoize 3 (fun ty ->
64 let s = Pp.string_of_wnl Pretty.print_ty ty in
65 create_tysymbol (id_fresh s) [] NoDef)
67 let rec print_type info fmt ty = match ty.ty_node with
68 | Tyvar _ when info.info_fmt = TFF0 ->
69 unsupported "TFF0 does not support polymorphic types"
70 | Tyvar tv -> print_tvar fmt tv
71 | Tyapp (ts, tl) ->
72 begin match query_syntax info.info_syn ts.ts_name, tl with
73 | Some s, _ -> syntax_arguments s (print_type info) fmt tl
74 | None, [] -> print_symbol fmt ts.ts_name
75 | None, _ when info.info_fmt = TFF0 ->
76 begin match Mty.find_opt ty !(info.info_srt) with
77 | Some ty -> print_type info fmt ty
78 | None ->
79 let ts = complex_type ty in let cty = ty_app ts [] in
80 let us = Pp.sprintf "@[<hov 2>tff(%s, type,@ %a:@ $tType).@]@\n@\n"
81 (id_unique pr_printer ts.ts_name) print_symbol ts.ts_name in
82 info.info_srt := Mty.add ty cty !(info.info_srt);
83 info.info_urg := us :: !(info.info_urg);
84 print_type info fmt cty
85 end
86 | None, tl ->
87 fprintf fmt "@[%a(%a)@]" print_symbol ts.ts_name
88 (print_list comma (print_type info)) tl
89 end
91 let print_type info fmt ty = try print_type info fmt ty
92 with Unsupported s -> raise (UnsupportedType (ty,s))
94 let number_format = {
95 Number.long_int_support = `Default;
96 Number.negative_int_support =
97 `Custom (fun fmt f -> fprintf fmt "-%t" f);
98 Number.dec_int_support = `Default;
99 Number.hex_int_support = `Unsupported;
100 Number.oct_int_support = `Unsupported;
101 Number.bin_int_support = `Unsupported;
102 Number.negative_real_support = `Default;
103 Number.dec_real_support = `Default;
104 Number.hex_real_support = `Unsupported;
105 Number.frac_real_support =
106 `Custom
107 ((fun fmt i -> fprintf fmt "$to_real(%s)" i),
108 (fun fmt i n -> fprintf fmt "$quotient($to_real(%s),$to_real(%s))" i n));
111 let number_format_metitarski = {
112 number_format with
113 Number.frac_real_support =
114 `Custom
115 ((fun fmt i -> pp_print_string fmt i),
116 (fun fmt i n -> fprintf fmt "(%s / %s)" i n));
119 let print_const info fmt c =
120 let supported = match info.info_num with
121 | TPTP -> number_format
122 | MetiTarski -> number_format_metitarski in
123 Constant.(print supported unsupported_escape) fmt c
125 let rec print_app info fmt ls tl oty =
126 match query_syntax info.info_syn ls.ls_name with
127 | Some s -> syntax_arguments s (print_term info) fmt tl
128 | None ->
129 let sbs = ls_app_inst ls tl oty in
130 if Mtv.is_empty sbs && tl = [] then
131 print_symbol fmt ls.ls_name
132 else begin
133 let cm = if Mtv.is_empty sbs || tl = [] then "" else ", " in
134 fprintf fmt "%a(%a%s%a)"
135 print_symbol ls.ls_name
136 (print_iter2 Mtv.iter comma nothing nothing (print_type info)) sbs
138 (print_list comma (print_term info)) tl
141 and print_term info fmt t = match t.t_node with
142 | Tvar v ->
143 print_var fmt v
144 | Tapp (ls, tl) ->
145 print_app info fmt ls tl t.t_ty
146 | Tconst c ->
147 print_const info fmt c
148 | Tlet (t1,tb) ->
149 let v,t2 = t_open_bound tb in
150 fprintf fmt "$let_tt(%a@ =@ %a,@ %a)"
151 print_symbol v.vs_name (print_term info) t1 (print_term info) t2;
152 forget_var v
153 | Tif (f1,t1,t2) ->
154 fprintf fmt "$ite_t(%a,@ %a,@ %a)"
155 (print_fmla info) f1 (print_term info) t1 (print_term info) t2
156 | Tcase _ -> unsupportedTerm t
157 "TPTP does not support pattern matching, use eliminate_algebraic"
158 | Teps _ -> unsupportedTerm t
159 "TPTP does not support epsilon-terms"
160 | Tquant _ | Tbinop _ | Tnot _ | Ttrue | Tfalse -> raise (TermExpected t)
162 and print_fmla info fmt f = match f.t_node with
163 | Tapp (ls, tl) ->
164 print_app info fmt ls tl f.t_ty
165 | Tbinop (op, f1, f2) ->
166 let s = match op with
167 | Tand -> "&" | Tor -> "|" | Timplies -> "=>" | Tiff -> "<=>" in
168 fprintf fmt "(%a@ %s %a)" (print_fmla info) f1 s (print_fmla info) f2
169 | Tnot f ->
170 fprintf fmt "~@ %a" (print_fmla info) f
171 | Ttrue ->
172 pp_print_string fmt "$true"
173 | Tfalse ->
174 pp_print_string fmt "$false"
175 | Tquant (q, fq) ->
176 let q = match q with Tforall -> "!" | Texists -> "?" in
177 let vl, _tl, f = t_open_quant fq in
178 let print_vsty fmt vs =
179 if info.info_fmt = FOF then print_var fmt vs
180 else fprintf fmt "%a:@,%a" print_var vs (print_type info) vs.vs_ty in
181 fprintf fmt "%s[%a]:@ %a" q
182 (print_list comma print_vsty) vl (print_fmla info) f;
183 List.iter forget_var vl
184 | Tlet (t1,tb) ->
185 let v,t2 = t_open_bound tb in
186 fprintf fmt "$let_tf(%a@ =@ %a,@ %a)"
187 print_symbol v.vs_name (print_term info) t1 (print_fmla info) t2;
188 forget_var v
189 | Tif (f1,t1,t2) ->
190 fprintf fmt "$ite_f(%a,@ %a,@ %a)"
191 (print_fmla info) f1 (print_fmla info) t1 (print_fmla info) t2
192 | Tcase _ -> unsupportedTerm f
193 "TPTP does not support pattern matching, use eliminate_algebraic"
194 | Tvar _ | Tconst _ | Teps _ -> raise (FmlaExpected f)
196 let print_tvarg fmt tv = fprintf fmt "%a : $tType" print_tvar tv
197 let print_tvargs fmt tvs = print_iter1 Stv.iter comma print_tvarg fmt tvs
199 let star fmt _ = fprintf fmt " *@ "
201 let print_fmla info fmt f =
202 let tvs = t_ty_freevars Stv.empty f in
203 if Stv.is_empty tvs then print_fmla info fmt f else
204 fprintf fmt "![%a]:@ %a" print_tvargs tvs (print_fmla info) f;
205 Stv.iter forget_tvar tvs
207 let print_decl info fmt d = match d.d_node with
208 | Dtype _ when info.info_fmt = FOF -> ()
209 | Dtype { ts_def = Alias _ } -> ()
210 | Dtype { ts_args = _::_ } when info.info_fmt = TFF0 -> ()
211 | Dtype ts when query_syntax info.info_syn ts.ts_name <> None -> ()
212 | Dtype ts ->
213 let print_arg fmt _ = pp_print_string fmt "$tType" in
214 let print_sig fmt ts = match ts.ts_args with
215 | [] -> pp_print_string fmt "$tType"
216 | [_] -> fprintf fmt "$tType >@ $tType"
217 | tl -> fprintf fmt "(%a) >@ $tType" (print_list star print_arg) tl
219 fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>tff(%s, type,@ %a:@ %a).@]@\n@\n"
220 (id_unique pr_printer ts.ts_name)
221 print_symbol ts.ts_name print_sig ts
222 | Dparam _ when info.info_fmt = FOF -> ()
223 | Dparam ls when query_syntax info.info_syn ls.ls_name <> None -> ()
224 | Dparam ls ->
225 let print_type = print_type info in
226 let print_val fmt = function
227 | Some ty -> print_type fmt ty
228 | None -> fprintf fmt "$o" in
229 let print_sig fmt ls = match ls.ls_args with
230 | [] -> print_val fmt ls.ls_value
231 | [ty] -> fprintf fmt "%a >@ %a"
232 print_type ty print_val ls.ls_value
233 | tl -> fprintf fmt "(%a) >@ %a"
234 (print_list star print_type) tl print_val ls.ls_value in
235 let print_sig fmt ls =
236 let tvs = List.fold_left ty_freevars Stv.empty ls.ls_args in
237 let tvs = oty_freevars tvs ls.ls_value in
238 if Stv.is_empty tvs then
239 print_sig fmt ls
240 else if ls.ls_args = [] then
241 fprintf fmt "!>[%a]:@ %a" print_tvargs tvs print_sig ls
242 else
243 fprintf fmt "!>[%a]:@ (%a)" print_tvargs tvs print_sig ls;
244 Stv.iter forget_tvar tvs
246 fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>tff(%s, type,@ %a:@ %a).@]@\n@\n"
247 (id_unique pr_printer ls.ls_name)
248 print_symbol ls.ls_name print_sig ls
249 | Ddata _ -> unsupportedDecl d
250 "TPTP does not support algebraic datatypes, use eliminate_algebraic"
251 | Dlogic _ -> unsupportedDecl d
252 "Definitions are not supported, use eliminate_definition"
253 | Dind _ -> unsupportedDecl d
254 "TPTP does not support inductive predicates, use eliminate_inductive"
255 | Dprop (Paxiom, pr, _) when Mid.mem pr.pr_name info.info_syn -> ()
256 | Dprop (Paxiom, pr, f) ->
258 Format.eprintf "Dprop for %s: rewrite rules:" pr.pr_name.id_string;
259 Spr.iter (fun pr -> Format.eprintf " %s" pr.pr_name.id_string) info.info_rules;
260 Format.eprintf "@.";
262 let annotation = if Spr.mem pr info.info_rules then ",rewrite" else "" in
263 let head = if info.info_fmt = FOF then "fof" else "tff" in
264 fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%s(%a, axiom,@ %a%s).@]@\n@\n"
265 head print_pr pr (print_fmla info) f annotation
266 | Dprop (Pgoal, pr, f) ->
267 let head = if info.info_fmt = FOF then "fof" else "tff" in
268 fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%s(%a, conjecture,@ %a).@]@\n"
269 head print_pr pr (print_fmla info) f
270 | Dprop (Plemma, _, _) -> assert false
272 let print_decls fm nm =
274 Format.eprintf "rewrite rules:";
275 Spr.iter (fun pr -> Format.eprintf " %s" pr.pr_name.id_string) rew_rules;
276 Format.eprintf "@.";
278 let print_decl (sm,fm,rr,ct) fmt d =
279 let info = { info_syn = sm;
280 info_fmt = fm;
281 info_num = nm;
282 info_srt = ref ct;
283 info_urg = ref [];
284 info_rules = rr } in
285 try print_decl info fmt d;
286 (sm,fm,rr,!(info.info_srt)), !(info.info_urg)
287 with Unsupported s -> raise (UnsupportedDecl (d,s)) in
288 let print_decl = Printer.sprint_decl print_decl in
289 let print_decl task acc = print_decl task.Task.task_decl acc in
290 Discriminate.on_syntax_map (fun sm ->
291 Trans.on_tagged_pr Compute.meta_rewrite (fun rr ->
292 Trans.fold print_decl ((sm,fm,rr,Mty.empty),[])))
294 let print_task fm nm =
295 let print_decls = print_decls fm nm in
296 fun args ?old:_ fmt task ->
297 (* In trans-based p-printing [forget_all] is a no-no *)
298 (* forget_all ident_printer; *)
299 print_prelude fmt args.prelude;
300 print_th_prelude task fmt args.th_prelude;
301 let rec print = function
302 | x :: r -> print r; Pp.string fmt x
303 | [] -> () in
304 print (snd (Trans.apply print_decls task));
305 pp_print_flush fmt ()
307 let () =
308 register_printer "tptp-tff0" (print_task TFF0 TPTP) ~desc:"TPTP TFF0 format";
309 register_printer "tptp-tff1" (print_task TFF1 TPTP) ~desc:"TPTP TFF1 format";
310 register_printer "tptp-fof" (print_task FOF TPTP) ~desc:"TPTP FOF format"
312 let () =
313 register_printer "metitarski" (print_task FOF MetiTarski)
314 ~desc:"MetiTarski TPTP format"
316 (** DFG input format for SPASS >= 3.8
317 (with the help of Daniel Wand)
319 TODO:
320 - type arguments for polymorphic functions and predicates
321 - data types
324 let is_type info d = match d.d_node with
325 | Dtype ts -> query_syntax info.info_syn ts.ts_name = None
326 | Ddata _ -> unsupportedDecl d "no data types"
327 | _ -> false
328 let is_function info d = match d.d_node with
329 | Dparam ls ->
330 ls.ls_value <> None && query_syntax info.info_syn ls.ls_name = None
331 | _ -> false
332 let is_predicate info d = match d.d_node with
333 | Dparam ls ->
334 ls.ls_value = None && query_syntax info.info_syn ls.ls_name = None
335 | _ -> false
337 let ls_arity fmt d = match d.d_node with
338 | Dparam ls ->
339 let ntv = Stv.cardinal (ls_ty_freevars ls) in
340 let na = List.length ls.ls_args in
341 if ntv = 0 then fprintf fmt "(%a, %d)" print_symbol ls.ls_name na
342 else fprintf fmt "(%a, %d+%d)" print_symbol ls.ls_name ntv na
343 | _ -> assert false
344 let type_arity fmt d = match d.d_node with
345 | Dtype ts ->
346 let ntv = List.length ts.ts_args in
347 if ntv = 0 then print_symbol fmt ts.ts_name
348 else fprintf fmt "(%a, %d)" print_symbol ts.ts_name ntv
349 | _ -> assert false
351 let ls_type kind info fmt d = match d.d_node with
352 | Dparam ls ->
353 fprintf fmt "%s(@[%a" kind print_symbol ls.ls_name;
354 let tvs = ls_ty_freevars ls in
355 if not (Stv.is_empty tvs) then
356 fprintf fmt ", [%a]" (print_list comma print_tvar) (Stv.elements tvs);
357 begin match ls.ls_value, ls.ls_args with
358 | None, [] -> ()
359 | None, _ ->
360 fprintf fmt ", %a" (print_list comma (print_type info)) ls.ls_args
361 | Some ty, [] -> fprintf fmt ", %a" (print_type info) ty
362 | Some ty, _ ->
363 fprintf fmt ", (%a) %a" (print_list comma (print_type info))
364 ls.ls_args (print_type info) ty
365 end;
366 fprintf fmt "@]).@\n";
367 Stv.iter forget_tvar tvs
368 | _ -> assert false
370 let rec print_app info fmt ls tl oty =
371 match query_syntax info.info_syn ls.ls_name with
372 | Some s -> syntax_arguments s (print_term info) fmt tl
373 | None ->
374 print_symbol fmt ls.ls_name;
375 let sbs = ls_app_inst ls tl oty in
376 if not (Mtv.is_empty sbs) then
377 fprintf fmt "<%a>"
378 (print_iter2 Mtv.iter comma nothing nothing (print_type info)) sbs;
379 if tl <> [] then
380 fprintf fmt "(%a)"
381 (print_list comma (print_term info)) tl
383 and print_term info fmt t = match t.t_node with
384 | Tvar v ->
385 print_var fmt v
386 | Tapp (ls, tl) ->
387 print_app info fmt ls tl t.t_ty
388 | Tconst c ->
389 Constant.(print number_format unsupported_escape) fmt c
390 | Tlet _ -> unsupportedTerm t
391 "DFG does not support let, use eliminate_let"
392 | Tif _ -> unsupportedTerm t
393 "DFG does not support if, use eliminate_if"
394 | Tcase _ -> unsupportedTerm t
395 "TPTP does not support pattern matching, use eliminate_algebraic"
396 | Teps _ -> unsupportedTerm t
397 "TPTP does not support epsilon-terms"
398 | Tquant _ | Tbinop _ | Tnot _ | Ttrue | Tfalse -> raise (TermExpected t)
400 let rec print_fmla info fmt f = match f.t_node with
401 | Tapp (ls, tl) ->
402 print_app info fmt ls tl f.t_ty
403 | Tbinop (op, f1, f2) ->
404 let s = match op with
405 | Tand -> "and" | Tor -> "or"
406 | Timplies -> "implies" | Tiff -> "equiv" in
407 fprintf fmt "%s(%a,@ %a)" s (print_fmla info) f1 (print_fmla info) f2
408 | Tnot f ->
409 fprintf fmt "not(%a)" (print_fmla info) f
410 | Ttrue ->
411 pp_print_string fmt "true"
412 | Tfalse ->
413 pp_print_string fmt "false"
414 | Tquant (q, fq) ->
415 let q = match q with Tforall -> "forall" | Texists -> "exists" in
416 let vl, _tl, f = t_open_quant fq in
417 let print_vsty fmt vs =
418 fprintf fmt "%a:@,%a" print_var vs (print_type info) vs.vs_ty in
419 fprintf fmt "%s([%a],@ %a)" q
420 (print_list comma print_vsty) vl (print_fmla info) f;
421 List.iter forget_var vl
422 | Tlet _ -> unsupportedTerm f
423 "DFG does not support let, use eliminate_let"
424 | Tif _ -> unsupportedTerm f
425 "DFG does not support if, use eliminate_if"
426 | Tcase _ -> unsupportedTerm f
427 "DFG does not support pattern matching, use eliminate_algebraic"
428 | Tvar _ | Tconst _ | Teps _ -> raise (FmlaExpected f)
430 let print_axiom info fmt d = match d.d_node with
431 | Dprop (Paxiom, pr, _) when Mid.mem pr.pr_name info.info_syn -> ()
432 | Dprop (Paxiom, pr, f) ->
433 fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>formula(%a, %a).@]@\n"
434 (print_fmla info) f print_pr pr
435 | _ -> ()
437 let print_dfg args ?old:_ fmt task =
438 forget_all ident_printer;
439 forget_all pr_printer;
440 fprintf fmt "@[begin_problem(why3).@\n@\n";
441 print_prelude fmt args.prelude;
442 print_th_prelude task fmt args.th_prelude;
443 fprintf fmt "list_of_descriptions.@\n";
444 fprintf fmt
445 "name({**}). author({**}). status(unknown). description({**}).@\n";
446 fprintf fmt "end_of_list.@\n@\n";
447 let info = {
448 info_syn = get_syntax_map task;
449 info_fmt = FOF;
450 info_num = TPTP;
451 info_urg = ref [];
452 info_srt = ref Mty.empty ;
453 info_rules = Spr.empty;
454 } in
455 let dl = Task.task_decls task in
456 let tl = List.filter (is_type info) dl in
457 let fl = List.filter (is_function info) dl in
458 let pl = List.filter (is_predicate info) dl in
459 (* arities *)
460 fprintf fmt "list_of_symbols.@\n";
461 fprintf fmt "functions [@[%a@]].@\n" (print_list comma ls_arity) fl;
462 fprintf fmt "predicates [@[%a@]].@\n" (print_list comma ls_arity) pl;
463 fprintf fmt "sorts [@[%a@]].@\n" (print_list comma type_arity) tl;
464 fprintf fmt "end_of_list.@\n@\n";
465 (* types *)
466 fprintf fmt "list_of_declarations.@\n";
467 List.iter (ls_type "function" info fmt) fl;
468 List.iter (ls_type "predicate" info fmt) pl;
469 fprintf fmt "end_of_list.@\n@\n";
471 fprintf fmt "list_of_formulae(axioms).@\n";
472 List.iter (print_axiom info fmt) dl;
473 fprintf fmt "end_of_list.@\n@\n";
474 fprintf fmt "list_of_formulae(conjectures).@\n";
476 let f = Task.task_goal_fmla task in
477 fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>formula(%a, %a)@].@\n" (print_fmla info) f
478 print_pr (Task.task_goal task);
479 fprintf fmt "end_of_list.@\n@\n";
480 fprintf fmt "end_problem.@\n"
482 let () =
483 register_printer "dfg" print_dfg ~desc:"First-order monomorphic DFG format"