[rendering] Do not write duplicated hashes...
[wikipediardware.git] / Makefile
2 # "WikiReaderMakefile" - a Makefile for setting up Wiki Reader
4 # (C) Copyright 2008, 2009 OpenMoko, Inc.
5 # Author: xiangfu liu <xiangfu@openmoko.org>
7 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9 # version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
19 # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
21 BOOTLOADER_TTY ?= $(shell echo -n /dev/ttyUSB && [ -e /dev/ttyUSB1 ] && echo 1 || echo 0)
23 # ----- Toolchain configuration data --------------------------------------
25 GCC_VERSION=3.3.2
26 GCC_PACKAGE=gcc-$(GCC_VERSION).tar.gz
27 GCC_URL=ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/$(GCC_PACKAGE)
32 ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/binutils/$(BINUTILS_PACKAGE)
34 DL=./toolchain/dl
35 export PATH:=$(PWD)/install/bin:$(PATH)
37 # ----- configuration data --------------------------------------
39 .PHONY: all
40 all: mini-libc \
41 bootloader \
42 toppers \
43 kernel \
44 simulator-qt4
46 .PHONY: bootloader
47 bootloader:mini-libc fatfs
48 $(MAKE) -C bootloader
50 .PHONY: bootloader232
51 bootloader232:mini-libc fatfs
52 $(MAKE) -C bootloader bootloader232
54 .PHONY: toppers
55 toppers: mini-libc fatfs
56 ( cd jsp && \
57 $(MAKE) -C cfg && \
58 $(MAKE) -C wikireader && \
59 cp wikireader/sample1.elf ../KERNEL.toppers)
61 .PHONY: kernel
62 kernel: mini-libc fatfs
63 ( cd kernel && \
64 $(MAKE) && \
65 cp mahatma.elf ../KERNEL)
67 .PHONY: mahatma
68 mahatma: mini-libc fatfs
69 $(MAKE) -C kernel
70 cp -p kernel/mahatma.elf KERNEL
72 # ----- lib stuff -------------------------------------------
73 .PHONY:mini-libc
74 mini-libc: gcc
75 $(MAKE) -C toolchain/mini-libc/
77 .PHONY: fatfs
79 fatfs: mini-libc
80 $(MAKE) -C fatfs/
82 # ----- toolchain stuff --------------------------------------
83 gcc-download:
84 mkdir -p $(DL)
85 wget -c -O $(DL)/$(GCC_PACKAGE) $(GCC_URL)
86 touch $@
88 binutils-download:
89 mkdir -p $(DL)
91 touch $@
93 binutils-patch: binutils-download
94 mkdir -p install
95 rm -rf toolchain/binutils-$(BINUTILS_PACKAGE)
96 tar -xvzf $(DL)/$(BINUTILS_PACKAGE) -C toolchain/
97 ( cd toolchain && \
98 cd binutils-$(BINUTILS_VERSION) && \
99 cat ../patches/0001-binutils-EPSON-changes-to-binutils.patch | patch -p1 && \
100 cat ../patches/0002-binutils-EPSON-make-it-compile-hack-for-recent-gcc.patch | patch -p1)
101 touch $@
103 binutils: binutils-patch
104 (cd toolchain && \
105 cd binutils-$(BINUTILS_VERSION) && \
106 mkdir -p build && \
107 cd build && \
108 CPPFLAGS="-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0" ../configure --prefix $(PWD)/install --target=c33-epson-elf && \
110 $(MAKE) install)
111 touch $@
113 gcc-patch: gcc-download
114 mkdir -p install
115 tar -xvzf $(DL)/$(GCC_PACKAGE) -C toolchain/
116 ( cd toolchain && \
117 cd gcc-$(GCC_VERSION) && \
118 cat ../patches/0001-gcc-EPSON-modified-sources.patch | patch -p1 && \
119 cat ../patches/0002-gcc-Force-that-the-assembly-of-libgcc-complies-wit.patch | patch -p1 && \
120 cat ../patches/0003-gcc-Use-the-C-implementations-for-division-and-mod.patch | patch -p1)
121 touch $@
123 gcc: binutils gcc-patch
124 ( cd toolchain && \
125 export PATH=$(PWD)/install/bin:$(PATH) && \
126 cd gcc-$(GCC_VERSION) && \
127 mkdir -p build && \
128 cd build && \
129 CPPFLAGS="-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0" ../configure --prefix $(PWD)/install --target=c33-epson-elf --enable-languages=c && \
131 $(MAKE) install)
132 touch $@
134 .PHONY: simulator-qt4
135 simulator-qt4:
136 ( cd host-tools/simulator/SimulatorQt4 && qmake-qt4 && $(MAKE) )
138 # ----- wiki Dump and Algorithm --------------------------------------
139 .PHONY: getwikidump
140 getwikidump:
141 wget http://download.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
143 .PHONY: webkit
144 webkit:
145 svn co -r 41057 http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk webkit
146 (cd webkit && \
147 patch_path="../host-tools/rendering/patches/"; for file in `ls $$patch_path`; do echo "processing file: $$file"; patch -p1 < $$patch_path/$$file; done && \
148 ./WebKitTools/Scripts/build-webkit --gtk --release)
150 .PHONY: flash-bootloader
151 flash-bootloader: fatfs
152 $(MAKE) -C bootloader BOOTLOADER_TTY="${BOOTLOADER_TTY}" flash-bootloader
154 .PHONY: print-flash-config
155 print-flash-config:
158 # ----- forth -----------------------------------------------
159 # items for testing
161 .PHONY: forth
162 forth: gcc mini-libc
163 $(MAKE) -C forth
165 .PHONY: mbr
166 mbr: gcc fatfs
167 $(MAKE) -C $@
169 .PHONY: mbr-rs232
170 mbr-rs232: gcc fatfs
171 $(MAKE) -C mbr mbr-rs232
173 .PHONY: flash-mbr
174 flash-mbr: mbr
175 $(MAKE) -C bootloader rs232 e07load/e07load
178 # ----- clean and help --------------------------------------
179 .PHONY: complete-clean
180 complete-clean: clean clean-toolchain
182 .PHONY: clean
183 clean: clean-sim-qt4
184 $(MAKE) clean -C bootloader
185 $(MAKE) clean -C toolchain/mini-libc
186 $(MAKE) clean -C fatfs
187 $(MAKE) clean -C mbr
188 $(MAKE) clean -C forth
189 $(MAKE) clean -C kernel
190 cd jsp && $(MAKE) clean -C wikireader
192 .PHONY: clean-toolchain
193 clean-toolchain:
194 rm -rf toolchain/gcc-$(GCC_VERSION)
195 rm -rf toolchain/binutils-$(BINUTILS_VERSION)
196 rm -f binutils-download binutils-patch binutils
197 rm -f gcc-download gcc-patch gcc
199 .PHONY: clean-sim-qt4
200 clean-sim-qt4:
201 (cd host-tools/simulator/Qt4/WikiSim; $(MAKE) distclean || true)
203 .PHONY:help
204 help:
205 @echo -e "\n\
206 all: compile all the source.\n\
207 setup: get all the source we need.\n\
208 bootloader: compile bootloader.\n\
209 toppers: compile a toppers kernel.\n\
210 binutils: compile binutils.\n\
211 gcc: compile gcc.\n\
212 mini-libc: compile mini-libc (libc.a).\n\
213 flash-bootloader: flash bootloader to you E07 board\n\
214 -make sure the serial console is /dev/ttyUSB0.\n\
215 simulator-qt4 compile the Qt4 simulator\n\
216 clean: clean all.\n\
217 openmoko, Inc.\n "
219 .PHONY:testhelp
220 testhelp:
221 $(MAKE) --print-data-base --question | \
222 awk '/^[^.%][-A-Za-z0-9_]*:/ \
223 { print substr($$1, 1, length($$1)-1) }' | \
224 sort | \
225 pr --omit-pagination --width=80 --columns=1