added samples
[windows-sources.git] / sdk / samples / WPFSamples / FramePageSample / csharp / sdkframecangoforwardpage.xaml
1 <Page
2     xmlns=""
3     xmlns:x=""
4     WindowTitle="SDK Viewer - System.Windows.Controls.Frame.CanGoForward"
5     Title="System.Windows.Controls.Frame.CanGoForward"
6     >
7     <StackPanel>
9         <!-- Title -->
10         <TextBlock FontSize="15" FontWeight="DemiBold">System.Windows.Controls.Frame.CanGoForward</TextBlock>
12         <TextBlock Padding="0,10,0,0">
14             Gets whether there are entries to navigate forward to.
15             <LineBreak />
16             <LineBreak />
18             <!-- Syntax -->
19             <TextBlock FontFamily="Courier New" FontSize="12" Background="LightGray" Padding="3,3,3,3">
20                 public virtual bool CanGoForward {get;}
21             </TextBlock>
22             <LineBreak />
23             <LineBreak />
25             <!-- Return Value -->
26             <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap">
27                 <TextBlock FontSize="13" FontWeight="DemiBold">Return Value</TextBlock>
28                 <LineBreak />
29                 A Boolean that is <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold">true</TextBlock> if there are one or more entries in forward navigation history; <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold">false</TextBlock> otherwise.
30             </TextBlock>
31             <LineBreak />
32             <LineBreak />
34             <!-- Remarks -->
35             <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap">
36                 <TextBlock FontSize="13" FontWeight="DemiBold">Remarks</TextBlock>
37                 <LineBreak />
38                 Before calling <Hyperlink NavigateUri="SDKFrameGoForwardPage.xaml">System.Windows.Controls.Frame.GoForward</Hyperlink>, you can check the <TextBlock FontWeight="DemiBold">CanGoForward</TextBlock> property to determine whether there are entries to navigate Forward to.
39             </TextBlock>
40             <LineBreak />
41             <LineBreak />
43             <!-- See Also -->
44             <TextBlock>
45                 <TextBlock FontSize="13" FontWeight="DemiBold">See Also</TextBlock>
46                 <LineBreak />
47                 <Hyperlink NavigateUri="SDKFrameCanGoBackPage.xaml">System.Windows.Controls.Frame.CanGoBack</Hyperlink>
48                 <LineBreak />
49                 <Hyperlink NavigateUri="SDKFrameGoBackPage.xaml">System.Windows.Controls.Frame.GoBack</Hyperlink>
50                 <LineBreak />
51                 <Hyperlink NavigateUri="SDKFrameGoForwardPage.xaml">System.Windows.Controls.Frame.GoForward</Hyperlink>
52                 <LineBreak />
53             </TextBlock>
55         </TextBlock>
57     </StackPanel>
58 </Page>