added some development tools
[windows-sources.git] / developer / VSSDK / VisualStudioIntegration / Common / IDL / encbuild.idl
1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // ENCbuild.IDL
3 //
4 // Interface definitions for Edit 'N Continue & Project system interactions
5 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 #ifndef INTEROPLIB
8 import "oleidl.idl";
9 import "vsshell.idl";
10 #endif
12 // see IVsENCRebuildableProjectCfg
13 // specify the exact reason for calling IVsENCRebuildableProjectCfg::BelongToProject
14 enum tagENC_REASON {
16 ENCReason_Precompile,
17 ENCReason_Rebuild
19 typedef enum tagENC_REASON ENC_REASON;
21 #ifdef INTEROPLIB
22 // When we are building the interop assemblies the values inside the cpp_quote statements are
23 // lost, so we have to define them here as enum.
26 S_ENC_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x00040001,
27 E_STATEMENT_DELETED = 0x80040001
29 #else
30 // see IVsENCRebuildableProjectCfg::BelongToProject
31 cpp_quote("#define S_ENC_NOT_SUPPORTED MAKE_HRESULT(0, FACILITY_ITF, 0x0001)")
33 // HRESULT returned by GetCurrentActiveStatementPosition
34 cpp_quote("#define E_STATEMENT_DELETED MAKE_HRESULT(1, FACILITY_ITF, 0x0001)")
35 #endif
37 //=======================================================================
38 // Project interfaces.
39 //=======================================================================
42 // IVsENCRebuildableProjectCfg
45 uuid(BF031840-AFB9-11d2-AE14-00A0C9110055)
48 interface IVsENCRebuildableProjectCfg : IUnknown
50 // This method call is synchronous
51 // Return codes;
52 // S_FALSE: this project doesn't need rebuilding in this program
53 // S_OK: rebuild succeeded must set out_ppUpdate
54 // Any FAILED(hr): build errors
57 [in] IUnknown* in_pProgram, //IDebugProgram2* pProgram,
58 [out] IUnknown** out_ppSnapshot //IDebugENCSnapshot2* ppUpdate
61 // This method will get called when:
62 // 1) user selects "Cancel ApplyCodeChange" menu-item, or
63 // 2) one of the Project/Build systems fails to rebuild during ENCMGR's ENC Reubild phase.
64 // [note: ENCMGR is implementing all-or-nothing semantics on ENC Rebuild]
67 void
72 [in] IUnknown* pENCRelinkInfo // IEnumDebugENCRelinkInfo *
73 );
75 HRESULT StartDebugging(void);
77 HRESULT StopDebugging(void);
79 // semantics: BelongToProject
80 // in_szFileName specifies the fully-qualified filename whose content is dirtied by user-edits
81 // in_ENCReason specifies the reason why ENCMGR is calling.
82 // in_fOnContinue, a hack for managed only ENC
83 // [because managed ENC can't do ApplyCodeChange without a subsequent debugger step]
84 // [the method always returns S_FALSE when !in_fOnContinue]
86 // further note: disable managed ENC in VS7.0
87 // for managed ENC project/build system, it will return S_ENC_NOT_SUPPORTED when
88 // 1) in_fOnContinue is true
89 // 2) in_szFileName belongs to this project/build system.
90 HRESULT BelongToProject
92 [in] LPCOLESTR in_szFileName,
93 [in] ENC_REASON in_ENCReason,
94 [in] BOOL in_fOnContinue
97 HRESULT SetENCProjectBuildOption
99 [in] REFGUID in_guidOption,
100 [in] LPCOLESTR in_szOptionValue
103 HRESULT ENCComplete
105 [in] BOOL in_fENCSuccess
109 // {D13E943A-9EE0-457f-8766-7D8B6BC06565}
110 // IVsENCRebuildableProjectCfg2
113 object,
114 uuid(D13E943A-9EE0-457f-8766-7D8B6BC06565),
115 pointer_default(unique)
117 interface IVsENCRebuildableProjectCfg2 : IUnknown
121 ENC_BREAK_NORMAL, // Normal break track active statements, provide exception spans, track rude edits
122 ENC_BREAK_EXCEPTION // Stopped at Exception, an unwind is required before ENC is allowed. All edits are rude. No tracking required.
126 enum enum_ASINFO
128 ASINFO_NONE = 0x00000000,
129 ASINFO_LEAF = 0x00000001, // The Active Statement is in a leaf frame
130 ASINFO_MIDSTATEMENT = 0x00000002, // The Active Statement is partially executed
131 ASINFO_NONUSER = 0x00000004, // The Active Statement IL is not in user code
133 typedef DWORD ASINFO;
135 enum enum_POSITION_TYPE
137 TEXT_POSITION_ACTIVE_STATEMENT = 1, // Filename and position mark the Active statement
138 TEXT_POSITION_NEARBY_STATEMENT = 2, // Filename and position mark the statement associated with
139 // some line in the method.
140 // This is currently the line associated with
141 // offset 0, but may change.
142 // (The intent is to provide the language service
143 // a hint on where to find the method in source.)
144 // asInfo must have ASINFO_NONUSER set.
145 TEXT_POSITION_NONE = 3 // Filename and position are not meaningful.
146 // (e.g. a generated function with no source.)
147 // asInfo must have ASINFO_NONUSER set.
151 typedef struct _ACTVSTMT
153 UINT32 id; // ID for Active Statement unique
154 UINT32 methodToken; // Token of the Active Method
155 TextSpan tsPosition;// TextSpan for the active statment
156 BSTR filename; // Filename for the active statement (filename as in the pdb)
157 ASINFO asInfo; // Flags with extra info about the state
158 POSITION_TYPE posType; // Determines meaning of tsPosition and filename. See enum_POSITION_TYPE
161 typedef enum
163 ENC_NOT_MODIFIED, // No user edits have occured
164 ENC_NONCONTINUABLE_ERRORS,// Rude ENC edits are present
165 ENC_COMPILE_ERRORS, // Compile errors are present
166 ENC_APPLY_READY, // Edits exist, no errors exist
169 typedef struct _EXCEPTIONSPAN
171 UINT32 id; // ID for exception handler assigned by lang service/compiler
172 UINT32 methodToken;
173 TextSpan tsPosition;
176 // Event to notify the LangSvc that we have started debugging.
177 HRESULT StartDebuggingPE(void);
180 // Event to notify the LangSvc that we are stopped at a valid state
181 // for ENC. The LangSvc must track Active Statements, and be capable
182 // of providing ExceptionSpans after recieving this event until the next
183 // ExitBreakStateOnPE event when encBreakReason is ENC_BREAK_NORMAL.
186 HRESULT EnterBreakStateOnPE(
187 [in] ENC_BREAKSTATE_REASON encBreakReason,
188 [in] ENC_ACTIVE_STATEMENT* pActiveStatements,
189 [in] UINT32 cActiveStatements);
191 // QI for IDebugUpdateInMemoryPE
192 HRESULT BuildForEnc(
193 [in] IUnknown* pUpdatePE);
195 // Event to notify the LangSvc that the debugger has returned to run mode.
196 HRESULT ExitBreakStateOnPE(void);
198 // Event to notify the LangSvc that the debugger has stopped debugging
199 HRESULT StopDebuggingPE(void);
201 // The language service must synchronize all pending changes and provide
202 // an accurate build state when this is called.
203 HRESULT GetENCBuildState(
204 [out] ENC_BUILD_STATE* pENCBuildState);
206 // The language service is responsible to tracking ActiveStatements between
207 // the EnterBreakStateOnPE event and the ExitBreakStateOnPE event.
208 HRESULT GetCurrentActiveStatementPosition(
209 [in] UINT32 id,
210 [out] TextSpan* ptsNewPosition);
213 // The MVID is used to determine if the project built matches the PE being debugged.
215 HRESULT GetPEidentity(
216 [out] GUID* pMVID,
217 [out] BSTR* pbstrPEName);
220 // Provide the number of Exception spans surrounding Active Statements.
222 HRESULT GetExceptionSpanCount(
223 [out] UINT32* pcExceptionSpan);
226 // Provide the exception spans surrounding Active Statements.
228 // Exception spans cover code that might run before a remap can be done, or
229 // that might decide where a remap may occur. When an Active Statement is
230 // marked ASINFO_MIDSTATEMENT then any associated catch and finally clauses
231 // must be marked as an Exception span. If the Active statement is inside a finally
232 // clause then the try block must also be included in the Exception span. The reason
233 // for this restriction is that a Leave instruction in the try block may define where
234 // execution continues after the finally is completed.
236 // Code changes in ExceptionSpans are rude edits.
238 HRESULT GetExceptionSpans(
239 [in] UINT32 celt,
240 [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] ENC_EXCEPTION_SPAN* rgelt,
241 [in, out] ULONG* pceltFetched);
244 // The Language service must track exception spans between the EnterBreakStateOnPE
245 // event and the ExitBreakStateOnPE.
247 HRESULT GetCurrentExceptionSpanPosition(
248 [in] UINT32 id,
249 [out] TextSpan* ptsNewPosition);
252 // Notification provided to the language service and compiler that the Apply Succeeded.
253 // This provides an opportunity for the lang service to update state via func eval, and clean up
254 // state. The hrApplyResult is the HRESULT returned from IDebugENCModule::ApplyENCUpdate
255 // see enc.idl.
257 HRESULT EncApplySucceeded(
258 [in] HRESULT hrApplyResult);
261 // Provide the timestamp for the last non-enc build. The timestamp requied
262 // here is the one placed in the PE header during build. Do not use the filesystem timestamp.
264 // This is not used in the Whidbey implementation of ENC.
265 HRESULT GetPEBuildTimeStamp(
266 [in,out] FILETIME* pTimeStamp);
269 // {3909921B-BACD-11d2-BD66-00C04FA302E2}
270 // DEFINE_GUID(IID_IEnumVsENCRebuildableProjectCfgs,
271 // 0x3909921b, 0xbacd, 0x11d2, 0xbd, 0x66, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xa3, 0x2, 0xe2);
273 object,
274 uuid(3909921B-BACD-11d2-BD66-00C04FA302E2),
275 pointer_default(unique)
277 interface IEnumVsENCRebuildableProjectCfgs : IUnknown
279 HRESULT Next
281 [in] ULONG celt,
282 [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] IVsENCRebuildableProjectCfg** rgelt,
283 [in, out] ULONG* pceltFetched
285 HRESULT Skip
287 [in] ULONG celt
289 HRESULT Reset
291 void
293 HRESULT Clone
295 [out] IEnumVsENCRebuildableProjectCfgs** ppEnum
297 HRESULT GetCount
299 [out] ULONG* pcelt