added some development tools
[windows-sources.git] / developer / VSSDK / VisualStudioIntegration / Tools / Wizards / Templates / VC / EditorDocument.h
1 // EditorDocument.h
3 #pragma once
5 /***************************************************************************
7 EditorDocument provides the implementation of a single view editor (as opposed to a
8 multi-view editor that can display the same file in multiple modes like the HTML editor).
10 %ProjectName%.pkgdef contains:
12 [$RootKey$\KeyBindingTables\{%DocumentGuid%}]
13 @="#1"
14 "AllowNavKeyBinding"=dword:00000000
15 "Package"="{%PackageGuid%}"
17 which is required for some, but not all, of the key bindings, which are located at the bottom of
18 %ProjectClass%UI.vsct, to work correctly so that the appropriate command handler below will be
19 called.
21 ***************************************************************************/
23 // This is provided as a template parameter to facilitate unit testing
24 // One traits class is provided rather then multiple template arguments
25 // so that when an new type is added, it isn't necessary to update all
26 // instances of the template decleration
27 class EditorDocumentDefaultTraits
29 public:
30 // The rich edit control needs to be contained in another window, as the list view will send
31 // it's notifications to it's parent window; however, if the VS frame window is subclassed, VS
32 // may stomp on the window proc we have set, so we have to provide our own parent window
33 // for the control.
34 typedef Win32ControlContainer<RichEditWin32Control<> > RichEditContainer;
35 typedef VSL::Cursor Cursor;
36 typedef VSL::Keyboard Keyboard;
37 typedef VSL::File File;
40 template <class Traits_T = EditorDocumentDefaultTraits>
41 class EditorDocument :
42 // Use ATL to take care of common COM infrastructure
43 public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
44 // IVsWindowPane is required to be a document
45 public IVsWindowPaneImpl<EditorDocument<Traits_T> >,
46 // IOleCommandTarget is required to be a document that handles commands (as any editor will need to do)
47 public IOleCommandTargetImpl<EditorDocument<Traits_T> >,
48 // DocumentPersistanceBase provides the persistance related interfaces: IVsPersistDocData,
49 // IVsDocDataFileChangeContro, IVsFileChangeEvents, IPersistFileFormat, and IVsFileBackup.
50 public DocumentPersistanceBase<EditorDocument<Traits_T>, typename Traits_T::File>,
51 // ISelectionContainer is required for the properties windows to be updated.
52 // The document only has one item to display properties for, so ISelectionContainerSingleItemImpl
53 // is used rather then ISelectionContainerImpl
54 public ISelectionContainerSingleItemImpl<EditorDocument<Traits_T>, ITextDocument>,
55 // IVsToolboxUser is required for items be dragged from the toolbox on to the document
56 public IVsToolboxUser,
57 // IVsStatusbarUser is required to update the line and character position on the status bar,
58 // as well as the insertion (INS at the right most end of the status bar) state.
59 public IVsStatusbarUser,
60 // Custom automation interface used with macro recording and playback
61 public IDispatchImpl<ISingleViewEditor, &__uuidof(ISingleViewEditor), &LIBID_%ProjectClass%Lib>,
62 // IExtensibleObject or IVsExtensibleObject is required to be an automation object
63 // IExtensibleObject is newer and prefered.
64 public IExtensibleObjectImpl<EditorDocument<Traits_T> >,
65 // IVsFindTarget, IVsTextImage, and IVsTextSpanSet are required for find and replace to work correctly
66 public IVsFindTargetImpl<EditorDocument<Traits_T>, TRUE>,
67 public IVsTextImageImpl<>,
68 public IVsTextSpanSetImpl,
69 // IVsTextView, IVsTextViewEvents, IVsCodeWindow, IVsTextLines along with the a connection point
70 // for IVsTextViewEvents, are required so that double-clicking on results of a find in files in the
71 // output window will correctly naviagate to the location in the document. That is the only
72 // scenario these interfaces are required for.
73 public SingleViewFindInFilesOutputWindowIntegrationImpl<EditorDocument<Traits_T> >,
74 public ATL::IConnectionPointContainerImpl<EditorDocument<Traits_T> >,
75 // This is required in addition to IConnectionPointContainer for the connection map to compile properly
76 // This interface is not included in the interface map though, so it can not be QI'ed for.
77 public ATL::IConnectionPointImpl<EditorDocument<Traits_T>, &IID_IVsTextViewEvents>,
78 // The container for the rich edit control is the actual window associated with IVsWindowPane
79 // rather then the rich edit control, as the the parent window of IVsWindowPane is owned by
80 // the Visual Studio IDE and can not be used as the parent window of the rich edit control,
81 // it it can not be reliably sub-classed (VS doesn't guarantee it will not overwrite the
82 // window procedure).
83 public Traits_T::RichEditContainer
86 // COM objects typically should not be cloned, and this prevents cloning by declaring the
87 // copy constructor and assignment operator private (NOTE: this macro includes the decleration of
88 // a private section, so everything following this macro and preceding a public or protected
89 // section will be private).
92 public:
94 typedef typename Traits_T::File File;
96 // Provides a portion of the implementation of IUnknown, in particular the list of interfaces
97 // the EditorDocument object will support via QueryInterface
98 BEGIN_COM_MAP(EditorDocument)
100 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISelectionContainer)
101 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IOleCommandTarget)
102 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IPersistFileFormat)
105 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IVsFileChangeEvents)
106 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IVsDocDataFileChangeControl)
111 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISingleViewEditor)
112 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IExtensibleObject)
118 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IConnectionPointContainer)
119 // IConnectionPoint is purposefully omitted
125 // Defines the command handlers. IOleCommandTargetImpl will use these handlers to implement
126 // IOleCommandTarget.
128 // Every command is identified by the shell using a GUID/DWORD pair, so every the definition of
129 // commands must contain this information.
131 // The following command map entries define a GUID/DWORD pair to identify the command and a
132 // callback for the command execution and status queries.
133 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidCopy, &OnQueryCopy, &OnCopy)
134 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidCut, &OnQueryCut, &OnCut)
135 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidDelete, NULL, &OnDelete)
136 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidPaste, &OnQueryPaste, &OnPaste)
137 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidBold, &OnQueryBold, &OnBold)
138 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidItalic, &OnQueryItalic, &OnItalic)
139 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidUnderline, &OnQueryUnderline, &OnUnderline)
140 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidJustifyLeft, &OnQueryJustifyLeft, &OnJustifyLeft)
141 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidJustifyRight, &OnQueryJustifyRight, &OnJustifyRight)
142 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidJustifyCenter, &OnQueryJustifyCenter, &OnJustifyCenter)
143 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidFontNameGetList, &OnQueryFontNameGetList, &OnFontNameGetList)
144 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidFontName, &OnQueryFontName, &OnFontName)
145 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidFontSizeGetList, &OnQueryFontSizeGetList, &OnFontSizeGetList)
146 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidFontSize, &OnQueryFontSize, &OnFontSize)
147 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet97, cmdidPasteNextTBXCBItem, &OnQueryPasteNextTBXCBItem, &OnPasteNextTBXCBItem)
148 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet2K, ECMD_BULLETEDLIST, &OnQueryBulletedList, &OnBulletedList)
149 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CMDSETID_StandardCommandSet2K, ECMD_INSERT, &OnQueryInsert, &OnInsert)
150 VSL_COMMAND_MAP_ENTRY(CLSID_%ProjectClass%CmdSet, commandIDStrike, &OnQueryStrikeOut, &OnStrikeOut)
152 // Terminate the definition of the command map
155 VSL_BEGIN_MSG_MAP(EditorDocument)
156 // Whenever the content changes, need to check and see if the file can be edited,
157 // if not then the changes will be rejected.
158 COMMAND_HANDLER(RichEditContainer::iContainedControlID, EN_CHANGE, OnContentChange)
159 // Whenever the selection changes, need to update the Visual Studio UI (i.e. status bar, menus,
160 // and toolbars).
161 NOTIFY_HANDLER(RichEditContainer::iContainedControlID, EN_SELCHANGE, OnSelectionChange)
162 // On this event the context menu will be shown if needed, and some keyboard commands will be
163 // dealt with.
164 NOTIFY_HANDLER(RichEditContainer::iContainedControlID, EN_MSGFILTER, OnUserInteractionEvent)
167 // Let the rich edit container process all other messages
168 CHAIN_MSG_MAP(RichEditContainer)
171 // This is necessary to implement the connection point for IVsTextViewEvents
172 // See comment above SingleViewFindInFilesOutputWindowIntegrationImpl
177 // IVsWindowPane methods overriden or not provided by IVsWindowPaneImpl
179 STDMETHOD(CreatePaneWindow)(
180 /*[in] */ _In_ HWND hwndParent,
181 /*[in] */ _In_ int x,
182 /*[in] */ _In_ int y,
183 /*[in] */ _In_ int cx,
184 /*[in] */ _In_ int cy,
185 /*[out]*/ _Out_ HWND *hwnd);
186 STDMETHOD(GetDefaultSize)(
187 /*[out]*/ _Out_ SIZE *psize);
188 STDMETHOD(ClosePane)();
190 // IVsToolboxUser method
192 STDMETHOD(IsSupported)(/*[in] */ _In_ IDataObject* pDO);
193 STDMETHOD(ItemPicked)(/*[in] */ _In_ IDataObject* pDO);
195 // ISingleViewEditor - this is the object model exposed by the editor in order to
196 // facilitate macro recording.
198 STDMETHOD(get_DTE)(/* [out] */ _Deref_out_ _DTE** ppDTE);
199 STDMETHOD(get_Parent)(/* [out] */ _Deref_out_ _DTE** ppDTE);
200 STDMETHOD(get_DefaultTabStop)(/* [out] */ _Out_ float* pdVal);
201 STDMETHOD(put_DefaultTabStop)(/* [in] */ float dVal);
202 STDMETHOD(get_Range)(/* [out] */ _Deref_out_ /*ITextRange*/IDispatch** ppRange);
203 STDMETHOD(get_Selection)(/* [out] */ _Deref_out_ /*ITextSelection*/IDispatch** ppSelection);
204 STDMETHOD(get_Flags)(/* [out] */ _Out_ long* plFlags);
205 STDMETHOD(put_Flags)(/* [in] */ long lFlags);
206 STDMETHOD(FindText)(/* [in] */ _In_ BSTR pStr);
207 STDMETHOD(SetText)(/* [in] */ _In_ BSTR pStr);
208 STDMETHOD(TypeText)(/* [in] */ _In_ BSTR pStr);
209 STDMETHOD(Cut)();
210 STDMETHOD(Copy)();
211 STDMETHOD(Paste)();
212 STDMETHOD(Delete)(
213 /* [in] */ long lUnit,
214 /* [in] */ long cUnit);
215 STDMETHOD(MoveUp)(
216 /* [in] */ long lUnit,
217 /* [in] */ long cUnit,
218 /* [in] */ long lExtend);
219 STDMETHOD(MoveDown)(
220 /* [in] */ long lUnit,
221 /* [in] */ long cUnit,
222 /* [in] */ long lExtend);
223 STDMETHOD(MoveLeft)(
224 /* [in] */ long lUnit,
225 /* [in] */ long cUnit,
226 /* [in] */ long lExtend);
227 STDMETHOD(MoveRight)(
228 /* [in] */ long lUnit,
229 /* [in] */ long cUnit,
230 /* [in] */ long lExtend);
231 STDMETHOD(EndKey)(
232 /* [in] */ long lUnit,
233 /* [in] */ long lExtend);
234 STDMETHOD(HomeKey)(
235 /* [in] */ long lUnit,
236 /* [in] */ long lExtend);
238 // IVsStatusbarUser methods
240 STDMETHOD(SetInfo)();
242 // IVsFindTarget methods
244 STDMETHOD(GetProperty)(
245 /* [in] */ VSFTPROPID propid,
246 /* [out]*/ _Out_ VARIANT* pvar);
247 STDMETHOD(NavigateTo)(
248 /* [in] */ const TextSpan* pts);
249 STDMETHOD(GetCurrentSpan)(
250 /* [out]*/ _Out_ TextSpan* pts);
252 // IVsTextImage methods
254 STDMETHOD(GetLineSize)(
255 /* [retval][out] */ _Out_ LONG* pcLines);
256 STDMETHOD(Replace)(
257 /* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags,
258 /* [in] */ const TextSpan* pts,
259 /* [in] */ LONG cch,
260 /* [size_is][in] */ LPCOLESTR pchText,
261 /* [retval][out] */ _Out_ TextSpan* ptsChanged);
262 STDMETHOD(GetSpanLength)(
263 /* [in] */ const TextSpan* pts,
264 /* [retval][out] */ _Out_ LONG* pcch);
265 STDMETHOD(GetLineLength)(
266 /* [in] */ LONG iLine,
267 /* [retval][out] */ _Out_ LONG* piLength);
268 STDMETHOD(GetLine)(
269 /* [in] */ DWORD grfGet,
270 /* [in] */ LONG iLine,
271 /* [in] */ LONG iStartIndex,
272 /* [in] */ LONG iEndIndex,
273 /* [retval][out] */ _Out_ LINEDATAEX* pLineData);
275 // IVsTextLines methods not provided by SingleViewFindInFilesOutputWindowIntegrationImpl
277 STDMETHOD(GetLengthOfLine)(
278 /* [in] */ long iLine,
279 /* [out] */ _Out_ long *piLength);
280 STDMETHOD(GetLastLineIndex)(
281 /* [out] */ _Out_ long *piLine,
282 /* [out] */ _Out_ long *piIndex);
284 // IVsTextView methods not provided by SingleViewFindInFilesOutputWindowIntegrationImpl
286 STDMETHOD(SetSelection)(
287 /* [in] */ long iAnchorLine,
288 /* [in] */ ViewCol iAnchorCol,
289 /* [in] */ long iEndLine,
290 /* [in] */ ViewCol iEndCol);
292 // VSL base class statically bound call back methods
294 // Called by IExtensibleObjectImpl::GetAutomationObject
295 IDispatch* GetNamedAutomationObject(_In_z_ BSTR bstrName);
297 // Called by VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::InitNew and VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::Save
298 bool IsValidFormat(DWORD dwFormatIndex);
300 // Called by VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::FilesChanged
301 void OnFileChangedSetTimer();
303 // Called by VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::GetClassID, which is also called by
304 // VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::GetGuidEditorType)
305 const GUID& GetEditorTypeGuid() const;
307 // Called by VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::GetFormatList
308 void GetFormatListString(ATL::CStringW& rstrFormatList);
310 // Called indirectly by VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::Load and VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::Save
311 void PostSetDirty();
313 // Called indirectly by VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::FilesChanged,
314 // VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::IgnoreFileChanges, VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::Load, and
315 // VSL::DocumentPersistanceBase::Save
316 void PostSetReadOnly();
318 // FUTURE - 3/17/2006 - could move the 2 following methods on to the Rich Edit control in VSL
320 // Called by the IPersistFileFormat::Load implementation on DocumentPersistanceBase
321 HRESULT ReadData(File& rFile, BOOL bInsert, DWORD& rdwFormatIndex) throw();
323 // Called indirectly by IPersistFileFormat::Save and IVsFileBackup::BackupFile implementations
324 // on DocumentPersistanceBase
325 void WriteData(File& rFile, DWORD /*dwFormatIndex*/);
327 // Called by VSL::IVsFindTargetImpl::GetCapabilities and
328 // VSL::IVsFindTargetImpl::GetSearchImage
329 DWORD GetCapabilityOptions();
331 protected:
333 typedef typename Traits_T::RichEditContainer RichEditContainer;
334 typedef typename Traits_T::RichEditContainer::Control Control;
335 typedef typename Traits_T::Keyboard Keyboard;
337 typedef typename IVsWindowPaneImpl<EditorDocument<Traits_T> >::VsSiteCache VsSiteCache;
339 typedef EditorDocument<Traits_T> This;
341 EditorDocument():
342 m_pWindowProc(NULL),
343 m_bClosed(false)
347 ~EditorDocument()
349 VSL_ASSERT(m_bClosed);
350 if(!m_bClosed)
352 // Paranoid clean-up. Ignore return value, nothing to do if this fails,
353 // and execution should not have arrived here anyway.
354 ClosePane();
358 // Called by the Rich Edit control during the processing of EM_STREAMOUT and EM_STREAMIN
359 template <bool bRead_T>
360 static DWORD CALLBACK EditStreamCallback(
361 _In_ DWORD_PTR dwpFile,
362 _Inout_bytecap_(iBufferByteSize) LPBYTE pBuffer,
363 LONG iBufferByteSize,
364 _Out_ LONG* piBytesWritten);
366 // Window Proc for the rich edit control. Necessary to implement macro recording.
367 static LRESULT CALLBACK RichEditWindowProc(
368 _In_ HWND hWnd,
369 UINT msg,
370 _In_ WPARAM wParam,
371 _In_ LPARAM lParam);
373 #pragma warning(push)
374 #pragma warning(disable : 4480) // // warning C4480: nonstandard extension used: specifying underlying type for enum
375 enum TimerID : WPARAM
377 // ID of timer message sent from OnFileChangedSetTimer
379 // ID of timer message sent from OnSetFocus
382 #pragma warning(pop)
384 private:
386 // Windows message handlers
388 LRESULT OnContentChange(WORD /*iCommand*/, WORD /*iId*/, _In_ HWND hWindow, BOOL& /*bHandled*/);
389 LRESULT OnSelectionChange(int /*wParam*/, _In_ LPNMHDR /*pHeader*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/);
390 LRESULT OnUserInteractionEvent(int /*wParam*/, _In_ LPNMHDR pHeader, BOOL& /*bHandled*/);
391 LRESULT OnTimer(UINT /*uMsg*/, _In_ WPARAM wParam, _In_ LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/);
392 LRESULT OnSetFocus(UINT /*uMsg*/, _In_ WPARAM wParam, _In_ LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled);
394 // Visual Studio command handlers
396 void OnCopy(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
397 void OnQueryCopy(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
398 void OnCut(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
399 void OnQueryCut(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
400 void OnDelete(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
401 void OnPaste(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
402 void OnQueryPaste(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
403 void OnBold(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
404 void OnQueryBold(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
405 void OnItalic(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
406 void OnQueryItalic(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
407 void OnUnderline(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
408 void OnQueryUnderline(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
409 void OnJustifyLeft(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
410 void OnQueryJustifyLeft(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
411 void OnJustifyRight(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
412 void OnQueryJustifyRight(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
413 void OnJustifyCenter(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
414 void OnQueryJustifyCenter(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
415 void OnFontNameGetList(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD flags, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* pOut);
416 void OnQueryFontNameGetList(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
417 void OnFontName(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD flags, _In_ VARIANT* pIn, _Out_ VARIANT* pOut);
418 void OnQueryFontName(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
419 void OnFontSizeGetList(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD flags, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* pOut);
420 void OnQueryFontSizeGetList(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
421 void OnFontSize(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD flags, _In_ VARIANT* pIn, _Out_ VARIANT* pOut);
422 void OnQueryFontSize(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
423 void OnPasteNextTBXCBItem(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
424 void OnQueryPasteNextTBXCBItem(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
425 void OnBulletedList(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
426 void OnQueryBulletedList(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
427 void OnInsert(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
428 void OnQueryInsert(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
429 void OnStrikeOut(_In_ CommandHandler* /*pSender*/, DWORD /*flags*/, _In_ VARIANT* /*pIn*/, _Out_ VARIANT* /*pOut*/);
430 void OnQueryStrikeOut(const CommandHandler& /*rSender*/, _Inout_ OLECMD* pOleCmd, _Inout_ OLECMDTEXT* /*pOleText*/);
432 // Rich Edit object model helper methods
434 void GetTextSelection(CComPtr<ITextSelection>& rspITextSelection)
436 EnsureNotClosed();
437 CHKHR(GetControl().GetITextDocument()->GetSelection(&rspITextSelection));
438 CHKPTR(rspITextSelection.p, E_FAIL);
441 void GetTextRange(CComPtr<ITextRange>& rspITextRange)
443 EnsureNotClosed();
444 CHKHR(GetControl().GetITextDocument()->Range(0, tomForward, &rspITextRange));
445 CHKPTR(rspITextRange.p, E_FAIL);
448 void GetTextFont(CComPtr<ITextFont>& rspITextFont)
450 CComPtr<ITextSelection> spITextSelection;
451 GetTextSelection(spITextSelection);
452 CHKHR(spITextSelection->GetFont(&rspITextFont));
455 void GetTextPara(CComPtr<ITextPara>& rspITextPara)
457 CComPtr<ITextSelection> spITextSelection;
458 GetTextSelection(spITextSelection);
459 CHKHR(spITextSelection->GetPara(&rspITextPara));
462 // Helper function to obtain the ITextSelection flags
463 long GetTextSelectionFlags();
465 // Macro recording helper methods
467 // Last command type sent to the macro recorder. Note that there are more commands
468 // recorded than is implied by this list.
469 enum LastMacro
471 eLastMacroNone = 0,
472 eLastMacroText,
473 eLastMacroDownArrowLine,
474 eLastMacroDownArrowLineSel,
475 eLastMacroDownArrowPara,
476 eLastMacroDownArrowParaSel,
477 eLastMacroUpArrowLine,
478 eLastMacroUpArrowLineSel,
479 eLastMacroUpArrowPara,
480 eLastMacroUpArrowParaSel,
481 eLastMacroLeftArrowChar,
482 eLastMacroLeftArrowCharSel,
483 eLastMacroLeftArrowWord,
484 eLastMacroLeftArrowWordSel,
485 eLastMacroRightArrowChar,
486 eLastMacroRightArrowCharSel,
487 eLastMacroRightArrowWord,
488 eLastMacroRightArrowWordSel,
489 eLastMacroDeleteChar,
490 eLastMacroDeleteWord,
491 eLastMacroBackSpaceChar,
492 eLastMacroBackSpaceWord
495 void RecordCommand(const wchar_t* szCommand);
497 // Member functions used to interface with the shell macro recording service.
498 // Note that although macro recording may fail we do not return any errors.
499 void RecordKeyStroke(UINT msg, _In_ WPARAM wParam, _In_ LPARAM lParam);
501 // This function outputs a line to the macro recorder in response to a
502 // delete or backspace key.
503 void RecordDelete(bool bBackspace = false, bool bWord = false);
505 // This function outputs a line to the macro recorder in response to an
506 // Up, Down, Left or Right Arrow.
508 enum MoveScope
510 Character = tomCharacter,
511 Word = tomWord,
512 Line = tomLine,
513 Paragraph = tomParagraph
516 void RecordMove(LastMacro eState, LPCWSTR szDirection, MoveScope eScope, bool bExtend);
518 // Find and Replace helper methods
520 // IVsFindTarget helper to get selection string if it is only single line
521 void GetInitialPattern(_Deref_out_z_ BSTR *pbstrSelection);
523 // Format command handler helper methods
525 // Function to obtain and set Character and paragraph properties.
526 DWORD GetFontFormatState(DWORD dwEffect);
527 void SetFontFormatState(DWORD dwEffect);
528 DWORD QueryParagraphAlignmentState(long lState);
529 DWORD GetBulletState();
530 void SetParagraphAlignment(long iAlignment);
531 void ToggleBulleted();
533 // Font command handler helper methods
535 typedef std::list<BSTR> FontNameList;
537 // OleCommandTarget Helper functions for selecting font names and sizes.
538 void GetFontName(_Out_ VARIANT *pvarOut);
539 void GetFontSize(_Out_ VARIANT *pvarOut);
540 void SetFontName(_In_ VARIANT *pvarNew);
541 void SetFontSize(_In_ VARIANT *pvarNew);
543 // Helper function for query status for command cmdidPasteNextTBXCBItem
545 bool CanCycleClipboard();
546 void PasteClipboardObject();
548 // IVsToolboxUser helper
550 void IVsToolboxUserHelper(_In_ IDataObject* pDataObject, ATL::CComVariant& vt);
552 // Status bar helper functions
554 void StatusBarUpdatePos(_In_ IVsStatusbar* pIVsStatusBar = NULL);
555 void StatusBarUpdateInsMode(_In_ IVsStatusbar* pIVsStatusBar = NULL);
557 // Miscelanous helper methods
559 // Selection helpers
560 bool IsSelectionEmpty();
562 // Helper function to checkout file if necessary.
563 bool ShouldDiscardChange();
565 // Calls IVsUIShell method to tell the environment to update the state of
566 // the command bars (menus and toolbars).
567 void UpdateVSCommandUI();
569 void EnsureNotClosed()
571 CHK(!m_bClosed, E_UNEXPECTED);
574 // Data members
576 // Simplifies macro recording
577 VsMacroRecorder<&CLSID_%ProjectClass%EditorDocument, LastMacro, eLastMacroNone> m_Recorder;
579 // Window procedure pointer for the window containing the rich edit control
580 WNDPROC m_pWindowProc;
582 // Buffer for text input during macro recording
583 CStringW m_strTextToRecord;
585 // IVsWindowPane Data
586 bool m_bClosed;