Bug 458861. Validate TrueType headers before activating downloaded font. r=roc, sr...
[wine-gecko.git] / netwerk / base / src / nsAutodialWin.cpp
1 /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
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38 // This source is mostly a bunch of Windows API calls. It is only compiled for
39 // Windows builds.
41 // Registry entries for Autodial mappings are located here:
42 // HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\RAS Autodial\Addresses
44 #include <windows.h>
45 #include <winsvc.h>
46 #include "nsString.h"
47 #include "nsAutodialWin.h"
48 #include "prlog.h"
50 #ifdef WINCE
51 #include <objbase.h>
52 #include <initguid.h>
53 #include <connmgr.h>
54 #endif
56 #ifdef WINCE
58 #else
60 #endif
63 // Log module for autodial logging...
65 // To enable logging (see prlog.h for full details):
67 // set NSPR_LOG_MODULES=Autodial:5
68 // set NSPR_LOG_FILE=nspr.log
70 // this enables PR_LOG_DEBUG level information and places all output in
71 // the file nspr.log
74 #ifdef PR_LOGGING
75 static PRLogModuleInfo* gLog = nsnull;
76 #endif
78 #define LOGD(args) PR_LOG(gLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, args)
79 #define LOGE(args) PR_LOG(gLog, PR_LOG_ERROR, args)
81 // Don't try to dial again within a few seconds of when user pressed cancel.
82 #define NO_RETRY_PERIOD_SEC 5
83 PRIntervalTime nsRASAutodial::mDontRetryUntil = 0;
86 tRASPHONEBOOKDLG nsRASAutodial::mpRasPhonebookDlg = nsnull;
87 tRASENUMCONNECTIONS nsRASAutodial::mpRasEnumConnections = nsnull;
88 tRASENUMENTRIES nsRASAutodial::mpRasEnumEntries = nsnull;
89 tRASDIALDLG nsRASAutodial::mpRasDialDlg = nsnull;
90 tRASSETAUTODIALADDRESS nsRASAutodial::mpRasSetAutodialAddress = nsnull;
91 tRASGETAUTODIALADDRESS nsRASAutodial::mpRasGetAutodialAddress = nsnull;
92 tRASGETAUTODIALENABLE nsRASAutodial::mpRasGetAutodialEnable = nsnull;
93 tRASGETAUTODIALPARAM nsRASAutodial::mpRasGetAutodialParam = nsnull;
95 HINSTANCE nsRASAutodial::mhRASdlg = nsnull;
96 HINSTANCE nsRASAutodial::mhRASapi32 = nsnull;
98 // ctor.
99 nsRASAutodial::nsRASAutodial()
100 : mAutodialBehavior(AUTODIAL_DEFAULT),
101 mNumRASConnectionEntries(0),
102 mAutodialServiceDialingLocation(-1)
104 mOSVerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(mOSVerInfo);
105 GetVersionEx(&mOSVerInfo);
107 // Initializations that can be made again since RAS OS settings can
108 // change.
109 Init();
112 // dtor
113 nsRASAutodial::~nsRASAutodial()
118 // Get settings from the OS. These are settings that might change during
119 // the OS session. Call Init() again to pick up those changes if required.
120 // Returns NS_ERROR_FAILURE if error or NS_OK if success.
121 nsresult nsRASAutodial::Init()
123 #ifdef PR_LOGGING
124 if (!gLog)
125 gLog = PR_NewLogModule("Autodial");
126 #endif
128 mDefaultEntryName[0] = '\0';
129 mNumRASConnectionEntries = 0;
130 mAutodialBehavior = QueryAutodialBehavior();
132 // No need to continue in this case.
133 if (mAutodialBehavior == AUTODIAL_NEVER)
135 return NS_OK;
139 // Get the number of dialup entries in the phonebook.
140 mNumRASConnectionEntries = NumRASEntries();
142 // Get the name of the default entry.
143 nsresult result = GetDefaultEntryName(mDefaultEntryName,
144 sizeof(mDefaultEntryName));
146 return result;
150 // Should we attempt to dial on a network error? Yes if the Internet Options
151 // configured as such. Yes if the RAS autodial service is running (we'll try to
152 // force it to dial in that case by adding the network address to its db.)
153 PRBool nsRASAutodial::ShouldDialOnNetworkError()
155 #ifndef WINCE
156 // Don't try to dial again within a few seconds of when user pressed cancel.
157 if (mDontRetryUntil)
159 PRIntervalTime intervalNow = PR_IntervalNow();
160 if (intervalNow < mDontRetryUntil)
162 LOGD(("Autodial: Not dialing: too soon."));
163 return PR_FALSE;
168 return ((mAutodialBehavior == AUTODIAL_ALWAYS)
169 || (mAutodialBehavior == AUTODIAL_ON_NETWORKERROR)
170 || (mAutodialBehavior == AUTODIAL_USE_SERVICE));
171 #else
172 return PR_TRUE;
173 #endif
177 // The autodial info is set in Control Panel | Internet Options | Connections.
178 // The values are stored in the registry. This function gets those values from
179 // the registry and determines if we should never dial, always dial, or dial
180 // when there is no network found.
181 int nsRASAutodial::QueryAutodialBehavior()
183 #ifndef WINCE
184 if (IsAutodialServiceRunning())
186 if (!LoadRASapi32DLL())
187 return AUTODIAL_NEVER;
189 // Is Autodial service enabled for the current login session?
190 DWORD disabled = 0;
191 DWORD size = sizeof(DWORD);
192 if ((*mpRasGetAutodialParam)(RASADP_LoginSessionDisable, &disabled, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
194 if (!disabled)
196 // If current dialing location has autodial on, we'll let the service dial.
197 mAutodialServiceDialingLocation = GetCurrentLocation();
198 if (IsAutodialServiceEnabled(mAutodialServiceDialingLocation))
206 // If we get to here, then the service is not going to dial on error, so we
207 // can dial ourselves if the control panel settings are set up that way.
208 HKEY hKey = 0;
209 LONG result = ::RegOpenKeyExW(
211 L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings",
214 &hKey);
216 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
218 LOGE(("Autodial: Error opening reg key Internet Settings"));
219 return AUTODIAL_NEVER;
222 DWORD entryType = 0;
223 DWORD autodial = 0;
224 DWORD onDemand = 0;
225 DWORD paramSize = sizeof(DWORD);
227 result = ::RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"EnableAutodial", nsnull, &entryType, (LPBYTE)&autodial, &paramSize);
228 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
230 ::RegCloseKey(hKey);
231 LOGE(("Autodial: Error reading reg value EnableAutodial."));
232 return AUTODIAL_NEVER;
235 result = ::RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"NoNetAutodial", nsnull, &entryType, (LPBYTE)&onDemand, &paramSize);
236 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
238 ::RegCloseKey(hKey);
239 LOGE(("Autodial: Error reading reg value NoNetAutodial."));
240 return AUTODIAL_NEVER;
243 ::RegCloseKey(hKey);
245 if (!autodial)
247 return AUTODIAL_NEVER;
249 else
251 if (onDemand)
255 else
260 #else
262 #endif
266 #ifdef WINCE
267 static nsresult DoPPCConnection()
269 static HANDLE gConnectionHandle = NULL;
271 // Make the connection to the new network
273 memset(&conn_info, 0, sizeof(conn_info));
275 conn_info.cbSize = sizeof(conn_info);
276 conn_info.dwParams = CONNMGR_PARAM_GUIDDESTNET;
278 conn_info.guidDestNet = IID_DestNetInternet;
279 conn_info.bExclusive = FALSE;
280 conn_info.bDisabled = FALSE;
282 HANDLE tempConnectionHandle;
283 DWORD status;
284 HRESULT result = ConnMgrEstablishConnectionSync(&conn_info,
285 &tempConnectionHandle,
286 60000,
287 &status);
289 if (result != S_OK)
291 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
296 // could not connect to this network. release the
297 // temp connection.
298 ConnMgrReleaseConnection(tempConnectionHandle, 0);
299 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
302 // At this point, we have a new connection, so release
303 // the old connection
304 if (gConnectionHandle)
305 ConnMgrReleaseConnection(gConnectionHandle, 0);
307 gConnectionHandle = tempConnectionHandle;
308 return NS_OK;
311 #endif
313 // If the RAS autodial service is running, use it. Otherwise, dial
314 // the default RAS connection. There are two possible RAS dialogs:
315 // one that dials a single entry, and one that lets the user choose which
316 // to dial. If there is only one connection entry in the phone book, or
317 // there are multiple entries but one is defined as the default, we'll use
318 // the single entry dial dialog. If there are multiple connection entries,
319 // and none is specified as default, we'll bring up the diallog which lets
320 // the user select the connection entry to use.
322 // Return values:
323 // NS_OK: dialing was successful and caller should retry
324 // all other values indicate that the caller should not retry
325 nsresult nsRASAutodial::DialDefault(const PRUnichar* hostName)
327 #ifndef WINCE
328 mDontRetryUntil = 0;
330 if (mAutodialBehavior == AUTODIAL_NEVER)
332 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // don't retry the network error
335 // If already a RAS connection, bail.
336 if (IsRASConnected())
338 LOGD(("Autodial: Not dialing: active connection."));
339 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // don't retry
342 // If no dialup connections configured, bail.
343 if (mNumRASConnectionEntries <= 0)
345 LOGD(("Autodial: Not dialing: no entries."));
346 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // don't retry
350 // If autodial service is running, let it dial. In order for it to dial more
351 // reliably, we have to add the target address to the autodial database.
352 // This is the only way the autodial service dial if there is a network
353 // adapter installed. But even then it might not dial. We have to assume that
354 // it will though, or we could end up with two attempts to dial on the same
355 // network error if the user cancels the first one: one from the service and
356 // one from us.
357 // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/rras/ras4over_3dwl.asp
358 if (mAutodialBehavior == AUTODIAL_USE_SERVICE)
360 AddAddressToAutodialDirectory(hostName);
361 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // don't retry
364 // Do the dialing ourselves.
365 else
367 // Don't need to load the dll before this.
368 if (!LoadRASdlgDLL())
371 // If a default dial entry is configured, use it.
372 if (mDefaultEntryName[0] != '\0')
374 LOGD(("Autodial: Dialing default: %s.",mDefaultEntryName));
376 RASDIALDLG rasDialDlg;
377 memset(&rasDialDlg, 0, sizeof(rasDialDlg));
378 rasDialDlg.dwSize = sizeof(rasDialDlg);
380 PRBool dialed =
381 (*mpRasDialDlg)(nsnull, mDefaultEntryName, nsnull, &rasDialDlg);
383 if (!dialed)
385 if (rasDialDlg.dwError != 0)
387 LOGE(("Autodial ::RasDialDlg failed: Error: %d.",
388 rasDialDlg.dwError));
390 else
392 mDontRetryUntil = PR_IntervalNow() + PR_SecondsToInterval(NO_RETRY_PERIOD_SEC);
393 LOGD(("Autodial: User cancelled dial."));
395 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // don't retry
398 LOGD(("Autodial: RAS dialup connection successful."));
401 // If no default connection specified, open the dialup dialog that lets
402 // the user specifiy which connection to dial.
403 else
405 LOGD(("Autodial: Prompting for phonebook entry."));
407 RASPBDLG rasPBDlg;
408 memset(&rasPBDlg, 0, sizeof(rasPBDlg));
409 rasPBDlg.dwSize = sizeof(rasPBDlg);
411 PRBool dialed = (*mpRasPhonebookDlg)(nsnull, nsnull, &rasPBDlg);
413 if (!dialed)
415 if (rasPBDlg.dwError != 0)
417 LOGE(("Autodial: ::RasPhonebookDlg failed: Error = %d.",
418 rasPBDlg.dwError));
420 else
422 mDontRetryUntil = PR_IntervalNow() + PR_SecondsToInterval(NO_RETRY_PERIOD_SEC);
423 LOGD(("Autodial: User cancelled dial."));
426 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // don't retry
429 LOGD(("Autodial: RAS dialup connection successful."));
433 // Retry because we just established a dialup connection.
434 return NS_OK;
436 #else
437 return DoPPCConnection();
438 #endif
442 // Check to see if RAS is already connected.
443 PRBool nsRASAutodial::IsRASConnected()
445 DWORD connections;
446 RASCONN rasConn;
447 rasConn.dwSize = sizeof(rasConn);
448 DWORD structSize = sizeof(rasConn);
450 if (!LoadRASapi32DLL())
453 DWORD result = (*mpRasEnumConnections)(&rasConn, &structSize, &connections);
455 // ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is OK because we only need one struct.
456 if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS || result == ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
458 return (connections > 0);
461 LOGE(("Autodial: ::RasEnumConnections failed: Error = %d", result));
462 return PR_FALSE;
465 // Get the first RAS dial entry name from the phonebook.
466 nsresult nsRASAutodial::GetFirstEntryName(PRUnichar* entryName, int bufferSize)
468 // Need to load the DLL if not loaded yet.
469 if (!LoadRASapi32DLL())
472 RASENTRYNAMEW rasEntryName;
473 rasEntryName.dwSize = sizeof(rasEntryName);
474 DWORD cb = sizeof(rasEntryName);
475 DWORD cEntries = 0;
477 DWORD result =
478 (*mpRasEnumEntries)(nsnull, nsnull, &rasEntryName, &cb, &cEntries);
480 // ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is OK because we only need one struct.
481 if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS || result == ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
483 wcsncpy(entryName, rasEntryName.szEntryName,
484 bufferSize / sizeof(*entryName));
485 return NS_OK;
488 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
491 // Get the number of RAS dial entries in the phonebook.
492 int nsRASAutodial::NumRASEntries()
494 // Need to load the DLL if not loaded yet.
495 if (!LoadRASapi32DLL())
496 return 0;
498 RASENTRYNAMEW rasEntryName;
499 rasEntryName.dwSize = sizeof(rasEntryName);
500 DWORD cb = sizeof(rasEntryName);
501 DWORD cEntries = 0;
504 DWORD result =
505 (*mpRasEnumEntries)(nsnull, nsnull, &rasEntryName, &cb, &cEntries);
507 // ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is OK because we only need one struct.
508 if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS || result == ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
510 return (int)cEntries;
513 return 0;
516 // Get the name of the default dial entry.
517 nsresult nsRASAutodial::GetDefaultEntryName(PRUnichar* entryName, int bufferSize)
519 // No RAS dialup entries.
520 if (mNumRASConnectionEntries <= 0)
522 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
525 // Single RAS dialup entry. Use it as the default to autodial.
526 if (mNumRASConnectionEntries == 1)
528 return GetFirstEntryName(entryName, bufferSize);
531 // Multiple RAS dialup entries. If a default configured in the registry,
532 // use it.
534 // For Windows XP: HKCU/Software/Microsoft/RAS Autodial/Default/DefaultInternet.
535 // or HKLM/Software/Microsoft/RAS Autodial/Default/DefaultInternet.
536 // For Windows 2K: HKCU/RemoteAccess/InternetProfile.
538 const PRUnichar* key = nsnull;
539 const PRUnichar* val = nsnull;
541 HKEY hKey = 0;
542 LONG result = 0;
544 // Windows NT and 2000
545 if ((mOSVerInfo.dwMajorVersion == 4) // Windows NT
546 || ((mOSVerInfo.dwMajorVersion == 5) && (mOSVerInfo.dwMinorVersion == 0))) // Windows 2000
548 key = L"RemoteAccess";
549 val = L"InternetProfile";
551 result = ::RegOpenKeyExW(
553 key,
556 &hKey);
558 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
560 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
563 else // Windows XP
565 key = L"Software\\Microsoft\\RAS Autodial\\Default";
566 val = L"DefaultInternet";
569 // Try HKCU first.
570 result = ::RegOpenKeyExW(
572 key,
575 &hKey);
577 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
579 // If not present, try HKLM.
580 result = ::RegOpenKeyExW(
582 key,
585 &hKey);
587 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
589 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
595 DWORD entryType = 0;
596 DWORD buffSize = bufferSize;
598 result = ::RegQueryValueExW(hKey,
599 val,
600 nsnull,
601 &entryType,
602 (LPBYTE)entryName,
603 &buffSize);
605 ::RegCloseKey(hKey);
608 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
610 // Results in a prompt for which to use at dial time.
611 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
614 return NS_OK;
618 // Determine if the autodial service is running on this PC.
619 PRBool nsRASAutodial::IsAutodialServiceRunning()
621 #ifndef WINCE
622 SC_HANDLE hSCManager =
625 if (hSCManager == nsnull)
627 LOGE(("Autodial: failed to open service control manager. Error %d.",
628 ::GetLastError()));
630 return PR_FALSE;
633 SC_HANDLE hService =
634 OpenServiceW(hSCManager, L"RasAuto", SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS);
636 if (hSCManager == nsnull)
638 LOGE(("Autodial: failed to open RasAuto service."));
639 return PR_FALSE;
642 SERVICE_STATUS status;
643 if (!QueryServiceStatus(hService, &status))
645 LOGE(("Autodial: ::QueryServiceStatus() failed. Error: %d",
646 ::GetLastError()));
648 return PR_FALSE;
651 return (status.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING);
652 #else
653 return PR_TRUE;
654 #endif
657 // Add the specified address to the autodial directory.
658 PRBool nsRASAutodial::AddAddressToAutodialDirectory(const PRUnichar* hostName)
660 // Need to load the DLL if not loaded yet.
661 if (!LoadRASapi32DLL())
662 return PR_FALSE;
664 // First see if there is already a db entry for this address.
665 RASAUTODIALENTRYW autodialEntry;
666 autodialEntry.dwSize = sizeof(autodialEntry);
667 DWORD size = sizeof(autodialEntry);
668 DWORD entries = 0;
670 DWORD result = (*mpRasGetAutodialAddress)(hostName,
671 nsnull,
672 &autodialEntry,
673 &size,
674 &entries);
676 // If there is already at least 1 entry in db for this address, return.
677 if (result != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
679 LOGD(("Autodial: Address %s already in autodial db.", hostName));
680 return PR_FALSE;
683 autodialEntry.dwSize = sizeof(autodialEntry);
684 autodialEntry.dwFlags = 0;
685 autodialEntry.dwDialingLocation = mAutodialServiceDialingLocation;
686 GetDefaultEntryName(autodialEntry.szEntry, sizeof(autodialEntry.szEntry));
688 result = (*mpRasSetAutodialAddress)(hostName,
690 &autodialEntry,
691 sizeof(autodialEntry),
694 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
696 LOGE(("Autodial ::RasSetAutodialAddress failed result %d.", result));
697 return PR_FALSE;
700 LOGD(("Autodial: Added address %s to RAS autodial db for entry %s.",
701 hostName, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(autodialEntry.szEntry).get()));
703 return PR_TRUE;
706 // Get the current TAPI dialing location.
707 int nsRASAutodial::GetCurrentLocation()
709 HKEY hKey = 0;
710 LONG result = ::RegOpenKeyExW(
712 L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Telephony\\Locations",
715 &hKey);
717 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
719 LOGE(("Autodial: Error opening reg key ...CurrentVersion\\Telephony\\Locations"));
720 return -1;
723 DWORD entryType = 0;
724 DWORD location = 0;
725 DWORD paramSize = sizeof(DWORD);
727 result = ::RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"CurrentID", nsnull, &entryType, (LPBYTE)&location, &paramSize);
728 if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
730 ::RegCloseKey(hKey);
731 LOGE(("Autodial: Error reading reg value CurrentID."));
732 return -1;
735 ::RegCloseKey(hKey);
736 return location;
740 // Check to see if autodial for the specified location is enabled.
741 PRBool nsRASAutodial::IsAutodialServiceEnabled(int location)
743 if (location < 0)
744 return PR_FALSE;
746 if (!LoadRASapi32DLL())
747 return PR_FALSE;
749 PRBool enabled;
750 if ((*mpRasGetAutodialEnable)(location, &enabled) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
752 LOGE(("Autodial: Error calling RasGetAutodialEnable()"));
753 return PR_FALSE;
756 return enabled;
761 PRBool nsRASAutodial::LoadRASapi32DLL()
763 if (!mhRASapi32)
765 mhRASapi32 = ::LoadLibraryW(L"rasapi32.dll");
766 if ((UINT)mhRASapi32 > 32)
768 // RasEnumConnections
769 mpRasEnumConnections = (tRASENUMCONNECTIONS)
770 ::GetProcAddress(mhRASapi32, "RasEnumConnectionsW");
772 // RasEnumEntries
773 mpRasEnumEntries = (tRASENUMENTRIES)
774 ::GetProcAddress(mhRASapi32, "RasEnumEntriesW");
776 // RasSetAutodialAddress
777 mpRasSetAutodialAddress = (tRASSETAUTODIALADDRESS)
778 ::GetProcAddress(mhRASapi32, "RasSetAutodialAddressW");
780 // RasGetAutodialAddress
781 mpRasGetAutodialAddress = (tRASGETAUTODIALADDRESS)
782 ::GetProcAddress(mhRASapi32, "RasGetAutodialAddressW");
784 // RasGetAutodialEnable
785 mpRasGetAutodialEnable = (tRASGETAUTODIALENABLE)
786 ::GetProcAddress(mhRASapi32, "RasGetAutodialEnableW");
788 // RasGetAutodialParam
789 mpRasGetAutodialParam = (tRASGETAUTODIALPARAM)
790 ::GetProcAddress(mhRASapi32, "RasGetAutodialParamW");
795 if (!mhRASapi32
796 || !mpRasEnumConnections
797 || !mpRasEnumEntries
798 || !mpRasSetAutodialAddress
799 || !mpRasGetAutodialAddress
800 || !mpRasGetAutodialEnable
801 || !mpRasGetAutodialParam)
803 LOGE(("Autodial: Error loading RASAPI32.DLL."));
804 return PR_FALSE;
807 return PR_TRUE;
810 PRBool nsRASAutodial::LoadRASdlgDLL()
812 if (!mhRASdlg)
814 mhRASdlg = ::LoadLibraryW(L"rasdlg.dll");
815 if ((UINT)mhRASdlg > 32)
817 // RasPhonebookDlg
818 mpRasPhonebookDlg =
819 (tRASPHONEBOOKDLG)::GetProcAddress(mhRASdlg, "RasPhonebookDlgW");
821 // RasDialDlg
822 mpRasDialDlg =
823 (tRASDIALDLG)::GetProcAddress(mhRASdlg, "RasDialDlgW");
828 if (!mhRASdlg || !mpRasPhonebookDlg || !mpRasDialDlg)
830 LOGE(("Autodial: Error loading RASDLG.DLL."));
831 return PR_FALSE;
834 return PR_TRUE;